The streets were choked with the castaways of war, as far as the eye could see. Lean-tos, hastily built shelters, all choking and filling the alleyways and empty spaces within the city walls. People snored softly while Mari quietly sat on top of a stone porch in front of some nameless building that wouldn't be open until the morning.
Good samurai would be asleep by now. The moon would have been showing in the midst of the rain at this hour. It was time for anyone decent to be in bed, and there weren't many guards on the streets at this point. If there was no trouble, no army to send its agents, it was the night. They did not have to bother, and with so many, how could they watch out for them all?
Nobody had ever accused her of being a 'good' samurai. Not her blessed mother, and certainly nobody in the last year of her life. She didn't ever feel tired until after Midnight. Not until the Hour of the Ox did she ever feel the call of Yume-do. She might as well keep an eye out, quietly avoid waking those who slumbered in the area, and just keep a lookout.
Stealth 23,
Perception 14 keeping eyes peeled)
Ronin Shugenja * Bland * Earth * YarnspinnerStatus: 0.0,
Glory: 0.0,
Honor: Untrustworthy
Wears/Carries: Shabby kimono. Wakizashi. Scroll satchel. Medical Kit. Straw Cloak.
Character Image