Mirumoto Wasako wrote:
"It's likely more than that..." she said at first but can't quite explain it herself. "And could you say the same about that when it comes to all things? How about when you're hungry? Or how about then you crave certain things? The need for a comfortable blanket? Or how about your horse? What if it was another horse?"
“When I am hungry? I can eat whole horse if need be… I think I understand a little, so enlightenment means I don’t feel those needs but I still need those things to live, yes? Or are you free of such things? More would I want that, knowing what I feel makes me who I am, yes? Why deny me the joys of living?” he asked.
Mirumoto Wasako wrote:
"A lao-shi?" she said curiously before frowning. "...I am a good swordswoman but no, I don't have a lot of kills...I have probably done more here than anywhere else and it was unfortunate that it had to come down to violence. It is what I must resort to to defend this place."
“Oh laoshi, a teacher, or sensei?” he responded.
“Unfortunate?” he said with a quizzical look up at her like she was some alien creature. “Why else learn to fight if not to kill enemies of the Miru-mo-to? I understand it it your path to enlightenment, yes, but still why unfortunate. There is glory and honor in the death of enemies in battles, your enemies doubtless do not have such reservations.”
Bushi | Tough | Tall | Moto | Kuge | Strange Name | Description | Theme
Status: 1.0 | Glory: 1.0 | Infamy: 0 | Honor: UntrustworthyPossessions: Daisho, Sturdy Clothes (Furs and Leather), Riding Armor, Unicorn Horse "Bashiru", Moto Scimitar