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 Post subject: [D10 LA] Folding under pressure
PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 5:07 pm 
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The army was scouted, unsurprisingly. They did have a general deliver an ultimatum, after all.

She felt a strange mix of nerve and calm. They were being attacked...again, after all. Yet again, there was nothing she could do, so why bother? Perhaps pack up again, just in case.

Or she'll die, and end up in Toshigoku. Or somewhere worse.

Her fate was not in her hands.

Scorpion Prodigy * Dangerous Beauty * Vain Actress * Taishoku Hikari Theatre Troupe
Status: 1.0 Glory: 2.5 Honor: Untrustworthy
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 Post subject: Re: [D10 LA] Folding under pressure
PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 7:34 pm 
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Poemu wondered if they were going to be evacuated again soon. She'd been assured that she was safe for now, that the brave bushi were taking care of things, and she took their word for it.

Trying to keep a brave face and positive thoughts, Poemu went out for a walk to the blue tiled room. The streets had been busy with people hurrying hither and thither, but some still tried to go about with a semblance of normalcy. It was a good bit more quiet inside, as if nothing else was going on.

As she looked around, Poemu spotted a familiar actress. Approaching, she bowed and gave a faint smile. "Shosuro-san, konnichiwa. What a relief to meet you again. I had not seen you since Toshi no Omoidoso, and am glad to see you safe."

Dragon Clan ~ Senior Diplomat ~ Atsumaru Vassal ~ Imperial Trained ~ Gullible
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 Post subject: Re: [D10 LA] Folding under pressure
PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 7:48 pm 
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"Agasha-sama, same to you. I am glad that you are safe. We have both managed to evade leaving Ningen-Do, for now at least." She smiled, though there was a certain artificalness to it.

"Have you heard of the coming army?"

Scorpion Prodigy * Dangerous Beauty * Vain Actress * Taishoku Hikari Theatre Troupe
Status: 1.0 Glory: 2.5 Honor: Untrustworthy
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 Post subject: Re: [D10 LA] Folding under pressure
PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 10:06 pm 
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Giving a sigh, Poemu nodded softly. "We knew it was coming for days now, though as I understand it, some of the local samurai are out there now fighting the forward reserves. The Lion seem to believe we are safe for the moment, so I will take their word for it."

"I had originally come here to keep my mind busy. May I join you, or were you in the middle of something?"

Dragon Clan ~ Senior Diplomat ~ Atsumaru Vassal ~ Imperial Trained ~ Gullible
Honor: Exceptional | Glory: 1.0 | Status: 4.0
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 Post subject: Re: [D10 LA] Folding under pressure
PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 11:21 pm 
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Agasha Poemu wrote:
Giving a sigh, Poemu nodded softly. "We knew it was coming for days now, though as I understand it, some of the local samurai are out there now fighting the forward reserves. The Lion seem to believe we are safe for the moment, so I will take their word for it."

"I had originally come here to keep my mind busy. May I join you, or were you in the middle of something?"

"Sure, feel free to join. Actually...I woe you some lesson, don't I?" She continued smiled. "The valiant Lion will stand their ground, I am sure." They better do that...

Scorpion Prodigy * Dangerous Beauty * Vain Actress * Taishoku Hikari Theatre Troupe
Status: 1.0 Glory: 2.5 Honor: Untrustworthy
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 Post subject: Re: [D10 LA] Folding under pressure
PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 11:36 pm 
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"If worse comes to it, I have a horse, and I could help get you out speedily as well. I helped Seppun Horonigai-sama last time." Poemu sat and gave a small bow as she did so. Her tone didn't seem worried, though her smile was faint.

"Ah, I had almost forgotten in the rush of everything that's happened!" She gave a small clap, her smile broadening. "I had even talked to Akodo-san about it yesterday, I should have remembered! Ano... I had passed on anything too complicated. You had said origami, hai?"

Dragon Clan ~ Senior Diplomat ~ Atsumaru Vassal ~ Imperial Trained ~ Gullible
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 Post subject: Re: [D10 LA] Folding under pressure
PostPosted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 5:18 pm 
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"I appreciate the gesture Agasha-sam. Hopefully it won't come to it." She sighed, and started slowly folding paper in her hand.

"Well, let's get started, shall we? Any ideas what you would like to fold?"

Scorpion Prodigy * Dangerous Beauty * Vain Actress * Taishoku Hikari Theatre Troupe
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 Post subject: Re: [D10 LA] Folding under pressure
PostPosted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 8:05 pm 
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Poemu nibbled her lower lip softly a moment. "Ano... I am not fully certain what all can be done with origami. Perhaps... something simple? Like a butterfly?"

Dragon Clan ~ Senior Diplomat ~ Atsumaru Vassal ~ Imperial Trained ~ Gullible
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 Post subject: Re: [D10 LA] Folding under pressure
PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 8:57 pm 
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"A butterfly? Well, certainly, we can try that."

She moved a piece of paper to the Dragon. "So, you start this way, fold the paper like this..." She started slowly, to make sure her companion can follow her movements.

"What do you think of Nikesake?"

Scorpion Prodigy * Dangerous Beauty * Vain Actress * Taishoku Hikari Theatre Troupe
Status: 1.0 Glory: 2.5 Honor: Untrustworthy
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 Post subject: Re: [D10 LA] Folding under pressure
PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 9:02 pm 
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The Dragon samurai-ko took on a look of intense concentration. It was clear that she was taking the task at hand seriously, softly chewing her lower lip as she watched every fine fold and crease.

It was such deep concentration that she started softly at the question, flushing and smiling sheepishly. "Ah, Nikesake... ano... I find it a fine city certainly. Were that the rain and situation so hampering to a proper exploration of the finer points of it. Perhaps I will have to come back in more peaceful, brighter times."

"What of yourself Shosuro-san?" Her tone was light and distracted as she went back to folding. "Is this your first time here?"

Dragon Clan ~ Senior Diplomat ~ Atsumaru Vassal ~ Imperial Trained ~ Gullible
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 Post subject: Re: [D10 LA] Folding under pressure
PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 9:13 pm 
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Sara continued slowly all the same, and slowly finished up the butterfly.

"Hai, my first time." She sighed. "It is quite beaitful, though I would appreciate a different situation when we are not under siege."

She sighed. "Not been to Phoenix lands a lot. Or Lion lands, I guess."

Scorpion Prodigy * Dangerous Beauty * Vain Actress * Taishoku Hikari Theatre Troupe
Status: 1.0 Glory: 2.5 Honor: Untrustworthy
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 Post subject: Re: [D10 LA] Folding under pressure
PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 9:33 pm 
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It was understandable. Neither were what one would call 'bastion's of the arts' after all, not by reputation at least. Poemu had heard the Shiba had an artistic tradition, but that it was much more works rather than performances. "It is the same for me. Though I am stationed now in Lion lands, I have hardly had a chance to travel them. This has made a poor introduction to them." The rain and the fighting among other reasons.

Looking down at her butterfly, she was quite pleased by it. It certainly had a few refolds to mar its perfection, and once or twice she had had to unfold a mistake, but to her, it was a job well done. The fact that Sara's looked much more flawless was only to be expected. "How do you see the shape you want before hand Shosuro-san? Now that we are all done, it seems obvious, but if you had just sat me down and told me to fold a butterfly without guidance, I wouldn't have had any clue where to even start, let alone knowing now how to do that all over again without guidance."

Dragon Clan ~ Senior Diplomat ~ Atsumaru Vassal ~ Imperial Trained ~ Gullible
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 Post subject: Re: [D10 LA] Folding under pressure
PostPosted: Mon Apr 27, 2020 12:24 pm 
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Sara smiled. "Let your inner vision guide you so that your hands will know what your heart wants. Or, you can just practice a lot." She let out a small giggle.

"Though my primary schooling is in acting and the stage, I have also spent a lot of time on the other arts, and thankfully we had plenty of tutors at the Academy." She started to slowly unfold the butterfly.

"It's not an easy art, no matter what you might think. Still, it is a useful and fun one."

Scorpion Prodigy * Dangerous Beauty * Vain Actress * Taishoku Hikari Theatre Troupe
Status: 1.0 Glory: 2.5 Honor: Untrustworthy
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 Post subject: Re: [D10 LA] Folding under pressure
PostPosted: Mon Apr 27, 2020 9:19 pm 
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"If I thought any art was easy, I would not have asked for your help Shosuro-san." Poemu gave a warm, honest smile. "I think that you are wonderful that you can go from one art to another so easily. It really is quite admirable."

She hesitantly unfolded her own butterfly slowly, as if worrying she would ruin it by doing so.

Dragon Clan ~ Senior Diplomat ~ Atsumaru Vassal ~ Imperial Trained ~ Gullible
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 Post subject: Re: [D10 LA] Folding under pressure
PostPosted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 1:08 pm 
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Agasha Poemu wrote:
"If I thought any art was easy, I would not have asked for your help Shosuro-san." Poemu gave a warm, honest smile. "I think that you are wonderful that you can go from one art to another so easily. It really is quite admirable."

She hesitantly unfolded her own butterfly slowly, as if worrying she would ruin it by doing so.

Sara smiled. "It's easy now, it wasn't quite so when I started. Still, everyone has their talents. I am sure I would sooner fall of a horse than actually start trotting, after all." She thought about horses, and her experiences with them.

So smelly.

Scorpion Prodigy * Dangerous Beauty * Vain Actress * Taishoku Hikari Theatre Troupe
Status: 1.0 Glory: 2.5 Honor: Untrustworthy
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 Post subject: Re: [D10 LA] Folding under pressure
PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 3:28 am 
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Poemu nodded with understanding at the comparison, intentional or not. "I admit, I fell off my horse many times before I felt comfortable riding her. As they say, practice makes perfect."

She paused a moment before speaking up again. "Ano... do you have any sky blue paper? I wish to make some cranes..."

Dragon Clan ~ Senior Diplomat ~ Atsumaru Vassal ~ Imperial Trained ~ Gullible
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 Post subject: Re: [D10 LA] Folding under pressure
PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 7:18 pm 
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"Cranes? Oh, interesting. Let me see." She looked around among her papers, before finding a light blue sheet.

"Here, does this work?" She smiled. "May I ask the purpose?"

Scorpion Prodigy * Dangerous Beauty * Vain Actress * Taishoku Hikari Theatre Troupe
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 Post subject: Re: [D10 LA] Folding under pressure
PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2020 2:43 am 
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Poemu smiled at the paper. It was just right, or so she imagined. "After the death of the Crane clan representative in the city, I planned on offering a gift in remembrance and sympathy from the Dragon. A box filled with origami crane I folded myself is something I think that would be appropriate. They could be offered at a shrine to her spirit via burning, or merely displaying."

Dragon Clan ~ Senior Diplomat ~ Atsumaru Vassal ~ Imperial Trained ~ Gullible
Honor: Exceptional | Glory: 1.0 | Status: 4.0
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