Isawa Miwako wrote:
"Yomi is bright and warm." she smiled. "You feel like you are home. Meido is gray and covered in mist. You feel nothing. Perhaps uncertainty."
"That sounds..." After a moment, Touki pressed his lips together again, shaking his head. "Nevermind. Well, I suppose it is the realm of waiting. It's not forever, right?"
Kaiu Maiya wrote:
"And Yume-Do?" She asks, having not forgotten the one her cousin named first. Why was that?
Noticing the Lion and her cousin staring at her she slowly crosses her arms. "Do you really want to hear about a creepy old Kuni Witch Hunter while bathing Akodo-sama? I could tell you, but you may feel the need to wash all over again." She looked up without smiling. "Iie, I am not exaggerating. He was very peculiar." Then she does smile a bit. "Most Kuni are, but he took the anko."
A few moments of consideration, and then Touki shook his head, smiling gently. "Perhaps not. I shall be guided by your recommendation. Although I have not known many Kuni, so I don't know how they are peculiar." He glanced at Miwako, and then glanced away. It certainly wasn't the time or place to say that he thought most shugenja were peculiar.
Lion Clan * Bushi * Somber * Blessed by Bishamon * Widower
ProfileStatus: 1.0 | Honour: Exceptional | Glory: 2
Carries: Daisho, kimono (probably worn)