Daidoji Tetsuko wrote:
Tetsuko finished her tea before rising and walking over to the monk. She offered a respectful bow.
"You make some intriguing points Togashi-sama. Whose hands? Whose magic?"
(OOC: It was my understanding that very few people have any knowledge of the events but I'm very happy to be wrong about that

Myo-en cups her hands together to return the bow in her own fashion.
"When the tales of the spirit Emperor first spread, it was said that he came from the south of the Isawa Mori, Daidoji-sama. Out of the old Kyuden Asako that was destroyed by magic in the war years ago, said to be the haunt of murderous ghosts and spirits now." Myo-en's dark eyes glide briefly around the court chamber of Nikesake Castle, its traditional Phoenix architecture over-hung with Lion colors. Tetsuko probably wouldn't need much reminding as to which war she means; Kyudens don't get irrevocably destroyed all that often.
"The way they behave, the color of the light that hangs around them--these returned spirits do not come from Yomi or Meido. There are not many other Realms where human spirits go after death, and none of them are rewards for a life well lived." Her tattooed shoulders shrug slightly.
Dragon • Tattooed Monk • Ascetically Under-Dressed • Crow Companion • Experienced Honor: What is Expected • Glory: 3.4 • Status: 1 •
ProfileSpeaks Naga, sometimes. Carries: Jade pendant, walking staff, small pocketknife, divination coins. Padded jacket if working outdoors... maybe.