Spirit War

NPC List
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Author:  Mindshred [ Fri Mar 20, 2020 7:03 pm ]
Post subject:  NPC List

A list of the various NPCs present in the game.

Author:  Shimizu Kendo [ Fri Mar 20, 2020 11:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: NPC List

Growing up as a child, Kendo was rumored to have dreams of the future. His family convinced him they were figments of his imagination, and the rumor began to fade. Perhaps they would have gone completely if not for his appointment as governor of Toshi no Omoidoso.

The night before his appointment ceremony, an assassin came for him, one that he'd seen coming in his dreams. Since that day, Kendo has believed strongly in divination and omens, to the point of occasionally giving credence to the words of fools.

Kendo is a good governor for the city. He has taken the time to learn the basics of many different functions within the city so that he can better administer it. He is down-to-earth and interested in the day-to-day happenings of the city as he does his duty.

Author:  Kitsu Izumi [ Mon Apr 06, 2020 7:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: NPC List

Faced with increasing pressure to prove herself to her Champion, Izumi's predecessor, Kitsu Tokimeku, attempted to harness the power of a ancient Kitsu nemurai known as the Mirror of Sorrow. She had hoped to use the power of the mirror to create a permanent portal between Ningen-do and Yomi, thus allowing the Kitsu to call forth their ancestors for advice, or even to fight alongside their mortal descendants.

The ritual proved to be too much for Tokimeku, though, and instead ripped a hole into Toshigoku. Tokimeku was possessed by a vengeful spirit as others descended upon Toshi Ranbo, brutally butchering anyone they came across. Izumi managed to fight off the spirits and retrieve the mirror, closing the Toshigoku portal and putting an end to Tokimeku in the process. As her reward, Akodo Misaki promoted Izumi to the position of Kitsu daimyo with a stern warning against muddling with nemurai that her family does not understand.

During the war, Izumi accompanied the Matsu army as they cut a path through the lands of the Phoenix. When Isawa Sora's forces at Kyuden Asako proved to be too much for the Lion to overcome, Izumi stepped forward and unleashed the power of the Mirror of Sorrows, tearing a hole between realities and unleashing the denizens of Toshigoku upon the Phoenix army. The spirits left no survivors but also remained in the area afterwards, leaving Kyuden Asako a haunted ruin littered with the bodies of the dead. Troubled by the magnitude of her actions, Izumi took to wearing the traditional white of mourning following the battle, in the memory of the hundreds of lives she condemned to Toshigoku.

When the Lion strike force sent to locate and assassinate Asako Shiori returned with the Black Scroll she had used to corrupt Shiro Akodo, it was given to Izumi for study and protection. By comparing the energies of the opened Black Scroll with those of the sealed Black Scroll that the Lion had purchased from the Scorpion many years ago, she was able to determine that the sealed scroll was being used to contain a great power, and that this power was intricately linked to the power of Jigoku. While she was ignorant of the process by which Isawa had sealed Fu Leng at the start of the Empire, further research might have allowed Izumi to discern the true nature of the Black Scrolls, were it not for the multiple attempts of various maho tsukai to steal the scrolls from her.

Izumi bound the essence of slaughter spirits to the stone lions within the Halls of the Ancestors, creating animate creatures tasked with guarding the scrolls from those who would take them. The Lions proved to be capable guardians, but the numbers attacks only increased, and with them, the number of priests killed in the resulting battles onto grew. Unwilling to be responsible for more death, Izumi used the Mirror of Sorrow to tear open a portal into the Realm of Slaughter and hid the two Black Scrolls deep within that realm, inside the Nightmare of the Lion. Traveling so deep into Toshigoku left its mark upon Izumi, both physically in turning a shock of her red hair bone white and mentally in leaving her shaken and mentally scarred by what she had seen.

Since then, Izumi has gradually recovered to the point of once again being able to lead her family, but it's clear that her time in Toshigoku damaged her on a fundamental level. The appearance of Hantei XVI - brought back to Rokugan through the portal she created with the Mirror of Sorrow - struck an emotional nerve with Izumi, and she traveled to Morikage Toshi to speak with the returned Emperor. She considers his assassination of the Emperor to be entirely her fault, which has sent her into a deep depression that struggles to entirely overwhelm the young shugenja.

Author:  Shosuro Uruwashii [ Mon Apr 06, 2020 8:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: NPC List

Shosuro Tsai disappeared midway through the Winter Court of 755, but such an event was not entirely unusual for a Shosuro, even one of such high standing as Tsai. When the daimyo did not reappear, however, Tsai's retainers and vassals grew nervous and were eventually forced to report their lord's absence to Bayushi Yuuto.

With no sign of the wayward daimyo, Yuuto was forced to appoint a replacement to the position of Shosuro daimyo, though few expected him to choose Shosuro Uruwashii. A former courtier, Uruwashii had been forced to retire from the courts after an unfortunate accident claimed the life of her husband, the former Yogo Jiroto.

The exact details of the accident are a matter of public rumor - some say that Jiroto attempted to murder his wife and then follow her into the next life, while others claim that a jealous ex-lover sought revenge for having his advanced scorned by Uruwashii. Whatever the truth of the matter, Jiroto was found in his quarters, dead from a terrible poison, while Uruwashii yet clung to life despite the convulsions of her body. The Shosuro healers used all of their skills and knowledge to save the young courtier's life, and succeeded...after a fashion.

When Shosuro Uruwashii next appeared in court, she was more pale than most remembered, but this was seen as something of a fashion coup, rather than a sign of sickness, and her popularity grew as other women flocked to her side, seeking to learn the secrets of her transformation. Uruwashii dismissed the change as an unfortunate side effect of her brush with death, but when two of her servants were found dead the next day, apparent victims of poisoning, Uruwashii abruptly announced her formal retirement from the courts and retired to a quiet life in the gardens of Shiro no Shosuro, where she penned a number of modest but educational treatises on poisons and their antidotes.

With the return of the Uruwashii to the public eye and her ascension to the position of family daimyo, the rumors surrounding her sudden withdrawal from the courts twelve years ago have once again resurfaced. Some whisper that she poisoned her husband to escape a loveless marriage, while others claim that she was involved in some underhanded Scorpion plot that went terribly wrong.

The most practical courtiers, however, just want to know what sort of makeup Uruwashii uses to appear no older than when she retired from the courts thirteen years ago, and where they can get some for themselves.

Author:  Ikoma Torii [ Wed Apr 15, 2020 5:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: NPC List

Torii is an impressive woman. Standing at 5'11 with chiseled features, she has no problem commanding attention when she speaks. She is well-known in Nikesake for putting on recitations of the great deeds of the past, complete with some measure of play-acting some of the important moments.

The discerning in a crowd can see she revels in the attention as much as giving it out, and she tends to casually drop references to her own accomplishments at some point during any performance.

Given the recent news, there are many who are surprised that Torii has begun telling many stories of the Steel Chrysanthemum's glories... leaving many to wonder what her stance will be if his army comes to the city.

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