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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Gank Squad (D10, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 12:07 am 
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Round 2
    39/50 – Kitsu Noa (Defense, TN 30)
    48 – Kayou (Attack, TN 35/55)
    28/45 – Asako Kashiwagi (Center, TN 23/53 guarded) Ravenous Swarms – 4 rounds
    42 – Matsu Kassenko (Attack, TN 30)
    39 – Akodo Shen (Attack, TN 30)
    32 - Kitsu Mei (Defense, TN 30)
    24 – Matsu Mogami (Attack, TN 25)
    15 - Matsu Tani (Attack, TN 30/25 guard)
    14 – Budoka Tsuruga (Attack, TN 18/13 guard)
    14 – Budoka Fuwa (Attack, TN 18/13 guard)

Credulous at best
Your desire to believe in
Angels in the hearts of men

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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Gank Squad (D10, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 12:14 am 
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The older of the two shugenja motions towards Kashiwagi and the group of people clustered around him. "Arrogant Phoenix!"

She takes a few steps closer and mutters a quick prayer as the water in the mud-soaked ground at their feet surges forward, quickly forming into a crushing wave of water that slams down on the fire shugenja and everyone around him.

(Kashiwagi suffers 43 damage, Tani suffers 20 damage, Tsuruga suffers 24 damage, Fuwa suffers 24 damage. Everyone affected gets to make a TN 15 Earth Roll to avoid being knocked down.

(Noa is now 25' away.)

Credulous at best
Your desire to believe in
Angels in the hearts of men

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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Gank Squad (D10, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 12:16 am 
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Posts: 493
Tani grits her teeth and bears it. Seeing where this is going, she considers the next move...

Resist knockdown: 3d10o10k3 20

void damage

Lion Clan | Bushi | Retired Legionnaire | Slayer of the Shasakar | Daughter of Matsu Takeshi | Imperialist | First Matsu Nikutai
Honor: Exceptional | Status: 2 | Glory: 6 | Experienced 2

Glorious Death in battle is never untimely.

Equipment: Daisho, Kimono (functional or exceptional, depending on situation), Finger of Jade (hanging on a necklace around her neck), heavy armor (when appropriate), Fan, Bisento (when appropriate)


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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Gank Squad (D10, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 12:22 am 
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Joined: Tue Mar 31, 2020 12:56 am
Posts: 865
"Chidori..." he burbled in the waters as his life fell away from him.

Kashiwagi regrets nothing... he takes that back he regrets not seeing his children, but he will be one with the wheel.

Chidori, write my story well... Noriko, well guess we got some time to kill.

Nailed it.

Ren-chan, stay weird.

He collapsed and was swept away... the standard lost in the waters.

OOC: 45 wounds, Kashiwagi is dead.

Fire Tensai | Big Damn Hero | Indifferent | Black Phoenix | Inquisitor's Agent | Description | Left Arm Phoenix Tattoo Sleeve (In-Progress)
Naga War Gunso | Author of Echoes of the Akasha

Status: 4.0 | Glory: 10.0 | Infamy: .4 | Honor: Untrustworthy
Carried: Wakizashi, Black Fancy Clothing, Chop, Writ of the Asako Inquisitors, Maho Warding Amulet, Jade Amulet, Trash Queen (Tabby Cat)

TN 0 to be Recognized.

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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Gank Squad (D10, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 12:23 am 
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The water washes over Tsuruga and Fuwa, both of them taking the brunt of the conjured wave in the chest.

Both spend void for -10, 13 damage each after reduction.

Tsuruga: 18 wounds +5TN Resist: 13knocked down
Fuwa: 17 wounds +5TN, Resist: 7 knocked down

Both are now out of Void.

Lion Clan | Archer | Prodigy | Great Potential | Leadership | Tactician | Servants | Wealthy | Blessed by Daikoku | Hero of the People | Kharmic Ties |Idealistic | Doubt
Honor: Exceptional | Status: 1 | Glory: 5
Died D10 By Attacking Matsu Kassenko
Mogami's Equipment: Battle: Light Armor, Yumi, Quiver w Flesh Cutter Arrows, Daisho
Court: Decent quality kimono and courtiers fan

Budoka's Tsuruga and Fuwa's Eqiupment:
Battle: Ashigaru Armor | Han-Kyu, Quiver w Willow Leaf Arrows | Yari
Court: Kimono

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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Gank Squad (D10, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 1:00 am 
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Posts: 419
(Void against Kasseneko's damage, -10, -5 reduction, -5 reduction against Akodo's blow, final 65 damage, down.)

Kayou falls hard. Sorry, Kaiu-sama, this one may not be able to return your armor, she thinks.

With her limited field of vision. She cannot really see what is happening. The wind and the water make it difficult to know what is happening around her.

She called upon the water dragon's aid and prepared to attempt to dodge if she perceived a threat coming her way.

OOC: Defense Stance +6 ATN, Void to Act, Void to trigger Kiho (allowed as it is considered to be a school technique)

Abbess of the Order of Harmonious Work - Heroine of the People - Tattooed
Status [Abbess], Glory 6.8 [Taoist Heroine], Honor [What is Expected]

Carries: Prayer Beads, satchel with writing supplies.

Art by Joanne Kwan

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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Gank Squad (D10, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 1:09 am 
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Kassenko turns away from the fallen monk to set her gaze upon the two Matsu standing against her. "Deal with her," she says to the Akodo, earning a quick "Hai" in response.

Lifting her blade, she charges toward Mogami and Tani with a fierce shout. Her blade glances off Mogami's armor, but manages to cut into Tani, dealing a brutal wound.

(39 damage to Matsu Tani, Willpower TN 39 to move.)
(Full Attack, TN 20)

Lion Clan • Shireikan • Tactician • Taskmaster • Unnerving • Toshigoku's Chosen

Status: 6.0 Glory: 4.3 Infamy: 4.5 Honor: Exceptional

"Hope you got your things together.
Hope you are quite prepared to die.
Looks like we're in for nasty weather.
One eye is taken for an eye."

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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Gank Squad (D10, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 1:11 am 
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Tani tries to keep her hands on her weapons. Unfortunately, it is just not meant to be. The bisento is on the ground, Tani barely able to do more than stand.

(46/57, down)

Lion Clan | Bushi | Retired Legionnaire | Slayer of the Shasakar | Daughter of Matsu Takeshi | Imperialist | First Matsu Nikutai
Honor: Exceptional | Status: 2 | Glory: 6 | Experienced 2

Glorious Death in battle is never untimely.

Equipment: Daisho, Kimono (functional or exceptional, depending on situation), Finger of Jade (hanging on a necklace around her neck), heavy armor (when appropriate), Fan, Bisento (when appropriate)


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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Gank Squad (D10, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 1:17 am 
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The Akodo moves into place above Kayou, one arm raises to fend off the battering winds. With a roar, he lifts his sword and brings it down on her in a single, devastating cut.

(Kayou suffers 25 damage.)
(Full Attack, TN 20.)

Credulous at best
Your desire to believe in
Angels in the hearts of men

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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Gank Squad (D10, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 1:22 am 
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The younger shugenja jogs forward and utters a quick prayer, infusing Kassenko with the speed of the falling rain. "Finish them, Kassenko-sama!"

(Matsu Kassenko can make an additional attack in the Reactions step.)

(Kitsu Mei is now 10' away from the group and 20' away from Kayou.)

Credulous at best
Your desire to believe in
Angels in the hearts of men

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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Gank Squad (D10, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 1:30 am 
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Everything happened so fast. It wasn't supposed to be like this. None of the books on strategy, none of the drills on unit tactics..."Plans rarely survive contact with the enemy". Leadership's words echoed in her head. She glanced back at the gates. She could make it....

With steel in her heart, she begins to move back.

And then something inside her snaps. She turns and shouts in defiance.

"Die, Traitor!"

Mogami knocks two arrows and looses them at Kassenko,


Mogami Free Action steps back 15ft. (Water*5)

Arrow 1: TN40, Rolled 50. Hits.
Wounds: 21
Arrow 2: TN 30, Rolled: 50 Hits
Wounds: 39

Lion Clan | Archer | Prodigy | Great Potential | Leadership | Tactician | Servants | Wealthy | Blessed by Daikoku | Hero of the People | Kharmic Ties |Idealistic | Doubt
Honor: Exceptional | Status: 1 | Glory: 5
Died D10 By Attacking Matsu Kassenko
Mogami's Equipment: Battle: Light Armor, Yumi, Quiver w Flesh Cutter Arrows, Daisho
Court: Decent quality kimono and courtiers fan

Budoka's Tsuruga and Fuwa's Eqiupment:
Battle: Ashigaru Armor | Han-Kyu, Quiver w Willow Leaf Arrows | Yari
Court: Kimono

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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Gank Squad (D10, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 1:34 am 
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Kassenko staggers back as the arrows strike her, injured but still in the fight. Her eyes smolder with hatred as she fixes her attention upon Mogami.

"I'm gonna flog your budoka to death with your spine," she growls, blood leaking from her mouth.

Lion Clan • Shireikan • Tactician • Taskmaster • Unnerving • Toshigoku's Chosen

Status: 6.0 Glory: 4.3 Infamy: 4.5 Honor: Exceptional

"Hope you got your things together.
Hope you are quite prepared to die.
Looks like we're in for nasty weather.
One eye is taken for an eye."

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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Gank Squad (D10, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 1:36 am 
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At that, Tsuruga and Fuwa both loose their arrows, awkward from laying in the wet ground, puddles covering their bodies.

Both arrows strike the ground pitifully near the woman.

Attacks VS tn25. Rolls: 17, 18

Lion Clan | Archer | Prodigy | Great Potential | Leadership | Tactician | Servants | Wealthy | Blessed by Daikoku | Hero of the People | Kharmic Ties |Idealistic | Doubt
Honor: Exceptional | Status: 1 | Glory: 5
Died D10 By Attacking Matsu Kassenko
Mogami's Equipment: Battle: Light Armor, Yumi, Quiver w Flesh Cutter Arrows, Daisho
Court: Decent quality kimono and courtiers fan

Budoka's Tsuruga and Fuwa's Eqiupment:
Battle: Ashigaru Armor | Han-Kyu, Quiver w Willow Leaf Arrows | Yari
Court: Kimono

Last edited by Matsu Mogami on Sun Apr 26, 2020 1:49 am, edited 3 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Gank Squad (D10, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 1:36 am 
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Posts: 493
Tani collapses to the ground. Unable to move. Unable, really, to think. Her eyes focused on Kassenko. Were those... arrows in her? Huh... She blinked a moment. Tried to focus. Considered if she could run. The answer was no, of course. There was no place to go. Her body wouldn't obey anymore.

Tani laughed, shoulders slumped. She had been so determined to live after surviving Kyuden Asako. And barely days later, she was looking towards Meido. Pure, at least. She was looking towards Meido, her jade necklace never failing her. "Hey, Kassenko..." she managed to sputter out. "I guess I won't be refilling the ranks of the Pride..." her eyes began to blur. She collapsed.

TN 79 Willpower roll. lol: 3d10o10 16

Lion Clan | Bushi | Retired Legionnaire | Slayer of the Shasakar | Daughter of Matsu Takeshi | Imperialist | First Matsu Nikutai
Honor: Exceptional | Status: 2 | Glory: 6 | Experienced 2

Glorious Death in battle is never untimely.

Equipment: Daisho, Kimono (functional or exceptional, depending on situation), Finger of Jade (hanging on a necklace around her neck), heavy armor (when appropriate), Fan, Bisento (when appropriate)


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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Gank Squad (D10, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 1:38 am 
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Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2020 2:51 pm
Posts: 419
Kayou catches the Water Dragon's scales and . . . feels herself pulled out of her body. For a moment she is on the Dragon's back and she can see the whole battle field.

The bulls sent to panic the city, defeated. The Tsuno dispatched. Yet her friends . . . are fallen in this task. Her tears mix with the rain and the Dragon carry her higher and higher towards Emma-o's judgement and her next turn on the wheel.

"Can this one not say good bye?" she asked.

The Dragon only shook its head and continued its journey.

/End of Kayou's story?

Abbess of the Order of Harmonious Work - Heroine of the People - Tattooed
Status [Abbess], Glory 6.8 [Taoist Heroine], Honor [What is Expected]

Carries: Prayer Beads, satchel with writing supplies.

Art by Joanne Kwan

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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Gank Squad (D10, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 1:46 am 
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Mogami's words urge the fallen woman to stand one last time


Matsu Tani gets +3 Initiative from Strength of the Lion

Matsi Tani gets +6 Initiative from Leadership until Reactions Round 3
Leadership: 6

Lion Clan | Archer | Prodigy | Great Potential | Leadership | Tactician | Servants | Wealthy | Blessed by Daikoku | Hero of the People | Kharmic Ties |Idealistic | Doubt
Honor: Exceptional | Status: 1 | Glory: 5
Died D10 By Attacking Matsu Kassenko
Mogami's Equipment: Battle: Light Armor, Yumi, Quiver w Flesh Cutter Arrows, Daisho
Court: Decent quality kimono and courtiers fan

Budoka's Tsuruga and Fuwa's Eqiupment:
Battle: Ashigaru Armor | Han-Kyu, Quiver w Willow Leaf Arrows | Yari
Court: Kimono

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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Gank Squad (D10, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 2:01 am 
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Kassenko swings her sword low, catching Mogami in the hip. The wound wasn't deep, but it was enough to turn the water at Mogami's feet crimson

(22 damage to Tsurugai, Willpower TN 22 to move. Target changed due to missing Mogami's retreat.)

Lion Clan • Shireikan • Tactician • Taskmaster • Unnerving • Toshigoku's Chosen

Status: 6.0 Glory: 4.3 Infamy: 4.5 Honor: Exceptional

"Hope you got your things together.
Hope you are quite prepared to die.
Looks like we're in for nasty weather.
One eye is taken for an eye."

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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Gank Squad (D10, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 2:02 am 
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Joined: Sat Dec 07, 2019 7:24 am
Posts: 1559
    42 – Matsu Kassenko (Full Attack, TN 20)
    39– Kitsu Noa (Defense, TN 30)
    39 – Akodo Shen (Full Attack, TN 20)
    32 - Kitsu Mei (Defense, TN 30)
    24 – Matsu Mogami (Attack, TN 25)
    18/24 - Matsu Tani (Attack, TN 30/25 guard)
    14 – Budoka Tsuruga (Attack, TN 18/13 guard)
    14 – Budoka Fuwa (Attack, TN 18/13 guard)

Credulous at best
Your desire to believe in
Angels in the hearts of men

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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Gank Squad (D10, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 2:09 am 
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The general's ferocity is too much for the poor Budoka, and he screams in terror as she bears her blade down on him. The ashigaru armor does little to prevent the blow, and his screams are soon replaced by the dying wretches of a terrified peasant.

21 wounds taken after reduction, total: 39 wounds. He's dead, Jim.

Lion Clan | Archer | Prodigy | Great Potential | Leadership | Tactician | Servants | Wealthy | Blessed by Daikoku | Hero of the People | Kharmic Ties |Idealistic | Doubt
Honor: Exceptional | Status: 1 | Glory: 5
Died D10 By Attacking Matsu Kassenko
Mogami's Equipment: Battle: Light Armor, Yumi, Quiver w Flesh Cutter Arrows, Daisho
Court: Decent quality kimono and courtiers fan

Budoka's Tsuruga and Fuwa's Eqiupment:
Battle: Ashigaru Armor | Han-Kyu, Quiver w Willow Leaf Arrows | Yari
Court: Kimono

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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Gank Squad (D10, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 2:09 am 
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Kassenko barrels past the remaining budoka, slamming into Mogami in a whirlwind of slashing steel. Blood sprays everywhere as she roars and hacks away at her distant kin.

(Mogami suffers 28 and 42 damage.)

Lion Clan • Shireikan • Tactician • Taskmaster • Unnerving • Toshigoku's Chosen

Status: 6.0 Glory: 4.3 Infamy: 4.5 Honor: Exceptional

"Hope you got your things together.
Hope you are quite prepared to die.
Looks like we're in for nasty weather.
One eye is taken for an eye."

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