"Go, go!" shouts a voice near the fighting. A horde of non-combatants - mostly children and the elderly - races toward the source, which is revealed to be Soshi Tameaki. The magistrate has taken charge of evacuating several blocks of peasant residences and merchant stores and stands, trying to make sure the way is clear for those more directly involved in the fighting.
An arrow catches him in the left shoulder (10 damage), fired no doubt by one of the Steel Chrysanthemum's thugs who wanted to sow a little chaos by eliminating the magistrate. To his credit, Tameaki hardly seems to notice, continuing to go door-to-door, pulling people out and rushing them toward whatever might pass for safety.
Sukima worked in coordination with Tameaki, covering the blocks leading up to and near the walls the he didn't, and organizing some relief where she could. She suppressed a wince as an arrow buried itself in her thigh as she faced away, pointing a group of people to safety.