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 Post subject: New and Adjusted Skills, Advantages, and Disadvantages
PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 10:17 pm 
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Modified Skills

      Add the "Strike" emphasis, which applies to the Iaijutsu/Reflexes roll made during the Strike phase of an Iaijutsu duel.

      To treat poisons or diseases, the character making the Medicine Skill Roll must possess the appropriate emphasis. A character being treated for wounds, poisons, or diseases can only benefit from a single Medicine Skill Roll per condition that is being treated per day, and each such roll made requires the use of a Medicine Kit. This means that a character could potentially receive up to three separate treatments per day: one for wound recovery, one to halt the advancement of poison in their system, and one to treat a disease they have contracted.

      The Herbalism emphasis allows a character to make Medicine Skill Rolls without requiring the use of a Medicine Kit, provided that they have access to a medicinal garden or other well vegetated area.

      The Nonhuman emphasis allows characters to make Medicine Skill Rolls on members of races other than their own. This emphasis must be purchased separately for each such race.

      Characters may not Meditate in Event threads and may not Meditate more than once per thread.

      The Ninja-to may be used with either the Ninjutsu skill or the Kenjutsu skill.

      The Spellcraft Skill gains the new "Taryu-jiai" Emphasis, which is used during taryu-jiai duels.

      Characters may not Importune for spells in Event threads.

Modified Advantages

      You may purchase allies at Influence 3 (not just 1, 2, and 4).

    Child of Chikushudo
      This advantage is banned, as we are not allowing Spirit (or Spirit-ish) characters.

    Dangerous Beauty
      The bonus to Temptation provided by the Dangerous Beauty advantage applies regardless of gender or sexual preference.

    Forbidden Knowledge (Black Scrolls)
      You are familiar with the true purpose of the Black Scrolls and know of the dangerous power they possess. You gain one rank in Lore: Black Scrolls and may make a Lore: Black Scrolls/Perception Roll (TN 30) to identify a particular Black Scroll. This advantage costs 1 point less for Phoenix characters.

    Forbidden Knowledge (Dooms)
      You are familiar with the final prophecies of Uikku, known as the "Dooms," and are aware of their significance. You gain one rank in Divination and a Free Raise on all Divination checks. This advantage costs 1 point less for Phoenix characters.

    Forbidden Knowledge (Gozoku)
      This advantage grants characters knowledge of the original Gozoku conspiracy, which has long since been disbanded. Characters may also choose to have been members of Doji Masato's New Gozoku, which had goals very similar to those of the ancient Gozoku; such characters should also choose the Dark Secret (Gozoku) disadvantage. This advantage costs 1 point less for Crane characters.

    Forbidden Knowledge (Maho)
      You may choose to begin the game with a single Rank 1 spell from the Maho spell list. If you are Rank 2 or higher, you may begin with a second spell of Rank 2 or less from the Maho list. In addition, if you are a shugenja, you may exchange any of your elemental spell scrolls for maho spells of the same rank and element.

      If you take Inheritance (Iaijutsu), the bonus only applies to Iaijutsu rolls made during the Assessment and Focus phases, not the Strike phase.

    Multiple Schools
      You do not need the Multiple Schools advantage to learn a Ronin path.

      The Sage advantage does not provide ranks in Lore skills that are gained through the Forbidden Lore advantages, such as Black Scrolls, Dooms, Gozoku, and Maho.

    Seven Fortunes' Blessing (Benten)
      This advantage only applies to Courtier, Etiquette, and Sincerity Skill Rolls.

    Seven Fortunes' Blessing (Bishamon)
      This advantage has been changed from its text in the book. Whenever you call Raises for a combat Maneuver, the number of Raises required for that Raise is reduced by one (to a minimum of one).

    Seven Fortunes' Blessing (Daikoku)
      In addition to the normal effects of this advantage, the character's starting Koku and yearly stipend (after any Wealth advantages are applied) is doubled.

    Seven Fortunes' Blessing (Fukurokujin)
      In addition to the normal effects of this advantage, when you make Raises on a Skill Roll using the chosen Skill, your Raises are limited by your rank in that Skill instead of your Void Ring.

    Seven Fortunes' Blessing (Hotei)
      In addition to the normal effects of this advantage, you gain one additional Void Point that you can spend each day.

Modified Disadvantages

    Consumed (Perfection)
      Possessing no ranks in a skill does not prevent you from calling the Raise required by this disadvantage.

      The TN of the Willpower roll is always 20.

    Cursed by the Realm (Maigo no Musha)
      This advantage is banned, as Maigo no Musha does not yet exist.

    Forced Retirement
      This disadvantage forces you to become an unaligned monk. You do not gain a technique for belonging to a specific sect of the Brotherhood (though you may still gain kiho as normal).

      This disadvantage is banned.

    Shadowlands Taint
      Because of the many Lion samurai who were injured by tainted creatures or cursed by dark magic during the Bloodspeaker War, this disadvantage is worth one extra point to Crab and Lion characters.

      For 5 points, a character may instead begin the game with one full Rank of Shadowlands Taint.

    Touch of the Spirit Realms (Maigo no Musha)
      This advantage is banned, as Maigo no Musha does not yet exist.

    Touch of the Void
      If you are spending a Void Point to enhance a roll of any type, you make the check to see whether or not you are Dazed before you make the enhanced roll.

Credulous at best
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 Post subject: Re: New and Adjusted Skills, Advantages, and Disadvantages
PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 10:21 pm 
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Joined: Sat Dec 07, 2019 7:24 am
Posts: 1559
New Advantages

    Extra Equipment [Material] (3 points)
      You have been given extra equipment by your lord. Choose one weapon, one suit of armor, or a horse and add the chosen equipment to your starting package. You may choose to swap out a similar item for the new equipment if you wish (by exchanging light armor for heavy armor, for instance).

    Imperial Legionnaire [Social] (4 points)
      Bushi only. When fighting alongside other members of the Imperial Legions, or alongside Emerald or Jade Magistrates, when you spend a Void Point to enhance a roll, you also gain a bonus to the roll equal to the number of allied legionnaires and/or magistrates within 25 feet. If you spend a Void Point to increase your Armor TN by +10 for one round, all allied legionnaires and/or magistrates within 25 feet increase their Armor TN by +5 for that round. Lion characters may purchase this advantage for one point less.

    Pearl of Purity [Material] (5)
      Shugenja only. The Lion have given you a pearl that has been enchanted with magical energies to purify the elements around you. You may reduce the TN penalty imposed by opened Black Scrolls by an amount equal to twice your Insight Rank so long as the pearl is on your person. Non-Lion characters who purchase this advantage must also take the Obligation (Lion Clan) disadvantage, for which they receive no experience points. The pearl is attuned to your own unique spiritual aura and does not function in the hands of another character.

    Sacred Weapon (Blood Blade) (5)
      These weapons were forged in blood by Bloodspeakers attempting to duplicate the ancient nemuranai known as the Bloodswords. Though little more than a pale shadow of what its crafter intended, a Blood Blade is still a potent weapon for those willing to wield corrupted steel. A Blood Blade is a 3k2 katana that prevents any wounds it inflicts from healing naturally; only magical healing is capable of closing the wounds dealt by this blade.

    Shadow Brand [Spiritual] (3/5 points)
      Scorpion only. You are the recipient of a Shadow Brand, a shifting mass of shadowy tattoos that gives you potent abilities relating to darkness. You gain a +1k1 bonus to all your Stealth rolls, but you also begin the game with three points of Shadow Corruption. For five points, you may begin the game with one full Rank of Shadow Corruption.

    Yojimbo [Social] (7 points)
      Courtier/Shugenja/Artisan only. You have been granted the service of one of your Clan's yojimbo. The yojimbo remains at your side during all hours of the day, ensuring that you are protected from both scandalous accusations as well as threats against your life. If you are involved in a duel, the yojimbo will serve as your champion, unless they are incapacitated or otherwise unable to do so. The yojimbo has a rank of 2 in all Traits, a Void Ring of 3, two ranks in Defense and Kenjutsu, and three ranks in Iaijutsu. You may increase your yojimbo's Traits or Skills by spending additional experience points to do so, just as if you were increasing your own Traits or Skills. The yojimbo is equipped with a Daisho and Light Armor.

      If involved in a skirmish, the yojimbo acts on your initiative but remains adjacent to you at all times and will not voluntarily leave your side; if you are reduced to the Down wound rank or below, the yojimbo will attempt to remove you from the situation using the fastest means available. If your yojimbo is slain, they are not replaced unless you repurchase this advantage (though you do not have to pay the additional 2 xp to purchase a new yojimbo in this case).

New Disadvantages

    Onyx Bargain [Spiritual] (0 points)
      Unicorn Only. The leaders of the Unicorn have made a fell bargain with the Onyx Champion. When you die, your corpse animates as an undead creature on the following round. If you died while mounted, your mount's life is snuffed out at the same time as your own, and it reanimates alongside you. Undead created in this manner attempt to travel south to the Shadowlands, but if threatened or stopped, they will attack others.

    Sinful [Mental] (2 points)
      Honor Rank 2+. You have forsaken virtue and instead chosen to live a sinful life. Your Honor is two ranks lower than your normal starting value (as determined by your School).

    Vanity [Mental] (2 points)
      You are gorgeous and/or brilliant and you know it. Unfortunately, the rest of the world doesn't seem to notice and must be continually reminded just what kind of quality person they're dealing with! You subtract your Glory Rank from the total of all Social Skill rolls you make. This disadvantage is worth three points to Crane Clan characters.

    Vassal Family [Social] (1 point)
      You are a member of a vassal family, and as a result your word carries less weight than samurai of your patron family. You begin the game with a Status of 0.5, rather than 1.0.

Credulous at best
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 Post subject: Re: New and Adjusted Skills, Advantages, and Disadvantages
PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 10:23 pm 
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Joined: Sat Dec 07, 2019 7:24 am
Posts: 1559
Advantage and Disadvantage Adjustments by Clan

Assume that all advantages receive a one point discount and all disadvantages receive a one point bonus, unless otherwise noted. The advantages and disadvantages from the core book have been included in this list for the sake of completeness.

Crab Clan
    Blood of Osano-Wo
    Crab Hands
    Different School (Phoenix schools)
    Servant (eta attendant) (-2 xp)
    Seven Fortunes' Blessing (Bishamon)
    Shadowlands Taint

Crane Clan
    Different School (Sparrow schools)
    Forbidden Knowledge (Gozoku)
    Servant (artisan) (-2 xp)
    Seven Fortunes' Blessing (Benten)
    Soul of Artistry
    Consumed (Perfection)

Dragon Clan
    Clear Thinker
    Friend of the Brotherhood
    Heart of Vengeance (Tortoise)
    Servant (craftsman) (-2 xp)
    Seven Fortunes' Blessing (Fukurokujin)

Lion Clan
    Different School (Scorpion schools)
    Imperial Legionnaire
    Servant (budoka) (-2 xp)
    Seven Fortunes' Blessing (Bishamon)
    Blackmailed (Seppun Kato)
    Shadowlands Taint

Phoenix Clan
    Blissful Betrothal
    Different School (Crab schools)
    Elemental Blessing
    Forbidden Knowledge (Black Scrolls)
    Forbidden Knowledge (Dooms)
    Servant (scribe) (-2 xp)
    Seven Fortunes' Blessing (Bishamon)
    Seven Fortunes' Blessing (Fukurokujin)
    Touch of the Void

Scorpion Clan
    Blackmail (-2 xp)
    Dangerous Beauty
    Different School (Lion schools)
    Servant (attendant) (-2 xp)
    Seven Fortunes' Blessing (Jurojin)
    Bad Fortune (Yogo Curse)

Unicorn Clan
    Forbidden Knowledge (Kolat)
    Gaijin Gear
    Servant (Groom) (-2 xp)
    Seven Fortunes' Blessing (Ebisu)
    Bad Fortune (Curse of the Shi-Tien Yen-Wang) (GM Note: Renamed Moto Curse)
    Gaijin Name

Imperial Families
    Bitter Betrothal

Hare Clan
    Different School (Scorpion schools)

Mantis Clan
    Blood of Osano-Wo
    Gaijin Gear
    Servant (merchant) (-2 xp)
    Seven Fortunes' Blessing (Daikoku)

Sparrow Clan
    Different School (Crane schools)
    Blackmailed (Seppun Kato)

Tortoise Clan
    Gaijin Gear

Adjustments by Profession

In the interest of ensuring that all advantage discounts and bonuses are internally consistent, none of these profession-based discounts or bonuses stack with any discounts from your Clan. Even if you meet both requirements, you only receive the xp discount or bonus once.

    Crab Hands
    Strength of the Earth
    Permanent Wound

    Darling of the Court
    Read Lips
    Soul of Artistry

    Friend of the Elements
    Cursed by the Realm
    Wrath of the Kami

    Hands of Stone
    Forced Retirement

    Dark Secret
    Failure of Bushido

Credulous at best
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