Kasuga Seitouna wrote:
Mari wrote:
"I believe that I will leave those investigations to those most qualified to conduct them, myself, though I will keep myself available should I be needed." She really wasn't sure what to do about ancestral spirits at all, if they were involved.
Seitouna nods. There's not much more to say on that, really, unless Asakuro has a comment.
Asakuro did not have more to add on that line of conversation but continued to observe the proceedings for quite some time. At a moment, however, he stepped away from his cousin and the ronin to add his voice to the chatter of the assembled.
"The accusation made by the honorable Seppun Kato-sama will not be dismissed so readily and so easily, as Seppun-sama and Suzume-sama make clear. Certainly it will not be because of one's personal misgivings of him, questions of the timing of delivery of the news to the rest of the land, counter-accusations on motivation and movement, a prayer that such is not so and cannot possibly be, whatever reason you might conjure that would have you in another court quite quickly standing at the other end of a duel for questioning the Honor, the Duty, the Courage behind a heavy-hearted decision that was made to bring this all to light and questioning against one that even now moves to defend all they can against the Steel Chrysanthemum's forces.
"It is a heavy weight, this accusation that was delivered to us this very morning, and there will be discussion and debate on the issue - but not outright dismissal as some have expressed. It is a weight we are now forced to bear, each and all, whether we choose to or not in the confines of this court. Unless and until information comes stating that the claims made are entirely without basis - from those with the weight of testimony and authority to state as much - what has been given us will be, and must be, brought into consideration henceforth."
Bowing his head, he turned around and left it at that, returning to stand next to his cousin.
D9 roll, Separatist, 3 raises: success! +4 Separatist points!
Tortoise Clan • Courtier/Enforcer • Imperial Peafowl Supervisor • Dangerous Beauty • Blessed • Determined • Hero of the People • Very WealthyStatus 2.5 | Glory 6.2 (Recognize: TN 20, 10 for peasants)| Honor: Untrustworthy
Wearing: Extravagant Clothing
Carries: Fan, personal seal, wakizashi, chopsticks, water bottle, kiseru, small knife, sake cup
Sometimes featuring now: Mamoru the Frazzled Peafowl!
Language Colors: Merenae • Thrane