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 Post subject: It's how bureaucracy emerges, with thunderous aplomb [EM3]
PostPosted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 9:35 pm 
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Posts: 368
What rolled across the skies had hardly any pretence to be regarded as anything but supernatural. Still, it repelled the magistrate not from setting up shop in the midst of the area where the refugees had dispersed and now squatted. They'd be called upon into the rain to answer several simple questions to be registered by scribes who actually had an awning over them but still had to remain careful for all the splash of sleet and the dense if chilly humidity.

Kōgyoku would accept assistance in streamlining the process, at any stage.

Lion Clan - Bushi - Magistrate - Paragon of Honour - Truthful - Continent - Betrothed
Status: 4.0 - Glory: 2.5 - Honour: Exceptional
heavy armour with sashimono, daisho, sasumata, official seal, light, writing utensils, statue of Lady Matsu

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 Post subject: Re: It's how bureaucracy emerges, with thunderous aplomb [EM
PostPosted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 9:53 pm 
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Sitting, perhaps appropriately, to her left was a pretty doctor with a straw coat pulled up over his blue and white armor. The medical questionnaire he had prepared was pretty simple and direct, consisting of questions meant first to ascertain who might be carrying diseases or parasites, and then to determine physical fitness for various degrees of military service.

He had little doubt that, in the end, everyone who could lift a spear would be wielding one.

* Ronin * Bushi * Surgeon *
Status: 0.0, Glory: 2.0, Honor: Exceptional

Carries: Daisho, Fan, Medical Bag.
Wears: Sturdy, functional clothing, Snowshoes (outdoors), light armor (where appropriate

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 Post subject: Re: It's how bureaucracy emerges, with thunderous aplomb [EM
PostPosted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 9:58 pm 
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Joined: Fri Apr 03, 2020 11:07 pm
Posts: 93
Tomomi braved the slippery streets and freezing sleet. She remembered days securing the libraries as rumors of Lion armies metastasized in the halls, and how she pitied the few courtiers those who huddled in their rooms, nothing useful to do to keep them from wallowing in their fear. If nothing else, she'd ferret out any extra bit of roof to shove people under.

Her feet were solid blocks of ice out here. Whatever, her circulation wasn't all it used to be and it was just a different degree of ice. A borrowed umbrella kept the rest of her from freezing, though she'd almost have preferred a walking stick on the slippery streets.

The awnings of the official efforts were easy to spot, and Tomomi shuffles over, waiting for a pause in someone's activity to see what help she might offer. The Lion weren't always great about asking for help, and there was still the option of shuffling around and trying to cover more of the refugees.

Phoenix * Historian * Old School Nerd
Honor: Exceptional * Status: 2 * Glory: 2

Carries: Wakizashi, fan, satchel of paper and writing supplies, small mirror, incense

"people are trapped in history and history is trapped in them" -James Baldwin

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 Post subject: Re: It's how bureaucracy emerges, with thunderous aplomb [EM
PostPosted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 10:11 pm 
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Posts: 368
"Mina-san, thank you for coming." The magistrate began. "We aim at a fast screening here. We divide people into those who can be immediately armed, those who can be assigned to other useful labour, and those redundant or suspect, who are likely to be removed from the city and seek shelter in safer places. I assume you know your capacity to make the call yourselves, so either join those who bring the peasants over, those who review them or those who record the proceedings. Let's begin."

Lion Clan - Bushi - Magistrate - Paragon of Honour - Truthful - Continent - Betrothed
Status: 4.0 - Glory: 2.5 - Honour: Exceptional
heavy armour with sashimono, daisho, sasumata, official seal, light, writing utensils, statue of Lady Matsu

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 Post subject: Re: It's how bureaucracy emerges, with thunderous aplomb [EM
PostPosted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 10:34 pm 
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Koushi bowed once, deeply. "Hai, Matsu-sama." Then he went to his station among the review staff, his careful eye adjudicating fitness and privation.

* Ronin * Bushi * Surgeon *
Status: 0.0, Glory: 2.0, Honor: Exceptional

Carries: Daisho, Fan, Medical Bag.
Wears: Sturdy, functional clothing, Snowshoes (outdoors), light armor (where appropriate

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 Post subject: Re: It's how bureaucracy emerges, with thunderous aplomb [EM
PostPosted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 10:40 pm 
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Joined: Fri Apr 03, 2020 11:07 pm
Posts: 93
Creating categories and filing things into them was a familiar task, which was oddly comforting in the chaos. The fact that the 'things' were people was a bit discomforting. Tomomi nods and joins those quietly interviewing the crowds as they came in.

There were a wide variety of useful skills that would need cleaning up the filth generated by a pile of people. So...a checkbox for eta was definitely needed. Slips of paper for people to easily remember and indicate their status when called up made sense. Novody wanted to haul around scrolls to call off when they just needed 10 porters. Her skills were well suited to questioning and reasonable for determining the truth of the answers.

She passed a slip to someone who wanted to be on shelter duty, probably so they could claim one of them. Tomomi couldn't blame him, but it was obvious that they had never built anything more complex than a festival cake. They'd cook, if any food was available to ration out to the crowd.

It was sometimes rough checking of a name as redundant, easier when they were suspect...hands too soft for a farmer, muscles that looked built in a dojo, not over a forge. She wasn't sure how they would be winnowed away, but was glad that wasn't her job.

Phoenix * Historian * Old School Nerd
Honor: Exceptional * Status: 2 * Glory: 2

Carries: Wakizashi, fan, satchel of paper and writing supplies, small mirror, incense

"people are trapped in history and history is trapped in them" -James Baldwin

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 Post subject: Re: It's how bureaucracy emerges, with thunderous aplomb [EM
PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 12:24 am 
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Joined: Sat Apr 04, 2020 12:13 am
Posts: 274
The Tortoise, having heard the call for volunteers to manage the peasantry, woke up early to attend to the task and had been standing off to the side dressed with a traveling cloak drawn around him and a straw hat of wide brim to keep the freezing rain out of his face, listened carefully at the Lion's instructions for what tasks needed to be done. "Hai, Matsu-sama," the Tortoise responded once the instructions had been given out and offered the Lion a bow before he looked around to figure out where his assistance might best be offered.

Though he had plenty of parchment on standby in case it was needed, he assessed that the scribes would be able to handle the documentation for now and he could step in later if that had changed. Seeing that some of the other samurai took to helping with review and sorting right from the get-go, the Tortoise joined those ushering the peasants and providing directions, a most natural job: he had no issue whatsoever being among them, talking to them, touching them if required.

And, he figured, if something of a criminal nature appeared to be afoot, he would provide a first pass on seeing it.

"Watch your steps, one and all: the stone is slick this day and we need everyone with good and strong legs no matter what your ultimate assignment may be," the Tortoise called out among the crowd noise, warning of the miniature rivers of water working their way down through the stones in the streets. "Keep it orderly now, no need to shove: everyone will be accounted for. Approach the nearest and next available sorting station when it it open and your turn." Keep them calm, keep them orderly, and keep them moving: that is what he set out to do.

Fluff roll? Courtier(Manipulation)/Awareness: keep calm and carry on, peasants! - 66!

Tortoise Clan • Courtier/Enforcer • Imperial Peafowl Supervisor • Dangerous Beauty • Blessed • Determined • Hero of the People • Very Wealthy
Status 2.5 | Glory 6.2 (Recognize: TN 20, 10 for peasants)| Honor: Untrustworthy
Wearing: Extravagant Clothing
Carries: Fan, personal seal, wakizashi, chopsticks, water bottle, kiseru, small knife, sake cup
Sometimes featuring now: Mamoru the Frazzled Peafowl!
Language Colors: MerenaeThrane

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 Post subject: Re: It's how bureaucracy emerges, with thunderous aplomb [EM
PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 1:17 am 
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Joined: Fri Apr 03, 2020 5:52 pm
Posts: 368
"I prefer how I started yesterday morning." Erina mutters to herself, roused from bed early to deal with the streams of people they had come across. But they needed to get people ready for the march, with the most vulnerable fleeing to safety. The city organizers would need to take care of that first.

"If you were not able to find work in preparing the defense of the city, please, this way." Erina does her best to herd cats (perferring the literal ones)

Census-encourage infirm to come forward to evacucation-Courtier/Awareness: 4d10o10k3 14

Lion Clan | Bushi | Beastmaster | Strategist | Idealistic | Failure of Bushido (Sincerity)
Honor: What is Expected | Status: 1 | Glory 2.5
Equipment: Light Armor, Yumi, Quiver with Willow Leaf arrows, Daisho, Sturdy Clothing
Two Warcats: Ore and Kamu

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 Post subject: Re: It's how bureaucracy emerges, with thunderous aplomb [EM
PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 1:22 am 
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Joined: Sat Apr 04, 2020 5:22 am
Posts: 314
The long line of refugees that were permitted to continue in the process by Kogokyu in turn passed by Koushi's station. There, they were met with a warm smile and a careful probe for symptoms of disease or infestation, then general health. The goal? Limit the town's exposure to the scourge of illness that was known to crop up in sieges.

Fluff Medicine(disease)/Intelligence roll+2 raises=55[/url]

[url=]Fluff Medicine(disease)/Perception roll+2 raises to signify diagnosis over long periods of snooping=33

* Ronin * Bushi * Surgeon *
Status: 0.0, Glory: 2.0, Honor: Exceptional

Carries: Daisho, Fan, Medical Bag.
Wears: Sturdy, functional clothing, Snowshoes (outdoors), light armor (where appropriate

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 Post subject: Re: It's how bureaucracy emerges, with thunderous aplomb [EM
PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 3:00 pm 
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Joined: Fri Apr 03, 2020 5:36 pm
Posts: 368
Kōgyoku kept overseeing the effort, streamlining it to the best of her ability. There wasn't much time left. She was mindful of the Governor's orders to lead the redundant out but she wouldn't break the information just yet.

Working alongside a Tortoise brought some discomfort, but as long as he conducted himself honourably... Kōgyoku believed in redemption and a path back to honour for everyone, even if it was through reincarnation.

She made sure to acknowledge each positive effort on the part of non-Lion samurai. They didn't have to be here. She had some afterthoughts about having discouraged the Agasha from helping the Lion the other day. But at least now she felt she could operate from a position of strength and control rather than weakness and desperation.

Lion Clan - Bushi - Magistrate - Paragon of Honour - Truthful - Continent - Betrothed
Status: 4.0 - Glory: 2.5 - Honour: Exceptional
heavy armour with sashimono, daisho, sasumata, official seal, light, writing utensils, statue of Lady Matsu

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