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 Post subject: Re: [D2 EA] - Practicing (Open)
PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 7:57 pm 
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Posts: 391
"I would be delighted to join you for Kyujutsu training tomorrow Matsu-sama." She addressed the Lion archer and offered a bow. "For the moment I have decided to train my polearm forms."

Selecting a naginata training pole she moved off out of the way and began to practice.

Crane Clan Bushi • Blessed by Benten • Wealthy
Status: 1.0, Glory: 3.0, Honor: A Soul Above Question
Carries: Daisho, Fan, Colourful paper. Wears: Sturdy clothing. Where appropriate: Light armor, yumi.
"Oh she's very pretty. For a Daidoji." - Random Doji courtier.

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 Post subject: Re: [D2 EA] - Practicing (Open)
PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 9:03 pm 
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Joined: Fri Apr 03, 2020 10:41 pm
Posts: 194
"I've absolutely no experience with a bow," says Sukekage, "but perhaps I should consider changing that. If you don't mind working with a rank amateur such as myself, Matsu-san, I'll gladly take you up on that offer."

Scorpion Clan • Courtier • Junshin
Honor: What is expected • Glory: 2.0 • Status: 2.0
Carried and worn: Extravagant clothing, wakizashi, coin purse, fan, mask, personal seal and, as of Day 2 EM, Kayou's (?) hat
"It is not in my nature to be a villain, and one must remain true to one's nature."

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 Post subject: Re: [D2 EA] - Practicing (Open)
PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 9:07 pm 
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"If duties allow me to be here tomorrow, Daidoji-san, I will see you then!"

"I do not mind at all, Bayushi-sama."

She motions for him to follow her and she steps outside with her two budoka.

Behind the Dojo, a section of land has been turned into a makeshift archery range, with bales of hay set up at varying distances, between 25 and 50 yards, in 5 yard increments.

Lion Clan | Archer | Prodigy | Great Potential | Leadership | Tactician | Servants | Wealthy | Blessed by Daikoku | Hero of the People | Kharmic Ties |Idealistic | Doubt
Honor: Exceptional | Status: 1 | Glory: 5
Died D10 By Attacking Matsu Kassenko
Mogami's Equipment: Battle: Light Armor, Yumi, Quiver w Flesh Cutter Arrows, Daisho
Court: Decent quality kimono and courtiers fan

Budoka's Tsuruga and Fuwa's Eqiupment:
Battle: Ashigaru Armor | Han-Kyu, Quiver w Willow Leaf Arrows | Yari
Court: Kimono

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 Post subject: Re: [D2 EA] - Practicing (Open)
PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 9:16 pm 
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Joined: Fri Apr 03, 2020 10:41 pm
Posts: 194
"Hmm," Sukekage says as he selects a practice bow - one close to the size of a han-kyu. "Yes, I think this would do. Perhaps not much power, but this wouldn't get in the way for one favoring mobility."

Scorpion Clan • Courtier • Junshin
Honor: What is expected • Glory: 2.0 • Status: 2.0
Carried and worn: Extravagant clothing, wakizashi, coin purse, fan, mask, personal seal and, as of Day 2 EM, Kayou's (?) hat
"It is not in my nature to be a villain, and one must remain true to one's nature."

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 Post subject: Re: [D2 EA] - Practicing (Open)
PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 9:39 pm 
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"A good choice, yes. It does not have as much power behind it, but is easier to maneuver with. Many scouts prefer it."

"Since you have never held a bow before, first please watch my form."

She gets into position and draws her Yumi, taking a breath and holding it. After a few seconds, she releases the arrow with an exhaled breath. The arrow flies straight into the center of the closest target.

----Archery Range----

25 Yards: TN10, 1 points
30 Yards: TN15, 2 points
35 Yards: TN20, 3 points
40 Yards: TN25, 4 points
45 Yards: TN30, 5 points
50 Yards: TN35, 6 points

Hit=Outter Ring
Raise 1, or if unskilled and exceed TN by 10=Middle Ring +1 point
Raise 2,or if unskilled and exceed TN by 20=Center Ring +2 point
Raise 3, or if unskilled and exceed TN by 30=Bullseye +4 points

Roll: Kyujutsu/Reflexes+Prodigy+Akodo1 Free Raise+Center: 61

Lion Clan | Archer | Prodigy | Great Potential | Leadership | Tactician | Servants | Wealthy | Blessed by Daikoku | Hero of the People | Kharmic Ties |Idealistic | Doubt
Honor: Exceptional | Status: 1 | Glory: 5
Died D10 By Attacking Matsu Kassenko
Mogami's Equipment: Battle: Light Armor, Yumi, Quiver w Flesh Cutter Arrows, Daisho
Court: Decent quality kimono and courtiers fan

Budoka's Tsuruga and Fuwa's Eqiupment:
Battle: Ashigaru Armor | Han-Kyu, Quiver w Willow Leaf Arrows | Yari
Court: Kimono

Last edited by Matsu Mogami on Sat Apr 11, 2020 9:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: [D2 EA] - Practicing (Open)
PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 9:45 pm 
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Joined: Fri Apr 03, 2020 10:41 pm
Posts: 194
Taking aim at the closest target, Sukekage nocks the arrow, orients himself, and fires...

...hitting the target easily, if only in the outer ring.

Scorpion Clan • Courtier • Junshin
Honor: What is expected • Glory: 2.0 • Status: 2.0
Carried and worn: Extravagant clothing, wakizashi, coin purse, fan, mask, personal seal and, as of Day 2 EM, Kayou's (?) hat
"It is not in my nature to be a villain, and one must remain true to one's nature."

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 Post subject: Re: [D2 EA] - Practicing (Open)
PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 9:53 pm 
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Mogami gives a nod.

"Good. Your form needs improvement, and I can instruct you on some of the more philosophy behind kyujutsu, but you are apt at following instruction, so I see that being no problem."

She takes her stance again.

"First, ensure your feet are wider apart than your shoulders. if you hold your arms above your head with your elbows bent at a 90' angle, your toes should be under your elbows."

"Second: ensure your back is straight and your toes angled outward slightly."

"Third, when you draw, raise the bow above your head, your main hand holding the bow string next to your ear, your off hand holding the wood of the bow. Breath in as you bring your off hand down, pushing against the wood to draw the string."

"Last, when you release, exhale and release the string by quickly opening your hand and moving your arm behind you, in line with your shoulder."

Mogami demonstrates again, her next arrow landing dead center of the second target.

Kyujutsu/Reflexes+Prodigy+Akodo1 Free Raise+Center. 30 yards, 3 raises. TN: 30 Roll: 37

Lion Clan | Archer | Prodigy | Great Potential | Leadership | Tactician | Servants | Wealthy | Blessed by Daikoku | Hero of the People | Kharmic Ties |Idealistic | Doubt
Honor: Exceptional | Status: 1 | Glory: 5
Died D10 By Attacking Matsu Kassenko
Mogami's Equipment: Battle: Light Armor, Yumi, Quiver w Flesh Cutter Arrows, Daisho
Court: Decent quality kimono and courtiers fan

Budoka's Tsuruga and Fuwa's Eqiupment:
Battle: Ashigaru Armor | Han-Kyu, Quiver w Willow Leaf Arrows | Yari
Court: Kimono

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 Post subject: Re: [D2 EA] - Practicing (Open)
PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 10:15 pm 
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Joined: Fri Apr 03, 2020 10:41 pm
Posts: 194
Well, for now we've seen the extent of the Scorpion's beginner's luck - he follows Mogami's instructions, takes aim at the second target...and comes up about a foot short.

Scorpion Clan • Courtier • Junshin
Honor: What is expected • Glory: 2.0 • Status: 2.0
Carried and worn: Extravagant clothing, wakizashi, coin purse, fan, mask, personal seal and, as of Day 2 EM, Kayou's (?) hat
"It is not in my nature to be a villain, and one must remain true to one's nature."

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 Post subject: Re: [D2 EA] - Practicing (Open)
PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 10:35 pm 
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"Without the philosophy behind the bow, no one can become an expert marksman."

She gives a bow to the Bayushi.

"As you hold the bow, feel the wood as if it was a part of you. Let your senses extend into it. The spirit of the wood merging with your own, intertwining to make one whole being. "

"When you breath in, concentrate on what you want the arrow to hit, and then clear you mind of everything. Have no thought at all. When you reach the state of nothingness, let fly the arrow."

"When the arrow leaves your bow, you have given new life to something. The arrow is like a child, brought to life by your will. And it knows the way. You must always have faith that it will find its target."

She takes up position again and this time, she closes her eyes after she draws. The arrow finds the center of the 3rd target.

Kyujutsu/Reflexes+Prodigy+Akodo1 Free Raise+Center. 30 yards, 3 raises. TN: 35 Roll: 47

Lion Clan | Archer | Prodigy | Great Potential | Leadership | Tactician | Servants | Wealthy | Blessed by Daikoku | Hero of the People | Kharmic Ties |Idealistic | Doubt
Honor: Exceptional | Status: 1 | Glory: 5
Died D10 By Attacking Matsu Kassenko
Mogami's Equipment: Battle: Light Armor, Yumi, Quiver w Flesh Cutter Arrows, Daisho
Court: Decent quality kimono and courtiers fan

Budoka's Tsuruga and Fuwa's Eqiupment:
Battle: Ashigaru Armor | Han-Kyu, Quiver w Willow Leaf Arrows | Yari
Court: Kimono

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 Post subject: Re: [D2 EA] - Practicing (Open)
PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 10:46 pm 
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Joined: Fri Apr 03, 2020 10:41 pm
Posts: 194
It's a long shot (ha!), but Sukekage prepares himself and lets fly at target three...

...and fumbles the arrow, which falls and sticks into the ground at his feet.

"My apologies for being so useless, Matsu-san," says Sukekage sadly.

Scorpion Clan • Courtier • Junshin
Honor: What is expected • Glory: 2.0 • Status: 2.0
Carried and worn: Extravagant clothing, wakizashi, coin purse, fan, mask, personal seal and, as of Day 2 EM, Kayou's (?) hat
"It is not in my nature to be a villain, and one must remain true to one's nature."

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 Post subject: Re: [D2 EA] - Practicing (Open)
PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 10:53 pm 
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"You are not useless, Bayushi-sama. You are distracted. You need to clear your mind. Come, sit here with me and meditate over what you have learned."

She looks to her budoka

"You two, while we clear are minds, practice what you have been taught and what you have just seen"

Mogami sits down next to the dojo and puts the Yumi in her lap, then rests her hands in her lap, palm up and begins to hum.

Once both samurai are seated, the budoka step up to the range. Tsuruga being the older of the two men and having longer been under Mogami's care is able to put the arrow in the outer ring of the first target, while Fuwa being the younger and less instructed is only able to hit the targets edge

Fluff Meditation/Void: Roll 18

Budoka Kyujutsu/Reflexes, TN10. Rolls 22, 11

Lion Clan | Archer | Prodigy | Great Potential | Leadership | Tactician | Servants | Wealthy | Blessed by Daikoku | Hero of the People | Kharmic Ties |Idealistic | Doubt
Honor: Exceptional | Status: 1 | Glory: 5
Died D10 By Attacking Matsu Kassenko
Mogami's Equipment: Battle: Light Armor, Yumi, Quiver w Flesh Cutter Arrows, Daisho
Court: Decent quality kimono and courtiers fan

Budoka's Tsuruga and Fuwa's Eqiupment:
Battle: Ashigaru Armor | Han-Kyu, Quiver w Willow Leaf Arrows | Yari
Court: Kimono

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 Post subject: Re: [D2 EA] - Practicing (Open)
PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 11:13 pm 
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Joined: Fri Apr 03, 2020 10:41 pm
Posts: 194
Sukekage's finding it no easier to find his center than he was hitting the target.

Eventually he gives up and just settles for sitting and watching the budoka, hoping to learn something useful from observing their technique.

Scorpion Clan • Courtier • Junshin
Honor: What is expected • Glory: 2.0 • Status: 2.0
Carried and worn: Extravagant clothing, wakizashi, coin purse, fan, mask, personal seal and, as of Day 2 EM, Kayou's (?) hat
"It is not in my nature to be a villain, and one must remain true to one's nature."

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 Post subject: Re: [D2 EA] - Practicing (Open)
PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 11:16 pm 
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Mogami continues to hum softly to herself while the budoka draw for another round. This time, they remember her instructions better and center themselves. The lesson seemed to help them, and they both are able to hit the middle ring of the first target.

Budoka Kyujutsu/Reflexes+Center, 1 Raise, TN15. Rolls: 37, 32

Lion Clan | Archer | Prodigy | Great Potential | Leadership | Tactician | Servants | Wealthy | Blessed by Daikoku | Hero of the People | Kharmic Ties |Idealistic | Doubt
Honor: Exceptional | Status: 1 | Glory: 5
Died D10 By Attacking Matsu Kassenko
Mogami's Equipment: Battle: Light Armor, Yumi, Quiver w Flesh Cutter Arrows, Daisho
Court: Decent quality kimono and courtiers fan

Budoka's Tsuruga and Fuwa's Eqiupment:
Battle: Ashigaru Armor | Han-Kyu, Quiver w Willow Leaf Arrows | Yari
Court: Kimono

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