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 Post subject: EVENT: Decisive Battle [Epilogue]
PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2020 7:07 pm 
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Joined: Sat Dec 07, 2019 7:24 am
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Scenario: As the forces of the Steel Chrysanthemum march southward towards Otosan Uchi, they are intercepted by the ranks of the Imperial Legion, newly bolstered with survivors from Nikesake that have first-hand experience with the enemy. A great battle ensues on the plains outside the Emerald Champion's castle...

Participants: Unlimited

Imperialist Victory: If the Imperial Legions have more Victory Points than the Steel Chrysanthemum, then the Legions win the day. The forces of the Steel Chrysanthemum are routed and shattered, though Hantei XVI escapes with a small group of retainers and infiltrates Otosan Uchi via secret passages in North Hub Village. The Empire gains +30 Imperialist Points, and each character supporting the Imperial Legions gains Glory equal to the net total of Victory Points they achieved for the Imperial Legions.

Imperialist Bonus: If the Imperial Legions have Victory Points at least twice that of the Steel Chrysanthemum, then the battle is a one-sided massacre. The Empire gains +60 Imperialist Points, and the slaughter spirits in the Steel Chrysanthemum's army are thoroughly destroyed, preventing them from becoming a significant threat in the future.

Traditionalist Victory: If the Steel Chrysanthemum has more Victory Points than the Imperial Legions, then the Imperial Legions are defeated. The forces of the Steel Chrysanthemum sweep south into Otosan Uchi and the hub villages, which they besiege as Hantei XVI infiltrates Otosan Uchi via secret passages in North Hub Village. The Empire gains +30 Traditionalist Points, and each character supporting the Steel Chrysanthemum gains Glory equal to the net total of Victory Points they achieved for the Steel Chrysanthemum.

Traditionalist Bonus: If the Steel Chrysanthemum has Victory Points at least twice that of the Imperial Legions, then the battle is a one-sided massacre. The Empire gains +60 Traditionalist Points, and the Imperial Legions are brutally massacred, shattering their ranks for years to come.

Rules: This event has 3 steps that every character must attempt. A character can attempt to cast one spell or kiho before every step of this event. If the duration of the spell or kiho is two hours or longer, then it applies to the entire event; otherwise, it ends after that step of the event. If a character fails a Spellcasting Roll by the penalty imposed by the Black Scrolls, they become sick and cannot participate further in this event.

Tactical Planning:
    Each character makes a TN 25 Battle (Mass Battle)/Perception Skill Roll to assist the Imperial Legions by offering tactical advice. On a success, the Imperial Legions gain 2 Victory Points, plus 1 Victory Point per successful Raise. On a failure, the character's efforts hamper the Imperial Legions and the Steel Chrysanthemum gains 2 Victory Points, plus 1 Victory Point per failed Raise.

    Characters with the Tactician advantage gain a Free Raise on this roll.

Relaying Orders:
    Once the tactical plans have been devised, new orders must be relayed to the appropriate ranks. The character makes either a TN 25 Horsemanship (appropriate horse)/Agility or a TN 25 War Fan/Perception Skill Roll (which does not count as an attack).

    On a success, the character successfully relays the orders at the Imperial Legions gain 1 Victory Point, plus 1 Victory Point per successful Raise. On a failure, the orders are delivered to the wrong part of the army and the Steel Chrysanthemum gains 1 Victory Point, plus 1 Victory Point per failed Raise.

    Characters with the Way of the Land advantage for the lands near the Emerald Champion's castle gain a Free Raise on this advantage.

Final Push:
    Finally, the feints and skirmishes between the armies lead to a massive battle between them. Each character may declare for either the Imperial Legions or the forces of the Steel Chrysanthemum; in the latter case, the character's sudden betrayal grants them +1k1 on their rolls for this step of the event but also causes them to lose Honor for "Disloyalty to a lord, spouse, or superior."

    Each character makes from one to three TN 25 Skill Rolls using [Weapon Skill or Jiujutsu] (Appropriate emphasis)/Agility. On a success, the side supported by the character gains 1 Victory Point, plus 1 Victory Point per successful Raise. On a failure, the opposing side gains 1 Victory Point, plus 1 Victory Point per failed Raise.

    If a character fails any of these rolls by 10 points or more, they suffer a serious wound and gains one of the following disadvantages of their choice: Bad Eyesight (Missing Eye), Lame, Missing Limb, or Permanent Wound. Characters who fail multiple rolls by 10 or more acquire a disadvantage for each such failure.

Credulous at best
Your desire to believe in
Angels in the hearts of men

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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Decisive Battle [Epilogue]
PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2020 11:30 pm 
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Joined: Sun Apr 26, 2020 3:05 am
Posts: 275
Live footage of the charge led by Moto Batzurig. It is very effective, even if his tactical planning is not.


OOC: Moto Batzurig rides into battle.

Battle TN 25: 3d10 21 I guess 2 points for the SC?

Horsemanship TN 25: 7d10o10k3 25 1 Point Imperial Victory Points

Kenjutsu + Void TN 30 1 CR: 10d10ro1o10k5 42 2 Victory Points Imperial

Kenjutsu + Void TN 30 1 CR: 10d10ro1o10k5 34 2 Victory points Imperial

Kenjutsu + Void TN 30 1 CR: 10d10ro1o10k5 37 2 Victory Imperial Points

Total of 7 Imperial Victory and 2 SC Points

Bushi | Tough | Tall | Moto | Kuge | Strange Name | Description | Theme
Status: 1.0 | Glory: 1.0 | Infamy: 0 | Honor: Untrustworthy

Possessions: Daisho, Sturdy Clothes (Furs and Leather), Riding Armor, Unicorn Horse "Bashiru", Moto Scimitar

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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Decisive Battle [Epilogue]
PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2020 11:55 pm 
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Joined: Fri Apr 03, 2020 5:52 pm
Posts: 368
Erina had been at the forefront riding out the day before, hoping to send warning ahead. To her luck, the Imperial Legions had been on their way.

"They have a commander in Matsu Kassneko General. If I may..."

Erina tries to lay out her observations from the seige, relaying her observations from the siege. Unfortunately, she leads them astray and into a trap.

Epilogue Battle Roll-2 raises-TN 35-VP spent: 9d10o10k5 31

" duty." It's something, hardly the glorious battle she had hoped, but she is at least capable.

Warfan/Perception-TN 25-VP spent: 5d10o10k4 30

Finally, the line approach. Feeling the sting of failure, she is desperate to prove herself, but fails to show much

Kenjustsu-Attack #1- VP spent-TN 25: 5d10o10k4 23

Supporting Imperialst
1 Imperialist, 5 Traditionalist

Lion Clan | Bushi | Beastmaster | Strategist | Idealistic | Failure of Bushido (Sincerity)
Honor: What is Expected | Status: 1 | Glory 2.5
Equipment: Light Armor, Yumi, Quiver with Willow Leaf arrows, Daisho, Sturdy Clothing
Two Warcats: Ore and Kamu

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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Decisive Battle [Epilogue]
PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2020 1:03 am 
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Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2020 11:41 pm
Posts: 304
Moto Baatar shouted a fierce battle cry as he rode alongside his cousin Moto Batzurig in a wild cavalry charge against the Traditionalist forces. It looked grim for a few pulse-pounding moments as the Unicorn squadron was encircled and cut off from the rest of the Imperial Legions, but good riding and vicious blade work allowed them to hack their way through the enemy lines to escape the trap!

Epilogue, Tactical Planning with no raises, PER/Battle +Void Point TN25: 5d10o10k4 24 failed, 2 VP for Traditionalists
Epilogue, Relaying Orders with free raise, AGI/Horsemanship +Void Point TN25: 7d10o10k5 39 succeeds, 2 VP for Imperialists
Epilogue, 3x Final Push with no raises, AGI/Kenjutsu (Scimitar) +Shinjo tech TN25: 3#8d10ro1o10k4 39 27 31 succeeds 3x, 3 VP for Imperialists

Total: 5 Imperialist VP, 2 Traditionalist VP

Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Gaijin Name • Failure of Courtesy
Honor: Untrustworthy • Status: 1.0 • Glory: 2.5 (bullfighter)
carries: scimitar, wakizashi, shochu, small dog. when appropriate: Unicorn horse, riding armor, dai-kyu

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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Decisive Battle [Epilogue]
PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2020 3:14 am 
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Joined: Sat Apr 04, 2020 7:21 am
Posts: 590
"This is where their command unit is?" Miwako looked over the map carefully with the kami's aid. Finally, she saw what she was looking for. "Then what supplies they have left are likely here, whatever they've held in reserve and what little they have taken from Toshi no Omoidoso and Nikesake. Can we spare a few scouts?"

• • •

She watched from a distance. She could not see the enemy and only one scout was visible to her. The main battle and the Imperial lines were much further away. When she got the signal from the scouts, she needed the kami's assistance again. She relayed the confirmation of the enemy location with fans and then relayed orders back to the scouts. A strikeforce was coming. So was she.

• • •

They successfully surprised the reserve spirit forces guarding the supplies. The Isawa's tattoos swirled around her forearms as she moved through the battle with the speed of the wind. One ashigaru avoided her attack and nearly impaled her with his spear. Fortunately, he fell under the hooves of one of the Unicorn steeds. She felt weary as she approached the wagons, but the symbol on her neck glowed as she let the power of the ocean wash over her. With a surge of energy Miwako tossed the remaining guards aside and began searching through the supplies.

If any of the spirit army carried them with them as souvenirs, she'd likely never find them. But, if they'd set them aside for battle, they might be here. Kashiwagi's scrolls and wakizashi, Mogami's daisho, Kayou's beads...

- - -
EVENT: Decisive Battle [Epilogue], Casting Water Kami's Blessing, BS +6, Isawa FR -5, TN 21, Affinity: 7d10o10k4 32

EVENT: Decisive Battle [Epilogue], Battle/Perception TN 25, Water Kami's Blessing,, VP for Skill: 9d10o10k4 45

EVENT: Decisive Battle [Epilogue], Casting Water Kami's Blessing 2nd time, BS +6, Isawa FR -5, TN 21, Affinity: 7d10o10k4 42

EVENT: Decisive Battle [Epilogue], War Fans/Perception TN 25, Water Kami's Blessing,, VP for Skill: 9d10o10k4 35

EVENT: Decisive Battle [Epilogue], Jiujutsu/Agility TN 25, 3 rolls, VP for +1k1 on each, Ocean to refill Void: 3#6d10o10k4 20 26 36

5 Victory Points for Imperialists
1 Victory Point for Traditionalists

Phoenix Clan ° Shugenja ° Diminished Water Tensai ° Togashi Trained ° Tattooed ° Healer ° Light Sleeper ° Dream Hunter ° Lunatic ° Married ° Mother ° Bee Queen ° Sake Overseer ° Rainmaker ° Experienced
Status 1.0 | Glory 3.0 | Honor: What's Expected

Carries/wears: Scroll satchel, tanto, wakizashi, jade, cricket

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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Decisive Battle [Epilogue]
PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2020 4:29 am 
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Joined: Sun Apr 26, 2020 3:59 am
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Her business in Nikesake concluded, Mei and Ti-Lu set off to return to the Imperial City and tend to her masters household once again. Thinking she would be able to scout the edges of the armies, she was dead wrong and found herself in the middle of a war!

Someone mistook her for someone important and asked for guidance, which Mei had no clue about. She wasn't a tactician after all. She just cut people she bullied, and even then only if she knew she would win.

Trying to set off back to the city once again, she was once more intercepted by someone asking for what orders were from the command tent. She had overhead something, so in order to be helpful she relayed the commands, which left the recipient dazed and confused, wondering why the messenger had just told his scout unit to be a vanguard.

Finally thinking she was free of the mess, she took off once more, only to be enveloped in a charge. She was good with her blade, but she and Ti-Lu were runners, not fighters. Mei had never trained to fight atop her horse, and her horse hadn't been trained to handle the chaos in battle. She managed to escape the fray after some time, but sadly only downed one of her opponents, the other two dodging her clumsy blows.
Battle/Perception: 8 +2 Steel Chrysanthemum Victory Points

Horsemanship/Agility: 23+1 Steel Chrysanthemum Victory Point

Kenjutsu/Agility+Void: 29,28, 32.+2 Imperial Legion Victory Points, +4 Steel Chrysanthemum Victory Points

Imperial Legions: 2
Steel Chrysanthemum: 7

Imperial | Bushi | Inheritance|Honor: Exceptional | Glory: 1.0 | Status 1.5
Wielder of an elegantly decorated katana, Meng.
Carries: Light Armor, Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, Yumi (on back)
Rides: Ti-Lu

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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Decisive Battle [Epilogue]
PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2020 5:32 am 
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Joined: Tue Apr 21, 2020 3:50 pm
Posts: 143
Last night's escapades threw the beast mistress off. Not that she would have missed it for the world. Still, worst battle performance of her life!

tactical planning=22 fail, VP spent
relaying orders warfan,VP spent 21 fail

OOC: Orokos said screw you! 6 for SC because I failed everything!

Status: 1.0 Honor: What is Expected Glory: 3.8
Imperial Legionnaire • Wary • Brash • No Longer Single

Accompanied by lions Seiji and Kaori
Carries/wears Light Armor, Daisho, no-daichi, koan about perseverance in the face of failure, the book "Akodo's Leadership"

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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Decisive Battle [Epilogue]
PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2020 6:39 am 
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Joined: Mon Apr 06, 2020 4:27 am
Posts: 418
Myo-en had not looked for war this spring, but war had come to her, and... she had made a choice of her own, just as Lord Togashi had said they all must. She'd chosen almost without realizing it, at first, which is frankly a bit embarrassing to realize after all she's been through. Where is the line between intuition and impulse, between deep unconscious knowledge and just acting as someone else taught you?

She's not going to answer that question today. But even as the patterns of her own mind elude her, the patterns of the Steel Chrysanthemum's army, down on the plan below the slight rise where she stands, resolve into clear answers. There's an opening, right there! Why aren't the Imperial Legions taking it? The crow abandons her shoulder with a hoarse cry when she begins waving her borrowed signal fan around vigorously. It wings its way upward to join the anonymous mass of other crows wheeling patiently above the battlefield.

The two friends, tattooed and feathered, don’t meet again until it's all over. Myo-en is washing her bloodied knuckles in an icy stream outside the Legions' encampment when a black shape glides down to alight on the bank and begins dabbling its own head and claws in the water, fluffing and preening with care.

Neither one asks what the other has been up to.


Step one:
DECISIVE BATTLE! -- Tactical Planning, Battle/Perception TN 25, unskilled, VP: 5d10 24
Ki-rin reroll 1/5~DECISIVE BATTLE! -- Tactical Planning, Battle/Perception TN 25, unskilled, VP: 5d10 29
+2 Victory points for the Legions

Step two:
DECISIVE BATTLE! -- Relaying Orders, War Fans/Perception TN 25, unskilled, VP: 5d10 32
+1 Legion VP

Step three:
DECISIVE BATTLE! -- Final Push, Jiujutsu attack #1, 3 raises to TN 40, VP: 9d10o10k5 31
Ki-rin reroll 2/5 ~ DECISIVE BATTLE! -- Final Push, Jiujutsu attack #1, 3 raises to TN 40, VP: 9d10o10k5 46
Success, +4 Legion VPs

DECISIVE BATTLE! -- Final Push, Jiujutsu attack #2, 3 raises to TN 40, VP: 9d10o10k5 47
Success, +4 Legion VPs

DECISIVE BATTLE! -- Final Push, Jiujutsu attack #3, 2 raises to TN 35: 8d10o10k4 27
Ki-rin reroll 3/5 ~ DECISIVE BATTLE! -- Final Push, Jiujutsu attack #3, 2 raises to TN 35: 8d10o10k4 27
Comic failure!
+3 Steel Chrysanthemum VPs ... oopsy-daisy. :oops:
All limbs and other bodily members intact, though.

+11 for the Imperial Legions
+3 for the Steel Chrysanthemum
-0 body parts

Dragon • Tattooed Monk • Ascetically Under-Dressed • Crow Companion • Experienced
Honor: What is Expected • Glory: 3.4 • Status: 1 • Profile
Speaks Naga, sometimes. Carries: Jade pendant, walking staff, small pocketknife, divination coins. Padded jacket if working outdoors... maybe.

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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Decisive Battle [Epilogue]
PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2020 7:55 pm 
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Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2020 3:29 pm
Posts: 850
Suzume Chihaya had hurried south, taking to back roads, long marches, and a Suzume resistance to cold and inclement weather to keep her moving, outpacing the enemy.

Once she had passed the host, she met up with the Imperial legions - and after showing her sparrow mons, was allowed past the sentries. After all, the Steel Crysanthemum wouldn't bother recruiting sparrow, surely, he had better things to do.

Still, after she arrived, introducing herself to the unit commander, a very green gunso, Akodo Ruigie, fresh from the academy, she tried to offer him an abbreviated explanation of her observations about the enemy. Unfortunately, her explanation was too brief, and she didn't realize it until it was already too late - he had lured the enemy into sending a force after him, but inadvertently presented too large a bait, and one that was not very mobile.

By the time she realized, her attempt to ride to his unit, to give warning, was cut short by a volley of arrows which cut the horse from under her.

That detachment was now truly cut off, isolated and ready to be slaughtered.

That was, as far as she was concerned, completely unacceptable as an outcome.

As the main battle was breaking out, she saw an imperial standard dip and fall. Anger, cold and concentrated, filled her at that sight. How dare they? Locked behind her iron mempo, she said nothing, just darting forward to claim the fallen standard, raising it again. As the shattered unit began to form around her, she led them, step by bloody step, through the melee to relieve the force she had misled earlier.

Enemies came in waves, and each time receded, leaving fallen comrades behind, blood staining the field and the blades of the Imperial Legionnaires, and Chihaya, at the point of the formation, broke each wave like a lighthouse, not faltering, even as she slowly slid closer and closer to those she needed to save.

At last, there was a break in the fighting, and they punched through. Though much of the poor Akodo's force, including he himself, were dead, some were saved, and that portion of the flank held.

Silent through it all, Chihaya held the position, banner firmly planted, blade in hand. It was one small part of a larger battle, but here, at least, the Imperial Legion proved the stronger.


Battle: Almost had an explosion - still total failure
Horsemanship: Also failed:

Attack: 2 raises BAM
Attack Again: 1 raise Plooie!
and Again: 1 raise KAPOW!

Net, 3 VP for SC, 7 VP for Imperial Legion

Sparrow Clan :: Shoi :: Sensei :: Hero of the People :: One-Eye :: Gullible :: Experienced 3
Honor: What is expected Status: 4.0 Glory: 7.7
Carries: Daisho, Eyepatch, Steel Hairpin, Fan, chopsticks, sake cup

Profile :: Theme

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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Decisive Battle [Epilogue]
PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2020 2:58 am 
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Joined: Tue Apr 21, 2020 1:57 am
Posts: 32
"You have mounted archers? Excellent!" Samara exclaimed, peeking around the shoulders of the more important sorts offering their services and advice to the Legion. "I shall lead them, with your permission!"

Orders in hand, Samara rode off to take charge of the troops.

Samara's still-tenuous grasp of "modern" Rokugani would bear out the error of her tactical approach when the enemy cavalry approached her dismounted bowmen. She had misread "(foot) archers with horse mounts" as something else entirely.

In the ensuing combat, Samara fought and led well, decisively repelling a final enemy counter-attack that threatened to break through at the last.


Tactical Planning

Original Roll: Fail (20/25)
Luck Reroll: Fail (22/25)

+2 VP for SC

Relaying Orders

Roll: Success (39/30)

+2 VP for Legions

Final Push #1

Roll: Success (39/30)

+2 VP Legions

Final Push #2

Roll: Success (61/30)

+2 VP Legions

Final Push #3

Original Roll: Fail (22/25)
Luck Reroll: Success (26/25)

+1 VP Legions

Final Result: +2 VP for SC, +7 VP for Legions

Unicorn Clan * Battle Maiden * Amateur Storyteller * Credulous * Fortunate * Fated
Status: 1.0 | Glory 0.0 | Honor: Exceptional

Inventory: Clothes, Daisho, Light Armor, Dai-kyu and arrows
Horse: Asoka the Otaku Warhorse (MEGAHORSE)

Rokugani * Mekham


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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Decisive Battle [Epilogue]
PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2020 3:08 am 
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Joined: Sun Apr 05, 2020 4:56 pm
Posts: 945
Wasako had thought initially that she had already taken part of the war in Nikesake but with two fully equipped and organized armies facing each other on the battlefield, this was truly war.

She was quickly inducted into the number of volunteers who prepared to lay down the offensive line to crush the Traditionalist forces once and for all. With her known experience in Nikesake, was given a map and a say at the planning table. After the tacticians discussed their plans and hashed out their options, they would turn to Wasako for her input. However, they easily found themselves befuddled at the Mirumoto as she had taken their table pieces and arrange them into a diorama that looked like a horse farm. Who invited this Dragon, anyway?

After the planning phase was done, it was time to relay that hasty orders the tacticians could cobble up in a hurry. Seeing as the Dragon was interested in playing with horses, they saddled her up on a steed destined for the front lines. With no idea how to direct the steed, she kicked it into action and found herself holding on to it for dear life as it bolted toward the frontline then veered off to the side, riding off into the distance to be never seen again...


Having wasted much time already, Wasako made it to the front lines but without her horse. The waiting troops, unfortunately, had no real orders and merely prepared for an all or nothing offensive against the Steel Chrysanthemum. Wasako looked at the enemy with stern resolve and stepped forward to lead by example. She drew her sword with one hand and placed an open palm forward with the other hand. The allying Imperialist army charged in right after and bumped into her several times to break her stance before she could lead. Clearly, the military had no time for Taoist sword shenanigans!

"Ah! Ah!" cried out the squadron's battle peacock.

Wasako didn't know what this peacock meant by its calls or what it was doing on the battlefield...However, she only found herself further emboldened with the burst of morale that his mighty and flamboyant presence provided! She needn't be discouraged and should try again!

Unfortunately, that only lasted so long until she was shoved out of the way by the tetsubo-wielding heavy troops that followed right after the vanguard. Perhaps, the peacock was merely telling her to get out of the way...

Eventually, eventually...Wasako had finally got into gear for the war after several mishaps and falses starts as the battle began to grind toward its inevitable climax. She dashed forward and spun in with her sword in almost something like a dance. With a whirl of her sword, she parried her incoming attack and swung back to take down the enemy. There was a close call when a naginata was thrust right at her and she countered by hooking her arm on the soldier's own arm, taking them for a spin before flinging them into the enemy to send them crashing like several vases standing side by side.

Event - Decisive Battle: Battle (Mass Battle)/Perception vs TN25: 2d10 12]
+2 Traditionalist Point
Event - Decisive Battle: Horsemanship/Agility vs TN25, void used for +1k1: 5d10 23
+1 Traditionalist Point

Event - Decisive Battle: Roll #1, Kenjutsu (Katana)/Agility vs TN25, void used for +1k1, 3 raises called for TN40: 10d10ro1o10k5 36
Event - Decisive Battle: Roll #1 (Luck reroll!), Kenjutsu (Katana)/Agility vs TN25, void used for +1k1, 3 raises called for TN40: 10d10ro1o10k5 33
Event - Decisive Battle: Roll #2, Kenjutsu (Katana)/Agility vs TN25, void used for +1k1, 3 raises called for TN40: 10d10ro1o10k5 42
Event - Decisive Battle: Roll #3, Kenjutsu (Katana)/Agility vs TN25, void used for +1k1, 3 raises called for TN40: 10d10ro1o10k5 54
+8 Imperialist Points, +4 Traditionalist Points

Total: 8 Imperialist Points and 7 Traditionalist Points

Dragon Clan • Bushi • Assistant Sensei • Ascetic • Gullible
Status: 2.0 • Glory: 2.0 • Honour: What is expected
Personal Effects: Daisho, chopsticks and straw hat
Character Profile • Art by Joanne Kwan

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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Decisive Battle [Epilogue]
PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2020 4:13 am 
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Joined: Tue Apr 14, 2020 6:43 am
Posts: 878
"Kaiu-san, we would like your input into our battle plans."

Maiya pointed at herself and the Lion Officer nodded.

"Ano, me? Are-"

"We NEED your input Kaiu-san. Speak!"



"Until they die from it."

Maiya was a gifted General. Her words left the assembled Officers in stunned silence. They were clearly awed with her greatness.

Nailed it. You're going to be so proud of me mum! We've got this!

The meeting quickly returned to discussing the available options. There was little talk of stabbing things, but all the plans ended in a big fight. The stabbing would come. Her words had most assuredly struck a cord and influenced the battle to come.


"We don't have enough messengers so you need to take these."

Maiya, after being escorted outside the Command tent, was approached by another officer who had given her a very cursory look before approaching her. Once again Maiya pointed to herself.

"Are you sure? Ano, me? Because, actu-"

"YES! We need you to ride to the other Imperial Legion tent to relay these orders. It is very important! You are our only hope."

"Ano... hai. Okay then?"


"Good horsie. GOOOOOOD HOOORSIIIIIE. You're okay!"

Maiya petted the frenzied animal as it kicked with its back legs and resisted the two heimin holding the animal in place with ropes.

"It has some spirit, ne?"

With a big grin she moved to the horse's side.

"So... what next?"

The Officer approached. "Is there a problem?"

"Hai. I don't know how to get on the pony."

The officer stared for a few moments before asking for the papers back. He quickly had an extra copy made. The copy was handed to Maiya and she was helped up onto the horse by a few heimin.

"Okay. Go. That way. The other tent. On that ridge." He instructed very simply.

"Hai, Akodo-sama!"

She gave the horse a little kick with her heels as she'd seen others do and it bolted. The heimin wisely let go.

"Oh! It's fast!"

She held on as the horse surged into a canter and then a gallop. It quickly spun out left and away from the ridge. "Nani? Na-?"

And then it was galloping around in a wide circle and trying to buck her off. She was managing to stay on, but any steering of the animal was out of the question.

"This is my first time on a horse! IT'S GOING IN CIRCLES! THIS IS FUN! WAAAAII!"

Her yelling became quieter and quieter as the horse gradually spiralled further and further away from the camp.

The Akodo watched solemnly before signalling the heimin to bring him a horse. "I should have asked her if she could ride. We really need to stop assuming all samurai can ride horses or understand our plans without being informed of them, especially non-Lion." He considered petitioning for such a revision to Leadership to his Lord. In the end he decided against it. The Lion's mastery of strategy was legendary. Such small, minor and insignificant faults could be overlooked.


By the time Maiya joined the Imperial Legions in their battle lines arrayed against the returned spirits she was a little tired. She'd been marched into a command tent for reasons she couldn't fathom, and then she'd spent three hours atop a horse until it finally stopped. Her butt still ached. All that bouncing in full heavy armour hurt. Then again, the horse had seemed quite miserable too after enduring Kaiu armour landing on it repeatedly. The last she'd heard after walking it back to the Imperial camp it needed to be put down. She felt bad.

I'll avenge you pony.

Her mind raced to all the samurai that had died too. And holy people. And peasants. Kayou and Mogami.

I'll avenge everyone.

The returned spirits had caused needless suffering. She would send them all back to their graves!


"HIIIDAAAAAA!" Maiya yelled disturbingly loud as she cut down another of the returned spirits like some flimsy bamboo target. Her and her cousin were rapidly creating a semi-circle of death as they waded into the enemy lines alongside Imperial Legionnaires and other volunteers.

The enemy samurai kept coming and gradually she tired. However, her rage lasted long enough for her to hack apart a great number of the enemy and to help break their lines. Even the Matsu spirits were hesitant to counter-attack the part of the battle lines where the Kaiu cousins were laying waste to many times their number.


Elsewhere a Lion Officer wondered if the Imperial Legions should have just assigned any Crab volunteers to the frontlines unless they volunteered they were scouts. Probably. It had all caused some confusion and disorganisation to have Crab, and other samurai, all running and riding about doing any tasks they were assigned. A good number of Imperial Legionnaires had gotten the wrong orders and wrong scouting information had reached commanders. Someone would have to atone for this.

He looked down at his daisho only to hear his ancestor whisper mockingly right into his ear.

'Stab them... until... they die... from it...'

The ancestor spirit that haunted him was laughing now. The Lion shuddered in shame.


+3 SC points, +9 Imperial Legion Points
(+6 Imperial Legion Points overall)

Crab Clan • Bushi • Armoured Beauty • Lucky • Berserker • Rumourmonger • Greedy
Honor: Untrustworthy | Glory: 3.0 | Status: 1.0
Carries: Daisho, heavy armour (where appropriate), tetsubo, sake, sake cup, traveling pack, jade, metal lantern

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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Decisive Battle [Epilogue]
PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2020 9:48 am 
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Joined: Fri Apr 03, 2020 6:50 pm
Posts: 689
Sara, being the attention hogging diva she was, could not miss the final battle. She had a stake here!

"How about we dress up as monks, and THEN ambush them among their midst?" The wonderful tactical idea was taken up by some of the army...who were promptly slaughtered unarmored while dressing up as monks.

Heedless of the consequences of her plan, Sara hopped onto a pony to get the orders to the nearby squads. She rode like the wind, passing her papers from one group to the next.

All were confused why they got an incomplete script for Fields of Love.

So caught up she was in delivering orders, she was caught up...IN THE BATTLE. She pulled her tanto and started hacking left and right! On her left, she stabbed two returned Ancestors (one was Matsu Jo, famed sculptor of the 3rd legion and known to beat bears to death with his bare hands) and on her right....Seppun Suzuki, fellow Legionnaire, who did not appreciate her new wound.


Tactical Planning:
D13 FINAL BATTLE Battle/Perception, VP for phantom rank, tn 25: 3d10o10k2 15

2 points for SC

Relaying Orders:
D13 FINAL BATTLE Horsemanship/Agility, VP for phantom rank, tn 25: 4d10o10k3 24

1 point for SC

Attack #2:
D13 FINAL BATTLE Knives/Agility, Prodigy, tn 25: 5d10o10k3 39

1 point for Legions!

Attack #3:
D13 FINAL BATTLE Knives/Agility, Prodigy, tn 25: 5d10o10k3 25

1 point for Legions!

Total: 4 points for SC, 2 for Legions

Final push:
D13 FINAL BATTLE Knives/Agility, Prodigy, VP for +1k1, tn 25: 6d10o10k4 23
1 point for SC

Scorpion Prodigy * Dangerous Beauty * Vain Actress * Taishoku Hikari Theatre Troupe
Status: 1.0 Glory: 2.5 Honor: Untrustworthy
Carries: Mask, fine clothes, hopes and dreams


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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Decisive Battle [Epilogue]
PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2020 2:28 am 
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Joined: Fri Apr 17, 2020 2:15 am
Posts: 173
Amaya gives the commanding officer a blank stare.

Why is he asking her for strategic advice? She considers telling the idiot to stop forcing her to deal with this and just send her out to fight! But the guy is too insistent and seems way too persistent to be convinced otherwise.

In the end she just shrugs her shoulders goes to the strategic map and rearranges the blue stones into a nice big wall facing the scattered red stones of the enemy. That looks like a familiar situation and she gives a satisfied nod.

Then she stoically endures the 5 minutes of berating directed at her, until she is finally sent out to fi- ... deliver a message.


On a horse.

That is not a promising development.

With her message to the 113th company, she sets out walking, dragging the horse behind her.

It would be nice, if she knew where the 113th company actually is, though. Amaya considers asking, even if that requires talking and actually does it too.

After getting two mutually conflicting directions, she gives up on this plan and decides to simply follow the strange spiral of hoofprints leading somewhere in the direction of where most of the fighting is supposed to be. That seems a good enough plan.

And it is. Although the frontline officer she delivers her message to looks at the sealed scroll with a dismayed groan. Oh well. Not her problem any more.

But she can hear the fighting from here now and is finally sent off to do just that, which is what she is supposed to do in the first place.

Her cousin is already there. The Fortunes are smiling. Drawing her mother's heavy blade, the Crab wades into the fray. Time to finally do what she is really good at. Letting her rage flow free, she rushes towards the fellow Crab Berserker with a battle cry and joins the fight.

Tactical Planning: +2 SC
Relaying Orders: +1 SC
Final Push #1/3: +3 IL
Final Push #2/3: +3 IL
Final Push #3/3: +3 IL
Total result: (Steel Chrysanthemum: +3, Imperial Legion: +9)

Crab Clan • Bushi • Armoured • Berserker • Gullible • Lucky • Insomniac • Taciturn
Honor: Untrustworthy | Glory: 3.0 | Status: 1.0
Carries: Daisho, Kaiu Armour (where appropriate), traveling pack, jade, lantern, writing kit, blacksmith's hammer

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 Post subject: Re: EVENT: Decisive Battle [Epilogue]
PostPosted: Sat May 09, 2020 1:06 am 
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Joined: Sat Dec 07, 2019 7:24 am
Posts: 1559
Imperialist Victory: If the Imperial Legions have more Victory Points than the Steel Chrysanthemum, then the Legions win the day. The forces of the Steel Chrysanthemum are routed and shattered, though Hantei XVI escapes with a small group of retainers and infiltrates Otosan Uchi via secret passages in North Hub Village. The Empire gains +30 Imperialist Points, and each character supporting the Imperial Legions gains Glory equal to the net total of Victory Points they achieved for the Imperial Legions.

Credulous at best
Your desire to believe in
Angels in the hearts of men

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