Spirit War

[Day Three, Late Afternoon] Prayer before the Void
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Author:  Kodama [ Mon Apr 13, 2020 5:54 am ]
Post subject:  [Day Three, Late Afternoon] Prayer before the Void

Kodama found himself seated in meditation before the shrine to the Void Dragon, seeking what calm he could find for himself and what connection he might find to that mysterious mark the monk had mentioned he had.

The continued hours of study this afternoon had left countless more questions, as well as a better understanding of those heroes who'd interacted with the oracles over the centuries.

But what was his connection to it all?

Spent void, regain void from meditation so a wash.

Author:  Togashi Mai [ Mon Apr 13, 2020 11:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day Three, Late Afternoon] Prayer before the Void

Nearby, seated and with her inks displayed once more, Togashi Mai set out upon the completion of a the tattoo she started yesterday. Dipping the needle into the ink pot she began her work again, this time for her own person and took the time and silent patience to see her work through.

It offered her time away from her thoughts and in that gave her relief from the contemplation that plagued her mind.

(OOC: 15 Progress)

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