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 Post subject: EVENT: Twisted Souls (D10, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 6:32 am 
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Scenario: As the city's bravest samurai stand ready on the walls to meet the enemy forces, the air above Friendship Street rips open, releasing a sinister crimson mist that spreads out to fill the streets below despite the falling rain. Two large, inhuman shapes drop from the portal, landing in the muddy streets below and shaking the ground from the impact.

They resemble nothing so much as large, bipedal lions, each wrapped in chitinous plates and with horns protruding from their heads. They each wield massive, wickedly jagged blades that glow with unnatural energy, and as they stand, their leathery lips pull back to reveal jagged fangs.

"Weaklings of Ningen-do!" one of them shouts, sweeping his sword and cutting down two heimin that were too terrified to flee. "Death has found you this day!"

Participants: Four characters, none of whom can have Glory higher than 3.0 (as those samurai are all preparing for the battle elsewhere).

Imperialist Victory: Defeat 2 Tsuno. Victorious characters at Crippled wound rank or above when the bulls are slain gain +1.0 Glory.

Imperialist Bonus: If both Tsuno are defeated before the end of the 8th round, the refugees watching the event rally to the defense of the city. Every character in this thread at Crippled wound rank or above can immediately make an Influence Roll, ignoring Wound Penalties, that results in triple the normal points.

Traditionalist Victory: All characters have fled or are at Down, Out, or dead wound ranks. The remaining Tsuno rampage through the city, indiscriminately slaughtering all they come across as they send the refugees into a panicked riot right at the city's heart. The Empire gains +30 Traditionalist Points.

Traditionalist Bonus: If both Tsuno are still alive when this event ends, the slaughter portal stabilizes above Nikesake. While too small to allow the Steel Chrysanthemum to call forth reinforcements from Toshigoku in any great numbers, the raw influence of the realm ends up suffusing the city, turning it into the City of Slaughter. The Empire gains +30 Traditionalist Points. Every character in the game gains the Brash disadvantage for as long as they remain within the city.

Rules: This is a combat thread. Characters should include their Initiative, Stance, and Armor TN in their first post; a character may not change their Stance on the first round of combat. If 30 minutes have passed since the last post and you do not show up as being online on the forum (and you have not contact the GM to let them know you are posting), your character’s actions will be ghosted by the GM to keep the event moving at a steady pace. Please do not join the thread if you cannot commit the time to finish it.

Every character has two rounds of prep time that they can use in their first post to cast spells that do not affect the enemy, activate kata, or so on.

All characters begin the battle 30 feet from the enemy. For the purposes of this event, every participating character is assumed to be in melee.

Characters may flee from the battle as a Complex Action, provided that they are physically capable of movement. Doing so removes them from the combat (and the thread) at the end of the current combat round. Fleeing characters lose Honor as appropriate. Characters with the Overconfident Disadvantage must pass a Perception Trait Roll (TN 20) before taking this action; if they fail, they must choose a different action and cannot further attempt to flee combat for any reason.

Fear 2: At the beginning of combat, each character must test against Fear 2 (Willpower TN 15, character may add their Honor Rank to the total; those who fail suffer -2k0 on their rolls, and those that fail by 15 or more flee from the encounter).

Screaming Mob:
    Every time a character in this thread misses an attack roll, their attack hits and kills one of the nearby refugees that is trying to escape from the Tsuno. This loss of life triggers the Soft-Hearted disadvantage.

Credulous at best
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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Twisted Souls (D10, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 10:21 pm 
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Maiya was heading toward the gates in her armour, but the throng of people were slowing her down. She was near Friendship Street when the air ripped open. She hurries there alongside her cousin just as two creatures of some kind land in the street.

"Yamijiai!" She yells loudly, drawing her weapon. She settles into her stance not too far from the hulking creatures. "What are they?"

Shifting position to cover her cousin's flank she grins under her menpo at their insult. "They look like starving dog-ogres."

She notices a couple of other samurai, one a very tall Crane, join them. Most unexpected, but welcome. Let's keep all these people safe. She shifts her weapon grip slightly to be ready to defend the Crane as well if necessary. Out of all the other Clans in the Empire the Crane at least sent some Daidoji to help on the Wall sometimes.


Preparation turn 1: Kaiu Maiya draws her katana and activates her kata - Strength of the Crab

Preparation turn 2: Kaiu Maiya uses guard on Kaiu Amaya and another guard on Masahiko (+10 ATN each) and activates Berserker's Rage in the reactions stage.

Combat Stats

Fear: 29 (Passed)
Initiative: 26
Stance: Attack
Armour ATN: 33 -5-5 (from guards) = 23. 33 for guard (+10) from Amaya
Reduction: 12

Crab Clan • Bushi • Armoured Beauty • Lucky • Berserker • Rumourmonger • Greedy
Honor: Untrustworthy | Glory: 3.0 | Status: 1.0
Carries: Daisho, heavy armour (where appropriate), tetsubo, sake, sake cup, traveling pack, jade, metal lantern

Last edited by Kaiu Maiya on Fri Apr 24, 2020 11:19 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Twisted Souls (D10, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 10:22 pm 
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Two giant Oni-like creatures suddenly appearing in the middle of the town comes as a big surprise. Nearly shocking even and takes Amaya a moment to gather her bearings.

Then she glances towards her cousin. Her grey eyes solemnly tell the other Crab that the fight is on now.

The 2 bushi formation is all too familiar and entered with little conscious thought. A deep breath and the clenching of two fists is followed by two testing stomps to get into the flow and check the fit of her armour one last time.

Then a quick draw of her blade and flowing into the guard position. Her breathing quickly grows heavier, as the Hida Berserker swiftly gets her blood flowing and works herself up into a battle rage.

One last glance at her cousin to answer through gritting teeth. "They're enemies."
Preparation turn 1: Kaiu Amaya draws her Kaiu Blade and activates the "Strength of the Crab" Kata

Preparation turn 2: Kaiu Amaya uses Guard on both Kaiu Maiya and Kakita Masahiko (+10 ATN each) and activates Berserker's Rage during Reactions.

Stance: Attack
ATN: 33-5-5+10=33 (from Guard Maneuvers)
Reduction: 12

Fear Roll: 16
Initiative: 35

Crab Clan • Bushi • Armoured • Berserker • Gullible • Lucky • Insomniac • Taciturn
Honor: Untrustworthy | Glory: 3.0 | Status: 1.0
Carries: Daisho, Kaiu Armour (where appropriate), traveling pack, jade, lantern, writing kit, blacksmith's hammer

Last edited by Kaiu Amaya on Fri Apr 24, 2020 11:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Twisted Souls (D10, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 10:35 pm 
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Joined: Sun Apr 05, 2020 12:42 am
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Aya was walking back from her shopping trip with trashy romance books in two when the hell literally ripped loose.


Ok, so the first thing to do was get a buff on Norikami and...

Oh, right, that particular idiot was dead. She could almost see him looking down from Meido.....and flipping her off. She glanced about for a replacement idiot.

She spotted a...Crane? Well, they WERE pretty dumb she heard.

Init: 36. Willing to spend a void point if needed to get ahead of the tsuno squad.

Stance: Full Attack

ATN: 5

Fear 2: 16 vs. 15 pass.

Prep round 1: Take out Fires of Purity Scroll (Free Action) Cast Fires of Purity on Kakita Masahiko (10 Rounds) 29 vs. 12 pass.

Prep Round 2: Simple Action: Put away Scroll. Free Action: Take out Fires of Purity Ward. Simple Action: Apply Fires of Purity ward to Yogo Aya (10 Rounds)

EDIT: Void point spent for +10 Init, so now Init 46, and Daidoji Guarding pushing ATN up to 35

Yogo || Wardmaster || Rude || Bride of Emma-O || Yoriki of Soshi Tameaki
Glory: 2.0 || Infamy: 1.0 || Honor: Honorless Dog ||Status: 1.0
Carries: Knife, Wakizashi, scroll satchel, wards, medicine kit, coin pouch, sake cup, robes (worn)
Theme Song

Last edited by Yogo Aya on Fri Apr 24, 2020 11:24 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Twisted Souls (D10, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 10:37 pm 
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Masahiko's own enormous form darkened the street, the peasants parting before the axe-wielding Crane in his heavy armor. He took up a position just in front of the Yogo and, with a grim nod to the Crab and Scorpion, prepared to do what he did best.

Stance: Attack.
Atn: 35 [Armor/Reflexes/Kaiu Guards]
Reduction: 5
Fear roll=29

Prep round 1: Masahiko simple action guards the Kaiu for +15 each, would expire on Masahiko's initiative combat round 1.
Prep round 2: 2 simple action Daidoji guards on Aya: Aya's TN goes to 35 until Masahiko's initiative combat round 2.

The axe began to sweep easily from right to left, then back again, building momentum so that he could deflect the savage blows of the Tsuno. As much as the giant might like to just hammer one of them, he knew his job was to keep the pincer squad alive for the next fight.

* Crane Clan * Bushi * Large * Paragon: Courage * Insatiable Curiosity *
Status: 1.0 Glory: 3.0 Honor: Exceptional
Wearing/Carrying: Daisho, Heavy Armor, Ono (on duty/in battle), Jade Gewgaw, Fan, Functional Clothes.

Owns: Kyuzo

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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Twisted Souls (D10, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 11:23 pm 
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    46 – Yogo Aya (Full Attack, TN 5)
    37 – Tsuno (Attack, TN 35)
    35 – Kaiu Amaya (Attack, TN 33
    26 – Kaiu Maiya (Attack, TN 33)
    12 – Kakita Masahiko (Attack, TN 35)

Credulous at best
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Angels in the hearts of men

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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Twisted Souls (D10, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 11:33 pm 
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Aya was mad. She was really really mad. First, the Tsuno killed Norikami, which was a huge inconvience, and now they were ruining her shopping day.

She ran up behind on of them. Slapped a ward on his back, pointed at his Tsuno buddy and said, "Kill him!"

Agi/Spellcraft: Apply Bonds of Ningen-do Ward to a Tsuno: Obey Aya for 30 days. 44 vs. 35, pass.

Yogo || Wardmaster || Rude || Bride of Emma-O || Yoriki of Soshi Tameaki
Glory: 2.0 || Infamy: 1.0 || Honor: Honorless Dog ||Status: 1.0
Carries: Knife, Wakizashi, scroll satchel, wards, medicine kit, coin pouch, sake cup, robes (worn)
Theme Song

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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Twisted Souls (D10, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 11:39 pm 
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The Tsuno turns and swings its blade at its fellow, only for its weapon to scrape against the monster's armor.

"Trickery!" the other shouts as it spins around and brings is sword down on Aya, nearly cleaving her from shoulder to hip.

(38 damage to Aya.)

Then it throws back its head and releases a blood-curdling roar.

Fear 5: Each character must test against Fear 5 (Willpower TN 30, character may add their Honor Rank to the total; those who fail suffer -5k0 on their rolls, and those that fail by 15 or more flee from the encounter).

Credulous at best
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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Twisted Souls (D10, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 11:54 pm 
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That Scorpion is fast and she did something strange to one of the enemies, but Amaya notices little more than the tactical details of it for now. Keeping in step with her cousin, she charges the Tsuno that had just attacked.

She is not fast enough to reach it yet to make it suffer a strike from her blade and it makes her blood boil further. A guttural growl of wrath escapes Amaya's throat.

Fear Roll (VP): 56

FA: Approach Tsuno 10 feet
SA1: Approach Tsuno 20 feet
SA2: Guard Kaiu Maiya (+10 ATN, -5 self)

Stance: Attack
ATN: 33-5=28 (from Guard Maneuvers)
Reduction: 12

+10 to Kaiu Maiya's ATN if she is within range

Crab Clan • Bushi • Armoured • Berserker • Gullible • Lucky • Insomniac • Taciturn
Honor: Untrustworthy | Glory: 3.0 | Status: 1.0
Carries: Daisho, Kaiu Armour (where appropriate), traveling pack, jade, lantern, writing kit, blacksmith's hammer

Last edited by Kaiu Amaya on Sat Apr 25, 2020 12:05 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Twisted Souls (D10, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 11:56 pm 
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Fire Damage: Warded Tsuno takes 19 wounds, Non-Warded Tsuno takes 10

38 Damage: Hurt, +10 to TNs

Fear 5 with wounds, TN 45

26 vs. 45. Must flee encounter.

Yogo || Wardmaster || Rude || Bride of Emma-O || Yoriki of Soshi Tameaki
Glory: 2.0 || Infamy: 1.0 || Honor: Honorless Dog ||Status: 1.0
Carries: Knife, Wakizashi, scroll satchel, wards, medicine kit, coin pouch, sake cup, robes (worn)
Theme Song

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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Twisted Souls (D10, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 12:06 am 
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Shifting into her own battle trance, more seething fury than cold hatred, Maiya followed after her cousin as they moved to attack. She was fearless against the things.

Right up until one of them chopped at the incredibly fast Scorpion and then roared like some crazy demon. Her berserk mask cracked slightly. Even shaking her head couldn't help her overcome her fear. However, she had a choice. Run, or kill it. Killing it would lead to her conquering her fear. As she wasn't about to flee from a battle her cousin was still in Maiya sucked in breath and stalked toward the angry dog thing.

When she reached Amaya's side she again moved to cover her flank instinctively. However, her rage was much diminished.


Fear: Failed (-5k0 from all actions)
FA: Approach tsuno 10 feet
SA1: Approach tsuno 20 feet
SA2: Guard on Amaya (+10 ATN, -5 self)

Stance: Attack
ATN: 33-5 = 28 (from guard) + 10 = 38.
Reduction: 12

+10 to Kaiu Amaya's ATN if she is within range

Crab Clan • Bushi • Armoured Beauty • Lucky • Berserker • Rumourmonger • Greedy
Honor: Untrustworthy | Glory: 3.0 | Status: 1.0
Carries: Daisho, heavy armour (where appropriate), tetsubo, sake, sake cup, traveling pack, jade, metal lantern

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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Twisted Souls (D10, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 12:14 am 
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Masahiko followed, striding forward at just under full speed to place himself in a position to defend the Kaiu juggernaut. Surely, their combined powerlevel was...well, exceedingly high. The Kakita watched the Tsuno's eyes with his own calm stare, waiting for it to signal where it would strike next.

Attack Stance
SA1: Move 30' toward Tsuno.
SA2: Guard Kaiu Amaya, +15.

* Crane Clan * Bushi * Large * Paragon: Courage * Insatiable Curiosity *
Status: 1.0 Glory: 3.0 Honor: Exceptional
Wearing/Carrying: Daisho, Heavy Armor, Ono (on duty/in battle), Jade Gewgaw, Fan, Functional Clothes.

Owns: Kyuzo

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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Twisted Souls (D10, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 12:19 am 
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46 – Yogo Aya (Full Attack, TN 5)
35 – Tsuno (Attack, TN 35)
35 – Kaiu Amaya (Attack, TN 43)
26 – Kaiu Maiya (Attack, TN 38)
12 – Kakita Masahiko (Attack, TN 35)

Credulous at best
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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Twisted Souls (D10, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 12:28 am 
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It was even worse the second time. Of course, the first time she wasn't also massively bleeding, so that might've played a factor.

Aya dashed through the crowd, a burning bleeding ball trying to get away from the Tsuno's Roar yet again.

(Defense Stance, ATN 17, Double move to leave encounter until we get away)

Yogo || Wardmaster || Rude || Bride of Emma-O || Yoriki of Soshi Tameaki
Glory: 2.0 || Infamy: 1.0 || Honor: Honorless Dog ||Status: 1.0
Carries: Knife, Wakizashi, scroll satchel, wards, medicine kit, coin pouch, sake cup, robes (worn)
Theme Song

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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Twisted Souls (D10, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 12:29 am 
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The warded Tsuno once again swings at its companion, only for its blow to be turned away by armor once again.

The second hacks into Kaiu Maiya, but her armor stops the blade from cutting through, leaving her with only a few bruises.

Credulous at best
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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Twisted Souls (D10, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 12:41 am 
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Amaya finally reaches the towering beast that had roared at them earlier and struck the Scorpion so brutally.
She swings her blade with a furious scream. Whatever this thing is, they will bring it down!


The Hida Berserker throws her body into the swing and expects to see the reinforced Kaiu Blade cut a deep hole into the Tsuno's hide.

Attack: 49
Dmg: 37 (Enemy Reduction reduced by 2)

Stance: Attack
ATN: 33
Reduction: 12

Crab Clan • Bushi • Armoured • Berserker • Gullible • Lucky • Insomniac • Taciturn
Honor: Untrustworthy | Glory: 3.0 | Status: 1.0
Carries: Daisho, Kaiu Armour (where appropriate), traveling pack, jade, lantern, writing kit, blacksmith's hammer

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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Twisted Souls (D10, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 1:00 am 
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She wanted to follow her cousin's example, but she felt her hands shaking. This wouldn't do. These things needed to die or else she wouldn't hear the end of it. She'd likely be dead first.

With a roar of frustration and fury she launched into a full assault against the tsuno that had roared. Her wild attack actually hit, just about bypassing its reflexes and armour. Unfortunately, while the attack hit it wasn't going to do much else... maybe leave a little scratch?


Attack: 40
Damage: 7 (Orokos kicks you when you're down! Enemy reduction reduced by 2 at least)
ATN: 23
Reduction: 10

Crab Clan • Bushi • Armoured Beauty • Lucky • Berserker • Rumourmonger • Greedy
Honor: Untrustworthy | Glory: 3.0 | Status: 1.0
Carries: Daisho, heavy armour (where appropriate), tetsubo, sake, sake cup, traveling pack, jade, metal lantern

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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Twisted Souls (D10, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 1:03 am 
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Masahiko maneuvered to stand just behind the two Kaiu, his massive, flame-limbed axe whirling above their heads to deflect the Tsuno's blows.

Sa1: Guard Amaya
Sa2: Guard Maiya.

+15 to Maiya's TN this round.
+30 to Amaya's.

* Crane Clan * Bushi * Large * Paragon: Courage * Insatiable Curiosity *
Status: 1.0 Glory: 3.0 Honor: Exceptional
Wearing/Carrying: Daisho, Heavy Armor, Ono (on duty/in battle), Jade Gewgaw, Fan, Functional Clothes.

Owns: Kyuzo

Last edited by Kakita Masahiko on Sat Apr 25, 2020 1:08 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Twisted Souls (D10, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 1:08 am 
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Round 3
    35 – Tsuno (Attack, TN 35)
    35 – Kaiu Amaya (Attack, TN 63)
    26 – Kaiu Maiya (Attack, TN 38)
    12 – Kakita Masahiko (Attack, TN 35)

Credulous at best
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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Twisted Souls (D10, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 1:17 am 
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The warded Tsuno finally lands a solid blow on its companion, its blade spilling blood into the street.

(Tsuno takes 16 damage)

The Tsuno roars in rage and slashes at the samurai standing in front of the others, cutting deep into Masahiko.

(Masahiko takes 29 damage.)

The warded Tsuno then swings at its companion again, but misses.

(TN 25 + 10 from SAA Raises = TN 35.)

The more antagonistic one then swings at Masahiko once more, cutting a shallow wound across the Crane's chest.

(Masahiko takes 19 damage)

Credulous at best
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Angels in the hearts of men

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