Spirit War

Shrine of Remembrance
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Author:  Mindshred [ Mon Mar 23, 2020 7:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Shrine of Remembrance


The Shrine of Remembrance was built in memory of Matsu Hitomi, a young Lion heroine who fought in the Lion-Crab war of 441. After the death of her commander and brother, Matsu Masaru, Hitomi donned his armor and assumed command of his legion. The Crab withdrew from Beiden Pass, only to be chased down by Hitomi's troops until the Crab general was forced to sue for peace.

After the battle had ended, Hitomi's commander, Mirumoto Daimyo Mirumoto Turan, recalled her to the north and ordered her to conquer a Lion castle on his behalf. Hitomi refused and entered Turan's tent at night, killing him without the use of armor or weapons. She and her loyal troops retreated further into Dragon lands, pursued by the Dragon at every step, until she burned her caravan, creating a smoke wall that allowed her to escape to Toshi no Omoidoso. There, she was confronted by her former lover, Akodo Godaigo, who had been tasked with bringing her to justice.

Godaigo's lieutenant, Kitsu Uragiri, cursed her with maho, leading to her death, and Godaigo became ronin and turned his back on the rewards promised to him by the Dragon Clan for his service. Hitomi was eighteen years old at the time of her death.

Matsu Hitomi's story has since become an inspiration to many young samurai-ko throughout the empire, and the Shrine of Remembrance stands as a monument to her life and story. Scrolls containing her story are available for visitors to read through, and a shrine honoring her spirit allows a place for those seeking her guidance to pray.

Local rumors claim that if you do not visit the shrine at least once a week, Hitomi's curse will fall upon you.

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