(OOC Note: There's no way Tameaki's going to be able to carry anyone as he's untrained in...well, everything he'd need to have here and is now Void-less, so I'll just go as far as I can in this post and hope that someone lives long enough to get me if I fall.)
Tameaki manages to push past the advancing spirits,
only slightly injured by flashing blades as he dashes toward the castle and safety. (Defense 21, 9 damage - Healthy 11/15)
"I can help them once we get back," he shouts to the others, "but it's too dangerous to try anything here!"
As he'll be lucky to get out of this intact,
he continues onward rather than stopping to help anyone, hoping that the others will be just behind him.
Another blade scrapes across his ribs, earning a grimace of pain, but he's two-thirds of the way there... (Defense 20, 9 damage again - Nicked 5/6)
"Almost there!" he cries out...but not close enough!
His wounds have slowed him down just enough for him to get tripped up, falling just meters from the safety of the walls. An arrow strikes him in the back as he falls - he's still alive, but it would take a miracle to get him on his feet and back behind friendly lines. (Defense 21 - two short due to his +3 wound modifier. 7 damage, 5/6 Grazed)
Scorpion Clan • Courtier • Shugenja • MagistrateHonor: Untrustworthy • Glory: 1.0 • Infamy: 1.0 • Status: 4.0
"The law takes no sides, plays no favorites...and has no mercy."Carries/Wears: Extravagant clothing, wakizashi, jitte, mask, fan, personal seal