Shosuro Sara wrote:
Sakura stood next to him, mimicking the posture, pretending to be a Crab veteran pretending to be a Crab old person.
"Finally. I swear, the only people who can get a decent shit here are the pancies we took hostage."

The Crab grunts as he glances sideways towards Sara. "Yer not lookin' familiar."
Bayushi Chen wrote:
"Sakura" was not the only person who had business in the camp tonight. Chen, dressed in all dark grey with cloth wrapped about his face moved near the camp. He was a shadow gliding through the space between the castle and the besieging army camp. He moved around the camp looking for where prisoners might be being kept. He brought along with him four knives and several vials of poison.
This mission was mostly scouting but if opportunity arose he would like to be prepared.
There doesn't seem to be much order or organization to the camp, just a bunch of angry ashigaru being bossed around by angrier samurai. Shouting and yelling are commonplace. Tents are situated in small clusters, and though there are still samurai active in the camp, the majority seem to be sleeping.
(Investigation/Perception TN 35 to find the prisoners.)