Togashi Tsukimi wrote:
"Where and how did you come to such new convictions, Iko-san?" Tsukimi asked calmly. Is there a particular reason of why you have changed your mind, since Toshi no Omoidoso?"
"A letter a friend from Morikage Toshi has broadened my outlook on this situation. If you wish to speak more about this..." Iko gestures to a small empty table.
Horonigai's words had to her seemed more like a scared and confused child, but she couldn't very well say that.
Togashi Tsukimi wrote:
"Do you need everyone here who disagree with you to face you with steel?"
I do not." Iko replies with a poignant emphasis. "But nor will I back down from words I have spoken. It speaks greatly of Yasuki-san's honour that he feels the same." She offered a deep and sincere bow to the Crab.
Togashi Tsukimi wrote:
Mogami's words were appreciated in this difficult moment. "It is as Matsu Mogami-sama says. I saw myself that she and her budoka had been attacked, by one of those of Toshigoku. I am all for compassion to those who are still humans in Ningen-do, be they the lowest of eta to the highest of samurai - but I will not consider compassion to creatures whose existence are an anathema to the very concept of compassion."
"I cannot speak to Matsu-san's...experience, I was not there. But I will not give up on any chance to avoid a war. What I saw...I did..." Iko shakes her head to clear the visions of her last war.
"War is never the answer. A united Empire, under ANY leader, is a better proposition."
Dragon Clan Gunso * Duelist * Enlightened * Tattooed * Kolat * Artisan * PerfectionistHonor: Untrustworthy *
Glory: 7.5 *
Status: 3.0 *
Infamy: 3.4
Wears: Jingasa, Sleeveless Kimono,
hair piece, Sakura tattoo, bulging furoshiki
Carries: Daisho, Yumi (where appropriate)