Spirit War

[Day 10, Early Afternoon] Politics While Battle Rages
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Author:  Soshi Tameaki [ Sun Apr 26, 2020 6:59 am ]
Post subject:  [Day 10, Early Afternoon] Politics While Battle Rages

As the sound of the approaching army threatens to grow deafening, Soshi Tameaki ducks into the castle for a scheduled meeting with the Shosuro daimyo. Come Jigoku or high water, after all, the Scorpion would need to be prepared to deal with the fallout.

Author:  Yogo Sukima [ Sun Apr 26, 2020 7:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 10, Early Afternoon] Politics While Battle Rages

Sukima, going to the same meeting, glanced to the side, toward the hall. The army would be there soon. They would have to trust the defenders.

She scratched at the doorway where Uruwashii would be waiting.

Author:  Soshi Tameaki [ Sun Apr 26, 2020 7:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 10, Early Afternoon] Politics While Battle Rages

"They're going to need support at the front," Tameaki says, tension seeping into his voice. "So many of the defenders are still recovering from yesterday's spiritual attack..."

Author:  Yogo Sukima [ Sun Apr 26, 2020 8:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 10, Early Afternoon] Politics While Battle Rages

"We'll be doing everything we can."

"Their ancestors demanded that they support the Steel Chrysanthemum politically, but I believe that won't shake them today," she replied, tension in her voice as well, and the authority of one who had experienced the malady he was referring to. "This army is too big an immediate threat. The ancestors seem to have resigned themselves to their descendants' resistance, anyway."

Author:  Soshi Tameaki [ Sun Apr 26, 2020 9:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 10, Early Afternoon] Politics While Battle Rages

After a pause, the magistrate nods.

"Spirits do not tire, as that is a function of the body," he notes, "but the threat of the army may well help to focus the minds of those who were unable to handle the attack yesterday...yet I hope there are no similar tricks still hidden up his sleeve."

Author:  Yogo Sukima [ Sun Apr 26, 2020 12:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 10, Early Afternoon] Politics While Battle Rages

"I hope not, as well," she agreed. "The Lion, at least, have likely considered the possibility. We have, after all, and we're not war strategists as far as I am aware."

Author:  Soshi Tameaki [ Sun Apr 26, 2020 7:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 10, Early Afternoon] Politics While Battle Rages

"I've seen enough of war to know never to assume that everything is as it seems," he replies. "Crossed Pincers, the Bloodspeakers...both had their fair share of unpleasant surprises. The experience has left me wary."

Author:  Yogo Sukima [ Sun Apr 26, 2020 8:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 10, Early Afternoon] Politics While Battle Rages

"Battle plans never survive contact with the enemy," she quoted with a mod. "War and court are full of surprises."

She waited for Uruwashii to answer.

Author:  Shosuro Uruwashii [ Sun Apr 26, 2020 11:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 10, Early Afternoon] Politics While Battle Rages

Uruwashii eventually arrives at the door where the other Scorpions are waiting, looking mildly displeased. "Could we not have held this meeting at the embassy?"

She opens the door and steps into the meeting room, expecting the others to follow.

Author:  Yogo Sukima [ Mon Apr 27, 2020 12:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 10, Early Afternoon] Politics While Battle Rages

Sukima rubs her forehead. "Yes," is all she said for the moment. It was not starting out on the right foot with that, but it was what it was. She followed Uruwashii inside.

Author:  Soshi Tameaki [ Mon Apr 27, 2020 12:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 10, Early Afternoon] Politics While Battle Rages

"Possibly," Tameaki replies, "but with an attack imminent, I thought it less likely for the castle to be overrun than the embassy, and it wouldn't do to have our meeting interrupted by the ill-mannered thugs in the service of the Steel Chrysanthemum. If my decision was misinformed, then I offer my most sincere apologies."

Author:  Shosuro Uruwashii [ Mon Apr 27, 2020 12:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 10, Early Afternoon] Politics While Battle Rages

Uruwashii waves the explanation away with a gloved hand. She closes the door behind them, then folds her hands into the sleeves of her kimono. "I trust that the matter in question is urgent, then."

Author:  Soshi Tameaki [ Mon Apr 27, 2020 1:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 10, Early Afternoon] Politics While Battle Rages

"Among other matters, there is our position on the succession to discuss," begins Tameaki. "I've been on record as providing legal support for the Empress' regency until the new Hantei comes of age - indeed, some in the court have as a result decided that I am an authority on the law, despite being authorized only to operate within our own borders. Yet now we find ourselves establishing close ties to one who opposes that plan, and who claims the infant Hantei is illegitimate - a claim I've neither heard anything or anyone confirm or deny. Naturally, the Empress will likely claim that the child is the legitimate heir, and by tradition her claim takes precedence...but the ambition of Seppun Kato is matched only by that of the enemy beyond the walls."

He pauses for effect, looking out to the city walls and the army of spirits beyond.

"If we stand with the heir, as we have done thus far, we risk strife with our Champion's new in-law. If we support the rival claimant, we stand in opposition to the established hierarchy of the Empire, and we will stand to lose much - including our alliance with the Lion - if the Empress prevails."

Author:  Yogo Sukima [ Mon Apr 27, 2020 1:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 10, Early Afternoon] Politics While Battle Rages

Sukima looked Uruwashii. "That is part of the issue I intended to bring up, as well. The political implications are there, but have we received any official word on the subject?"

Author:  Shosuro Uruwashii [ Mon Apr 27, 2020 1:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 10, Early Afternoon] Politics While Battle Rages

"The announcement is the most clear thing we have heard regarding the Scorpion's position on the situation. Given that Bayushi Yuuta was present at Morikage Toshi, there is a very real chance that his sister is currently or will soon be the Scorpion Champion." Her mood doesn't seem to be improving.

"I will inform you when I have more information, but if Bayushi Rumiko asks us to support Seppun Kato, then we will do so, until we receive contradictory orders from the Champion. Just as we would support the Steel Chrysanthemum if asked to do so."

Author:  Yogo Sukima [ Mon Apr 27, 2020 2:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 10, Early Afternoon] Politics While Battle Rages

"... I see." Sukima worked her jaw briefly. She was still something of an outsider - it wasn't her place to contradict Uruwashii. But of course, it wasn't the first time this had happened with a Shosuro daimyo. "... Would it be acceptable to look into the situation a little more?"

Uruwashii could consider it stepping on her family's toes. Who knew?

Author:  Shosuro Uruwashii [ Mon Apr 27, 2020 2:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 10, Early Afternoon] Politics While Battle Rages

"At this point, I have no solid information, so you are welcome to follow your own investigations. Report back to me your findgins." She sighs. "This is a frustrating situation, but that is war."

Author:  Soshi Tameaki [ Mon Apr 27, 2020 2:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 10, Early Afternoon] Politics While Battle Rages

"It always is," commiserates Tameaki. "It always is. I'll need to spend some time preparing a 'discovery' that will allow me to publicly switch my position...assuming that there's any call to do so..."

Whether he refers to his uncertainty about the clan Champion's status or to the army outside, he doesn't say.

"I might have need of someone with some skill at forgery, so I can produce a 'newly-uncovered document'. Do we have anyone in the city with sufficient skill?"

Author:  Shosuro Uruwashii [ Mon Apr 27, 2020 8:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 10, Early Afternoon] Politics While Battle Rages

"If we do, they are among our embassy. The repeated evacuations have disrupted my information network. Nobody seems to know where anyone else can be found." She makes a vague motion toward the embassy. "It's a wonder that I even have Kitamaru."

She lifts a hand and squeezes the bridge of her nose. "Chen or Degarashi are the most likely. Sukekage if he survived Toshi no Omoidoso."

Author:  Soshi Tameaki [ Mon Apr 27, 2020 11:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 10, Early Afternoon] Politics While Battle Rages

"I've temporarily drafted Degarashi as a pseudo-yoriki," notes Tameaki, "so I'll try to track him down. I haven't seen him today...but I suppose that's the point of a butei... In any case, that will see to providing support for our change of position, should it be needed."

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