Joined: Sat Apr 04, 2020 12:13 am Posts: 274
For the newer folks, things I have learned and applied over the games I've been in all these years: - Try not to be overwhelmed if some threads move fast! Especially if people align (similar time zones, active during same parts of the day, etc.) things can move pretty quickly!
- At the same time, be mindful that some things move slowly too! People live all over the world, some people still have work (even including now during coronapocalyse) or other IRL obligations, and so on (last I checked human being still eat and sleep, for instance!), and that's okay! If a thread is just you and someone else on opposite sides of the planet, yes it will be slower-paced, but try and stick with it if you can - you'll be pleasantly surprised with the conversations you can have!
- In threads where multiple conversations are going on at once, try and quote posts that you're responding to - this really helps to not get lost in the sauce!
- PMs are great as has already been mentioned - do feel free to let someone you're in conversation with know you may be delayed by IRL events so they can either wait for you or keep convos moving along if others are involved too. People are very understanding and appreciative of the heads-up because they've likely been there too!
- You are the best judge of the amount of time you have for posting - don't feel like you have to have something going on every time slot just for the sake of doing so! If you only have time for conversing in one thread on one day, that's okay! Make that one thread awesome!
- If you're interested in participating in various events as they pop up, go ahead and do them! If you truly want to give it a shot, don't let good-looking rolls from others before you intimidate! Long-time vets know that Orokos giveth and Orokos taketh away - maybe a newer character might not have the dice to toss like a veteran one does, but you never know what to expect, especially when dice explode and explode and explode! I have both succeeded spectacularly and fallen on my face on die rolls, sometimes in the same day in the game, and just about every vet probably has some great story of where Orokos did them right or wrong!
 - Don't be afraid to ask questions, either in your private forum for the GMs or to your fellow players - lots of people are willing and able to help depending on what you need!
- You don't have to post a lot, fill up every time slot, or be involved in every single event in order to still have great impacts on events in the current game or even the storyline writ-large. Much of where this particular character has accomplished and the impacts they've made have been during games in which I have been at my busiest IRL, haven't posted a lot, but where I was on the right side of Orokos where it mattered. And I had lots of fun along the way too!
And with that, have fun! We're all here to have some fun and hope that you do too!!! 
_________________ Tortoise Clan • Courtier/Enforcer • Imperial Peafowl Supervisor • Dangerous Beauty • Blessed • Determined • Hero of the People • Very WealthyStatus 2.5 | Glory 6.2 (Recognize: TN 20, 10 for peasants)| Honor: Untrustworthy Wearing: Extravagant Clothing Carries: Fan, personal seal, wakizashi, chopsticks, water bottle, kiseru, small knife, sake cup Sometimes featuring now: Mamoru the Frazzled Peafowl! Language Colors: Merenae • Thrane Profile!