Yasuki Yukarin wrote:
"...you make a good point; Akodo-sensei said I might be a good challenge for a five year old Matsu child, and I can believe the comparison after having watched the students here during my time at the court. Even if it was said in jest. Arigatou."
She bowed deeply and received it with both hands.
"My hope has always been to never to have to use my sword; The Ide tradition is built on understanding and peace. But if there are to be murderous spirits one cannot reason with, and if my new home must face its own threats that deserve no brpkering... then I should be prepared for peace to not always be an option."

The little lady seemed quite determined in this sentiment.
Sugimoto looks out towards the walls"Peace was never an option."
Turning back to Yukarin"I will look for you in the courts and on the battlefield. The Ide ways are..."
Politely "Something I am not overly familiar with, but I am sure you will acquit yourself well if you apply yourself. That means putting in ten thousand strikes if that is what is necessary."