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 Post subject: The Lion's Court (D9, Early Afternoon)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 3:39 am 
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Following the semi-disastrous attempt to silence the Crane's court, the Governor opens up her own court for the castle's samurai to gather and discuss the developing situation with the dead Emperor and his dishonorable assassin.

[Characters can make Influence Rolls in this thread. Please note the ~ daily event before you post to see whether it affects you.]

Credulous at best
Your desire to believe in
Angels in the hearts of men

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 Post subject: Re: The Lion's Court (D9, Early Afternoon)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 3:53 am 
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Posts: 865
The Asako hero was here to take in the new spectacle, he had missed the court the prior day and really felt better for it, but here he was again to tempt fate. This would have been a great time to turn to hi wife and let her do the talking and the listening and just well let him make a Ronin Goodbye, where you just fade away without actually saying goodbye.

Instead he was here.

All glory to Kato, the true voice of sanity.

Fire Tensai | Big Damn Hero | Indifferent | Black Phoenix | Inquisitor's Agent | Description | Left Arm Phoenix Tattoo Sleeve (In-Progress)
Naga War Gunso | Author of Echoes of the Akasha

Status: 4.0 | Glory: 10.0 | Infamy: .4 | Honor: Untrustworthy
Carried: Wakizashi, Black Fancy Clothing, Chop, Writ of the Asako Inquisitors, Maho Warding Amulet, Jade Amulet, Trash Queen (Tabby Cat)

TN 0 to be Recognized.

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 Post subject: Re: The Lion's Court (D9, Early Afternoon)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 3:54 am 
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Posts: 896
[A letter is sent to the court with the seal of Agasha Poemu]

Most Honorable Governor-dono,

In light of certain events in the city of Nikesake, I cannot in good conscious attend court in the castle this afternoon. Your city has been most gracious, and I have felt nothing but hospitality for the Dragon from the Lion. For that, I thank you deeply.

However, I would see that all clans are equally welcome here, and are equally safe. I had not had time to meet the Crane Ambassador stationed in this city, but whatever her crimes might have been in light of edicts issued by your court, I would not believe the actions taken were appropriate or justified, especially in the manor they were.

I am not issuing any orders for members of my clan to not attend. Those that choose to may come to your court, and I would welcome them to speak their minds on the matters of the returned Hantei and the Empress. The matter, in the end, is one between your clan and the Crane, and mine has no part in its resolution. Some matters are important enough to ignore larger politics, which is why I welcome my clanmates in speaking their mind in the continued debate.

My own position is a bit different however, and thus my letter. Your greeting when I arrived in Nikesake honored us both, and I hope that I find cause to attend your court again. Perhaps over sake or tea. Until that time, carry the Fortunes.

<seal of>
Agasha Poemu, Ambassador to the Lion court at Morikage Toshi

Dragon Clan ~ Senior Diplomat ~ Atsumaru Vassal ~ Imperial Trained ~ Gullible
Honor: Exceptional | Glory: 1.0 | Status: 4.0
Notable Items: Rokugani Pony


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 Post subject: Re: The Lion's Court (D9, Early Afternoon)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 3:55 am 
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Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2020 8:49 pm
Posts: 493
Tani entered the court room, barely able to have been dressed and made to look some semblance of decent. She found the first courtier she could find and gave him a very annoyed Matsu look. He was likely uncomfortable. "We should consider what the Hantei have to say. Because our Ancestors believe he is worth consideration."

She was at least sincere in her last statement. But not at all persuasive.

Influence roll. Pro Hantei. TN 15: 3d10o10k2 14

Lion Clan | Bushi | Retired Legionnaire | Slayer of the Shasakar | Daughter of Matsu Takeshi | Imperialist | First Matsu Nikutai
Honor: Exceptional | Status: 2 | Glory: 6 | Experienced 2

Glorious Death in battle is never untimely.

Equipment: Daisho, Kimono (functional or exceptional, depending on situation), Finger of Jade (hanging on a necklace around her neck), heavy armor (when appropriate), Fan, Bisento (when appropriate)


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 Post subject: Re: The Lion's Court (D9, Early Afternoon)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 4:19 am 
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Joined: Wed Apr 15, 2020 9:29 am
Posts: 231
Monkhbaatar was present, but he couldn't really keep track of all the talking. He didn't have the training for this. It was his first real court setting... ever. So he just found an out of the way place to stare at a tea cup.

I think horses are easier to communicate with...

(PM if approached)

Crane Clan • Bushi • Fortunate • Daring
Honor: Expected • Status: 1.0 • Glory: 0.0

Equipment: Daisho, armor, dai-kyu, sake cup, bottle of water, knife, Meushi

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 Post subject: Re: The Lion's Court (D9, Early Afternoon)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 4:20 am 
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Joined: Tue Mar 31, 2020 12:56 am
Posts: 865
Kashiwagi was no great speaker when it came to Court, he was all snark and intellectual superiority so instead of a sermon he gave a lecture on the forty-two points of why Seppun Kato was the best man for he job, it was a nuanced piece that delved into the logistics and the history and was dry like the desert.

People need logic not passion.

But he knew once they heard Point twenty-seven, they would understand as this was all preamble for the final fifteen points which would illuminate the truths of how the Empire would be better off in his hands. He did allow himself a brief aside on Point thirty-one which was the Economics of Genteel Warfare Logistics, but really it was the Economics of Genteel Warfare logistics you don’t just steam roll through such a subject.

Once he got to point forty, he was full steam ahead, breaking down the obvious and superior genealogical stance of his lineage and upbringing and how that would affect a better reign for the Hantei lineage. Of course, that required a brief rundown of the qualities of leadership that Kato possessed but it was a minor ten minute aside.

“And so having heard my forty-two points on why we should believe in Seppun Kato, you now see that there is only one obvious choice. If you are confused, please refer to Point Twenty-four and point thirty-nine of my lecture. Anyone with a superior intellect will see that this is the most logical decision, thank you,” Kashiwagi finished.

OOC: Failed.

Influence - Seperatist - Void 1 raise TN 20: 5d10o10k4 19

Fire Tensai | Big Damn Hero | Indifferent | Black Phoenix | Inquisitor's Agent | Description | Left Arm Phoenix Tattoo Sleeve (In-Progress)
Naga War Gunso | Author of Echoes of the Akasha

Status: 4.0 | Glory: 10.0 | Infamy: .4 | Honor: Untrustworthy
Carried: Wakizashi, Black Fancy Clothing, Chop, Writ of the Asako Inquisitors, Maho Warding Amulet, Jade Amulet, Trash Queen (Tabby Cat)

TN 0 to be Recognized.

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 Post subject: Re: The Lion's Court (D9, Early Afternoon)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 4:28 am 
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Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2020 3:00 am
Posts: 408
This day's court, in light of the recent announcement, was sure to be full of tension. Iko entered quietly, forsaking the bravado of the speech she delivered yesterday...for now.

At the moment, she surmised that patience and study of the battlefield was required before she unleashed her thoughts.

Dragon Clan Gunso * Duelist * Enlightened * Tattooed * Kolat * Artisan * Perfectionist
Honor: Untrustworthy * Glory: 7.5 * Status: 3.0 * Infamy: 3.4
Wears: Jingasa, Sleeveless Kimono, hair piece, Sakura tattoo, bulging furoshiki
Carries: Daisho, Yumi (where appropriate)

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 Post subject: Re: The Lion's Court (D9, Early Afternoon)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 4:32 am 
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Joined: Fri Apr 03, 2020 7:17 pm
Posts: 404
Kodama came to court this day to try and see how he might help.

He is not altogether certain he should have after 42 points urging the leadership of....that one.

But he finds himself a quiet space to listen.

Brotherhood Monk • Thousand Fortunes • Void • Missing Right Arm • Profile
Honor: What is Expected • Status: 1.0 • Glory: 0.5
Gear: Travel worn, coarse clothes. Bo Staff, Scroll Satchel, Tao, Sage Scrolls, 2 zeni
“We tell the tale of heroes to remind ourselves that we also can be great.”

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 Post subject: Re: The Lion's Court (D9, Early Afternoon)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 4:38 am 
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Joined: Fri Apr 17, 2020 9:36 pm
Posts: 234
"If I may be so bold, Asako-san," says Soshi Tameaki as he steps up, "I see a handful of minor issues with points three, seven, ten, eleven...fourteen, nineteen to thirty inclusive, and perhaps a few others. Might I propose a few amendments, based on the rulings of my grandfather Soshi Akinaka and his esteemed partner, Ikoma Inuyo, Emerald Magistrates appointed on the occasion of..."

Tameaki drones on and on, citing precedents, amendments, and briefings that probably haven't seen the light of day for the better part of a century...but they all check out, and his conjectures fit together with unquestionable logic.

"As such," he concludes, "while there would be unquestionable benefits to avoiding a regency and the political troubles such a thing entails, I'm afraid what is expedient is not always what is right. I do sympathize, but we must not be lured in by the path that seems easiest, but by the one set before us by the Divine Order, and so the only proper heir to the late Emperor can be his son."

(Two raises sets me at TN 25, and we'll toss a Void in giving me a...38. I'm either really underestimating my hot (virtual) dice, or Orokos is setting me up... 3 Imperialist points.)

Scorpion Clan • Courtier • Shugenja • Magistrate
Honor: Untrustworthy • Glory: 1.0 • Infamy: 1.0 • Status: 4.0
"The law takes no sides, plays no favorites...and has no mercy."
Carries/Wears: Extravagant clothing, wakizashi, jitte, mask, fan, personal seal

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 Post subject: Re: The Lion's Court (D9, Early Afternoon)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 4:51 am 
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Joined: Fri Apr 03, 2020 6:07 pm
Posts: 310
Nagiko, as usual, goes to the place where people discuss what is the best course of action for these troubled times. She waits for being acknowledged and then approaches to deliver her words.

'' During these days, i have advised for patience and reflection over the course of these extraordinary events. I'm no one of importance, minna-sama, but please here me out.''

'' If there is no consensus over the reason why Tengoku or other spiritual realms are acting, then perhaps we should indeed wait for those of better understanding to guide us...''

a pause.

'' And so it happens that Seppun Kato-dono is still with us. He has been wise to not intervene up until now, out of love for his brother the Son of Heavens.''

another pause to focus her point.

'' Perhaps we should listen to what Seppun Kato-dono has to say. He might not carry the sacred Hantei name anymore, but he still carries Hantei blood through his veins.''

Nagiko finished her intervention and returned to the general crowd.


[OOC - Rolls]

Courtier/Awareness Influence Separatist; +0k1 Bentens; +1k1 VP; 3CR - 36|Pass [TN 30; 1 VP; 3 CR]

+4 Separatist Points

*Mantis *Courtier *Beauty *Fan-girl *Purrr *Spiritual Connection
|Glory/Infamy: 1.0/0.0| Honor: Untrustworthy| Status: 1.0|
Mon: Mantis
Carries: Daisho, Extravagant Clothes, Light-Armor (when appropiate), Fan, Mantis' silk and spices
Profile|Theme 2!

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 Post subject: Re: The Lion's Court (D9, Early Afternoon)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 4:59 am 
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Joined: Mon Apr 06, 2020 1:41 am
Posts: 391
Tetsuko had arrived in her mourning attire once again. With the day's events already taking an interesting turn she listened carefully over a pot of tea. Today she had brought her scroll case with coloured paper and writing implements.

Her attention was drawn to Asako Kashiwagi and the Mantis Nagiko for different reasons, although it seemed Seppun Kato had a fan base.

Crane Clan Bushi • Blessed by Benten • Wealthy
Status: 1.0, Glory: 3.0, Honor: A Soul Above Question
Carries: Daisho, Fan, Colourful paper. Wears: Sturdy clothing. Where appropriate: Light armor, yumi.
"Oh she's very pretty. For a Daidoji." - Random Doji courtier.

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 Post subject: Re: The Lion's Court (D9, Early Afternoon)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 5:08 am 
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Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2020 9:22 pm
Posts: 802
Yukarin had not been at court for the discussions much; The ways of the Ide were about bringing peace and the exchange of goods, less about arguing points. Still, with things boiling like they were, she felt it was her duty to attend, and at least say something.

"It seems a dangerous precedent for simple samurai such as us to argue over who is most fit to be Emperor; No matter pur 'opinions', Hantei Tokiyo-sama is the heir to the throne with the former Emperor's murder. To argue that anyone else should be on the throne is a path that dilutes the sacredness of that position in the Celestial Order."

Imperialist roll, 1 succes (25 vs TN 15)

Crab Clan • Happy-go-lucky • Courtier • Merchant Patron • Lucky! · Blingin' • Pacifist • Scholar • Gambler • The Queen of Commerce • Golden Carp Sake Marketing Guru

Honor: Expected | Glory: 1.0 | Infamy 0.1 | Status: 1.0
carries: wakizashi, dice & cup, heirloom jewelry, pearl & jade necklace, tiny Daikoku statue, coin purse, hand fan, silk umbrella, bottle of Golden Carp, sake cups, personal seal


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 Post subject: Re: The Lion's Court (D9, Early Afternoon)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 5:35 am 
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Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2020 3:29 pm
Posts: 850
Chihaya sat to the side in the court, watching the scorpion and lion with a pensive expression.

This magistrate took an interesting stance... speaking out against the man who had his champion's blessings.

What trick was he playing?

Sparrow Clan :: Shoi :: Sensei :: Hero of the People :: One-Eye :: Gullible :: Experienced 3
Honor: What is expected Status: 4.0 Glory: 7.7
Carries: Daisho, Eyepatch, Steel Hairpin, Fan, chopsticks, sake cup

Profile :: Theme

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 Post subject: Re: The Lion's Court (D9, Early Afternoon)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 5:40 am 
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Joined: Thu Apr 02, 2020 5:10 am
Posts: 380
Ren was present in court for the first time in several days... It seemed pertinent to be here finally; work with the refugees was now being watched over by others.

She yawned once or twice during Kashiwagi's talk. But for now made no motion to speak in front of the group.


(OOC: Currently Immune to Conditional Effects and Illusions)

Lion Clan * Courtier * Monk * Sage * Ascetic * Paragon of Courage *
Status: 1.0; Glory 2.7; Honor: What is Expected
Carries/Wears: Bo, Robes, Scrolls, Travel Pack, Fancy Courtier Fan

Last edited by Akodo Ren on Tue Apr 21, 2020 5:59 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: The Lion's Court (D9, Early Afternoon)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 5:46 am 
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Joined: Fri Apr 03, 2020 5:32 pm
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Mogami entered the court with her budoka in tow, all three of them dressed in kimono. Mogami already had her courtiers fan in her hand, shielding her face except for her eyes. She listened to those present and their arguments, waiting to add her own voice to the chorus.

Lion Clan | Archer | Prodigy | Great Potential | Leadership | Tactician | Servants | Wealthy | Blessed by Daikoku | Hero of the People | Kharmic Ties |Idealistic | Doubt
Honor: Exceptional | Status: 1 | Glory: 5
Died D10 By Attacking Matsu Kassenko
Mogami's Equipment: Battle: Light Armor, Yumi, Quiver w Flesh Cutter Arrows, Daisho
Court: Decent quality kimono and courtiers fan

Budoka's Tsuruga and Fuwa's Eqiupment:
Battle: Ashigaru Armor | Han-Kyu, Quiver w Willow Leaf Arrows | Yari
Court: Kimono

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 Post subject: Re: The Lion's Court (D9, Early Afternoon)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 5:50 am 
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Joined: Thu Apr 16, 2020 9:12 pm
Posts: 265
Kitamaru entered, performed all the proper acts of etiquette and took to speak when given permission, and not a moment later.

"If I had a choice, I would grant the Throne to they who bring peace and stability to the Empire. I am not one with a choice, I'm one who serves. Still, even still, I felt today a proper time to tell you all about the benefit of the Steel Chrysanthemum's rule."

Kitamaru cleared his throat.

"He has done it before, he will do it again." To what he referred was lost on many, perhaps even himself. He winced slightly and let out a breath.

"Hai, hai."

"The Hantei's experience can lead us to a new age, his rage and violence is at the weakness and defiance shown to him, he seeks to correct the Empire. If we show the wisdom of stepping aside, he will show us his mercy."

Kitamaru's eyes narrowed, he clucked his tongue.

"Thank you." the Scorpion tried to not sound so relieved.

He bowed and swept away quickly to write a particular letter.

Traditionalist, no raises. TN 15: 20
+1 traditionalist point..?

Scorpion Clan • Bushi • Quiet • Loyal
Glory: 3 | Status: 1 | Honor: Untrustworthy
Carries: Daisho, Kimono/Sandals, Hat, Kiseru, Cup, Fan, shakuhachi flute
When Allowed: Armor, Yumi/Arrows

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 Post subject: Re: The Lion's Court (D9, Early Afternoon)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 7:01 am 
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Joined: Sun Apr 05, 2020 12:42 am
Posts: 719
Stomp, stomp stomp.

Aya made her way to court, having endured the harassment of her non-ancestor.

"Even the Lion's own ancestors would rather support the Steel Chrysanthemum than their own Lion Empress. Further discussion is pointless."

Support Traditionalist, 7 vs. 15, Fail

Stomp stomp stomp.


Yogo || Wardmaster || Rude || Bride of Emma-O || Yoriki of Soshi Tameaki
Glory: 2.0 || Infamy: 1.0 || Honor: Honorless Dog ||Status: 1.0
Carries: Knife, Wakizashi, scroll satchel, wards, medicine kit, coin pouch, sake cup, robes (worn)
Theme Song

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 Post subject: Re: The Lion's Court (D9, Early Afternoon)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 7:07 am 
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Joined: Fri Apr 17, 2020 9:36 pm
Posts: 234
Tameaki shakes his head as Aya appears, speaks as bluntly as ever, and departs. Not even criminals make as much trouble for magistrates as their own yoriki do, it seems.

Scorpion Clan • Courtier • Shugenja • Magistrate
Honor: Untrustworthy • Glory: 1.0 • Infamy: 1.0 • Status: 4.0
"The law takes no sides, plays no favorites...and has no mercy."
Carries/Wears: Extravagant clothing, wakizashi, jitte, mask, fan, personal seal

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 Post subject: Re: The Lion's Court (D9, Early Afternoon)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 7:09 am 
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Joined: Fri Apr 03, 2020 7:17 pm
Posts: 404
Kodama frowned. Hadn't a number of people here in court previously sad, vehemently, other things then they said today?

What had changed, that so many samurai were not now owning the words of their so recent yesterdays?

Brotherhood Monk • Thousand Fortunes • Void • Missing Right Arm • Profile
Honor: What is Expected • Status: 1.0 • Glory: 0.5
Gear: Travel worn, coarse clothes. Bo Staff, Scroll Satchel, Tao, Sage Scrolls, 2 zeni
“We tell the tale of heroes to remind ourselves that we also can be great.”

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 Post subject: Re: The Lion's Court (D9, Early Afternoon)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 7:13 am 
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Joined: Fri Apr 17, 2020 9:36 pm
Posts: 234
Breaking off from the main conversation, Tameaki spots the puzzled-looking monk and makes his way over. He offers something slightly more than the abbreviated bows he'd been giving since his arrival - he may not respect many, but members of the Brotherhood were an exception.

"Something troubles you?" he asks. "Well, something more than that which troubles us all?"

Scorpion Clan • Courtier • Shugenja • Magistrate
Honor: Untrustworthy • Glory: 1.0 • Infamy: 1.0 • Status: 4.0
"The law takes no sides, plays no favorites...and has no mercy."
Carries/Wears: Extravagant clothing, wakizashi, jitte, mask, fan, personal seal

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