Asako Kashiwagi wrote:
Moto Baatar wrote:
"Ohh, I mean to say, the army should commandeer food supplies from Nikesake," Baatar said in response to Kashiwagi's correction, although he did not sound particularly chastened. "Then fall back to draw Steel Flower towards the Imperial legions. Whether we fight or negotiate with him, either way we'll be better off if we're closer to reinforcements and his army is hungry and overextended."
"Never have I heard a good point put forth so poorly, child. Your tactical acumen of overextending the enemy is
sound, commandeering from the very Clan, whose city we currently reside in, mind you, seems like a terrible, tactical
Kashiwagi continued, “I am going to allow you a moment to contemplate why your suggestion is a
bad suggestion.”
Moto Baatar wrote:
"Or perhaps the great hero has another, even better plan?" he inquired.
"Well whatever plan I decide upon would not include wholesale theft from the very people who have opened their doors to us and are giving us shelter. Right now I lack information to make a plan, so I am rectifying that shortcoming.”
Ryuji casually approached the Phoenix hero and the Unicorn. He listened a bit more, then spoke.
"Forgive me, I am no tactician and I am certainly not soldier. I have not expertise in anything involving military. For that, I defer to those with the skill and training to do so." Ryuji turned slightly towards the Moto.
"I am sure that Moto-san is very adept in his training of the military arts and no one would ever discount your great abilities Asako-sama, so whatever suggestions or plans that you would offer would be well received..." Ryuji took a moment to pause.
"I'm sure Moto-san would not suggest an act that would be disrespectful to the host of everyone here. Isn't that right Moto-san?"