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 Post subject: (D9, EM) Waking up is hard to do (Aya's Room Closed)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 5:31 am 
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In a small windowless room, two samurai slumbered. It was a rather simple affair, with a futon (holding said samurai), a fun selection of red and black clothing scattered about haphazardly, a travelling pack dropped carelessly near the door, and not too far from that, an opened letter lay unattended on the floor.

As the Sun continued to hide their face behind the clouds, one of the figures started to stir.

Yogo || Wardmaster || Rude || Bride of Emma-O || Yoriki of Soshi Tameaki
Glory: 2.0 || Infamy: 1.0 || Honor: Honorless Dog ||Status: 1.0
Carries: Knife, Wakizashi, scroll satchel, wards, medicine kit, coin pouch, sake cup, robes (worn)
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 Post subject: Re: (D9, EM) Waking up is hard to do (Aya's Room Closed)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 5:47 am 
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With a small stretch, Degarashi shrugged off the dregs of sleep, trying in vain to swat the sunlight that woke him. It wasn't until he rolled against the sleeping form of Aya that he recalled the events of the day prior. Her warmth was enticing, and it took a colossal effort for him to scootch his way out of the futon to try and start his day.

Picking his way through the discarded clothing, trying to sort out his own from hers, his eyes found the opened letter, and couldn't help but scan it, as he often did, despite not wishing to intrude on Aya's privacy.

Scorpion Clan - Courtier - Actor - Really Bland Looking - Evidently A Comedian - Third Wheel of Emma-O - The Scorpion's Poison Joke

Status: 1.0 - Glory: 1.0 - Honour: Honorless Dog

Typically carries: Wakizashi, parchment and charcoal, at least one medicine kit, a dark grey blanket, rope and grappling hook

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 Post subject: Re: (D9, EM) Waking up is hard to do (Aya's Room Closed)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 6:07 am 
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The letter was fairly average looking Slightly better than average quality, and written in a practiced hand. It's the words that were the interesting part...

(PM Sent!)

Yogo || Wardmaster || Rude || Bride of Emma-O || Yoriki of Soshi Tameaki
Glory: 2.0 || Infamy: 1.0 || Honor: Honorless Dog ||Status: 1.0
Carries: Knife, Wakizashi, scroll satchel, wards, medicine kit, coin pouch, sake cup, robes (worn)
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 Post subject: Re: (D9, EM) Waking up is hard to do (Aya's Room Closed)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 6:14 am 
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Degarashi read through the contents of the letter, tilting his head at some of the more... interesting parts. He continued his search for his garments in silence, sitting on the edge of the bed in silence as he considered the implications in the letter.

Scorpion Clan - Courtier - Actor - Really Bland Looking - Evidently A Comedian - Third Wheel of Emma-O - The Scorpion's Poison Joke

Status: 1.0 - Glory: 1.0 - Honour: Honorless Dog

Typically carries: Wakizashi, parchment and charcoal, at least one medicine kit, a dark grey blanket, rope and grappling hook

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 Post subject: Re: (D9, EM) Waking up is hard to do (Aya's Room Closed)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 6:38 am 
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My child! A Scorpion assassin has entered your bedchamber while you slumber! Arise! Arise and strike down this blackguard as commanded by Akodo! yelled the voice in Aya's head.

"Shut the fuck up, Norikun." Aya muttered. She started to go back to sleep, before the memory of Norikami's death rousted her She had a headache, and it was dark, but she knew where her knife was.

Yogo || Wardmaster || Rude || Bride of Emma-O || Yoriki of Soshi Tameaki
Glory: 2.0 || Infamy: 1.0 || Honor: Honorless Dog ||Status: 1.0
Carries: Knife, Wakizashi, scroll satchel, wards, medicine kit, coin pouch, sake cup, robes (worn)
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 Post subject: Re: (D9, EM) Waking up is hard to do (Aya's Room Closed)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 7:03 am 
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Degarashi looked over at Aya, curiosity painted on his features. "I should count myself lucky you called me Norikun just now and not last night, Aya-san."

Wherever weirdness was claiming the Yogo might be dispelled with a little sharp wit. Or Degarashi was about to get stabbed. With Aya, he couldn't be quite certain.

Scorpion Clan - Courtier - Actor - Really Bland Looking - Evidently A Comedian - Third Wheel of Emma-O - The Scorpion's Poison Joke

Status: 1.0 - Glory: 1.0 - Honour: Honorless Dog

Typically carries: Wakizashi, parchment and charcoal, at least one medicine kit, a dark grey blanket, rope and grappling hook

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 Post subject: Re: (D9, EM) Waking up is hard to do (Aya's Room Closed)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 7:11 am 
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Kill him, he's trying to seduce you from your rightful husband!

"He's DEAD!" she said, rather loudly.

She shook her head.

"Ie, Ie, sorry Dega-kun, there's some sort of spiritual disturbance going on. Really, I'm not normally this bad waking up."

She winced.

"Although some water after last night would be appreciated."

Yogo || Wardmaster || Rude || Bride of Emma-O || Yoriki of Soshi Tameaki
Glory: 2.0 || Infamy: 1.0 || Honor: Honorless Dog ||Status: 1.0
Carries: Knife, Wakizashi, scroll satchel, wards, medicine kit, coin pouch, sake cup, robes (worn)
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 Post subject: Re: (D9, EM) Waking up is hard to do (Aya's Room Closed)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 7:18 am 
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Degarashi nodded, fetching some water quickly and bringing it to Aya. "Ie, what a teaser you are. Here I was hoping I'd be woken up every morning by shouts of blasphemy and accusations of infidelity. But, much to my grandiose and long suffering disappointment, I wake up next to a perfectly normal and lovely woman. Such tragedy, thy name is Degarashi..."

Scorpion Clan - Courtier - Actor - Really Bland Looking - Evidently A Comedian - Third Wheel of Emma-O - The Scorpion's Poison Joke

Status: 1.0 - Glory: 1.0 - Honour: Honorless Dog

Typically carries: Wakizashi, parchment and charcoal, at least one medicine kit, a dark grey blanket, rope and grappling hook

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 Post subject: Re: (D9, EM) Waking up is hard to do (Aya's Room Closed)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 7:21 am 
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Joined: Sun Apr 05, 2020 12:42 am
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How can you betray your own husband for someone so.....bland!

"Again, not married, he's dead and the Lion withdrew their offer of marriage."

She shook her head.

"Sorry Dega-kun. The spirit is alternatively describing you as an assassin, or some sort of pervert. It's really hard to block out a voice that you hear inside your head."

She drank the water gratefully.

Yogo || Wardmaster || Rude || Bride of Emma-O || Yoriki of Soshi Tameaki
Glory: 2.0 || Infamy: 1.0 || Honor: Honorless Dog ||Status: 1.0
Carries: Knife, Wakizashi, scroll satchel, wards, medicine kit, coin pouch, sake cup, robes (worn)
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 Post subject: Re: (D9, EM) Waking up is hard to do (Aya's Room Closed)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 7:33 am 
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Degarashi stared at Aya for a hot minute. "I mean, that isn't expressly incorrect, after a fashion. And believe me, I understand the trouble. I'm an actor by trade. How many voices do you imagine I've got roaming around in here?" He tapped his temple lightly. "I mean, they're all me, but it's like standing around in a roomful of mirrors and every one of them has a different opinion."

Scorpion Clan - Courtier - Actor - Really Bland Looking - Evidently A Comedian - Third Wheel of Emma-O - The Scorpion's Poison Joke

Status: 1.0 - Glory: 1.0 - Honour: Honorless Dog

Typically carries: Wakizashi, parchment and charcoal, at least one medicine kit, a dark grey blanket, rope and grappling hook

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 Post subject: Re: (D9, EM) Waking up is hard to do (Aya's Room Closed)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 7:37 am 
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An actor! Those are even worse! Kill him now!

She winced a bit as the Lion roared on in her head.

At least she wasn't hearing the Tsuno's roar...although that had been more terror inducing, rather than wordy.

"Hmm, I never thought about it that way, honestly, Degakun. Then again, my life hasn't had a lot of time to consider what it's iike to be an actor."

She took another slow sip of water. She'd recovered from hangovers before.

She leaned back a bit.

"But why don't you tell me? It surely has to be more interesting than this blowhard in my head."

Yogo || Wardmaster || Rude || Bride of Emma-O || Yoriki of Soshi Tameaki
Glory: 2.0 || Infamy: 1.0 || Honor: Honorless Dog ||Status: 1.0
Carries: Knife, Wakizashi, scroll satchel, wards, medicine kit, coin pouch, sake cup, robes (worn)
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 Post subject: Re: (D9, EM) Waking up is hard to do (Aya's Room Closed)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 8:03 am 
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"Maybe thinking more about hard blowing might make it go away?"

Degarashi settled in next to Aya, watching her closely.

"You don't seem terribly concerned about it, so I'm guessing it's not anything serious. But, as for my acting..." He shrugged, "it's a field that requires a specific kind of mind, to be done properly. Many enter and can perform a role here or there, but they'll forget a line. Others know the lines by rote, but have a hard times playing their lart believably. To do what I do, as I do it, is to be every role in some small way. You watch me as I work and you'll see thousands of faces, voices, and behaviors flash by in a wave of seemless transitions. Some ask which is the real me, and I answer all." Degarashi smiled, meeting Aya's eyes. "Watch me closely enough and you'll see everything of what I am every moment of every day. Of all three Scorpions in the empire, we Butei are, by far, the most exposed of them all."

Scorpion Clan - Courtier - Actor - Really Bland Looking - Evidently A Comedian - Third Wheel of Emma-O - The Scorpion's Poison Joke

Status: 1.0 - Glory: 1.0 - Honour: Honorless Dog

Typically carries: Wakizashi, parchment and charcoal, at least one medicine kit, a dark grey blanket, rope and grappling hook

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 Post subject: Re: (D9, EM) Waking up is hard to do (Aya's Room Closed)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 8:53 am 
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Staaaaab him! Do it Do it!

"Well as tempting as it is to misintrepret the spirit's entreaties to stab you and do you, I don't think it's very serious yet..." she remarked.

"Hmm, I wonder if anyone else is having this problem, or if it's just my rotten luck. Too much good in you and the magistrate happening all at once, kharma must be preparing something worse than this."

She shifted closer to the actor, must to her non-ancestor's displeasure.

"I'm not sure if I should watch you all day, Degakun. I'm not sure if I would get any work done if I did that."

Yogo || Wardmaster || Rude || Bride of Emma-O || Yoriki of Soshi Tameaki
Glory: 2.0 || Infamy: 1.0 || Honor: Honorless Dog ||Status: 1.0
Carries: Knife, Wakizashi, scroll satchel, wards, medicine kit, coin pouch, sake cup, robes (worn)
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 Post subject: Re: (D9, EM) Waking up is hard to do (Aya's Room Closed)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 9:03 am 
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Degarashi laughed, draping an arm around Aya's shoulders and resting his cheek upon her head. "A sentiment I can agree with, Aya..." He almost said san, but wanted to risk using her name in a more familiar way to see how it felt.


6 hours of sake bingeing tingly.

"Were I to regard you all day long, I should be content but quite unproductive."

Scorpion Clan - Courtier - Actor - Really Bland Looking - Evidently A Comedian - Third Wheel of Emma-O - The Scorpion's Poison Joke

Status: 1.0 - Glory: 1.0 - Honour: Honorless Dog

Typically carries: Wakizashi, parchment and charcoal, at least one medicine kit, a dark grey blanket, rope and grappling hook

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 Post subject: Re: (D9, EM) Waking up is hard to do (Aya's Room Closed)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 9:09 am 
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"Feeh. Flatterer. Soon you'll be writing me sappy love poetry comparing me to various beautiful items." she said without any rancor at all.

While Aya definitely did not want poetry....she was not averse to the attention or using her name in the most personal sense.

Yogo || Wardmaster || Rude || Bride of Emma-O || Yoriki of Soshi Tameaki
Glory: 2.0 || Infamy: 1.0 || Honor: Honorless Dog ||Status: 1.0
Carries: Knife, Wakizashi, scroll satchel, wards, medicine kit, coin pouch, sake cup, robes (worn)
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 Post subject: Re: (D9, EM) Waking up is hard to do (Aya's Room Closed)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 9:18 am 
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"Merciful kami, if I start acting a Crane I'd beg you to listen to that spirit and end me on the spot. I prefer my gifts to be more thoughtful. A Crane thinks poetry is always the answer when sometimes some small trinket or token will do just fine."

He slid his eyes up and down Aya's figure, not bothering to hide the gesture. "In your case I'd say you prefer your tokens of affection applied more... directly..."

Scorpion Clan - Courtier - Actor - Really Bland Looking - Evidently A Comedian - Third Wheel of Emma-O - The Scorpion's Poison Joke

Status: 1.0 - Glory: 1.0 - Honour: Honorless Dog

Typically carries: Wakizashi, parchment and charcoal, at least one medicine kit, a dark grey blanket, rope and grappling hook

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 Post subject: Re: (D9, EM) Waking up is hard to do (Aya's Room Closed)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 4:40 pm 
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Bite it off! Feel the blood pour down you!

"My does my beauty really drive you to such fits of passion, Degakun? Here I am with an unwanted visitor in my head, and your first thought is you can screw it out of me?" she teases.

Yogo || Wardmaster || Rude || Bride of Emma-O || Yoriki of Soshi Tameaki
Glory: 2.0 || Infamy: 1.0 || Honor: Honorless Dog ||Status: 1.0
Carries: Knife, Wakizashi, scroll satchel, wards, medicine kit, coin pouch, sake cup, robes (worn)
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 Post subject: Re: (D9, EM) Waking up is hard to do (Aya's Room Closed)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 5:51 pm 
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Degarashi placed a hand over his heart. "Aya, I'm hurt that you'd believe I only considered my needs. Tell me, how much pleasure would it bring you to force a stuck up old Lion to watch something like that? Either they leave, and you have the freedom to enjoy yourself, or they stay," he grinned, "and you can enjoy yourself while also torturing someone else."

Scorpion Clan - Courtier - Actor - Really Bland Looking - Evidently A Comedian - Third Wheel of Emma-O - The Scorpion's Poison Joke

Status: 1.0 - Glory: 1.0 - Honour: Honorless Dog

Typically carries: Wakizashi, parchment and charcoal, at least one medicine kit, a dark grey blanket, rope and grappling hook

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 Post subject: Re: (D9, EM) Waking up is hard to do (Aya's Room Closed)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 5:55 pm 
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.....You wouldn't dare.

"Oh, wouldn't I?" she said, moving to drape herself over Degakun. "I suppose it would be fitting for a Yogo to start the day with both pleasure and torture."

Yogo || Wardmaster || Rude || Bride of Emma-O || Yoriki of Soshi Tameaki
Glory: 2.0 || Infamy: 1.0 || Honor: Honorless Dog ||Status: 1.0
Carries: Knife, Wakizashi, scroll satchel, wards, medicine kit, coin pouch, sake cup, robes (worn)
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 Post subject: Re: (D9, EM) Waking up is hard to do (Aya's Room Closed)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 6:33 pm 
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Degarashi smiled, then found a random spot inside the room to wink at, just in case.

Then he leaned up and found Aya's lips, a shiver passing through his whole body, and he simply stopped caring who else was in the room but her.


Scorpion Clan - Courtier - Actor - Really Bland Looking - Evidently A Comedian - Third Wheel of Emma-O - The Scorpion's Poison Joke

Status: 1.0 - Glory: 1.0 - Honour: Honorless Dog

Typically carries: Wakizashi, parchment and charcoal, at least one medicine kit, a dark grey blanket, rope and grappling hook

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