A woman wearing a relatively light richly made pink kimono, for the current weather that's it, appears in the court room. She has raven black hair, carries daisho and certainly could pass as a Doji maiden except for the fact that she carries the mon the Mantis minor clan on the back of her kimono.
She approaches respectfully when she is acknowledged. She opens her beautifully decorated fan
'' My name is Nagiko, most estemeed minna-sama, coming from the far away lands and islands of my clan, across the vast domain of Suitengu-no-kami.'' She starts
'' This clearly is a remarkable situation, unique in its occurrence. Strange times lie ahead of us. '' She continues.
A pause.
'' I was surprised and shocked, as everyone else here and in our vast empire, when i was informed of the death of Hantei-heika. I doubt there is anyone here or beyond that could not see the crime that was commited by another one of the Hantei line.''
'' Yet, the Heavens spoke when Hantei XVI-heika appeared and returned to us, i am no expert but the fact that he returned from the beyond could be considered a sign that the Heavens are acting in ways that we currently don't fully understand.''
'' Clearly there should be a discussion among priests and people knowgeable about the spirit realms of how better to react to this event. In the meantime i suggest patience to all of us as this event unfolds.'' She finally said.
She made a bow to all those present and then returned to where she was.
[OOC - Rolls]
Influence; Courtier/Awa 7k5; +0k1 Benten's; +1k1 VP - 47|Pass [1 VP; 3 CR]
+4 Traditionalist Points
[PM if approached please]