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 Post subject: Re: A Troubled Forum (D7, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Fri Apr 17, 2020 11:47 pm 
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Posts: 404
"That or something much like it, hai." He pauses in thought, "Closest I remember: 'Wisdom can be found in many places, but you must always begin at home.'"

"At home, Reichin-no-kami did what he could to remind his allies that he was a flawed man. But visitors who came to see him because of his deeds never wished to see the whole, they wished to see the hero. It was he who taught me that quote from the Tao, on courageousness and cruelty, years before my time in the Brotherhood. He said he never knew who was looking for inspiration and who was looking for weakness when he met those who came to see him at Shiro Usagi. But he had the choice of what he could show them."

Brotherhood Monk • Thousand Fortunes • Void • Missing Right Arm • Profile
Honor: What is Expected • Status: 1.0 • Glory: 0.5
Gear: Travel worn, coarse clothes. Bo Staff, Scroll Satchel, Tao, Sage Scrolls, 2 zeni
“We tell the tale of heroes to remind ourselves that we also can be great.”

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 Post subject: Re: A Troubled Forum (D7, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 12:05 am 
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Joined: Sat Apr 04, 2020 12:13 am
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For his part, Asakuro made an argument similar to others: that the murder of an Emperor, indeed a most heinous crime as others have been forced to fall on the sword for much lesser offenses against the Jade Throne, would have to be overlooked by all across the Emerald Empire would he be appointed regent of the rightful Hantei child, the child of the very Emperor that had been killed, and while he was in no position or place to offer whom ultimately should be regent of the child, the Steel Chrysanthemum was effectively "retired" from the position, even if not by choice. A criminal could never, and should never, stand as regent to the young Hantei: the line of succession looked and marched forward, not backwards.

And with his argument made, he skedaddled off to the side for others to make their points known.

Influence roll, Imperialist, 3 raises: success, 77 - +4 Imperial points!

Tortoise Clan • Courtier/Enforcer • Imperial Peafowl Supervisor • Dangerous Beauty • Blessed • Determined • Hero of the People • Very Wealthy
Status 2.5 | Glory 6.2 (Recognize: TN 20, 10 for peasants)| Honor: Untrustworthy
Wearing: Extravagant Clothing
Carries: Fan, personal seal, wakizashi, chopsticks, water bottle, kiseru, small knife, sake cup
Sometimes featuring now: Mamoru the Frazzled Peafowl!
Language Colors: MerenaeThrane

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 Post subject: Re: A Troubled Forum (D7, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 1:17 am 
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Joined: Tue Mar 31, 2020 12:56 am
Posts: 865
Kodama wrote:
"That or something much like it, hai." He pauses in thought, "Closest I remember: 'Wisdom can be found in many places, but you must always begin at home.'"

"At home, Reichin-no-kami did what he could to remind his allies that he was a flawed man. But visitors who came to see him because of his deeds never wished to see the whole, they wished to see the hero. It was he who taught me that quote from the Tao, on courageousness and cruelty, years before my time in the Brotherhood. He said he never knew who was looking for inspiration and who was looking for weakness when he met those who came to see him at Shiro Usagi. But he had the choice of what he could show them."

"A lesson I will have to take to heart, honored advisor," he said calmly.

Fire Tensai | Big Damn Hero | Indifferent | Black Phoenix | Inquisitor's Agent | Description | Left Arm Phoenix Tattoo Sleeve (In-Progress)
Naga War Gunso | Author of Echoes of the Akasha

Status: 4.0 | Glory: 10.0 | Infamy: .4 | Honor: Untrustworthy
Carried: Wakizashi, Black Fancy Clothing, Chop, Writ of the Asako Inquisitors, Maho Warding Amulet, Jade Amulet, Trash Queen (Tabby Cat)

TN 0 to be Recognized.

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 Post subject: Re: A Troubled Forum (D7, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 1:25 am 
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Joined: Fri Apr 03, 2020 7:17 pm
Posts: 404
"If only to calm those of us lesser, then it is enough." He bows again. "Have you further need of me? I will be staying at the shrines, further learning of the ancestral heroes of the Phoenix honored there, that the Order of the Fortune of Heroes might better know it's role."

Brotherhood Monk • Thousand Fortunes • Void • Missing Right Arm • Profile
Honor: What is Expected • Status: 1.0 • Glory: 0.5
Gear: Travel worn, coarse clothes. Bo Staff, Scroll Satchel, Tao, Sage Scrolls, 2 zeni
“We tell the tale of heroes to remind ourselves that we also can be great.”

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 Post subject: Re: A Troubled Forum (D7, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 1:33 am 
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Joined: Tue Apr 14, 2020 5:41 am
Posts: 289
Kodama wrote:
"If only to calm those of us lesser, then it is enough." He bows again. "Have you further need of me? I will be staying at the shrines, further learning of the ancestral heroes of the Phoenix honored there, that the Order of the Fortune of Heroes might better know it's role."

"Kodama-san. It is good to have met you here at this gathering. I will make sure to remember you."

Ryuji turned back to the Asako Hero. "Tales of you are most impressive, Asako-sama. You would honor me with your heroic tales over tea?" Ryuji asked.

Otomo Ryuji
Imperial • Courtier • Investigator • Seiyaku • Atheist

Honor: Untrustworthy • Glory: 2.0 • Status: 3.5


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 Post subject: Re: A Troubled Forum (D7, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 1:36 am 
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Joined: Fri Apr 03, 2020 7:17 pm
Posts: 404
"Otomo-sama. It is good to be remembered." He bows again.

Brotherhood Monk • Thousand Fortunes • Void • Missing Right Arm • Profile
Honor: What is Expected • Status: 1.0 • Glory: 0.5
Gear: Travel worn, coarse clothes. Bo Staff, Scroll Satchel, Tao, Sage Scrolls, 2 zeni
“We tell the tale of heroes to remind ourselves that we also can be great.”

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 Post subject: Re: A Troubled Forum (D7, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 1:47 am 
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Joined: Sun Apr 05, 2020 4:56 pm
Posts: 945
Agasha Poemu wrote:
"Your birth and training explain well enough why your parents haven't either." Poemu nodded softly, then sighed. "A real shame. I suppose that this isn't the sort of time for such thoughts, though it feels a good change of thought from worries."

Pushing aside the conversation, not wanting to embarrass Wasako too much, Poemu smiled softly. "Perhaps I will introduce you to my husband, should we ever return to Dragon lands together. I think you and he would have good conversation, and my household always could use guests."

"I suppose something to consider in the future at least. Thank you for your concern, Agasha-sama," she gave her an apologetic smile and bowed. It wasn't her intention to pull the pleasant conversation thread from Poemu but it seems that it was something even she couldn't control.

"I wouldn't mind coming by, especially if you're destined to return home after your work here. I've travelled here mostly on my own but I would very much appreciate having some company home."

Dragon Clan • Bushi • Assistant Sensei • Ascetic • Gullible
Status: 2.0 • Glory: 2.0 • Honour: What is expected
Personal Effects: Daisho, chopsticks and straw hat
Character Profile • Art by Joanne Kwan

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 Post subject: Re: A Troubled Forum (D7, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 2:04 am 
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Joined: Tue Mar 31, 2020 12:56 am
Posts: 865
Kodama wrote:
"If only to calm those of us lesser, then it is enough." He bows again. "Have you further need of me? I will be staying at the shrines, further learning of the ancestral heroes of the Phoenix honored there, that the Order of the Fortune of Heroes might better know it's role."

"I have nothing pressing," he responded.
Otomo Ryuji wrote:
Ryuji turned back to the Asako Hero. "Tales of you are most impressive, Asako-sama. You would honor me with your heroic tales over tea?" Ryuji asked.

"I am sure that can be arranged, Otomo-san, I will bring my most thrilling endeavors with me," he said calmly.

Fire Tensai | Big Damn Hero | Indifferent | Black Phoenix | Inquisitor's Agent | Description | Left Arm Phoenix Tattoo Sleeve (In-Progress)
Naga War Gunso | Author of Echoes of the Akasha

Status: 4.0 | Glory: 10.0 | Infamy: .4 | Honor: Untrustworthy
Carried: Wakizashi, Black Fancy Clothing, Chop, Writ of the Asako Inquisitors, Maho Warding Amulet, Jade Amulet, Trash Queen (Tabby Cat)

TN 0 to be Recognized.

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 Post subject: Re: A Troubled Forum (D7, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 2:10 am 
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Joined: Fri Apr 03, 2020 7:17 pm
Posts: 404
Kodama bows to the Asako, then backs away.

He finds a way out, concerned about over hearing more than his tongue decides needs commenting on.

Brotherhood Monk • Thousand Fortunes • Void • Missing Right Arm • Profile
Honor: What is Expected • Status: 1.0 • Glory: 0.5
Gear: Travel worn, coarse clothes. Bo Staff, Scroll Satchel, Tao, Sage Scrolls, 2 zeni
“We tell the tale of heroes to remind ourselves that we also can be great.”

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 Post subject: Re: A Troubled Forum (D7, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 3:38 am 
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Joined: Mon Apr 06, 2020 12:17 am
Posts: 94
Despite her best efforts, Chiyo's thoughts were not in line with her arguments on the topic of succession today.

(Influence - TN 20 = 19 viewtopic.php?f=87&t=701)

Instead, she directed her efforts towards things that might bear more fruit, turning and heading for the Blue Tiled Room.

Imperial * Priest * Jade Yoriki * Heart of a Lion * Owl Tattoo * Jama Suru Westler * Paragon * Tactician * Leader

Status: 2.5; Glory: 5.5; Honor: Exceptional

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 Post subject: Re: A Troubled Forum (D7, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 4:25 am 
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Joined: Tue Mar 31, 2020 12:56 am
Posts: 865
Seppun Chiyo wrote:
Despite her best efforts, Chiyo's thoughts were not in line with her arguments on the topic of succession today.

(Influence - TN 20 = 19 viewtopic.php?f=87&t=701)

Instead, she directed her efforts towards things that might bear more fruit, turning and heading for the Blue Tiled Room.

Kashiwagi took joy in the Jade Office being ineffectual, his headache suddenly fading away... mostly.

Fire Tensai | Big Damn Hero | Indifferent | Black Phoenix | Inquisitor's Agent | Description | Left Arm Phoenix Tattoo Sleeve (In-Progress)
Naga War Gunso | Author of Echoes of the Akasha

Status: 4.0 | Glory: 10.0 | Infamy: .4 | Honor: Untrustworthy
Carried: Wakizashi, Black Fancy Clothing, Chop, Writ of the Asako Inquisitors, Maho Warding Amulet, Jade Amulet, Trash Queen (Tabby Cat)

TN 0 to be Recognized.

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 Post subject: Re: A Troubled Forum (D7, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 4:56 am 
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Joined: Fri Apr 03, 2020 2:42 am
Posts: 401
Having heard the name of Reichin-no-Fortune, Hachi moved closer, and listened. He said nothing, and managed not to cough, as well. Perhaps he was feeling better?

Isawa Hachi • Phoenix Clan • Shugenja • Earth • Water • "The Mud Tensai" • Pilgrim
Honor: Typical • Glory: 3 • Infamy: 1 • Status: 1 • Experienced.
Tall walking stick, scroll satchel, shugenja robes, occasionally small drum, small purse with money and kawaru coins. Looks poorly, weak, wan.

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 Post subject: Re: A Troubled Forum (D7, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 5:24 am 
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Joined: Fri Apr 03, 2020 5:47 pm
Posts: 896
Mirumoto Wasako wrote:
"I suppose something to consider in the future at least. Thank you for your concern, Agasha-sama," she gave her an apologetic smile and bowed. It wasn't her intention to pull the pleasant conversation thread from Poemu but it seems that it was something even she couldn't control.

"I wouldn't mind coming by, especially if you're destined to return home after your work here. I've travelled here mostly on my own but I would very much appreciate having some company home."

"It is hard to see what might happen after this," she admitted. "I originally was to stay in Lion land's as ambassador, but the future seems much less certain anymore. I'd likely go home if for just a visit, and to help move with my husband to a more permanent post."

Dragon Clan ~ Senior Diplomat ~ Atsumaru Vassal ~ Imperial Trained ~ Gullible
Honor: Exceptional | Glory: 1.0 | Status: 4.0
Notable Items: Rokugani Pony


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 Post subject: Re: A Troubled Forum (D7, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 5:29 am 
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Joined: Mon Apr 06, 2020 4:27 am
Posts: 418
Myo-en was present but didn't make herself the center of attention, listening much and speaking only a few, penetrating words.

Imperialist Influence:
D7 LA Influence--Courtier/Awa, adding 4 of 6 bonus dice from Crane tattoo, VP, 3 raises (TN 30): 9d10o10k4 36

PM if engaging, please!

Dragon • Tattooed Monk • Ascetically Under-Dressed • Crow Companion • Experienced
Honor: What is Expected • Glory: 3.4 • Status: 1 • Profile
Speaks Naga, sometimes. Carries: Jade pendant, walking staff, small pocketknife, divination coins. Padded jacket if working outdoors... maybe.

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 Post subject: Re: A Troubled Forum (D7, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 6:04 am 
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Joined: Sun Apr 05, 2020 4:56 pm
Posts: 945
Agasha Poemu wrote:
"It is hard to see what might happen after this," she admitted. "I originally was to stay in Lion land's as ambassador, but the future seems much less certain anymore. I'd likely go home if for just a visit, and to help move with my husband to a more permanent post."

"It seems a lot of things are going to be uncertain after this, even if this conflict ends in the favour we want it to...Perhaps you'll be needed at the capital to negotiate the Dragon Clan's favour in this new arrangement?" She said with a bit of uncertainty, not knowing what appointments or political arrangements might be made from all of the ripples, even as the war settled down. "But if you do find yourself destined for the Dragon lands, my offer stands, Agasha-sama."

Dragon Clan • Bushi • Assistant Sensei • Ascetic • Gullible
Status: 2.0 • Glory: 2.0 • Honour: What is expected
Personal Effects: Daisho, chopsticks and straw hat
Character Profile • Art by Joanne Kwan

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 Post subject: Re: A Troubled Forum (D7, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 6:16 am 
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Joined: Fri Apr 03, 2020 6:07 pm
Posts: 310
Togashi Iko wrote:
"Yes, for seven years." Iko replied as she held tight to her teacup. "My sensei told me he normally hails from Sakkaku, but something about it being more jealous than Chikushudo."

She leans in a little closer. "I must admit most of that nature of the realms speech went right over my head."

'' Seven years? How...'' Nagiko was now very curious. '' Also, your sensei comes from Sakkaku? How is that possible?....'' Nagiko wonders what type of person is Iko's sensei or rather what kind of creature...

*Mantis *Courtier *Beauty *Fan-girl *Purrr *Spiritual Connection
|Glory/Infamy: 1.0/0.0| Honor: Untrustworthy| Status: 1.0|
Mon: Mantis
Carries: Daisho, Extravagant Clothes, Light-Armor (when appropiate), Fan, Mantis' silk and spices
Profile|Theme 2!

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 Post subject: Re: A Troubled Forum (D7, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 6:28 am 
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Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2020 3:00 am
Posts: 408
Iko lifts Jinsokuna from her side and places it on the table. From the saya hang two black feathers.

"My sensei was Shune, one of the Kenku. For seven years I trained there with him, but the time that had passed here when I returned was much less."

Dragon Clan Gunso * Duelist * Enlightened * Tattooed * Kolat * Artisan * Perfectionist
Honor: Untrustworthy * Glory: 7.5 * Status: 3.0 * Infamy: 3.4
Wears: Jingasa, Sleeveless Kimono, hair piece, Sakura tattoo, bulging furoshiki
Carries: Daisho, Yumi (where appropriate)

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 Post subject: Re: A Troubled Forum (D7, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 6:48 am 
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Joined: Fri Apr 03, 2020 6:07 pm
Posts: 310
Togashi Iko wrote:
Iko lifts Jinsokuna from her side and places it on the table. From the saya hang two black feathers.

"My sensei was Shune, one of the Kenku. For seven years I trained there with him, but the time that had passed here when I returned was much less."

'' A Kenku? That is a crow-type of spirit right?'' Nagiko didn't know much about spirits or types of spirits. '' Impressive.'' Her eyes glitter.

'' What a interesting sensei you had, Togashi-sama. How did you even contacted such spirit from Sakkaku if i might ask?''

*Mantis *Courtier *Beauty *Fan-girl *Purrr *Spiritual Connection
|Glory/Infamy: 1.0/0.0| Honor: Untrustworthy| Status: 1.0|
Mon: Mantis
Carries: Daisho, Extravagant Clothes, Light-Armor (when appropiate), Fan, Mantis' silk and spices
Profile|Theme 2!

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 Post subject: Re: A Troubled Forum (D7, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 6:53 am 
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Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2020 3:00 am
Posts: 408
"It was during the War of Broken Fangs...."

Iko told the tale as honestly as she could, despite the fantastical nature of the whole thing.

Dragon Clan Gunso * Duelist * Enlightened * Tattooed * Kolat * Artisan * Perfectionist
Honor: Untrustworthy * Glory: 7.5 * Status: 3.0 * Infamy: 3.4
Wears: Jingasa, Sleeveless Kimono, hair piece, Sakura tattoo, bulging furoshiki
Carries: Daisho, Yumi (where appropriate)

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 Post subject: Re: A Troubled Forum (D7, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 7:42 am 
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Joined: Fri Apr 03, 2020 6:07 pm
Posts: 310
And Nagiko listened to the story with glitter in her eyes. That was an amazing story, very appropiate for a hero of legendary fame as Iko. Nagiko is fascinated.

'' So, gained your right to become his pupil. That is amazing Togashi-sama. What a fascinating tale.'' She said.

'' I wish i could do the same when i do visi...'' Nagiko stopped. She almost revealed one of her secrets.

Well, it was not much of a secret anymore. Kashiwagi knew about it.

'' I, uh...''

*Mantis *Courtier *Beauty *Fan-girl *Purrr *Spiritual Connection
|Glory/Infamy: 1.0/0.0| Honor: Untrustworthy| Status: 1.0|
Mon: Mantis
Carries: Daisho, Extravagant Clothes, Light-Armor (when appropiate), Fan, Mantis' silk and spices
Profile|Theme 2!

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