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 Post subject: [Day 10 - EA] New Magic Wand
PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 8:16 am 
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Theme for the scene

Kashiwagi grinned smugly once he finished the final touches of the spells and said, “Toshigoku, I do not fear you... you should fear what I can do with more time and resources.”

The white hot fiery bolt would purge the malignance and rage of Toshigoku and cut through the spirits. Something told him he may be needing it sooner than later but he was Asako Kashiwagi, there was nothing he could overcome with his vast intellect and incredible wits.

He just scienced the shit out of the realm of slaughter.

OOC: Spell Research + 1 XP: 8d10o10k4 45

22 pts. and that brings us to 203 I believe and we have a new spell. We did it team.

Kashiwagi's Cleansing Condemnation
c Ring/Mastery: Fire 1
c Range: 100’
c Area of Effect: One target
c Duration: Instantaneous
c Raises: Damage (+1k0), Range (+10’), Targets (+1 target,
maximum of 5 total targets)
This spell summons forth the the most righteous of Fire kami, those that detest invaders from the slaughter realms, in the form of a blast of white energy that strikes at their violent nature excising it from this realm, the magical power flies out as a white hot fiery bolts that unerringly strikes the chosen target – it cannot be intercepted or deflected, although Magic Resistance or other forms of magical defense can thwart it. If the target came from Toshigoku or is a spirit made flesh from that realm, the spell will inflict damage with a DR of 3k3, targeting the Toshigoku nature of the spirits and spirits that have returned from that realm! This has no effect on spirits from other realms or mortal beings on ningen-do, that did not return from Toshigoku.

Fire Tensai | Big Damn Hero | Indifferent | Black Phoenix | Inquisitor's Agent | Description | Left Arm Phoenix Tattoo Sleeve (In-Progress)
Naga War Gunso | Author of Echoes of the Akasha

Status: 4.0 | Glory: 10.0 | Infamy: .4 | Honor: Untrustworthy
Carried: Wakizashi, Black Fancy Clothing, Chop, Writ of the Asako Inquisitors, Maho Warding Amulet, Jade Amulet, Trash Queen (Tabby Cat)

TN 0 to be Recognized.

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 Post subject: Re: [Day 10 - EA] New Magic Wand
PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 4:54 pm 
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A soft noise of feet stopping a few feet behind him could be heard.

"They said you were in here. The enemy army approaches, dear cousin."

Lion Clan * Courtier * Monk * Sage * Ascetic * Paragon of Courage *
Status: 1.0; Glory 2.7; Honor: What is Expected
Carries/Wears: Bo, Robes, Scrolls, Travel Pack, Fancy Courtier Fan

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 Post subject: Re: [Day 10 - EA] New Magic Wand
PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 5:09 pm 
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He nodded and held a scroll saying, “I have just created a spell that should give our shugenja a weapon versus the spirits of Toshigoku.”

Fire Tensai | Big Damn Hero | Indifferent | Black Phoenix | Inquisitor's Agent | Description | Left Arm Phoenix Tattoo Sleeve (In-Progress)
Naga War Gunso | Author of Echoes of the Akasha

Status: 4.0 | Glory: 10.0 | Infamy: .4 | Honor: Untrustworthy
Carried: Wakizashi, Black Fancy Clothing, Chop, Writ of the Asako Inquisitors, Maho Warding Amulet, Jade Amulet, Trash Queen (Tabby Cat)

TN 0 to be Recognized.

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 Post subject: Re: [Day 10 - EA] New Magic Wand
PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 5:11 pm 
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She smirked and nodded her head, "Impressive. What are you calling it? Yusuke's Noodle Strike?"

Lion Clan * Courtier * Monk * Sage * Ascetic * Paragon of Courage *
Status: 1.0; Glory 2.7; Honor: What is Expected
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 Post subject: Re: [Day 10 - EA] New Magic Wand
PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 5:14 pm 
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“As impressive as that name is, this prayer to the fire kami will be called Kashiwagi’s Cleansing Condemnation. A humble name for a humble spell crafted in only two days,” he said humbly.

Fire Tensai | Big Damn Hero | Indifferent | Black Phoenix | Inquisitor's Agent | Description | Left Arm Phoenix Tattoo Sleeve (In-Progress)
Naga War Gunso | Author of Echoes of the Akasha

Status: 4.0 | Glory: 10.0 | Infamy: .4 | Honor: Untrustworthy
Carried: Wakizashi, Black Fancy Clothing, Chop, Writ of the Asako Inquisitors, Maho Warding Amulet, Jade Amulet, Trash Queen (Tabby Cat)

TN 0 to be Recognized.

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 Post subject: Re: [Day 10 - EA] New Magic Wand
PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 5:19 pm 
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She chuckled, "So humble. Though probably isn't much need for humility today. Today is a day for heroes it would seem."

Lion Clan * Courtier * Monk * Sage * Ascetic * Paragon of Courage *
Status: 1.0; Glory 2.7; Honor: What is Expected
Carries/Wears: Bo, Robes, Scrolls, Travel Pack, Fancy Courtier Fan

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 Post subject: Re: [Day 10 - EA] New Magic Wand
PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 5:24 pm 
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Akodo Ren wrote:
She chuckled, "So humble. Though probably isn't much need for humility today. Today is a day for heroes it would seem."

“They say you are not truly a hero until you die,” he said chuckling darkly.

“Perhaps I will live long enough to be the villain, but if death is coming for us then we will face it, honored cousin. I have already made arrangements for my wife if the worst should come to pass. For you, I had thought to write a poem or some emotionally wrought missive, but then I considered that I should not tax you in your time of preparation. So, if I return to the wheel, know it has been a dubious honor to call you cousin and I am better for it… in some nebulous capacity.”

Fire Tensai | Big Damn Hero | Indifferent | Black Phoenix | Inquisitor's Agent | Description | Left Arm Phoenix Tattoo Sleeve (In-Progress)
Naga War Gunso | Author of Echoes of the Akasha

Status: 4.0 | Glory: 10.0 | Infamy: .4 | Honor: Untrustworthy
Carried: Wakizashi, Black Fancy Clothing, Chop, Writ of the Asako Inquisitors, Maho Warding Amulet, Jade Amulet, Trash Queen (Tabby Cat)

TN 0 to be Recognized.

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 Post subject: Re: [Day 10 - EA] New Magic Wand
PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 5:34 pm 
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"Dubious... Nebulous... Does sound like me doesn't it?" She said with a late smile.

"I still don't think you a hero... So if possible try to prove me right. I think I'd prefer you to keep serving your lord for a much longer period of time."

She points to the scroll, "Gotta make even better, maybe even more humble scrolls in the future."

Lion Clan * Courtier * Monk * Sage * Ascetic * Paragon of Courage *
Status: 1.0; Glory 2.7; Honor: What is Expected
Carries/Wears: Bo, Robes, Scrolls, Travel Pack, Fancy Courtier Fan

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 Post subject: Re: [Day 10 - EA] New Magic Wand
PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 5:35 pm 
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"Thank you for keeping me grounded," he said with mild sarcasm.

Fire Tensai | Big Damn Hero | Indifferent | Black Phoenix | Inquisitor's Agent | Description | Left Arm Phoenix Tattoo Sleeve (In-Progress)
Naga War Gunso | Author of Echoes of the Akasha

Status: 4.0 | Glory: 10.0 | Infamy: .4 | Honor: Untrustworthy
Carried: Wakizashi, Black Fancy Clothing, Chop, Writ of the Asako Inquisitors, Maho Warding Amulet, Jade Amulet, Trash Queen (Tabby Cat)

TN 0 to be Recognized.

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 Post subject: Re: [Day 10 - EA] New Magic Wand
PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 5:42 pm 
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"I try." She said with a knowing smile.

"From what I hear around the castle... Kyuden Asako's portal has been closed. It appears the Kitsu Daimyo had it in her after all."

Lion Clan * Courtier * Monk * Sage * Ascetic * Paragon of Courage *
Status: 1.0; Glory 2.7; Honor: What is Expected
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 Post subject: Re: [Day 10 - EA] New Magic Wand
PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 5:45 pm 
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"Now she can throw herself on her sword and be done with it," he replied.

Fire Tensai | Big Damn Hero | Indifferent | Black Phoenix | Inquisitor's Agent | Description | Left Arm Phoenix Tattoo Sleeve (In-Progress)
Naga War Gunso | Author of Echoes of the Akasha

Status: 4.0 | Glory: 10.0 | Infamy: .4 | Honor: Untrustworthy
Carried: Wakizashi, Black Fancy Clothing, Chop, Writ of the Asako Inquisitors, Maho Warding Amulet, Jade Amulet, Trash Queen (Tabby Cat)

TN 0 to be Recognized.

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 Post subject: Re: [Day 10 - EA] New Magic Wand
PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 5:48 pm 
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She nodded with a solemn air about her, "The healing can begin at least... Could retrieve my brother's swords. Start to put things in order... Once this current stream of events ends that is."

Lion Clan * Courtier * Monk * Sage * Ascetic * Paragon of Courage *
Status: 1.0; Glory 2.7; Honor: What is Expected
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 Post subject: Re: [Day 10 - EA] New Magic Wand
PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 6:04 pm 
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"It is a blessing at least," he admitted.

Fire Tensai | Big Damn Hero | Indifferent | Black Phoenix | Inquisitor's Agent | Description | Left Arm Phoenix Tattoo Sleeve (In-Progress)
Naga War Gunso | Author of Echoes of the Akasha

Status: 4.0 | Glory: 10.0 | Infamy: .4 | Honor: Untrustworthy
Carried: Wakizashi, Black Fancy Clothing, Chop, Writ of the Asako Inquisitors, Maho Warding Amulet, Jade Amulet, Trash Queen (Tabby Cat)

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 Post subject: Re: [Day 10 - EA] New Magic Wand
PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 6:46 pm 
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"Sometimes the mistakes people make create opportunities for us to rise to the challenges they present. You know the efficacy of the refiners fire. The Way encompasses us all. Even those who falter from it." She said with a nod.

Lion Clan * Courtier * Monk * Sage * Ascetic * Paragon of Courage *
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 Post subject: Re: [Day 10 - EA] New Magic Wand
PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 6:48 pm 
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"But can she be forgiven, does she forgive herself?" he asked.

"I can't shake the thought that the only thing that moved her was not the suffering of Asako but the death of the Emperor."

Fire Tensai | Big Damn Hero | Indifferent | Black Phoenix | Inquisitor's Agent | Description | Left Arm Phoenix Tattoo Sleeve (In-Progress)
Naga War Gunso | Author of Echoes of the Akasha

Status: 4.0 | Glory: 10.0 | Infamy: .4 | Honor: Untrustworthy
Carried: Wakizashi, Black Fancy Clothing, Chop, Writ of the Asako Inquisitors, Maho Warding Amulet, Jade Amulet, Trash Queen (Tabby Cat)

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 Post subject: Re: [Day 10 - EA] New Magic Wand
PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 6:55 pm 
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She nodded, "I too doubt altruism was her primary aim. And yet... she did what we could not. She is her own worst enemy... and her own judge, just as Shinsei says. Her penance will be accounted for; one way or another."

She paused, "But still, the streams of this world flow through us in ways we don't fully understand. We hear echos... follow whispers in the mist... but there is strength in us that we don't know of. And when it is our time... we do things that can bring great good to the world. Despite our best attempts to thwart it."

Lion Clan * Courtier * Monk * Sage * Ascetic * Paragon of Courage *
Status: 1.0; Glory 2.7; Honor: What is Expected
Carries/Wears: Bo, Robes, Scrolls, Travel Pack, Fancy Courtier Fan

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 Post subject: Re: [Day 10 - EA] New Magic Wand
PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 6:58 pm 
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"Perhaps you can cling to kharma, but I feel that there is only one path left to her. The final Duty for the misery she has cause," he responded.

"But I cannot hold such poison in my heart for now, but a time may come."

Fire Tensai | Big Damn Hero | Indifferent | Black Phoenix | Inquisitor's Agent | Description | Left Arm Phoenix Tattoo Sleeve (In-Progress)
Naga War Gunso | Author of Echoes of the Akasha

Status: 4.0 | Glory: 10.0 | Infamy: .4 | Honor: Untrustworthy
Carried: Wakizashi, Black Fancy Clothing, Chop, Writ of the Asako Inquisitors, Maho Warding Amulet, Jade Amulet, Trash Queen (Tabby Cat)

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 Post subject: Re: [Day 10 - EA] New Magic Wand
PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 7:00 pm 
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She nodded, "Keep your righteous vengeance for the army coming to kill people still alive here and now. There are many who can use your protection today."

Lion Clan * Courtier * Monk * Sage * Ascetic * Paragon of Courage *
Status: 1.0; Glory 2.7; Honor: What is Expected
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 Post subject: Re: [Day 10 - EA] New Magic Wand
PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 7:24 pm 
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"Is that the Henshin wisdom speaking through you," he asked.

Fire Tensai | Big Damn Hero | Indifferent | Black Phoenix | Inquisitor's Agent | Description | Left Arm Phoenix Tattoo Sleeve (In-Progress)
Naga War Gunso | Author of Echoes of the Akasha

Status: 4.0 | Glory: 10.0 | Infamy: .4 | Honor: Untrustworthy
Carried: Wakizashi, Black Fancy Clothing, Chop, Writ of the Asako Inquisitors, Maho Warding Amulet, Jade Amulet, Trash Queen (Tabby Cat)

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 Post subject: Re: [Day 10 - EA] New Magic Wand
PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 7:27 pm 
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She chuckled, "I'll go with yes... Since the watchers aren't around to scold me even if I was wrong."

Lion Clan * Courtier * Monk * Sage * Ascetic * Paragon of Courage *
Status: 1.0; Glory 2.7; Honor: What is Expected
Carries/Wears: Bo, Robes, Scrolls, Travel Pack, Fancy Courtier Fan

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