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 Post subject: Re: Lineage [Day 1, LM, Open]
PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 2:36 am 
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"I arrived shortly before winter made the roads impassable. The good monks here had a cell for me to do research as I could. Although much of it was on Hitomi-no-shiryo, due to the many conflicts in her story as well as the nuances of the tale itself."

A small head tilt, "I cannot say I know much of the garden. It did not draw me to it during the cold months."

Brotherhood Monk • Thousand Fortunes • Void • Missing Right Arm • Profile
Honor: What is Expected • Status: 1.0 • Glory: 0.5
Gear: Travel worn, coarse clothes. Bo Staff, Scroll Satchel, Tao, Sage Scrolls, 2 zeni
“We tell the tale of heroes to remind ourselves that we also can be great.”

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 Post subject: Re: Lineage [Day 1, LM, Open]
PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 2:54 am 
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"Well, we Dragon have shared a similar tale in the recent years. Of one Togashi whom trained in the way of the sword and succeeded the challenge that is purported to have also occurred here and led to the creation of the garden," she said.

"In needing to cross a bridge pivotal to the conflict, a Kenku master blocked the path. It was the Togashi that stepped up to challenge the master and it was the Togashi, victor, who walked off with the Kenku to another realm. Their duel was a masterful display of the art and was spread in memory from those who had witnessed it, and those that lived it. As that is the tale of one of the heroes to the Togashi, Togashi Iko, whom walks these streets now with us if I am to believe the word on the street."

Dragon Clan | Tattooed Order | Monk | Tattoo Artisan | Friend of the Brotherhood | Clear Thinker | Tattoo: Ocean, Void |
Honor: What is Expected ♥ Status: 1.0 ♥ Glory: 2.0

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 Post subject: Re: Lineage [Day 1, LM, Open]
PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 6:00 am 
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A friendly nod of thanks.

"What makes that heroic, to you? The moment of the tale." he gestures lightly to Mai. "Would Iko have been more or less heroic if failure would have had the Kenku leave?"

Brotherhood Monk • Thousand Fortunes • Void • Missing Right Arm • Profile
Honor: What is Expected • Status: 1.0 • Glory: 0.5
Gear: Travel worn, coarse clothes. Bo Staff, Scroll Satchel, Tao, Sage Scrolls, 2 zeni
“We tell the tale of heroes to remind ourselves that we also can be great.”

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 Post subject: Re: Lineage [Day 1, LM, Open]
PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 6:19 am 
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Dressed in her dark browns and with her hair recently dried, Ikoma Toshiko felt much better about the start of the day. The squawk of cocks were not welcome in her mornings.

She approached the shrine with due piety for the soul that was being revered there. Matsu Hitomi was a well known figure among the young samurai woman and while Toshiko was no longer quite that young she still held a small amount of affection for the ancestor. Not that she was actually related to Hitomi, but all the Lion ancestors were her ancestors now.

The priest bowed to the shrine spirit and began kneeling to pray as her weekly ritual started. When that was over she rose to stand again and offer a proper bow to the other samurai who were still there.

Lion Clan • Married In • Author • Happily Married • Two Weeks Until Retirement
• Priest • Sage
Status: 2.0 | Glory: 3.0 | Honour: Not bad

Carries: Scrolls, ink & brush, paper, small mirror, fan, pearl.

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 Post subject: Re: Lineage [Day 1, LM, Open]
PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 6:25 am 
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Posts: 132
Ikoma Toshiko wrote:
Dressed in her dark browns and with her hair recently dried, Ikoma Toshiko felt much better about the start of the day. The squawk of cocks were not welcome in her mornings.

She approached the shrine with due piety for the soul that was being revered there. Matsu Hitomi was a well known figure among the young samurai woman and while Toshiko was no longer quite that young she still held a small amount of affection for the ancestor. Not that she was actually related to Hitomi, but all the Lion ancestors were her ancestors now.

The priest bowed to the shrine spirit and began kneeling to pray as her weekly ritual started. When that was over she rose to stand again and offer a proper bow to the other samurai who were still there.

Sugimoto had entered earlier but other than politely acknowledging the other samurai, had immersed himself in prayer to his ancestors. One ancestor in particular, anyway.
When he spies his wife enter the magistrate waits for her to finish her prayers. No need to rush things anyway. In truth the hours of silent communication had helped settle his spirit after the morning's news. The anger was now buried more deeply and could be channelled more efficiently. Toshiko would have some ideas, she always did.

When she stands he waits a few moments before rising as well with a 'click' of his knees and going to join her.

Lion Clan • Bushi • Magistrate • Happily Married • Two Weeks Until Retirement
• Magnificent Facial Hair • Not the Sharpest Tool in the Shed
Status: 4.0 | Glory: 3.0 | Honour: Lion

Carries: Himself with dignity.
Also, all the usual bushi gear.

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 Post subject: Re: Lineage [Day 1, LM, Open]
PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 6:27 am 
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Kodama wrote:
A friendly nod of thanks.

"What makes that heroic, to you? The moment of the tale." he gestures lightly to Mai. "Would Iko have been more or less heroic if failure would have had the Kenku leave?"

"They risked much for their path, knowing where they had to be and when they needed to be there. From their mastery of their teachings, they showed themselves a hero to many over the course of the battles they faced but this story is what reminds us of them," she says, "the action itself, the victory over a most worth foe, may be only that what declares an individual as worthy but the dedication to ones path being shown to reach a point where they surpass bounds that would prohibit most others."

"Surely, in a way the action itself was heroic to make the individual heroic but that is only for what history we ourselves know now. Had things gone differently, the light of this individual surely may have shined in another way."

Breaking, then, from their conversation for the moment Mai took her opportunity to offer a return to any and all pleasantries directed toward her.

Dragon Clan | Tattooed Order | Monk | Tattoo Artisan | Friend of the Brotherhood | Clear Thinker | Tattoo: Ocean, Void |
Honor: What is Expected ♥ Status: 1.0 ♥ Glory: 2.0

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 Post subject: Re: Lineage [Day 1, LM, Open]
PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 6:39 am 
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Kodama likewise bowed if others approached.

"Interesting. The Togashi believe it is the person who is heroic and not the path they walk then? Or am I misunderstanding?"

He holds up his hand, palm upward. "Some believe that anyone may be a hero, depending on the path they choose to take in life. Others believe that only the hero chooses a path where such features come to light. And some think that we merely perceive some as heroes, because we did not oppose them at the time, and therefore they were not considered villains."

Brotherhood Monk • Thousand Fortunes • Void • Missing Right Arm • Profile
Honor: What is Expected • Status: 1.0 • Glory: 0.5
Gear: Travel worn, coarse clothes. Bo Staff, Scroll Satchel, Tao, Sage Scrolls, 2 zeni
“We tell the tale of heroes to remind ourselves that we also can be great.”

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 Post subject: Re: Lineage [Day 1, LM, Open]
PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 6:58 am 
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"If you wish to ask what the Togashi believe, through my eyes, I have witnessed that many Togashi would see one who has reached enlightenment, or the truest version of their self, as one who is heroic."

"My understanding is that there are many types of heroes, and those that are purported as heroes and may not be, but in the case of Togashi Iko I do believe that we may view her as a hero in many contexts. There is the traditional view, in the claims of the many who have witnessed the great deeds she has performed. Then, we yet also have the view that aligns more with how I said many Togashi view heroes and see that she is one who has been trialed by existence and met a greater version of their self through this."

Dragon Clan | Tattooed Order | Monk | Tattoo Artisan | Friend of the Brotherhood | Clear Thinker | Tattoo: Ocean, Void |
Honor: What is Expected ♥ Status: 1.0 ♥ Glory: 2.0

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 Post subject: Re: Lineage [Day 1, LM, Open]
PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 3:19 pm 
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Ikoma Sugimoto wrote:
Sugimoto had entered earlier but other than politely acknowledging the other samurai, had immersed himself in prayer to his ancestors. One ancestor in particular, anyway.
When he spies his wife enter the magistrate waits for her to finish her prayers. No need to rush things anyway. In truth the hours of silent communication had helped settle his spirit after the morning's news. The anger was now buried more deeply and could be channelled more efficiently. Toshiko would have some ideas, she always did.

When she stands he waits a few moments before rising as well with a 'click' of his knees and going to join her.

The Ikoma doesn't have to look over to see her husband has walked over to her. The sound of his knees was enough. Still she turned to offer him a smile and short nod.

"Has Inari-no-kami blessed you this morning, husband?" She said before pushing her brows together slightly. "...what has happened? Another case? Let me go get my bag."

Lion Clan • Married In • Author • Happily Married • Two Weeks Until Retirement
• Priest • Sage
Status: 2.0 | Glory: 3.0 | Honour: Not bad

Carries: Scrolls, ink & brush, paper, small mirror, fan, pearl.

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 Post subject: Re: Lineage [Day 1, LM, Open]
PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 7:35 pm 
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Togashi Mai wrote:
"If you wish to ask what the Togashi believe, through my eyes, I have witnessed that many Togashi would see one who has reached enlightenment, or the truest version of their self, as one who is heroic."

"My understanding is that there are many types of heroes, and those that are purported as heroes and may not be, but in the case of Togashi Iko I do believe that we may view her as a hero in many contexts. There is the traditional view, in the claims of the many who have witnessed the great deeds she has performed. Then, we yet also have the view that aligns more with how I said many Togashi view heroes and see that she is one who has been trialed by existence and met a greater version of their self through this."

"Trust I do not doubt your words or the esteem that you value your cousin by. There are many whose deeds inspire awe throughout the Empire's history. I will certainly mention her in my prayers to the Fortune."

He does pause a moment. "My search so far has taught me that it is the time after a heroic deed, that living heroes often struggle the most with. Hopefully she has been spared such a conflict."

Brotherhood Monk • Thousand Fortunes • Void • Missing Right Arm • Profile
Honor: What is Expected • Status: 1.0 • Glory: 0.5
Gear: Travel worn, coarse clothes. Bo Staff, Scroll Satchel, Tao, Sage Scrolls, 2 zeni
“We tell the tale of heroes to remind ourselves that we also can be great.”

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 Post subject: Re: Lineage [Day 1, LM, Open]
PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2020 12:30 am 
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"Have you had the chance to meet many living heroes yourself?" she asked, tilting her head as if to accentuate the question.

Then, normalizing her stance, "I have not had much chance myself, not yet at least. I merely hear the tales and try to witness greatness as it passes. There are many heroes I have come to, local heroes and the like, that have offered me the time of greeting but little more. Busy as they are."

Dragon Clan | Tattooed Order | Monk | Tattoo Artisan | Friend of the Brotherhood | Clear Thinker | Tattoo: Ocean, Void |
Honor: What is Expected ♥ Status: 1.0 ♥ Glory: 2.0

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 Post subject: Re: Lineage [Day 1, LM, Open]
PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2020 12:54 am 
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A firm nod at that. "In my previous life," he waves his armless right shoulder, "I knew Reichin-no-kami before his death. Considering many of those who originally fought alongside him against the Bloodspeaker are undeniably heroes, and many still live, hai, I have."

"Not to mention so many I've met since, who joined the Brotherhood after having done all they could in that war. Many did not know how to continue serving, after the changes wrought upon them from it. Others saw only that which they did not save, rather than that which they did. The latter, I would say, is most common." He looks to the shrine a moment, then back to Mai.

Brotherhood Monk • Thousand Fortunes • Void • Missing Right Arm • Profile
Honor: What is Expected • Status: 1.0 • Glory: 0.5
Gear: Travel worn, coarse clothes. Bo Staff, Scroll Satchel, Tao, Sage Scrolls, 2 zeni
“We tell the tale of heroes to remind ourselves that we also can be great.”

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 Post subject: Re: Lineage [Day 1, LM, Open]
PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2020 1:01 am 
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Ikoma Toshiko wrote:
Ikoma Sugimoto wrote:
The Ikoma doesn't have to look over to see her husband has walked over to her. The sound of his knees was enough. Still she turned to offer him a smile and short nod.

"Has Inari-no-kami blessed you this morning, husband?" She said before pushing her brows together slightly. "...what has happened? Another case? Let me go get my bag."

"Hai hai, no need to rush off wife." for once Sugimoto isn't barking orders at someone as he takes a deep breath
"The news is grim and I find myself full of it, but stand with me, please, for a few minutes, just let me enjoy the company and the temple."

Lion Clan • Bushi • Magistrate • Happily Married • Two Weeks Until Retirement
• Magnificent Facial Hair • Not the Sharpest Tool in the Shed
Status: 4.0 | Glory: 3.0 | Honour: Lion

Carries: Himself with dignity.
Also, all the usual bushi gear.

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 Post subject: Re: Lineage [Day 1, LM, Open]
PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2020 4:07 am 
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"Oh." She opens her mouth into a little 'oh' before closing it and settling into an easy stance with both legs shoulder width across and evenly supporting her weight. Her eyes close momentarily as she meditates on the air slowly breezing through the temple. The warm sun reflecting off the ground. Her husband's hair fluttering.

Lion Clan • Married In • Author • Happily Married • Two Weeks Until Retirement
• Priest • Sage
Status: 2.0 | Glory: 3.0 | Honour: Not bad

Carries: Scrolls, ink & brush, paper, small mirror, fan, pearl.

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 Post subject: Re: Lineage [Day 1, LM, Open]
PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2020 4:16 am 
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Ikoma Toshiko wrote:
"Oh." She opens her mouth into a little 'oh' before closing it and settling into an easy stance with both legs shoulder width across and evenly supporting her weight. Her eyes close momentarily as she meditates on the air slowly breezing through the temple. The warm sun reflecting off the ground. Her husband's hair fluttering.

He chuckles, enjoying half a minute of snatched calm alongside her, feeling some of the strain ease out of his neck and back.

Lion Clan • Bushi • Magistrate • Happily Married • Two Weeks Until Retirement
• Magnificent Facial Hair • Not the Sharpest Tool in the Shed
Status: 4.0 | Glory: 3.0 | Honour: Lion

Carries: Himself with dignity.
Also, all the usual bushi gear.

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 Post subject: Re: Lineage [Day 1, LM, Open]
PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2020 4:31 am 
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Kodama wrote:
A firm nod at that. "In my previous life," he waves his armless right shoulder, "I knew Reichin-no-kami before his death. Considering many of those who originally fought alongside him against the Bloodspeaker are undeniably heroes, and many still live, hai, I have."

"Not to mention so many I've met since, who joined the Brotherhood after having done all they could in that war. Many did not know how to continue serving, after the changes wrought upon them from it. Others saw only that which they did not save, rather than that which they did. The latter, I would say, is most common." He looks to the shrine a moment, then back to Mai.

"Thank you for sharing such details with me, Monk Kodama-sama," she says bowing her head in reverence. There was a glimmer of something in her eye, and then she cast it away for the sake of propriety.

"I would like to speak more with you, from time to time. If you think that is quite alright. May this is an early time to make such a request but I find that it is the one most important to me now. I have sought many heroes in my travels and aided the Brotherhood in many of their tasks. I would find it an honor that I am afforded the opportunity to do both here, if you would allow me that Monk Kodama-sama. I would be humbled to hear more of your story in these efforts alongside."

Dragon Clan | Tattooed Order | Monk | Tattoo Artisan | Friend of the Brotherhood | Clear Thinker | Tattoo: Ocean, Void |
Honor: What is Expected ♥ Status: 1.0 ♥ Glory: 2.0

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 Post subject: Re: Lineage [Day 1, LM, Open]
PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2020 5:46 am 
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He looks to the Togashi a moment.

"If it doesn't get too cold, I would be content to trade story for story." He pauses. "I suppose Dragon mountains are often colder, but I would not want you to be pressed into discomfort."

Brotherhood Monk • Thousand Fortunes • Void • Missing Right Arm • Profile
Honor: What is Expected • Status: 1.0 • Glory: 0.5
Gear: Travel worn, coarse clothes. Bo Staff, Scroll Satchel, Tao, Sage Scrolls, 2 zeni
“We tell the tale of heroes to remind ourselves that we also can be great.”

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 Post subject: Re: Lineage [Day 1, LM, Open]
PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2020 6:06 am 
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"Then it is decided, I do not wish to take all of your time today and so I will allow you back to your other tasks. Then, come the next days I will seek you out as best I might so we can share further stories. Unless there is something you might need my help with today?" she asked, quite content on her course set before herself.

Dragon Clan | Tattooed Order | Monk | Tattoo Artisan | Friend of the Brotherhood | Clear Thinker | Tattoo: Ocean, Void |
Honor: What is Expected ♥ Status: 1.0 ♥ Glory: 2.0

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 Post subject: Re: Lineage [Day 1, LM, Open]
PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2020 6:25 am 
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A shake of the head.

"No, I think some time will allow me to ponder what questions I might ask." He stands, easily enough. Then bows.

Brotherhood Monk • Thousand Fortunes • Void • Missing Right Arm • Profile
Honor: What is Expected • Status: 1.0 • Glory: 0.5
Gear: Travel worn, coarse clothes. Bo Staff, Scroll Satchel, Tao, Sage Scrolls, 2 zeni
“We tell the tale of heroes to remind ourselves that we also can be great.”

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 Post subject: Re: Lineage [Day 1, LM, Open]
PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2020 6:44 am 
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Standing, Mai too bows, "Then I will give you the time to ponder the questions you might ask Monk Kodama-sama. Thank you for the time you have given me today, and thank you for your agreement that we might share further another."

With that, she awaited any final words but prepared herself mentally for her exit.

Dragon Clan | Tattooed Order | Monk | Tattoo Artisan | Friend of the Brotherhood | Clear Thinker | Tattoo: Ocean, Void |
Honor: What is Expected ♥ Status: 1.0 ♥ Glory: 2.0

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