Name: Isawa Hachi
Clan: Phoenix
Sex: Male
Age: 26
Height: 5’9”
Build: Thin, sickly. Formerly: Toned
Hair: Black.
Eyes: Brown.
Marital Status: Unmarried
Occupation: Shugenja and Scribe.
Isawa Hachi was born a child with a bright future ahead of him. Born the grandchild of a Master (Isawa Tomio), and showing early affinity to both Earth and Water, he seemed to have everything going for him. He had only just managed to complete his gempukku, when his Grandfather, seeking an assistant, named him a Tensai far too early. This began his bad reputation.
A short time later, as he struggled to learn all he needed to truly earn the title of Tensai, his grandfather died. This significantly lowered the influence his personal family could swing. Which lead to issues, as he tried to find ways to get to the scrolls he needed to learn. To the Earth Acolytes and other high ranking Earth shugenja, his name was mud; they wouldn't talk to him. He managed to get an interview with an up and coming Water acolyte, however, which proved beneficial - one Isawa Daiko. She used him as one of her lovers, and he was young enough, and naïve enough, to consider himself blessed.
However, as he rode her kimono-tails, his name just became worse and worse to the other shugenja of the Phoenix. The newest Master of Earth had no connection to him, or his personal family, and his influence among the Earth Acolytes waned even further.
As time passed, and her interests moved on, he wasn't someone skilled enough to keep around, and she looked for a place to put him that wouldn't cause him to turn against her, but not be close enough to press her. And, she found it, loaning him to Isawa Arya as one of the scribes. He did continue to show his luck - never being present at one of the events resulting in the deaths of those scribes present.
He was one of those that, after returning to Daiko's train, was on duty when a young monk presented himself to the Council. Those that disliked Hachi, however, made sure that his name never got mentioned higher, and not known to the Council. Once he figured this out, he then spent a night in prayer and reflection. When the dawn broke, he presented a petition to the Council to allow him to go on a pilgrimage in the Empire, to visit Temples and Shrines, of all sorts, important or those that are focused on Earth. They granted this request, and gave him papers for travel, which he has been doing ever since.
The events at Kyuden Suzume, where he took a deep blow from a water kansen, along with later spending all his power and energy raising a pure Jade stone for the shrine of Reichin, have left him a shattered man, physically. He never fully recovered from the illness he suffered that winter, and has lost full use of his lungs.
He managed to make it to Toshi no Omoidoso, where he found the Temple to be relaxing, and even somewhat helpful. While he was there, events in the land seemed to fly by, leaving him reeling.
Those that met him before would have trouble recognizing him, as he has lost weight, gained an unhealthy pallor, and a troubling cough. Nothing the monks or shugenja seems able to cure it.
- Are you a Phoenix, or a Shugenja? Perhaps you've heard of the 'Mud' tensai.
- His yumi-e box (writing kit) is one of the finest you have ever seen.
- Religious? A shugenja or monk? He's on a pilgrimage.
- While not of high status himself, he knows quite a few Phoenix that are or were.
- He is an Earth tensai, and his training has reached that level.
- He enjoys debating theology. Or, really, listening to others debate it.
- Connected to Water? So is he! (In more ways than one)
- Need a backbeat to a ceremony? Or even just some random playing? He's begun training on the drums.
- Have you visited the Shrine to Reichin, Fortune of Heroes? He had some impact in its final form.