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 Post subject: [Day One - Late Afternoon] The Lion of Tomorrow, Today
PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 1:14 am 
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Mirumoto Wasako had thought the koan of the Togashi were confusing but clearly she had never had to contend with something such as court. However, court mercifully didn't take up her whole day and she was more than happy to trade her surrounding for something more familiar, the dojo. Despite the Lion having a reputation for being stark and functional, Wasako found their dojo to be rather lavish in comparison to the one she typically found herself in. The shrine alone that was dedicated to their ancestors was elaborate with offerings. She could imagine that they'd never go hungry for weeks with what was on display as an offering. However, she still honoured the shrine as one properly would.

She made her way to one of the bokken and picked one, weighing it in her hands before making her way to another. Her search for the right bokken was distracted when she saw the youth go about their drills with their sensei and she was content to watch for a moment.

Dragon Clan • Bushi • Assistant Sensei • Ascetic • Gullible
Status: 2.0 • Glory: 2.0 • Honour: What is expected
Personal Effects: Daisho, chopsticks and straw hat
Character Profile • Art by Joanne Kwan

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 Post subject: Re: [Day One - Late Afternoon] The Lion of Tomorrow, Today
PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 1:46 am 
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Someone else was already there. Leaning casually against a wall, watching the Lion youths go about their lessons.

One could imagine he'd done all the proper honouring of the Dojo long before Wasako entered. You'd expect he had anyway.

As yet, though, he was yet to notice the Dragon in their midst.

Crane Clan Bushi * Duelist * Overly Trusting

Status 1.0 * Glory 2.0 * Honour Exceptional

Carries: Daisho, fan. When appropriate: Light Armour and Yumi.

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 Post subject: Re: [Day One - Late Afternoon] The Lion of Tomorrow, Today
PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 2:03 am 
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The Lion youths were rather fascinating to watch, especially with how they go about their lessons. There was the sort of rigid military disciple even in the youth already and it made her wonder what else they had to iron out from that point. To her, it seemed like they trained as if their lives depended on it.

However, she couldn't ignore the other adult in the room and one with a full head of white hair. She hesitated with replacing the bokken back before bowing politely in greeting and gestured to herself as she spoke. "Konnichiwa, Kakita-san. This one is Mirumoto Wasako."

Dragon Clan • Bushi • Assistant Sensei • Ascetic • Gullible
Status: 2.0 • Glory: 2.0 • Honour: What is expected
Personal Effects: Daisho, chopsticks and straw hat
Character Profile • Art by Joanne Kwan

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 Post subject: Re: [Day One - Late Afternoon] The Lion of Tomorrow, Today
PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 2:15 am 
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He parted ways with the wall he'd been propping up on behalf of the Lion and flowed into a gracious bow.

"Mirumoto-sama, I did not see you enter. A pleasure indeed, I am Kakita Rin."

Crane Clan Bushi * Duelist * Overly Trusting

Status 1.0 * Glory 2.0 * Honour Exceptional

Carries: Daisho, fan. When appropriate: Light Armour and Yumi.

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 Post subject: Re: [Day One - Late Afternoon] The Lion of Tomorrow, Today
PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 2:27 am 
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Wasako watched the Crane curiously, more at how he transitioned from where he was standing and into a bow. She told herself that she should probably take notes regarding this, especially if she found herself leaning on wall herself one day.

"Pleased to meet you, Kakita-san. And I don't fault you," she gestured to the youth in their drill. "The youth here are pretty interesting. I thought there would be only a garrison here for soldiers but I didn't know they were also training here."

She narrowed her eyes on them, "Then again, they could be already adults."

Dragon Clan • Bushi • Assistant Sensei • Ascetic • Gullible
Status: 2.0 • Glory: 2.0 • Honour: What is expected
Personal Effects: Daisho, chopsticks and straw hat
Character Profile • Art by Joanne Kwan

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 Post subject: Re: [Day One - Late Afternoon] The Lion of Tomorrow, Today
PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 2:34 am 
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"Where samurai gather there will be fields for training . . . or in this case a dojo. I think my sensei was talking about generalities. He could have literally meant fields I suppose, but I find that wherever you find a dojo then you will find students learning there."

He turned to watch the Lion youths again.

"Considering how many times my clan has met the never ending forces of Akodo-no-kami's descendants I half expect every field to have students never mind their settlements."

Crane Clan Bushi * Duelist * Overly Trusting

Status 1.0 * Glory 2.0 * Honour Exceptional

Carries: Daisho, fan. When appropriate: Light Armour and Yumi.

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 Post subject: Re: [Day One - Late Afternoon] The Lion of Tomorrow, Today
PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 2:49 am 
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Wasako gave a few sound nods at that with a hand on her chin. "That seems obvious when I think twice about it. Having a dojo with students isn't an impressive feat, especially when there is a field as you've mentioned. If the world could truly be represented by places of learning, there should be a dojo at every waystation, if not every peak and cranny of a mountain, ne?"

Dragon Clan • Bushi • Assistant Sensei • Ascetic • Gullible
Status: 2.0 • Glory: 2.0 • Honour: What is expected
Personal Effects: Daisho, chopsticks and straw hat
Character Profile • Art by Joanne Kwan

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 Post subject: Re: [Day One - Late Afternoon] The Lion of Tomorrow, Today
PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 3:55 am 
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"But where would we find all the aged Sensei?"

He mused.

"We'd need an awful lot of them."

Crane Clan Bushi * Duelist * Overly Trusting

Status 1.0 * Glory 2.0 * Honour Exceptional

Carries: Daisho, fan. When appropriate: Light Armour and Yumi.

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 Post subject: Re: [Day One - Late Afternoon] The Lion of Tomorrow, Today
PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 4:09 am 
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Wasako narrowed her eyes for a moment and shook her head. "We wouldn't need sensei everywhere, especially when it comes to learning. Often the learning process is far more internal. We sense, experience, think and make opinions based on all of our surroundings. With so much around us, I'd think that process is constant in how we inform ourselves. I suppose in a sense, the dojo is really the path that we walk on and hardly requires walls and a roof to make it so."

She did a gesture with a flick of her wrist then it comes to her next point. "However, it does help to have a sensei to temper all of those thoughts in the right direction. It's often easy to make the wrong choice without a sensei or others who have walked the same path to guide you."

Dragon Clan • Bushi • Assistant Sensei • Ascetic • Gullible
Status: 2.0 • Glory: 2.0 • Honour: What is expected
Personal Effects: Daisho, chopsticks and straw hat
Character Profile • Art by Joanne Kwan

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 Post subject: Re: [Day One - Late Afternoon] The Lion of Tomorrow, Today
PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 1:46 pm 
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"How is learning without a sensei different to how a Ronin learns?"

The word ronin was said with typical Crane disdain.

Crane Clan Bushi * Duelist * Overly Trusting

Status 1.0 * Glory 2.0 * Honour Exceptional

Carries: Daisho, fan. When appropriate: Light Armour and Yumi.

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 Post subject: Re: [Day One - Late Afternoon] The Lion of Tomorrow, Today
PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 2:24 pm 
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The tall nun slips in bowing politely to those already there after hanging up her jingasa.

She moves to the rack of practice naginada, tests several for weight before choosing one. She then finds an open space and begins to move through her kata.

Abbess of the Order of Harmonious Work - Heroine of the People - Tattooed
Status [Abbess], Glory 6.8 [Taoist Heroine], Honor [What is Expected]

Carries: Prayer Beads, satchel with writing supplies.

Art by Joanne Kwan

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 Post subject: Re: [Day One - Late Afternoon] The Lion of Tomorrow, Today
PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 3:40 pm 
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Tani, as it happened, found her way into the Dojo as well. Her routine had been disrupted by the Returned Spirits, and some form of normalcy was needed. Beyond that, she wanted something to reset herself. After performing proper bows and respects to the Dojo, she noted Kayou and the others, nodding respectfully to them from a distance. While she had plans to spar with the Monk, that was not for today.

Tani grabbed a Naginata styled bokken and took a place on the floor a bit distant from the others. She began to move, but to any martially inclined Samurai it would be clear that this was not quite a kata. Instead, she seemed to be using the naginata as a prop for some form of dance. The form was still somewhat... simple, she was clearly only a beginner. But in it's own way, Tani showed impressive grace.

//expecting company!

Lion Clan | Bushi | Retired Legionnaire | Slayer of the Shasakar | Daughter of Matsu Takeshi | Imperialist | First Matsu Nikutai
Honor: Exceptional | Status: 2 | Glory: 6 | Experienced 2

Glorious Death in battle is never untimely.

Equipment: Daisho, Kimono (functional or exceptional, depending on situation), Finger of Jade (hanging on a necklace around her neck), heavy armor (when appropriate), Fan, Bisento (when appropriate)


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 Post subject: Re: [Day One - Late Afternoon] The Lion of Tomorrow, Today
PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 3:52 pm 
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Matsu Tani wrote:
Tani, as it happened, found her way into the Dojo as well. Her routine had been disrupted by the Returned Spirits, and some form of normalcy was needed. Beyond that, she wanted something to reset herself. After performing proper bows and respects to the Dojo, she noted Kayou and the others, nodding respectfully to them from a distance. While she had plans to spar with the Monk, that was not for today.

Tani grabbed a Naginata styled bokken and took a place on the floor a bit distant from the others. She began to move, but to any martially inclined Samurai it would be clear that this was not quite a kata. Instead, she seemed to be using the naginata as a prop for some form of dance. The form was still somewhat... simple, she was clearly only a beginner. But in it's own way, Tani showed impressive grace.

Isawa Somgai entered the dojo and looked around, finding it quite crowded. He smiled to himself as he looked around the room and took in the different samurai, some training and some engaged in conversation, pausing as his eyes fell on the Matsu. That... wasn't combat. Intrigued, he made his way over.

"Good afternoon! Are you... what is that?" He gestures at you broadly.

Phoenix Clan ° Scout ° Happily Married ° Happy in General
Status 1.0 | Glory 0.0 | Honor: Untrustworthy

Carries/wears: Biwa, Go set, wakizashi

Spiritually Gifted individuals might see a faint outline of three ghostly tails that aren't quite there attached to Somgai.

Run by GM "YOLO" Lucidicide.

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 Post subject: Re: [Day One - Late Afternoon] The Lion of Tomorrow, Today
PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 3:55 pm 
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The concentration on the dance was defeated by the sudden appearance of Some Guy. Tani paused, took a breath, then turned to bow to this new, mysterious Phoenix. "Isawa-sama. Apologies if my own rituals distracted you from your work. I find that practicing dance before I begin my kata helps build my focus."

Lion Clan | Bushi | Retired Legionnaire | Slayer of the Shasakar | Daughter of Matsu Takeshi | Imperialist | First Matsu Nikutai
Honor: Exceptional | Status: 2 | Glory: 6 | Experienced 2

Glorious Death in battle is never untimely.

Equipment: Daisho, Kimono (functional or exceptional, depending on situation), Finger of Jade (hanging on a necklace around her neck), heavy armor (when appropriate), Fan, Bisento (when appropriate)


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 Post subject: Re: [Day One - Late Afternoon] The Lion of Tomorrow, Today
PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 3:55 pm 
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Kayou pauses in her kata to acknowledge the new arrivals with a nod before returning to her forms.

Abbess of the Order of Harmonious Work - Heroine of the People - Tattooed
Status [Abbess], Glory 6.8 [Taoist Heroine], Honor [What is Expected]

Carries: Prayer Beads, satchel with writing supplies.

Art by Joanne Kwan

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 Post subject: Re: [Day One - Late Afternoon] The Lion of Tomorrow, Today
PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 3:59 pm 
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"It's not..." she admitted at first quizzically at first. "Ronin do actually accumulate a vast amount of knowledge and experiences from their life in the waves, which is apt to call them wavemen. They can go countless directions without the direction of the wind, light from fire or earth to land. Technically, there are no wrong decisions for wavemen give their circumstances but I would be hard pressed to say if there are right ones."

"But it's not like we can't learn without a sensei. We just need them to contextualize lessons and knowledge to give them purpose. Even then, my sensei would not say following him is the right direction. He merely presents a the road forward, although it becomes our responsibility if we choose to stray off it."

Wasako did bow politely to both the nun and the Lion. It seemed naginata were popular weapons today.

Dragon Clan • Bushi • Assistant Sensei • Ascetic • Gullible
Status: 2.0 • Glory: 2.0 • Honour: What is expected
Personal Effects: Daisho, chopsticks and straw hat
Character Profile • Art by Joanne Kwan

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 Post subject: Re: [Day One - Late Afternoon] The Lion of Tomorrow, Today
PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 4:01 pm 
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Matsu Tani wrote:
The concentration on the dance was defeated by the sudden appearance of Some Guy. Tani paused, took a breath, then turned to bow to this new, mysterious Phoenix. "Isawa-sama. Apologies if my own rituals distracted you from your work. I find that practicing dance before I begin my kata helps build my focus."

He smiles broadly. "I was definitely not working, but thank you, you did not distract me." He is clearly oblivious that he is the one that did the distracting.

"Ah, a dance! He pulls the biwa off his back. Did you need accompaniment? I find that today is desperately in need of a song."

Phoenix Clan ° Scout ° Happily Married ° Happy in General
Status 1.0 | Glory 0.0 | Honor: Untrustworthy

Carries/wears: Biwa, Go set, wakizashi

Spiritually Gifted individuals might see a faint outline of three ghostly tails that aren't quite there attached to Somgai.

Run by GM "YOLO" Lucidicide.

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 Post subject: Re: [Day One - Late Afternoon] The Lion of Tomorrow, Today
PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 4:03 pm 
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Isawa Somgai wrote:
He smiles broadly. "I was definitely not working, but thank you, you did not distract me." He is clearly oblivious that he is the one that did the distracting.

"Ah, a dance! He pulls the biwa off his back. Did you need accompaniment? I find that today is desperately in need of a song."

She blinked at his sudden eagerness. "uh, well. I usually use it as preparation for dojo work. But I suppose some might be entertained at a proper accompaniment do such a thing?" She was trying to be accommodating to a guest, but was clearly more than a bit confused by this Isawa.

Lion Clan | Bushi | Retired Legionnaire | Slayer of the Shasakar | Daughter of Matsu Takeshi | Imperialist | First Matsu Nikutai
Honor: Exceptional | Status: 2 | Glory: 6 | Experienced 2

Glorious Death in battle is never untimely.

Equipment: Daisho, Kimono (functional or exceptional, depending on situation), Finger of Jade (hanging on a necklace around her neck), heavy armor (when appropriate), Fan, Bisento (when appropriate)


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 Post subject: Re: [Day One - Late Afternoon] The Lion of Tomorrow, Today
PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 4:06 pm 
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Joined: Mon Apr 06, 2020 6:26 am
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Matsu Tani wrote:
She blinked at his sudden eagerness. "uh, well. I usually use it as preparation for dojo work. But I suppose some might be entertained at a proper accompaniment do such a thing?" She was trying to be accommodating to a guest, but was clearly more than a bit confused by this Isawa.

He sees her confusion and pauses, thoughtful. Slowly, his face takes on a practiced look of less expression and he nods.

"Some might, but this is probably not the place. Forgive me, it was a silly joke." He nods to agree with himself.

"I am Isawa Somgai. Earlier today I had a practice fight with a Unicorn that was enjoyable, and your beginning ritual reminded me of it. I hope you don't mind the interruption."

His demeanor has totally changed, as if he realized he was doing something wrong.

Phoenix Clan ° Scout ° Happily Married ° Happy in General
Status 1.0 | Glory 0.0 | Honor: Untrustworthy

Carries/wears: Biwa, Go set, wakizashi

Spiritually Gifted individuals might see a faint outline of three ghostly tails that aren't quite there attached to Somgai.

Run by GM "YOLO" Lucidicide.

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 Post subject: Re: [Day One - Late Afternoon] The Lion of Tomorrow, Today
PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 4:12 pm 
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Isawa Somgai wrote:
He sees her confusion and pauses, thoughtful. Slowly, his face takes on a practiced look of less expression and he nods.

"Some might, but this is probably not the place. Forgive me, it was a silly joke." He nods to agree with himself.

"I am Isawa Somgai. Earlier today I had a practice fight with a Unicorn that was enjoyable, and your beginning ritual reminded me of it. I hope you don't mind the interruption."

His demeanor has totally changed, as if he realized he was doing something wrong.

This of course, was only more confusing. But at least she could deal with this. She bowed politely to him. "Matsu Tani, Nikutai of the First Legion of the First Matsu Army, and daughter of the Antecedent Matsu Daimyo. It is an honor to meet you, and I find no issue with interruption."

Lion Clan | Bushi | Retired Legionnaire | Slayer of the Shasakar | Daughter of Matsu Takeshi | Imperialist | First Matsu Nikutai
Honor: Exceptional | Status: 2 | Glory: 6 | Experienced 2

Glorious Death in battle is never untimely.

Equipment: Daisho, Kimono (functional or exceptional, depending on situation), Finger of Jade (hanging on a necklace around her neck), heavy armor (when appropriate), Fan, Bisento (when appropriate)


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