Mogami was atop the walls with a unit of Nikesake ashigaru, watching over the battle below. She held no rank or authority inside Nikesake, so for now she waited for orders from one of the Lion gunso. Having received none however, she decided to keep watch and would command her two men to take shots as targets presented themselves.
When the battle for the gate began against the living battering rams, she and her men reposition off the wall and near the gates, ready to assist the counter force with supporting fire, but seeing as they made quick work of the beasts, by the time she was in position, the battle was over.
In the moments of calm after the two beasts fell, Mogami scanned the battlefield and spotted an opportunity. There, in the distance, the enemy command squad sat relatively unengaged and unharrassed, the sea of bodies between them parted as if it was a sign from the heavens.
"Tsuruga, Fuwa, today we have the chance to bring down the enemy before they can gather their forces. There, see? The command unit. Come, we must hurry if we are to seize this chance."
Saying a quick prayer to the fortunes, Mogami steels herself and sets off at a quick pace, but not so fast as to leave her men behind. The three of them weaved in and out of the shifting battle lines like sharks through a school of prey. Only once were they harassed, an enemy ashigaru unit seizing upon them with their spears. Unable to be bogged down, Mogami rallied a group of Nikesake's own peasant defenders, but was grazed by a spearmans thrust that caught her in the thigh. At that close of a range and threatened by the mad spearmen, Mogami and her Budoka were unable to utilize their bows effectively, but the Nikesake forces charged forth in a calculated push, overwhelming the enemy Ashigaru before they could further inflict injury on the bowmen.
She gathered herself in a clearing, a short distance away from the enemy commander, tending her wound and waiting to see if any other samurai had seen the opportunity as well, her back banner blowing in the wind and rain.
"Tsuruga, Fuwa, stay behind me for now. Focus fire on my target. You may be required to assist any others who come to aid us, so be ready to utilize the defensive maneuvers I have taught you."
She turns to face her enemy, knocking an arrow, her budoka following her lead and calls out a challenge.
"Matsu Kassenko! Prepare yourself, for I would not shoot you in the back!"
Approaching Damage vs Mogami: 20 Void down 10, reduction 3=7 wounds. This uses up the free Void Shakanar gave Mogami in Early Afternoon.
Approaching Damage vs Budoka 1: 16 Void down 10, reduction 1=5 wounds
Approaching Damage vs Budoka 2: 15 Void down 10, reduction 1=4 wounds
Prep round 1: Activate Strength of the Lion Kata. Attack Stance
Prep round 2: Draw bows, string them, and knock arrows (Mogami: Yumi+Flesh, Budoka Hankyu+Willow), Attack Stance
Movement 1: Moving, Attack Stance
Movement 2: Moving, Attack Stance
Movement 3: Moving, Attack Stance
Movement 4: Moving, Attack Stance
Movement 5: Moving, Attack Stance
Combat Round 1: Attack Stance
Mogami Initiative: 24Stance: Attack
Position: 5ft In front of Budoka, Shoulder to Shoulder with Kayou
Mogami TN: 25 (5+Ref*5+Light Armor)
Reduction: 3
Void Used: 0/2
Wounds: 7/57 +0 to TNs
Budoka Initiative:
Initative 14Stance: Attack
Position: 5ft Behind Mogami
Budoka 1 TN: 18 (5+Ref*5+Ashigaru Armor)
Void Used 1: 1/2
Wounds 1: 5/38 +0 to TNs
Budoka Initative:
Initative 14Stance: Attack
Budoka 2 TN: 18 (5+Ref*5+Ashigaru Armor)
Reduction: 1
Void Used 2: 1/2
Wounds 2: 4/38 +0 to TNs
Medicine Kit Uses Remaining: 10/10
Reactions of Round 1:
Strength of the Lion Kata: Permanent +3 initiative bonus to(Waiting on all characters to post) (Goes away if Kata deactivated)
Leadership: 8, grants +8 initative to (Waiting on all characters to post) until Reactions of Round 2.