Agasha Poemu wrote:
"Many that take on courtly duties from the Dragon would be, hai. I was honored to be schooled by the Miya Heralds instead however. My father was born a Seppun, and his family helped see me into a courtier school as a favor to him." She decided a question back was fair, for learning. "Did you have a sensei to call your own ronin-san?"
She shelved the information that Poemu had been trained by the Heralds. They were the voices of the Emperor, considered sacrosanct and above the hand of any in the empire, sacred because without them, the word of the empire could not travel. None but the most sacrilegious cur even among ronin would touch a hair on their heads for fear of the reprisal.
There was a tinge of bitterness, or perhaps it was sadness in her tone when she nodded. "I had a sensei once, yes. To walk the paths of the kami with little to no education is perilous, risky and rarer than even one such as I. Few are they who pick up old prayer scrolls and find themselves able to do it. But I and my sensei have not spoken in some time."
For the briefest of seconds, Mari felt the attention of another near them. She glanced around, face uncertain and then went back to speaking to the Agasha. She was probably beneath their notice, whoever they were.
Ronin Shugenja * Bland * Earth * YarnspinnerStatus: 0.0,
Glory: 0.0,
Honor: Untrustworthy
Wears/Carries: Shabby kimono. Wakizashi. Scroll satchel. Medical Kit. Straw Cloak.
Character Image