I was just about to make my own post, but this thread popped up, so here we go!
The New Winds, Part 1 forum link!Quote:
The Ruby Champion, Agasha Sumiko, had received permission to conduct an interesting experiment. Students from all families and walks of life in the empire were invited to attend a special study at the dojo in Hirosaka, an imperial town a days march north of Otosan Uchi. The experiment was for the students to learn what Sumiko felt like were things all samurai should know, before being returned to their own dojos to complete their schools training. They would then be invited to the Topaz Championship in 1123, to test to their skills against the rest of the Empire who did not have the special training that they did, in order to truly see if the clans were teaching what is needed to be a proper samurai...
Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present: The New Winds! A campaign set in the 5th edition Legend of the Five Rings universe but using the 4th edition system we all know and love (with some modifications/changes)
The first game in the campaign is ready to go, I just need to know when people would like to play it! I'm thinking maybe this summer? Our schedule of games on Fallen Ash is packed, so I definitely do not want to step on others toes, but I also don't want to wait since I feel like the game will be casual enough to allow participation concurrently with something else. Feel free to register on the forum for now to throw up any questions you may have, as well as check out the Discord Channel (New Winds under In Development) in the Fallen Ash discord
What is Part 1? Well, it's a game where you are a child age 12-14, still in the dojo, learning what it means to be a samurai!
Character creation quick look: Start with 1 in all traits, gain family bonus, gain 4 skills form your school, gain 25 xp. Do NOT gain school tech, school trait.
Errata and Changes quick look:
Simple Attack ActionsAll schools that have the [Bushi]] tag gain the ability to make Attacks as a Simple Action when they reach School Rank 3. When a character makes two Simple attacks in a turn, they must call two Raises for no further effect on their second attack or the attack will automatically fail.This does not apply to the Extra Attack Maneuver bonus attack.
Kiho for Non-BrotherhoodAll schools that have the [Monk], [Shugenja] and [Shinobi] tag may purchase Kiho following the printed rules for Non-Brotherhood Monk.
Artisan Time ReductionAll schools with the [Artisan] tag reduce the time to create by half when they reach School Rank 3.
Courtier BonusAll schools that have the [Courtier] tag gain the Ally (2/2) advantage when they reach School Rank 3 to represent their skill/success in courts
Kata for AllBushi who would wish to select a Kata but find there are none that match their School or Family may take the Kata with the following requirement additions: If the Kata lists one of your Clans Schools, you may take it with the Mastery required being 1 higher. If the Kata does not contain any of your clan, you may take the kata with the Mastery required being 1 higher and additionally must take the 3 point Obligation disadvantage to one of the listed clans. This disadvantage does not grant additional XP. Due to the changes in the School Names, please look what original printed school your newly named school is, which can be found in the Approved School post.
Imperial Blood All characters from the Imperial Families gain +0.5 status at Character Creation
Katana PriceFor any purpose that references a price, the Katana is 25 koku (This goes not mean you can usually buy one however)
Event quick look:
This is a repeatable event, and will happen over multiple days. Each day, you must select a Ring to use, at which point, you may not use that ring again for this event. Players should make a note in their Personal Forum with a topic called "Daily Spellcasting Training " and note which days they used each ring.
Characters who have the following disadvantages have the following penalties:
-Elemental Imbalance: The TN penalty listed for the disadvantage is +1 instead of +5 during this event
-Wrath of the Kami: If you succeed on the Summon for the element of this disadvantage, it deals 1k1 damage to you before being calmed by one of the sensei.
Only characters with the Shugenja school tag may enter this event
In order to complete the training, you must do the following:
Select a ring to use (not including Void), not using the same ring you have already selected before for this event.
Then, make a Meditation/Void check at TN6. If you succeed, you gain that ring as a bonus to your rolls for this event.
Then, you must complete the following steps in order:
(To cast the spells, you roll Ring+1, keeping ring, plus the bonus from the Meditation check as detailed above)
Sense, using the element of the ring you selected at TN5.
Commune, using the element of the ring you selected at TN6.
Summon, using the element of the ring you selected at TN7.
-For each step you complete, you gain +2 Dojo points
-If you complete all three steps, you gain +1 to Spellcasting. You may only gain this reward once.
-If on the Sense roll you have a dice explode twice, you gain the Friend of the Elements advantage for the element you are using.
-If on the Commune roll you have a dice explode twice, you gain the Friendly Kami advantage for the element you are using.
-If on the Summon roll you have a dice explode twice, you gain the Elemental Blessing advantage for the element you are using.
-At the end of the event, you gain a permanent +1 to the Mental and Physical traits associated with the ring you are using. You may only gain this reward once per Trait.
New Family and School quick look:
The DeerThe Deer seek societal balance. When the Great Clans are equal in power, they strive to outdo each other, but do not dare go to war. Oneness and harmony are impossible ideals in a world where differences and conflict are unavoidable. Therefore, when the Deer observe that one clan is strong and another weak, they strive to make them equal. They are manipulators, working for balance within the Empire. Shika Matchmakers mingle with high society to collect information and guide the courts, while Speardancers carry out secret missions in the shadows. They save and they destroy, all for the sake of balance.
Deer FamiliesShika: +1 PerceptionThe Shika family are the descendants of the clan’s founders and their first followers. Members of the Shika family support one another with encouragement and acceptance, but this love is reserved for the Deer alone. Outside of their borders, the Shika learn to silence their hearts and coldly observe people as means to their Clan’s ends. They are taught they must be personable without letting their bonds with outsiders grow too deep, deadly without spilling too much blood, and flawed while remaining confident and calm. Unsurprisingly, many do not live up to these ideals.
Shika Matchmaker School [Courtier, Shugenja]-New School, Created from scratch
Shika Matchmakers are shugenja guided by Musubi, the secretive Fortune who binds together the fates of people. While they are skilled in the art of invocation, their greatest power is their ability to see the bonds people form—with other people and with destiny. A practitioner of Musubu can sense the future results of fortuitous or inopportune matches, and they use this information to serve the Deer Clan’s goal of achieving a balanced world. Although most of their matches prove successful for all involved, occasionally a couple’s happiness must be sacrificed for some greater goal.
- Benefit: +1 Awareness
- Skills: Calligraphy, Defense, Divination, Etiquette, Meditation, Spellcraft, any one High skill
- Honor: 4.5
- Outfit: Robes, Bo, Divination tools, Traveling Pack, 4 koku
- Affinity/Deficiency: Air/Fire
- Spells: Sense, Commune, Summon, 3 Air, 2 Water, and 1 Earth
- Rank 1:
You may perform a Musubu ritual. This ritual takes a half hour and involves 1 other person. It requires a Divination/Awareness roll at TN20. Upon success, you learn all of their Social and Spiritual advantages and disadvantages. You may spend a void point to grant the individual the Blissful Betrothal Advantage, free of cost, which they gain at the time of marriage, the target of said marriage being another individual you or another Matchmaker has conducted the Musubu ritual with. Additionally, after the ritual, you may make a Meditation/Void roll with a TN of X time 5, where X is equal to their Social and Spiritual advantages and disadvantages. If you succeed, you gain +xK1 to all socials rolls involving that individual where X is equal to their Social and Spiritual advantages and disadvantages. This effect lasts until you have made a number of Social rolls involving that individual equal to your School Rank.