As the ancient curse says, "May You Get What You Want" The thought is mildly amusing. Previously,
Erina had recommended a scouting force, someone to keep an eye out for any traps or enemy reinforcement. Now, she had what she wanted...with orders to stay well away from the fighting as much as possible. After all, the scout force was only able to report if they weren't in the middle of fighting.
Still, Erina feels a twist of jealousy. There would be honor and glory aplenty today, and none would shine on her. Even if Duty compelled her to serve in the best way she knew how, no one sung the song of the Lion Who Slunk Along Outside the Battle.
Kamu bonks her head against Erina's side, doing her best to cheer her master. Erina lets out a sigh and continues to scan the treeline and horizon, staying far away from the action at the gates.