"Given that they seem to have settled in recently, around the time the onsen resumed its native bouquet, I'd venture to say fairly much so. Or else the chafing blinded those wearing the armor to its deficiencies." He shrugs. "So much for an easy place for a sword to pass in."
And working with Fukurokujin's rejects is...unhelpful, thinks Seitouna. But I can see how the Lion would prize the appearance of stupidity in their peasantry.
Kasuga Seitouna
Tortoise Clan
Status 2.0 * Glory 2.5 after D11 * Honor...sure, yeah
Thinking *
Speaking Merenae *
Speaking ThraneGenerally wears decent kimono & sandals, jitte, wakizashi
Wears extravagant kimono & sandals and wakizashi at court
Almost always has paper and something to write with
Public Profile