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 Post subject: Re: A Troubled Forum (D7, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 9:04 pm 
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"That is a question for Ikoma Torii, but since I have been asked, we do have some advantages on our side. We have an assortment of skilled veterans who have proven themselves to be more than a match for the warriors we face when deployed at key locations to head off attacks. A literal water dragon has taken notice of our cause and has brought some balance to the element of water, which is also a boon for our enemy but there is that.”

“The Lion, or specifically the Kitsu daimyo has the Mirror which sparked this mess with her and intends to close the portal... at some point. That may be useful if things take a dark turn. Can the slaughter spirits be swayed from their current course? Unknown, but doubtful.”

He then went on to rattle off a basic list of typical Lion and Imperial Legion tactics used throughout history and methods that proved valuable for facing a superior foe in battle in a holding or delaying tactic to buy time. He concluded with, “I do not think we can win in a straight up fight, but we can make this campaign costly and delay our enemy long enough to hopefully mount a defense.”

“I am not a great general, and honestly conventional warfare may not even be a possibility given the foe we are facing.”

“Assuming, we even choose to resist,” he said with a gesture to the Crane that espoused the position of granting the Steel Chrysanthemum regency. “Perhaps lives can be saved by following that course of action, only the Fortunes know.”

OOC: Just adding to his knowledge.

Lore Battle History: 5d10o10k4 21

Fire Tensai | Big Damn Hero | Indifferent | Black Phoenix | Inquisitor's Agent | Description | Left Arm Phoenix Tattoo Sleeve (In-Progress)
Naga War Gunso | Author of Echoes of the Akasha

Status: 4.0 | Glory: 10.0 | Infamy: .4 | Honor: Untrustworthy
Carried: Wakizashi, Black Fancy Clothing, Chop, Writ of the Asako Inquisitors, Maho Warding Amulet, Jade Amulet, Trash Queen (Tabby Cat)

TN 0 to be Recognized.

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 Post subject: Re: A Troubled Forum (D7, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 9:06 pm 
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Posts: 850
Chihaya's expression was bland.

"Do you believe negotiation could serve as a delaying tactic?"

His answer had brought up a number of subjects which she knew very little about, and some of which sounded... both above her pay grade and also of distressing implication.

A mirror that sparked this mess... and a portal...

Sparrow Clan :: Shoi :: Sensei :: Hero of the People :: One-Eye :: Gullible :: Experienced 3
Honor: What is expected Status: 4.0 Glory: 7.7
Carries: Daisho, Eyepatch, Steel Hairpin, Fan, chopsticks, sake cup

Profile :: Theme

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 Post subject: Re: A Troubled Forum (D7, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 9:11 pm 
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Location: The Beautiful TX Hill Country
Seitouna continues note-taking.
The songbird was joined in chorus by larger fowl in splendid colors, whose calls rang against one another until the songbird made to sing again. Several moved to position themselves to better hear the new melody, but matters moved toward quiet again, and the songbird did not chirp so much, though it's song could still be heard amid crackling flames.

Kasuga Seitouna
Tortoise Clan
Status 2.0 * Glory 2.5 after D11 * Honor...sure, yeah
Thinking * Speaking Merenae * Speaking Thrane
Generally wears decent kimono & sandals, jitte, wakizashi
Wears extravagant kimono & sandals and wakizashi at court
Almost always has paper and something to write with
Public Profile

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 Post subject: Re: A Troubled Forum (D7, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 9:11 pm 
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Joined: Tue Mar 31, 2020 12:56 am
Posts: 865
"Maybe," was his best response.

Fire Tensai | Big Damn Hero | Indifferent | Black Phoenix | Inquisitor's Agent | Description | Left Arm Phoenix Tattoo Sleeve (In-Progress)
Naga War Gunso | Author of Echoes of the Akasha

Status: 4.0 | Glory: 10.0 | Infamy: .4 | Honor: Untrustworthy
Carried: Wakizashi, Black Fancy Clothing, Chop, Writ of the Asako Inquisitors, Maho Warding Amulet, Jade Amulet, Trash Queen (Tabby Cat)

TN 0 to be Recognized.

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 Post subject: Re: A Troubled Forum (D7, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 9:18 pm 
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Posts: 850
Chihaya let the silence stretch between them for a time, and then she said, softly, "You have given us many facts, and many theories. It is unlike you to have no recommendation to our course of action."

She wondered if he was feeling well.

Sparrow Clan :: Shoi :: Sensei :: Hero of the People :: One-Eye :: Gullible :: Experienced 3
Honor: What is expected Status: 4.0 Glory: 7.7
Carries: Daisho, Eyepatch, Steel Hairpin, Fan, chopsticks, sake cup

Profile :: Theme

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 Post subject: Re: A Troubled Forum (D7, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 9:45 pm 
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Joined: Tue Mar 31, 2020 12:56 am
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The Phoenix was quiet as he contemplated her quiet words. He then said in a calm tone, “Perhaps.”

For now he was keeping his intentions to himself as he assessed the chamber.

Fire Tensai | Big Damn Hero | Indifferent | Black Phoenix | Inquisitor's Agent | Description | Left Arm Phoenix Tattoo Sleeve (In-Progress)
Naga War Gunso | Author of Echoes of the Akasha

Status: 4.0 | Glory: 10.0 | Infamy: .4 | Honor: Untrustworthy
Carried: Wakizashi, Black Fancy Clothing, Chop, Writ of the Asako Inquisitors, Maho Warding Amulet, Jade Amulet, Trash Queen (Tabby Cat)

TN 0 to be Recognized.

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 Post subject: Re: A Troubled Forum (D7, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 10:03 pm 
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Posts: 850
A faint frown, but eventually she simply shrugged and turned her gaze outward, toward the mess of debate.

"Many of them mean well - but this is an unusual time. I cannot see a path forward for an Empire ruled by that man, but I am a simple Bushi, no great head of state."

Sparrow Clan :: Shoi :: Sensei :: Hero of the People :: One-Eye :: Gullible :: Experienced 3
Honor: What is expected Status: 4.0 Glory: 7.7
Carries: Daisho, Eyepatch, Steel Hairpin, Fan, chopsticks, sake cup

Profile :: Theme

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 Post subject: Re: A Troubled Forum (D7, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 10:08 pm 
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"The situation has no precedent that I know of, an Emperor killed by an Emperor,” he responded calmly.

“There is no guidance and pretending there is one is fallacy in my eyes, but I understand the need to make sense of the incomprehensible. I suppose my concern is more with how we minimize the damage to the people. Someone will sit as the Divine Child of Heaven; I have no doubt.”

“I just hope the Empire has not torn itself apart when we get there.”

Fire Tensai | Big Damn Hero | Indifferent | Black Phoenix | Inquisitor's Agent | Description | Left Arm Phoenix Tattoo Sleeve (In-Progress)
Naga War Gunso | Author of Echoes of the Akasha

Status: 4.0 | Glory: 10.0 | Infamy: .4 | Honor: Untrustworthy
Carried: Wakizashi, Black Fancy Clothing, Chop, Writ of the Asako Inquisitors, Maho Warding Amulet, Jade Amulet, Trash Queen (Tabby Cat)

TN 0 to be Recognized.

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 Post subject: Re: A Troubled Forum (D7, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 10:16 pm 
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Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2020 3:29 pm
Posts: 850
"That army doesn't seem interested in allowing there to be anything left as it passes. If that is how he rules, there won't be much of an Empire."

A faint sigh.

"I was at the Gate when the vanguard came - they were not reasonable, they weren't even sane. They spoke, but nothing of substance came out, noise, without meaning. There was no honesty in it - only a lust for violence. After that, I am no longer certain I can do anything but oppose him. I would not see my children's future entrusted to vengeful spirits."

Sparrow Clan :: Shoi :: Sensei :: Hero of the People :: One-Eye :: Gullible :: Experienced 3
Honor: What is expected Status: 4.0 Glory: 7.7
Carries: Daisho, Eyepatch, Steel Hairpin, Fan, chopsticks, sake cup

Profile :: Theme

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 Post subject: Re: A Troubled Forum (D7, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 10:17 pm 
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Yasuki Daisuke wrote:
"You honor me too much, Togashi-san." He smiled to her, bowing in turn after he approached, flicking his fan back open, covering his lips. His eyes showed his smile, as he stood next to her, voice low to allow the Court to speak up while they could speak quietly.

"You spoke the truth, and others should realize it. To contemplate any other choice is foolishness at best." He didn't speak his mind completely, even with the barrier of the paper fan. "I should be thanking you for your wisdom shining a light in these dark times."

It was still strange that so many samurai looked to her and called her wise.

"You're too kind," she smiled slightly. "But yes, I do not see the point in contemplating any other choice. Ningen-do belongs to the living, not those who have broken out of the kharmic cycle. It is defying the rules of the universe."

Tsukimi gave a slight bow to the Crab. "Togashi Tsukimi of the Ise Zumi Order."

Dragon Clan • Tattooed • Mystic Warrior • Marked by Destiny (Birthmark) • Gullible • Friend of the Brotherhood • Elemental Balance • ProfileBallad JADE
Honor: What is expected • Status: 1.0 • Glory: 2.0

“At times, the voice of peace must ring like Thunder.”

Has: Sacred Daisho, Light Armor (battle), necklace of prayer beads (jade), figurine of Jizo, parchment and charcoal, white cowl. Lion tattoo on left arm, Dragon tattoo on left thigh.

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 Post subject: Re: A Troubled Forum (D7, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 10:26 pm 
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Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2020 11:41 pm
Posts: 304
"What we should be doing is looting all foodstuffs from Nikesake and preparing to withdraw even further away," argued the Moto.

"With winter having just ended, Steel Flower's supply situation can't be good. If we make him overextend his supply lines and leave nothing behind for them to eat, we can weaken his army while the Lion and Imperials gather enough reinforcements to meet him in a decisive battle."

This idea, for some reason, wasn't well received by the actual natives of Nikesake.

Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Gaijin Name • Failure of Courtesy
Honor: Untrustworthy • Status: 1.0 • Glory: 2.5 (bullfighter)
carries: scimitar, wakizashi, shochu, small dog. when appropriate: Unicorn horse, riding armor, dai-kyu

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 Post subject: Re: A Troubled Forum (D7, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 10:33 pm 
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Joined: Mon Apr 13, 2020 6:18 am
Posts: 471
Shosuro Sara wrote:
Yogo Sukima wrote:
"The samurai there fought bravely, but we had to collapse the trail in the mountains and evacuate, really." She sighed at the thought. "There were hard fought battles, but the enemies are too many, simply."

She listened to the intervening arguments, raising a fan and letting out a small breath behind it, scanning the faces present with eyes slightly narrowed. Then her eyes turned toward Sara once again. "Understood..." She frowned to herself.

Scorpion + Courtier + Voice + Beautiful + Strange Coloring + Youngest Sister + In Mourning + Experienced 2
Status: 4 | Glory: 3 | Honor: What Is Expected
Items: Wakizashi, fan, mask, jade necklace

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 Post subject: Re: A Troubled Forum (D7, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 10:59 pm 
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Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2020 3:00 am
Posts: 408
Nagiko wrote:
Nagiko appeared in the Crane Embassy, but she was just listening to the arguments. Once again they, no surprise in there, were in favour of the Empress and her child and against Hantei XVI.

She wonders what she should do, if talk at all...

As she wondered, a servant delivered a teapot and two cups, while a slightly built and short samurai approached her table.

"Is this seat taken Mantis-san?" Iko asked politely.

Dragon Clan Gunso * Duelist * Enlightened * Tattooed * Kolat * Artisan * Perfectionist
Honor: Untrustworthy * Glory: 7.5 * Status: 3.0 * Infamy: 3.4
Wears: Jingasa, Sleeveless Kimono, hair piece, Sakura tattoo, bulging furoshiki
Carries: Daisho, Yumi (where appropriate)

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 Post subject: Re: A Troubled Forum (D7, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 11:04 pm 
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Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2020 2:51 pm
Posts: 419
Having centered herself outside, the nun entered, her robes were mostly clean, though some mud clung to the hem. Their simplicity was a stark contrast to the fine clothes of the courtiers.

She bowed politely and respectfully as she took in who was here and what was happening.

Abbess of the Order of Harmonious Work - Heroine of the People - Tattooed
Status [Abbess], Glory 6.8 [Taoist Heroine], Honor [What is Expected]

Carries: Prayer Beads, satchel with writing supplies.

Art by Joanne Kwan

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 Post subject: Re: A Troubled Forum (D7, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 11:24 pm 
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Joined: Fri Apr 03, 2020 6:07 pm
Posts: 310
Togashi Iko wrote:
As she wondered, a servant delivered a teapot and two cups, while a slightly built and short samurai approached her table.

"Is this seat taken Mantis-san?" Iko asked politely.

Nagiko observed the samurai that approached her. The young mantis recognized her almost on the spot as one of the most famous duelists in whole rokugan.

'' Not at all, Togashi Iko-sama.'' She replied to her, raising from where she was and bowing to the famous woman. '' This one is Nagiko, from the isles of Spice and Silk. It is a honor.'' She said politely.


[OOC - Rolls]

Lore:Heraldry/Intelligence; 3k2 TN 5 - 15|Pass

*Mantis *Courtier *Beauty *Fan-girl *Purrr *Spiritual Connection
|Glory/Infamy: 1.0/0.0| Honor: Untrustworthy| Status: 1.0|
Mon: Mantis
Carries: Daisho, Extravagant Clothes, Light-Armor (when appropiate), Fan, Mantis' silk and spices
Profile|Theme 2!

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 Post subject: Re: A Troubled Forum (D7, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 11:34 pm 
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Posts: 408
Iko returns the bow, maybe a fraction deeper than necessary, beforesliding gracefully into the offered spot.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Nagiko-san. I have not had the opportunity to speak with many of your Clan of late, and would rectify that failing if you have time to share some tea?"

Dragon Clan Gunso * Duelist * Enlightened * Tattooed * Kolat * Artisan * Perfectionist
Honor: Untrustworthy * Glory: 7.5 * Status: 3.0 * Infamy: 3.4
Wears: Jingasa, Sleeveless Kimono, hair piece, Sakura tattoo, bulging furoshiki
Carries: Daisho, Yumi (where appropriate)

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 Post subject: Re: A Troubled Forum (D7, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 11:40 pm 
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Joined: Fri Apr 03, 2020 7:17 pm
Posts: 404
A tired one-armed monk joined the court, taking for now, the time to listen to others speak. To gather an understanding of what it is they were going to bicker about now.

Brotherhood Monk • Thousand Fortunes • Void • Missing Right Arm • Profile
Honor: What is Expected • Status: 1.0 • Glory: 0.5
Gear: Travel worn, coarse clothes. Bo Staff, Scroll Satchel, Tao, Sage Scrolls, 2 zeni
“We tell the tale of heroes to remind ourselves that we also can be great.”

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 Post subject: Re: A Troubled Forum (D7, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 11:57 pm 
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Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2020 4:03 pm
Posts: 1054
Rather far from the castle grounds, wear a junitohoe would prove to be quite the challenge under the rain. Still, it was a Crane court, and too simple wouldn't be proper. Horonigai decides to wear a fashionable furisode with shades of green and bamboo motifs. Her Seppun mon proudly displayed, as well as the insignia of the Miharu.

The Imperial maiden enters the Embassy courtroom renewed. Her chin held high. She scans the attendants and opens an enormous grin. Which is rapidly covered by the swooping sound of her golden fan.

With hurried steps, Horonigai gets near to Sukima, but doesn't bother or calls her attention. Would she recognize her younger cousin?

Imperial • Miharu • Princess • Genki • Brat • Dumped • Breathtaker • Prodigy • Fancy • Spoiled • Bittersweet • Moody • ThemeProfile
Honor: Exceptional • Status: 4.5 • Glory: 1.7

Gear: daisho, another classy fan, another extravagant furisode (or plain kimono and hakama), silk umbrella, jade obi dome (pendant), golden kushi kanzashi (head comb).
Duty/Outside: Armor Up!

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 Post subject: Re: A Troubled Forum (D7, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 12:05 am 
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Joined: Mon Apr 13, 2020 6:18 am
Posts: 471
Sukima's tired eyes rise, then brighten considerably as she sees the woman before her. She rose and bowed. "Seppun-sama, I'm so glad to see you made it."

Scorpion + Courtier + Voice + Beautiful + Strange Coloring + Youngest Sister + In Mourning + Experienced 2
Status: 4 | Glory: 3 | Honor: What Is Expected
Items: Wakizashi, fan, mask, jade necklace

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 Post subject: Re: A Troubled Forum (D7, Late Afternoon)
PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 12:27 am 
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Joined: Tue Mar 31, 2020 12:56 am
Posts: 865
Moto Baatar wrote:
"What we should be doing is looting all foodstuffs from Nikesake and preparing to withdraw even further away," argued the Moto.

"With winter having just ended, Steel Flower's supply situation can't be good. If we make him overextend his supply lines and leave nothing behind for them to eat, we can weaken his army while the Lion and Imperials gather enough reinforcements to meet him in a decisive battle."

This idea, for some reason, wasn't well received by the actual natives of Nikesake.

"No," Kashiwagi said firmly to the Unicorn.

"We are not barbarous louts and to imply such speaks poorly of yourself and your sensei." The latter part had merit, but he was not going to admit that.

Fire Tensai | Big Damn Hero | Indifferent | Black Phoenix | Inquisitor's Agent | Description | Left Arm Phoenix Tattoo Sleeve (In-Progress)
Naga War Gunso | Author of Echoes of the Akasha

Status: 4.0 | Glory: 10.0 | Infamy: .4 | Honor: Untrustworthy
Carried: Wakizashi, Black Fancy Clothing, Chop, Writ of the Asako Inquisitors, Maho Warding Amulet, Jade Amulet, Trash Queen (Tabby Cat)

TN 0 to be Recognized.

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