Nagiko which was in the room, but had not engaged in the political discourse up until now decided to speak.
Tetsuko's intervention moved Nagiko into doing that herself as well...
'' Indeed, what our estemeed member of the Crane clan has said here is what i have been thinking. There's much that we, simple ningen, do not understand from what it is happening on the Heavens and on the Spiritual Realms.'' Nagiko said.
'' From what i understand, though i'm no expert of the subject, there's some sort of unbalance in the Spiritual Realms as now. People that are gifted with the ability to speak with the kami can feel that the Spiritual Realms are not what they used to be...'' She continues.
'' Maybe the return of Hantei XVI-heika is an intervention from the Tengoku, maybe it is not. There's much to be known and once again i advice patience in order to better undertand what is truly happening before our eyes...''
and with that she returns to her spot.
[OOC - Rolls]
Traditionalist Support Courtier/Awareness; +0k1 Benten's, +1k1 VP; 3CR - 60|Pass [TN30, 1 VP, 3 CR]
+4 traditionalist points