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 Post subject: [D9, LE, Just outside the palace] Pleasant Evening
PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 10:25 pm 
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The coming of night saw a familiar sight for long-time residents of the city. A white-haired giant was emerging from a side-door of the palace. After a quick smile and "how-do-you-do" to the bored-looking guards, he was seen to smooth out his kimono and start down the street toward the Crane Embassy, whistling happily to himself.

* Crane Clan * Bushi * Large * Paragon: Courage * Insatiable Curiosity *
Status: 1.0 Glory: 3.0 Honor: Exceptional
Wearing/Carrying: Daisho, Heavy Armor, Ono (on duty/in battle), Jade Gewgaw, Fan, Functional Clothes.

Owns: Kyuzo

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 Post subject: Re: [D9, LE, Just outside the palace] Pleasant Evening
PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 1:45 am 
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Wasako was meandering the streets in the evening as she gathered her thoughts for the day. It was probably best done through mediation but she figured that some walk and thinking would at least qualify as meditation exercise. While she was partially distracted, it was hard to miss the tall Crane who was moving toward her. She stopped in her walk and bowed politely to greet the Crane. "Good evening, Kakita-san."

Dragon Clan • Bushi • Assistant Sensei • Ascetic • Gullible
Status: 2.0 • Glory: 2.0 • Honour: What is expected
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 Post subject: Re: [D9, LE, Just outside the palace] Pleasant Evening
PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 1:55 am 
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The Kakita smiled broadly and returned the bow. "Good evening, Mirumoto-sama. Kakita Masahiko's the name. Are you having a pleasant evening?"

* Crane Clan * Bushi * Large * Paragon: Courage * Insatiable Curiosity *
Status: 1.0 Glory: 3.0 Honor: Exceptional
Wearing/Carrying: Daisho, Heavy Armor, Ono (on duty/in battle), Jade Gewgaw, Fan, Functional Clothes.

Owns: Kyuzo

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 Post subject: Re: [D9, LE, Just outside the palace] Pleasant Evening
PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 2:26 am 
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She wasn't expecting the Crane to be in good spirits but she did smile back. "This one is Mirumoto Wasako from the Northern Wall Mountains, pleased to meet you. I'm having a thoughtful thanks to this rain. However, that's the least of it. How about you, Kakita-san?"

Dragon Clan • Bushi • Assistant Sensei • Ascetic • Gullible
Status: 2.0 • Glory: 2.0 • Honour: What is expected
Personal Effects: Daisho, chopsticks and straw hat
Character Profile • Art by Joanne Kwan

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 Post subject: Re: [D9, LE, Just outside the palace] Pleasant Evening
PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 2:34 am 
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Masahiko couldn't help but beam. "Much more so than last evening, I must say."

He paused. "Thoughtful, though, Mirumoto-sama? If it is not...too rude to ask, I wonder if you wanted to share those thoughts? I'm just on my way to the embassy, but I promise I am better company than the rain."

* Crane Clan * Bushi * Large * Paragon: Courage * Insatiable Curiosity *
Status: 1.0 Glory: 3.0 Honor: Exceptional
Wearing/Carrying: Daisho, Heavy Armor, Ono (on duty/in battle), Jade Gewgaw, Fan, Functional Clothes.

Owns: Kyuzo

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 Post subject: Re: [D9, LE, Just outside the palace] Pleasant Evening
PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 3:20 am 
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Last evening was strange, today was...something more than that. She thought to herself regarding the day's events.

"Oh, sure...I'd be more than willing to walk to your destination if you don't mind. I think the extra steps would do me some good," she turned and gracefully gestured toward the direction he seemed to be going.

"I suppose it's been quite a day, to say the least. In many ways, I imagine that I must be out of my element, both spiritually and politically. Apparently, we had spirits walk among us...then also the courts have found themselves a third candidate to make matters even more complicated," she said while giving a roll of her eyes.

Dragon Clan • Bushi • Assistant Sensei • Ascetic • Gullible
Status: 2.0 • Glory: 2.0 • Honour: What is expected
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 Post subject: Re: [D9, LE, Just outside the palace] Pleasant Evening
PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 3:25 am 
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"Yeah, I was in court this afternoon. Most alarming. Still, I don't think anyone backing the Seppun out in Toshi Ranbo is going to be working against the defense or anything, so there's that…"

He paused, realizing he was veering off track a little. "Of course, I'm quite the political neophyte myself. Much more used to standing guard." He smiled. "Which brings me to your first point. What's this about spirits in town?"

* Crane Clan * Bushi * Large * Paragon: Courage * Insatiable Curiosity *
Status: 1.0 Glory: 3.0 Honor: Exceptional
Wearing/Carrying: Daisho, Heavy Armor, Ono (on duty/in battle), Jade Gewgaw, Fan, Functional Clothes.

Owns: Kyuzo

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 Post subject: Re: [D9, LE, Just outside the palace] Pleasant Evening
PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 3:34 am 
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"It seems strange to consider the Steel Chrysanthemum a political body, especially when it's such a looming threat..." she narrowed her eyes as she tried to parse out yesterday's events where there was a sudden change in allegiances. "I would imagine if his representatives were here, they wouldn't be too interested in favours. Not over direct might, at least."

"Hai...I was informed by Yogo Aya that there were spirits, ancestors, in Nikesake. It probably explained why some of the Lion samurai were...preoccupied. These ancestors support the Steel Chrysanthemum, which is also worrying."

Dragon Clan • Bushi • Assistant Sensei • Ascetic • Gullible
Status: 2.0 • Glory: 2.0 • Honour: What is expected
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 Post subject: Re: [D9, LE, Just outside the palace] Pleasant Evening
PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 3:45 am 
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"It surely is!" Masahiko frowned heavily. Gonna have to wear my armor more.

"And I can't help but agree about the politicking for the Chrysanthemum. Of course, not everyone who speaks in court speaks what they really believe."

He sounded pretty certain. "A courtier's words are his sword, and one's sword belongs to one's lord. Sometimes our tongues are as tied as our hands."

* Crane Clan * Bushi * Large * Paragon: Courage * Insatiable Curiosity *
Status: 1.0 Glory: 3.0 Honor: Exceptional
Wearing/Carrying: Daisho, Heavy Armor, Ono (on duty/in battle), Jade Gewgaw, Fan, Functional Clothes.

Owns: Kyuzo

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 Post subject: Re: [D9, LE, Just outside the palace] Pleasant Evening
PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 4:03 am 
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"I think I can see what you may mean by that. Not everyone can draw their sword so freely without some rightful consequences. It would be nice if there was some context but those reasons are likely theirs alone," she nodded on that note. "...and what of the Seppun Kato? Could he legitimately take the Throne?"

Dragon Clan • Bushi • Assistant Sensei • Ascetic • Gullible
Status: 2.0 • Glory: 2.0 • Honour: What is expected
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 Post subject: Re: [D9, LE, Just outside the palace] Pleasant Evening
PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 4:15 am 
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The giant considered the question for a moment.

"I would guess so, but his only chance is to name the prince illegitimate. Which he has done. The issue is that casts the succession up into the air. He is certainly the most powerful of the Son of Heaven's siblings, both in a political and a military sense, but he is not the only sibling. That's not mentioning other powerful people, who might just get greedy."

* Crane Clan * Bushi * Large * Paragon: Courage * Insatiable Curiosity *
Status: 1.0 Glory: 3.0 Honor: Exceptional
Wearing/Carrying: Daisho, Heavy Armor, Ono (on duty/in battle), Jade Gewgaw, Fan, Functional Clothes.

Owns: Kyuzo

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 Post subject: Re: [D9, LE, Just outside the palace] Pleasant Evening
PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 4:42 am 
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"There might be...but I don't know if any of them could get Miya messengers to spread the work this quickly. It seems to have worked, many have started talking about him in the courts. Political complications aside...If the Miya could get here this quickly, I could only imagine that other armies can't be this far away. Right?" Wasako looked to the Crane questioningly as she assumed she couldn't be too far from the truth.

Dragon Clan • Bushi • Assistant Sensei • Ascetic • Gullible
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 Post subject: Re: [D9, LE, Just outside the palace] Pleasant Evening
PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 4:54 am 
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Masahiko smiled sadly. "One man and a series of fresh horses is much easier to get into motion than an army, Mirumoto-sama. Perhaps the Imperial Legions or Lion reinforcements could be near, but the possibility of even a Crane or Dragon army arriving in the next few days seems unlikely."

He shrugged. "We will just have to stem the tide as best we can. Nothing else for it. And if reinforcements come, then so much the better, but it doesn't change our job at all."

* Crane Clan * Bushi * Large * Paragon: Courage * Insatiable Curiosity *
Status: 1.0 Glory: 3.0 Honor: Exceptional
Wearing/Carrying: Daisho, Heavy Armor, Ono (on duty/in battle), Jade Gewgaw, Fan, Functional Clothes.

Owns: Kyuzo

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 Post subject: Re: [D9, LE, Just outside the palace] Pleasant Evening
PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 5:34 am 
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"There were some Unicorn samurai who came in this morning with some peasant levies..." she brought up, recalling her day. "But probably nothing in the way of full-fledge reinforcements that we were hoping for."

"I think we've gotten by this far with what we have," she nodded soundly. "I was perhaps too eager to believe that good news would come this easily."

Dragon Clan • Bushi • Assistant Sensei • Ascetic • Gullible
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 Post subject: Re: [D9, LE, Just outside the palace] Pleasant Evening
PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 5:45 am 
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The huge Crane smiled. "You may have gotten by before, but this isn't Toshi no Omoidasu. This is Nikesake. We'll do a sight more than just getting by, Mirumoto-sama. That's a Nikesake promise."

He nodded strongly, as though that were a thing. A very well-established thing.

* Crane Clan * Bushi * Large * Paragon: Courage * Insatiable Curiosity *
Status: 1.0 Glory: 3.0 Honor: Exceptional
Wearing/Carrying: Daisho, Heavy Armor, Ono (on duty/in battle), Jade Gewgaw, Fan, Functional Clothes.

Owns: Kyuzo

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 Post subject: Re: [D9, LE, Just outside the palace] Pleasant Evening
PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 6:18 am 
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"I have to confess that while I was present in Toshi no Omoidasu, I think the bulk of the fighting was done by the real veterans of war," she gave a shrug at that then nodded firmly. "Of course, I hope that we do more than that here, especially with everything we've come to expect from the enemy. We might even be able to stop them in their tracks here."

"You're a resident here, Kakita-san?" She turned to look at Masahiko, tilting her head up.

Dragon Clan • Bushi • Assistant Sensei • Ascetic • Gullible
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 Post subject: Re: [D9, LE, Just outside the palace] Pleasant Evening
PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 6:27 am 
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"Hai, Mirumoto-sama. For five years, now." He smiled easily, in spite of the rain, bursting with pride for what had become his city. "It is not showing its very best side at the moment, but I do think it is one of the finest cities in the Empire."

* Crane Clan * Bushi * Large * Paragon: Courage * Insatiable Curiosity *
Status: 1.0 Glory: 3.0 Honor: Exceptional
Wearing/Carrying: Daisho, Heavy Armor, Ono (on duty/in battle), Jade Gewgaw, Fan, Functional Clothes.

Owns: Kyuzo

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 Post subject: Re: [D9, LE, Just outside the palace] Pleasant Evening
PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 3:41 pm 
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"I am willing to take your word for it, Kakita-san. This is the first time I've ventured outside of the Dragon lands and I haven't seen the cities for what must be years now. Initially, I was only planning to be in Toshi no Omoidoso...prior to the circumstances. Nikesake does seem nicer, admittedly, but I see I'm not seeing the cities fully for what they are. At the very least, these last few days have been a continuing learning experience."

Dragon Clan • Bushi • Assistant Sensei • Ascetic • Gullible
Status: 2.0 • Glory: 2.0 • Honour: What is expected
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 Post subject: Re: [D9, LE, Just outside the palace] Pleasant Evening
PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 4:32 pm 
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Masahiko grinned. "But that is a part of what makes Nikesake great. This is the only place outside of the capital where there is a public library and debate center free for any to attend! I have even seen some of the snake-people and ronin participating freely! Now, I will grant you that the Phoenix can be generous, at times, with their private institutions, but to offer learning freely on principle... That is exceedingly rare! And precious!."

He looked over to her, clearly excited. "And have you seen their holdings!?" Checking his zeal for a second, he added almost sheepishly, "I refer to the blue room, of course. Such esoteric and interesting subjects!

* Crane Clan * Bushi * Large * Paragon: Courage * Insatiable Curiosity *
Status: 1.0 Glory: 3.0 Honor: Exceptional
Wearing/Carrying: Daisho, Heavy Armor, Ono (on duty/in battle), Jade Gewgaw, Fan, Functional Clothes.

Owns: Kyuzo

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 Post subject: Re: [D9, LE, Just outside the palace] Pleasant Evening
PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 5:52 pm 
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She bobbed her head a few times, "Hai, I had the pleasure of attending a debate at the Blue Tile Room yesterday. I think the topic was more political than academic...So something like that is not typical in most cities? I can see something as generous as that could be almost unique to the city. The idea behind it does make sense, as debates and ideas shouldn't be held back by needing money, especially when it comes to expanding the mind."

Dragon Clan • Bushi • Assistant Sensei • Ascetic • Gullible
Status: 2.0 • Glory: 2.0 • Honour: What is expected
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Character Profile • Art by Joanne Kwan

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