Spirit War

A Simple Death [EM9]
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Author:  Matsu Kōgyoku [ Tue Apr 21, 2020 6:55 am ]
Post subject:  A Simple Death [EM9]

On a quiet side-courtyard, having purified herself, finished prayers and her death poem, white-clad Matsu Kōgyoku performed the three cuts. She hadn't gasped opening her bowels thrice but had withstood the trial in quiet solemnity until her head was removed from her shoulders. Having died unmarried and childless, her swords would be passed onto the progeny of her younger siblings.

She hadn't displayed the erratic behaviour that engulfed her kin that day, and her final thoughts weren't known.

Author:  Akodo Ren [ Tue Apr 21, 2020 7:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Simple Death [EM9]

To Ren there was no such thing as a simple death. The paths that wove in and out of her life all meant something; be it to her or someone else trodding the same path. The magistrate was known of as an honorable soul back in the City of Remembrance. But it was here that her final memory would be left for others to keep.

The wheel turned and with it a better rebirth for this brave woman was certainly in store. To sacrifice one’s own life so that others could continue their paths... was something to be remembered even outside the City of Remembrance in which the magistrate had served.

She felt the northern winds from across the plain come brushing through the streets of Nikesake... carrying the soul of a brave Lion to her next destination... and the fresh air of restoration from afar.

Author:  Akodo Touki [ Tue Apr 21, 2020 1:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Simple Death [EM9]

Touki had fought alongside Kōgyoku. She had helped to carry him to the healer's tent when he had lay near death. Even if she and he were not friends, as he felt he and Homura had been, the shared experience still meant there was a bond between them. He would be there to see her on her way, if he could.

He bowed his head, respectful, as it was done, closing his eyes only once it was over.

Author:  Seppun Horonigai [ Tue Apr 21, 2020 4:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Simple Death [EM9]

Horonigai had just returned from the Shrine of Redemption, at the Twin Shrines, where she prayed until Amaterasu-no-kami would brighten the day. Lady Sun did so, even if covered by heavy, dark clouds.

The Seppun attends the ceremony rather unnoticed. She couldn't help but to think her prayers had an effect –– although in a direction she would never expect.

Now. She bows, deeply.

Another loss of a great and honorable samurai. A lesson Horonigai takes wholeheartedly as inspiration for the days to come.

Author:  Kayou [ Tue Apr 21, 2020 8:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Simple Death [EM9]

Having welcomed Lady Sun back to the sky, Kayou had hurried over to witness this sad event.

Kayou watched, her hands moving over her prayer beads as she silent beseeches the Heavens for kindness in their judgement of the honorable Matsu Kōgyoku. It was the least she could do for someone with whom she had stood shoulder to shoulder in the heat of battle.

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