Spirit War

Spell and Kata (Research and Development)
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Author:  Mindshred [ Thu Apr 23, 2020 9:05 am ]
Post subject:  Spell and Kata (Research and Development)

Over the course of one or more games, characters may wish to research new Spells or Kata. The following guidelines will be used in that process.

Step 1: GM Approval
    Before anything else, get the spell or kata approved by the GM. Once it has been approved (with any necessary changes), work on the spell or kata can begin in game.

Step 2: Determine TN
    Each spell or kata has a TN that represents the time and effort that must be spent to develop it. For a spell, that TN is equal to 200 per Mastery Level. For a Kata, the TN is equal to 100 per Ring/Mastery Level.

Step 3: Development
    Finally, all that is left is working to develop the spell or kata. Once per time slot, the character may spend 1 xp to make either a Spellcraft (Spell Research)/Intelligence Skill Roll (for a spell) or a [Appropriate Weapon Skill]/Intelligence Skill Roll (for a kata). The final result of this roll is applied toward the TN of the spell or kata being developed. When the TN is reached, the character learns the spell or kata.

    Multiple characters can combine their efforts to develop a spell or kata, in which case each character can attempt rolls as listed above to contribute toward the TN. Each character that contributes in this way must be capable of either casting the spell in question or learning the kata being developed.

    Working with others in this way is less focused, however, and thus each character halves the total of their roll (rounded down) before applying it to the spell's or kata's TN. Once the TN is reached, every character that contributed to the spell or kata that is present in the current game learns that spell or kata.

Spells learned through spell research are spell scrolls; the spell is not automatically memorized. Sharing spells with characters that did not contribute to its research is considered to be a breach of trust of one's school (just like sharing normal spells).

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