Yogo Aya wrote:
Matsu Kōgyoku wrote:
"The right thing, just like the rest. We're all fated to die. You're also fated to betray. Everything before and beyond can be guided by honour and sense of duty." The Lioness answered, finding compassion for the Yogo's plight in her and so trying to bring Aya's thoughts on track. "Did your founder not do the right thing when given choice?"
Aya chuckled a bit.
"Ah, but did he? Here we return to our original conundrum about the infallibility of ancestors. Was Yogo himself cursed to betray, or merely his descendants? If he himself was cursed to betray, what was his betrayal? Joining the Scorpion clan? Not making the three cuts as soon as he learned of the curse? Was he driven to propagate his line and therefore the curse, or did he make that choice? Does the good of his original decision outweigh literally generations of betrayals so long that his line and the Empire continue?" she posed.
Myo-en marches in silence for a while, listening attentively but content to let Kogyoku take a turn warming up by sparring with Aya.
"It's not the work of humans to judge our dead. Emma-O does that," she re-joins the discussion in a level voice. "Or to ask how going back would change our fates now. The great wheel only rolls in one direction, and we go along with it. Matsu-sama's question, I think, is... it is not whether we can judge our ancestors. It's what
we choose to do, ourselves, if they have already been judged and found wanting."
She uses her staff to hop-skip past another large puddle. "I have heard a story of two sages at the beginning of the Empire who debated which one of them came from a more righteous domain. One sage said, 'Among us here there are those who may be styled upright in their conduct. If their father has stolen a sheep, they will bear witness against him.' But the other sage said, 'In our part of the land, those who are upright are not like this. There, the father conceals the misconduct of the son, and the son conceals the misconduct of the father. There is uprightness in that.'"
Myo-en watches the other two women sidelong as she tells this short tale, compelled by necessity to keep some focus on the uneven ground at her feet.
"Which sage was right?"
Dragon • Tattooed Monk • Ascetically Under-Dressed • Crow Companion • Experienced Honor: What is Expected • Glory: 3.4 • Status: 1 •
ProfileSpeaks Naga, sometimes. Carries: Jade pendant, walking staff, small pocketknife, divination coins. Padded jacket if working outdoors... maybe.