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 Post subject: 8th Century Timeline
PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 8:36 pm 
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8th Century Timeline

704 - Battle of Kyuden Tonbo, Dragonfly Clan founded

711 - Battle of the Great Climb

715 - Battle of Tidal Landbridge

716 - The Shadowlands Awakens, The Battle of the Cresting Wave, Bayushi Asuka becomes Scorpion Clan Champion, The Battle of the Thundering Shrine.

717 - Bayushi Asuka is found dead at the Emperor's Winter Court, a victim of Night Silk poison. Bayushi Tenburo, her successor, executes a ronin that confesses to her murder.

719 - Faced with military pressure from both the Crab and Lion, Doji Kazuki offers fealty to the ronin mercenaries in his armies. Over the next few years, many ronin travel to Crane lands, seeking better lives for themselves and their families.

724 - Doji Kazuki is assassinated by his yojimbo, a former ronin. The new Crane Champion, Doji Hanako, puts the process of recruiting ronin based upon military service to an end.

726 - The venerable (and somewhat senile) Hantei XX dies in his sleep. His thirty-four year old son ascends to the throne to become Hantei XXI.

736 - Crab Champion Hida Haru's extended family is slain by unknown assassins in a single night. His youngest daughter, the future Hida Kame, is the only one to survive.

738 - Togashi Shutaro banishes the Phoenix from his lands, ending the trade agreement between the two Clans. Unwilling to see the economy of his Clan suffer from such a rash decision, Master of Earth Isawa Tomio develops a ritual to move raw gold from the Dragon mountains into Phoenix lands.

739 - Doji Hanako passes the position of Crane Champion to her son, Doji Ryota.

740 - Hantei XXI slips on the ice on his way to his morning bath. Though the Imperial healers do not believe his injuries to be very serious, the Emperor soon falls ill and passes away a few weeks later. His shocked and somewhat unprepared son ascends to the throne, becoming Hantei XXII at the age of seventeen.

741- The Dragon attack the lands of the Phoenix, throwing their border into chaos for most of the spring and summer months. Hida Kame passes her gempukku and returns home to become the new Crab Champion. Hida Haru takes up his tetsubo and wanders into the Shadowlands, never to be seen again.

743 - Shimizu Gochoku uncovers a Bloodspeaker plot to marry one of their own to the Emperor. He reveals the maho-tsukai to the court, and the Emperor rewards him with his own family within the Lion.

749 - Shiba Mariko murders her cousin, the seer Asako Akiro. Rather than allow his prophecies to fall into the hands of a Bloodspeaker, Akiro clutches the scrolls to his chest and uses his last breath to leap into a deep chasm. Iuchiban escapes from his tomb and begins gathering an army of maho-tsukai and undead in the northern Twilight Mountains.

750 - Battle of the Bloody Retreat, Battle of Sleeping River, Hare Clan founded. Doji Hanako once again assumes leadership of her Clan following the death of her son Ryota. Bayushi Tenburo passes leadership of the Scorpion to his nephew, Bayushi Yuuto. Yogo Katsuro takes over leadership of Shiro no Ukime in his brother's place.

751 - Bayushi Yuuto marries Ikoma Yuri, the daughter of Ikoma daimyo Sayuri. Rumors soon begin to spread regarding Yuri's displeasure at becoming a Scorpion. Soon afterwards, Lion Champion Akodo Gaijuko retires, passing the Championship to his daughter Misaki. Kuni Tokaji becomes the first Jade Champion.

752 - Suzume Wara triumphs at the Emerald Championships and claims the position of Emerald Champion. Unfounded claims of bribery and tournament fixing are made by the leaders of each of the Clans, and soon Wara is known through the Empire as "the Pretender." Yogo Itoju is granted permission to form a secret organization of shugenja to hunt down maho-tsukai and protect the Empire from the Shadows. Itoju names them the Kuroiban.

753 - Yogo Kahlek reveals to the Imperial Court that a Black Scroll is hidden within Shiro no Ukime. The Clans respond by sending agents to the Yogo stronghold in an attempt to steal the Scroll before the Scorpion have a chance to relocate it.

The events of the ~ Black Scroll ~ forum game take place at this time.

Month of the Rat, 753: Faced with increasing pressure to prove herself worthy of her position as daimyo of her Family, Kitsu Tokimeku attempts to use a powerful nemurai - the Mirror of Sorrow - to create a permanent portal between Ningen-do and Yomi. Such a portal would allow the Lion to not only speak with their wise and honored ancestors directly, but would even allow the spirits to step forward into Ningen-do and fight alongside their descendants.

Unfortunately, the ritual proves to be too much for the young priestess, and the spell instead rips a hole between the realms, leading to Tokimeku's possession by a vengeful spirit. Though a handful of her fellow Kitsu eventually manage to release Tokimeku back into the wheel of reincarnation, they prove unable to save the woman's life. The dying daimyo passes leadership of her Family to her only surviving acolyte, a young woman named Kitsu Izumi.

As the weeks pass, more and more spirits appear within Toshi Ranbo. The city soon develops a reputation as a haunted city, and the Crane spend much of the winter raking the Lion across the coals for their blasphemous actions. The Emperor, seeing the truth in their words, grants custody of the city to the Crane, who realize just a bit too late that the city is still infested with unnatural spirits...

Month of the Ox, 753: Yogo Hikari, the daimyo of the Yogo, visits Shiro no Ukime with an honor guard of elite warriors and skilled shugenja. Upon learning that the Black Scroll is still safe, she praises Yogo Katsuro's success at keeping it safe and fully endorses his marriage to Otomo Sukima. When she leaves, Hikari takes the Black Scroll with her, as its current hiding place is no longer secure.

Month of the Tiger, 753: Jade Magistrates descend upon the courts of the Scorpion in search of the Black Scrolls. Though none of the Scrolls are found, the magistrates and their retinues prove to be exceptionally annoying for the Scorpion, who soon find a number of their more private secrets under investigation. Formal letters of protest are sent to the Jade Champion after a number of high-profile Soshi and Yogo shugenja have their spell scrolls confiscated by suspicious magistrates, but neither the letters nor the outrage of their daimyo results in the scrolls' return.

At Kyuden Bayushi, the Hare daimyo, Usagi Reichin, announces his impending marriage to Soshi Yukana, a young courtier and a relative unknown in the courts. The Scorpion are perhaps a bit overly generous with the resulting marriage contract and ask for very little from the fledgling Hare Clan.

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 Post subject: Re: 8th Century Timeline
PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 8:41 pm 
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Joined: Sat Dec 07, 2019 7:24 am
Posts: 1559
~ The Year 754 ~

Month of the Hare, 754: The armies of the Lion begin their march upon Phoenix lands with the first thaw, and the cities of Nikesake and Toshi no Omoidasu are the first to fall beneath their might. The blockade they establish early in the spring cuts off a number of Phoenix diplomats and courtiers from returning to their homes, including the Master of Void, Isawa Yukiko. The irate Yukiko is granted an audience with the Lion Champion, Akodo Misaki, as the castle at Toshi no Omoidasu burns in the distance. Misaki takes offense at the angry Isawa's words, however, and cuts her down mid-sentence, much to the surprise of her advisors.

The remainder of the Phoenix delegates are allowed to leave without being harmed but find themselves with no place to stay for the spring. When their attempts to secure lodging with the Crane are met with polite refusals, the Phoenix find themselves turning to the Emerald Champion for assistance, who allows them to remain in his castle for the duration of the war.

Month of the Dragon, 754: The Lion meet their first real opposition outside of Pale Oak Castle in the form of the Firestorm Legion and the Legion of Flame. The battle between the two armies is fierce, and though the Lion armies suffer heavy initial casualties, the battle gradually begins to swing back in the favor of the Lion as Matsu Takeshi, the Iron Lion, takes to the battlefield with a unit of Matsu's Pride. The fire kami employed by the Phoenix shugenja seem loathe to go near the fearsome warrior, and Takeshi's unit cuts deep into the Firestorm Legion, shattering their formation and causing the Legion of Flame to hesitate between defending the shugenja and pressing their advantage.

In that moment of doubt, the Akodo general leading the Lion army, Akodo Miyu, orders her archers to fire into the Legion of Flame as her cavalry unit attacks from their flank. The rain of arrows distracts the Shiba from noticing the cavalry charge until it is too late, and by the end of the day, Akodo Miyu and Matsu Takeshi stand victorious on a battlefield of charred corpses. Though their army has been reduced below proper fighting strength, the two samurai quickly seize Pale Oak Castle and garrison their remaining troops within its walls.

The Phoenix who remain within the castle are given the choice between capture or honorable sepukku. Though some choose to take their own lives, the majority agree to become prisoners of the Lion and set about preparing funeral pyres for the dead.

Month of the Serpent, 754: As the Phoenix begin to gather their forces, the Lion focus upon reinforcing their battle lines and resupplying their armies. They find their efforts hampered by the meddling of the Yasuki family, however, who quickly buy out a great deal of the northern Empire's supplies for the sake of their own war effort. With no other choice, the Lion are forced to turn to the Crane markets to keep their armies supplied. The Crane continue their neutrality in the war, but still make a handsome profit from the Lion, in terms of both koku and political favors. Though outraged, the Akodo Misaki accepts the Crane prices with little argument, if only to ensure that the Crane continue to find neutrality to be more profitable than siding with the Phoenix.

As the Phoenix courtiers staying with the Emerald Champion begin to protest the actions of the Lion in the Imperial Court, the Scorpion step forward to defend the actions of their allies with horror stories of the Bloodspeaker's armies and frequent reminders that the Phoenix are being punished for attempting to forge a peace treaty with a man whose armies were poised to drag the Empire into Jigoku. With the Crane remaining silent on the issue, the Phoenix find themselves hard-pressed to make a proper case to the Emperor, who decides not to interfere with the Lion's war. Doji Masato approaches a number of the more annoyed Phoenix with offers to discuss the matter in private.

The events of the ~ Topaz Championship 754 ~ forum game take place at this time. Shiba Yoshi wins the tournament at Tsuma and is declared the Topaz Champion. He takes the name Shiba Jirei and returns home to Phoenix lands.

Month of the Horse, 754: The resupplied and replenished armies of the Lion begin their march once more, with Akodo Misaki's army moving north along the coast towards Shiro Shiba, and the army of Akodo Miyu marching northeast towards Kyuden Asako. Though Misaki's fresh army encounters only light resistance along the way, Miyu's newly replenished army comes under fire from the Hurricane Initiates nearly every day. The Phoenix army focuses upon harrying the Lion and striking at their supply chain, while Miyu mostly ignores their tactics and cuts rations as she desperately pushes her dwindling army towards Kyuden Asako.

The Lion find the Legion of Wind waiting for them at the castle, along with the Master of Air, Isawa Sora. The resulting battle goes poorly for the Lion, who are forced to fall back as Sora calls down a howling tornado in the center of their battle lines. As the battle begins to turn against them, Kitsu Izumi calls her acolytes to her side and invokes the power of the Mirror of Sorrow. The Mirror rips a hole between worlds, releasing hundreds of vengeful Toshigoku spirits upon the surprised Phoenix shugenja. The Lion regroup and solemnly watch the carnage from a safe distance. No Phoenix survive the battle, and no attempt is made by the Lion to claim Kyuden Asako.

Meanwhile, the Scorpion find their southern borders under attack by the Crab, who have grown restless in waging mere economic warfare. The attack catches the Scorpion off-guard, and Hida Kame wastes no time in claiming the conquered lands for the Crab.

With their armies already weakened from the Bloodspeaker War, the Scorpion are forced to deploy the entirety of their army to the southern front, and many yojimbo and inactive bushi are recalled to Scorpion lands in order to bulk out their forces. The Scorpion begin to slander the Crab in the Imperial Court, though their efforts are cut short as the Crane graciously offer to step forward and defend the Scorpion borders for them, since the Scorpion seem unable to do so themselves. Suspecting some manner of trickery from the Crane, Bayushi Yuuto politely refuses the offer, which not only makes the Crane seem compassionate, but also forces the Scorpion to deal with the Crab in a non-political manner.

Due to the firm grip of the Yasuki on the supplies they need to wage war, the Scorpion are forced to purchase supplies for their own troops from the Crane, who are more than happy to supply them at reasonably inflated prices.

Mirumoto Aiki, the daughter of Mirumoto Family daimyo Mirumoto Kabe, returns to the lands of the Dragon alongside Togashi Minoru, an ise zumi with a reputation for burning copies of the Tao whenever possible. After speaking with the monk who had escorted his daughter home, Kabe announces that the wanderings of the Togashi have a purpose, and warns his vassals that attempts to drag unwilling ise zumi back to Dragon lands will no longer be tolerated.

Month of the Goat, 754: Akodo Misaki's army finally reaches Shiro Shiba at dusk, only to find Shiba Esai and the majority of the Shiba armies waiting for her, along with the Avalanche Guard and the Legion of Stone. Both armies settle in and make preparations for the next day's battle.

That night, Togashi Motaro appears in Shiba Esai's command tent and requests a private meeting with the Shiba daimyo. Surprised and more than a little confused to have the Dragon Champion just walk unannounced into his tent, Esai agrees, and the two talk long into the night. As the Lion take the field of battle the next morning, Esai rides up to their battle lines and requests a meeting with the Lion Champion. Misaki agrees, and rides up to speak with him in private.

Though the words that pass between the two daimyo remain unknown to the soldiers watching the battle, everyone is able to clearly see the Shiba daimyo as he produces the freshly severed heads of Isawa Tomio and Isawa Ryuiso and tosses them to Misaki's feet. Shocked and surprised by his actions, Misaki rides back to her army and informs them that they shall be marching around Shiro Shiba, and that none are to attack the Phoenix garrisoned within.

In the southern reaches of the Empire, the Scorpion finally present a unified front against the rapid advance of the Crab armies at the Palace of Crimson Shadows. The battle quickly bogs down into a long series of feints and counter-feints as Hida Kame's forces attempt to seize the castle, only to be repelled by illusionary reinforcements and unexpected counterattacks. Eventually, the Crab fall back into a more defensive position as they wait for their reinforcements to arrive.

In the Imperial Court, the reputation of Matsu Kohaku, the Imperial Advisor, takes a sharp hit as the Emperor makes a surprise visit to her rooms, only to find her in a compromising position with the Yasuki daimyo. In his disgust, he banishes both Kohaku and Takara from Otosan Uchi and appoints Agasha Muizu, a respected member of the Imperial Courts, as his new Imperial Advisor. That Muizu happens to have a great number of allies among the Crane Clan, including the Imperial Chancellor, Doji Masato, does not go unnoticed by anyone.

Month of the Monkey, 754: Akodo Miyu solidifies her position in Pale Oak Castle as Akodo Misaki marches towards Kyuden Isawa with the intent of taking the head of the final surviving member of the Elemental Council, Isawa Arya. The Shiba armies stand aside at the command of their Champion, leaving Arya undefended save by her personal acolytes and a number of ronin who left the Phoenix in protest of their Champion's actions. A number of Togashi monks also join in the defense of the castle, much to the relief of Arya and the other defenders.

When Akodo Misaki's forces arrive at Kyuden Isawa, they are greeted by a small detachment of ronin led by Shiba Jirei, the Topaz Champion. Jirei convinces Misaki to parley with the Master of Fire, and over the course of a week the two women engage in tense negotiations as the Lion armies mill about restlessly outside the Phoenix castle. Arya eventually surrenders to the Lion, and Misaki spares the Master of Fire's life on the condition that she take an Akodo husband to ensure that the Phoenix "remain on the honorable path." The Ikoma dub the war between the Lion "The War of Burned Wings" and record the conflict as a resounding victory for their young Champion.

Unfortunately, the Lion refuse to return the land they have captured during their summer offensive, leaving a vast portion of Phoenix lands under their control. Though upset that the war resulted in the needless loss of so much life, Isawa Arya realizes that the outcome could have been far worse had Shiba Jirei not convinced the Lion Champion to enter into peaceful negotiations. In reward of his achievement, Arya gifts the Topaz Champion with an awakened blade taken from the vaults of Gisei Toshi and appoints him as her personal yojimbo.

Meanwhile, the increasing tensions between the Mantis and Tortoise Clans finally erupt into open warfare as a Tortoise ship fires upon a Mantis kobune that had attempted to board it. The Mantis survivors claim that the Tortoise have been outfitting their ships with weapons that use gaijin powder, a claim which is vehemently denied by Kasuga Fang Hua and her fellow Tortoise.

Month of the Rooster, 754: The siege engines of the Crab arrive at the Palace of Crimson Shadows, allowing the Clan to finally shift back onto the offensive. The Scorpion are forced to fall back further and further into the city as the Crab hammer the Palace with a relentless barrage of catapults and ballista until the stronghold finally falls in the last days of the month. The beleaguered forces of the Scorpion scatter as the Crab settle into place and begin to secure the ruined city in preparation for a spring offensive.

Faced with accusations of violating Imperial Law through the use of gaijin powder, Kasuga Fang Hua invites members of the Imperial Families to tour the ships of the Tortoise, which have been docked in East Hub Port. The keen eyes of the Seppun and Otomo find no trace of the gaijin weapons the Mantis claim the Tortoise have been using, and Otomo Yao, the Otomo daimyo, announces that in recognition for Kasuga Fang Hua's devotion to Imperial Law, he will be taking the woman as his wife.

After weeks of polite pestering, Akodo Misaki gives control of Kyuden Asako and its surrounding lands back to the Phoenix. Isawa Arya and her yojimbo journey to the castle to inspect the damage done to it during its siege, only to find the area haunted by enraged slaughter spirits. The two manage to fend off the spirits long enough to reach the gates of Kyuden Asako, but are forced to retreat at the appearance of a spirit of incredible strength and rage. Once they are a safe distance from the castle, Arya and her yojimbo hesitantly agree not to mention the Hantei Family mon worn by the spirit to their fellow Phoenix.

The Crane, meanwhile, have found themselves plagued with spirit problems of their own. Toshi Ranbo has become a blight upon the Clan, for the slaughter spirits roaming its streets have continued to claim the lives of both heimin and samurai alike. Though the city remains generally safe, not a week passes without one or two grisly deaths, much to the frustration of the Asahina attempting to exorcise the vengeful ghosts. With few other options left open to them, the Asahina daimyo sends a formal request to the Crab Clan asking for their assistance with the slaughter spirits.

Month of the Dog, 754: Samurai throughout the Empire are publicly shocked and privately relieved to learn of the death of Otomo Yao, who fell off the deck of Kasuga Fang Hua's ship while it was docked at East Hub Village and subsequently drowned in the waters of the port. Though obviously upset by the death of her fiance, Kasuga Fang Hua points out that the tragedy could have been avoided if more courtiers took the time to learn how to swim.

Yao's named successor, his brother Akira, meets with tragedy a few days later as his yojimbo finds himself in a duel with the notorious duelist Kakita Asamura. Asamura's blade claims the life of the yojimbo, forcing Akira to follow him into death after penning a quick letter giving control of the Otomo to his distant cousin, Otomo Kiku. Miya heralds are quickly dispatched to Moshi lands to inform the visiting Kiku that she is now the Otomo Family daimyo, despite her never having held any position higher than Imperial Cartographer. The unexpected choice of successors creates confusion and unrest in Otosan Uchi, much to the delight of the dying Otomo Akira.

The Lion take advantage of their newly acquired lands to gather as much rice as possible from the fields of their new peasants. Their entire surplus of rice is given over to the Scorpion in a gesture of support for their battered and beaten allies. Though grateful for the gift, Soshi Kokonoe, the Soshi daimyo, points out that rice does little to defend one's lands and that a gift of able warriors would be more appreciated by her struggling Clan. The resulting duel ends in a kharmic strike between the Lion messenger and Kokonoe's yojimbo, leaving both men wounded and annoyed at the other.

Meanwhile, the Emperor announces that he will be holding Winter Court at Kyuden Isawa this year, much to the surprise of his entire court, including the Phoenix delegates. The decision particularly annoys the courtiers of the Crab, who had been all but promised that Winter Court would be held at Kyuden Hida. Despite this, the Crab remain supportive of their Phoenix allies and admit that the Phoenix "need it more than they do."

Month of the Boar, 754: Winter Court gets off to a shaky start as an early snow leaves a number of delegates cut off from Kyuden Isawa for most of the month. Those who arrived early - consisting mostly of the Phoenix, Imperials, and a number of the Crane and Lion delegates - are left to their own devices as the Emperor remains in seclusion praying for the safety of those trapped in the heavy snows.

The awkward situation becomes extremely tense after Doji Nokki, a Crane courtier, performs an impromptu haiku likening the Phoenix Clan to a beautiful flower attempting to recover from the ravages of a fierce storm. The comparison of her Clan to a destructive storm upsets Akodo Misaki, and the resulting argument between the two women nearly comes to blows before an Asako monk manages to defuse the situation. Misaki storms off in anger as the other Crane delegates shoot death glares at the horrified Doji Nokki.

Otomo Kiku also earns a fair amount of gossip early in the season, for she arrives at Winter Court unmarried and quite pregnant. None of her fellow courtiers are quite daring enough to bring up the topic in casual conversation, and Kiku herself offers no explanation for her current state. The single Centipede Clan delegate to Winter Court is promptly besieged by courtiers seeking gossip on which men the young daimyo has been spending her time with, but Moshi Sayuri professes her ignorance on the matter time and time again.

Month of the Rat, 754: The snows finally let up long enough to let most of the other delegates reach Winter Court. The Clans begin to grow restless as the days pass without an appearance from the Emperor, until finally Bayushi Yuri, the wife of the Scorpion Champion, forces her way past the indignant Seppun guards and into the Emperor's chambers. She returns a few minutes later shouting to the court that they have been deceived by the Seppun, who have been pretending that the Emperor arrived at Kyuden Isawa when no such thing ever occurred.

Faced with a court on the verge of a riot, Seppun Junko, the ranking member of the Hidden Guard, announces that the Emperor slipped away from his escort on the road to Kyuden Isawa, and has not yet been found by the Seppun that have been discreetly searching for him ever since. The only clue to his whereabouts was a piece of worn parchment that bore a snippet of haunting text accredited to Kayou, a nun of the Four Temples Order: "Like the Emperors of old, wise ancestors of sacred memory, the Son of Heaven must step beyond his palaces to see the world as it is through his own eyes and act with the Wisdom that is his birthright."

The news that the Emperor is apparently wandering the Empire without so much as a single yojimbo sends the court into a frenzy, and Seppun Junko's sepukku is both demanded and given. Dozens of search parties are sent into the falling snow by the Phoenix, but as the weeks stretch on with little sign of the Son of Heaven, the Imperials and the Clans grow more and more nervous. Unable to bare the thought of having the Emperor freeze to death in her own lands, Isawa Arya retires to her chambers to pray for the Hantei's safety.

Arya returns three days later with an unknown man and calls for an end to the now constant bickering so that her companion, the new Master of Void, can update them as to the Emperor's current status. Isawa Kibou informs the surprised court that the Emperor is alive and well, and that it is quite impossible to reach him while the snows still cover the ground. The protests of the other Clans are reduced to impotent grumbles as Kibou announces that the Phoenix will watch over the Hantei at a distance, and that they will rescue him as soon as the weather allows.

Akodo Misaki is noticeably displeased by this announcement, but anything she might have said against the Phoenix is cut short as Doji Hanako, the Crane Clan Champion, announces that the Crane have the utmost faith in their Phoenix allies, and that the Emperor would no doubt wish for court to continue as if he were present. Bayushi Yuri adds her voice to Hanako's own, earning a glare from her former Champion. The rest of the court is soon won over to Hanako and Kibou's side, and Winter Court finally begins to settle into a semblance of normalcy.

The Scorpion attempt to petition the other Clans for assistance against the Crab army which is camped out in their lands, but with little success. The Crane in particular seem more than a little pleased when Akodo Misaki promises that she will do what she can to protect her allies, but points out that the majority of her forces are already stretched out across their newly acquired northern lands, and that it will take at least month for her armies to reach the lands of the Scorpion. Furthermore, she sternly reminds Yuri that no armies are able to move until the thaws of the spring. The Scorpion are thankful for the promise of assistance, but many of their courtiers worry that there will be no Scorpion lands to protect by the time their Lion allies arrive.

Month of the Ox, 754: The arrival of Togashi Motaro catches the entire court off guard and sends the Phoenix scrambling to accommodate the unexpected Dragon Clan Champion. In pure Dragon fashion, Motaro has a brief meeting with the new Master of Void before simply walking off into a raging blizzard, much to the confusion of nearly everyone present. When asked what the Dragon Champion spoke to him about, Isawa Kibou claims that they merely had "a brief chat," which does little to alleviate the speculation and gossip surrounding the event.

Upon learning of Motaro's unexpected arrival and even less expected departure, Akodo Misaki claims that she is leaving court to search for the Emperor. The other courtiers make a few half-hearted comments about the dangers of the foul weather, but breathe a collective sigh of relief when the Lion Champion and a majority of her delegates leave the castle.

The Crane attempt to appeal to Otomo Kiku to return the lands of the Phoenix to the war-torn Clan, only to have their efforts blocked by Bayushi Yuri and the other Scorpion, who point out that despite being the highest-ranking Imperial present, Kiku does not have the power to redraw the borders of the Clans. Doji Hanako points out that, as an Imperial Cartographer, Kiku does have that power, and that it was never revoked by the Hantei prior to his disappearance. Faced with pressure from both Clans and feeling the eyes of the entire court upon her, Kiku feigns going into labor to remove herself from the situation.

Month of the Tiger, 754: As the snows begin to let up, the Phoenix report that the Emperor has moved from their lands into the lands of the Dragon, and that the Mirumoto have denied their search parties passage into Dragon lands. The court is outraged at this development and quickly turn upon the two Dragonfly delegates invited to Winter Court to speak on behalf of the Dragon, but neither can explain the situation to anyone's satisfaction. When one of the Dragonfly commits sepukku, the still pregnant Otomo Kiku brings Winter Court to an early end, claiming that the Seppun need to begin searching for the Emperor.

With the roads still clogged with snow, the delegates have a difficult time returning home, and many of them choose to remain with the Phoenix until things improve. The Seppun do not, however, and a fair number of them are overcome by the elements as they force themselves onward towards the Dragon-Phoenix border.

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 Post subject: Re: 8th Century Timeline
PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 9:09 pm 
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Posts: 1559
~ The Year 755 ~

Month of the Hare, 755: As the new year begins, the Crab begin their northward push into the undefended lands of the Scorpion, who pull back into their northernmost holdings and hope that their Lion allies will arrive in time to preserve what little Scorpion lands yet remain.

The Lion, meanwhile, have begun to move troops among their newly acquired holdings in an attempt to shift their strength south to defend the Scorpion. A number of their officers are noticeably disturbed by the idea that the Emperor could be wandering through their lands, however, and these maneuvers are slowed as Lion officers prioritize searching their lands in the hope of finding the lost Emperor, unaware that he has crossed into Dragon lands.

The Dragon find themselves set upon by scattered groups of Seppun seeking the Emperor, but their refusal to let anyone cross into their lands results in a number of very deadly duels all along their borders. Despite this, the Dragon continue to hold their borders, claiming that they have been closed by their Champion.

Having reforged their previous alliance, the Crane promise to make up whatever deficit the Phoenix find in their food stores this year, and even cede a small portion of their northern lands to the Phoenix as an apology for turning aside their refugees last spring. The gesture is well received by most Phoenix despite the grumblings of the Asako, who still feel the loss of Kyuden Asako all too keenly.

Meanwhile, Isawa Arya appoints the former Tsunami Legionnaire Isawa Daiko to the position of Master of Water upon the recommendation of Phoenix Champion Shiba Esai. As one of the few shugenja within the Empire with a firm grasp of teleportation magic, her ascendance to a position on the Elemental Council is seen as a wise decision by most of the Phoenix, though some question whether her lack of courtly training will be a hindrance to the Phoenix down the road.

Without his Champion present to countermand his orders, Hiruma Isamu begins to put together a strike force to once again attempt to reclaim Shiro Hiruma, which was lost to the Shadowlands some forty years earlier. With the bulk of the Crab armies split between trouncing the Scorpion and guarding the Wall, however, he is forced to assemble a coalition force drawn from all the Clans. None of the Crab samurai who watch the coalition march south into the Shadowlands ever expect to see them return.

The events of the ~ Shiro Hiruma ~ forum game take place at this time.

Month of the Dragon, 755: Near the beginning of the month, the Jade Champion's forces arrive at Shiro Hiruma to find the coalition force assembled by Hiruma Isamu still holding the castle. The flsinister army of the undead general Tsukuro retreats in the face of an entire Imperial Legion, and it is quickly discovered that the undead Hida Kenta - the current wielder of Konbo - has escaped with them. The Hiruma vow to recover the weapon once again, and a task force is quickly assembled to hunt down their fallen cousin.

In a grand ritual the likes of which has not been seen since the days of Kuni Osaku, Kuni Tokaji and two dozen of his Family's shugenja sacrifice themselves to scatter jade-infused dirt taken from beneath Shinsei's Last Hope all across the Hiruma Provinces. Though the process of gathering the dirt resulted in the destruction of the tiny village, the ritual spreads Shinsei's blessings across the entirety of Hiruma lands, ensuring that so long as a single Crab yet defends the land, it cannot be corrupted by the Shadowlands.

The Crane, meanwhile, shift a portion of their Daidoji forces northward to assist the Phoenix in fortifying the border they share with the Lion. Though the Phoenix are initially reluctant to take actions that might be seen as preparing for another war, the surplus rice the troops carry with them soon win them over to the Crane's point of view.

Further to the west, Akodo Misaki presents herself at the Dragon borders and demands an audience with the Emperor or, failing that, Togashi Motaro. The border guards agree to pass on the request, forcing Misaki to wait for nearly a week before word comes back that her request has been denied. The Lion Champion says nothing but is clearly upset as she turns and takes her leave.

Meanwhile, within Shiro Mirumoto, the Emperor finally recovers from the wounds he had sustained during his flight through the snow-choked lands of the Phoenix. Though he lost a few fingers and toes and part of an ear to frostbite, his Agasha physician pronounces him fit to wander the castle at his leisure, albeit with an honor guard of four Mirumoto bushi. The Dragon generally leave the Hantei to his own business, and within a week he has become quite bored of the mountains. On a lark he visits a Mirumoto dojo and is quite surprised when the sensei, Mirumoto Fukuzei, invites him to take up a bokken and train with them. Much to his surprise, the Emperor finds himself to be quite talented for one who has never held a blade in his life, and he soon becomes a regular presence within Fukuzei's classes.

The Scorpion brace themselves for the upcoming war with the Crab but find their numbers too far depleted to significantly delay the Crab armies. With the Lion still delayed due to the thawing snows and their own distractions, Shosuro Tsai is forced to contact the Hateru, an independent ninja family that the Scorpion had been pretending to ignore for centuries. The Hateru are initially skeptical of working alongside the Shosuro but eventually decide that accepting Scorpion coin is preferable to having their existence exposed to the Empire.

The Shosuro focus upon harassing the Crab supply lines, destroying supplies and delaying reinforcements while the Hateru focus upon assassinating ranking Crab officers. The early spring is a very bloody one for the Crab, and the Rikugunshokan of the Crab army, Hida Katashi, is famously quoted as complaining about "ninja coming out of the damned woodwork."

In the lands of the Fox, the Phoenix and Sparrow - brought together by the Emerald Champion - arrive to assist the Kitsune with the demon that stalks their forest. Though the battle is fierce, the three Clans eventually manage to destroy Naruma no Oni and end its reign of terror. The Fox pledge their support to the Sparrow in the future, and both Clans thank the Phoenix for their assistance. The Kitsune Mori remains quiet, but now that the demon is gone, there is little to do but hope that the kitsune spirits return...

Month of the Serpent, 755: The first rumors of the reclamation of Shiro Hiruma reach the Crab armies at around the same time as they receive reports of Matsu Takeshi's army of Lion ashigaru and samurai passing through Beiden Pass and into Scorpion lands. Knowing that more troops will be needed to hold Shiro Hiruma once the Imperial Legion pulls out, and faced with near daily assassination attempts against himself and his officers, Hida Katashi sends a messenger to approach the Scorpion with an offer of peace between their Clans. The negotiations take a turn for the worse when the Crab flat-out refuse to return the lands they have conquered to the Scorpion but still demand that the Scorpion persuade their Lion allies to return to their own lands. The Scorpion Rikugunshokan, Bayushi Nobune, reluctantly agrees to the terms demanded by the Crab and assures him that they will ask the Lion to return home. The Ikoma will later record this war in the Imperial Histories as "The War of Crossed Pincers."

At around the same time, the Phoenix celebrate the ascension of Isawa Kenshin to the position of Master of Air. Though venerable in age, Isawa Kenshin's many years within the Imperial Court and his dedication to pacifism are well known to the rest of the Empire, as is his friendship with the late Hantei XXI. It is rumored that Kenshin had refused the position twice before but chose to petition the Council for membership after hearing stories from a wandering monk of how poorly the Phoenix coalition members had behaved at Shiro Hiruma.

To celebrate his ascension, Crane Champion Doji Hanako invites the entire Council to join her at Kyuden Doji to discuss the future of their two Clans. The Phoenix catch the Crane off guard as Isawa Daiko teleports the four Masters directly into the court room of Kyuden Doji, forcing the Crane to scramble to accommodate guests they had not expected for another two months. Despite a few minor issues, such as Isawa Kibou's poorly received questions regarding the Imperial Chancellor's intentions in the courts and the considerable amount of time Isawa Daiko spends in the gardens with Daidoji Kenta, the meeting is generally considered a success by both Clans. Daiko teleports the Masters back to Kyuden Isawa at the end of the month, having arranged for both marriages and training agreements between their Clans.

In Tsuma, the Topaz Championship is claimed by Togashi Kou, a young woman with a quick mind, surprising dueling skills, and a scandalous habit of walking around without a shirt. Though they would never seek to overturn the results of the Topaz Championship, the Crane do what they can to downplay the event this year, mostly out of the hope that everyone will just forget about this year's Champion. Those who attend the tournament still manage to get a few chuckles out of just how often Kakita Takashi's young wife Rika smacks him upside the head for staring at the Dragon girl.

Faced with numerous reports of Crane-trained Suzume making fools of themselves in court or publicly professing a dislike for the wealthy children of Doji, the Crane Champion brings an end to the training agreements between their Clans. The Sparrow currently training with the Crane are sent home with little more than a mumbled apology, while those who have trained with the Clan in the past are barred from returning for further training. Kakita Kenji, the one Crane samurai sent to train with the Sparrow, openly cries with joy as he returns to his parent family and spends the next few months telling all manner of horror stories about strange vegetables known as yams.

Month of the Horse, 755: With the death of Kuni Tokaji, the Otomo family find themselves petitioned to hold a Jade Championship by various Scorpion courtiers who are desperate for a chance to see one of their own shugenja ascend to the position and claim the poorly defined and seemingly unregulated power of the position. The Ikoma support the Scorpion as much as they can, pointing to a precedent of such positions continuing onward after the first person to hold the title has passed away, which only serves to draw complaints from the Phoenix, who wish to see the position abolished entirely. The Otomo are reluctant to take such drastic steps while the Emperor is still missing, but when the Crane add their voice to the Phoenix who are calling for an end to the Jade Championship, the Imperials spitdfully spend a considerable amount of koku in not only holding the tournament, but in promoting it across the Empire.

As the announcement goes out across the Empire, Akodo Misaki arrives at the borders of the Dragon with a full army and demands that the Dragon surrender the Emperor. The Mirumoto stationed along their borders inform the Lion Champion that they cannot do so and are promptly cut down by the overwhelming Lion numbers. Misaki pushes her army northwards, where her army encounters the handful of Dragonfly samurai who have been tasked with defending their castle. Though they stand no chance against the Lion army, they still stand and fight to the last man. Impressed with their bravery, Misaki allows the noncombatants within the castle an hour to gather their things and depart before the Lion set it to the torch and salt their lands. The Dragonfly Champion, Tonbo Quinlan, refuses to leave his castle at the mercy of the Lion and perishes in the resulting flames.

In the south, Matsu Takeshi's army arrives at the new southern borders of Scorpion lands. A messenger approaches Takeshi to inform him of the peace agreement between the Crab and Scorpion but somehow manages to insult Takeshi's ancestors and is cut down before he can deliver the message. The Scorpion make no move to intervene as the Lion throw themselves at the Crab, beginning a brutal war between the two armies that results in casualties so numerous that the few surviving Omoidasu claim the ground could not be seen for all the fallen bodies. Matsu Takeshi and the Lion's Pride spearhead the assault, eventually forcing the Crab to fall back after three days and nights of nonstop fighting. The few Crab samurai who face Takeshi in combat and survive claim that he was fighting with supernatural strength and that at one point he exhaled a gout of black flame from behind his iron mempo, roasting two dozen ashigaru alive in the blink of an eye.

Back in the lands of the Crane, the ronin Jiro somehow manages to close the rift in the spirit realms that has plagued Toshi Ranbo for the past two years. The Crane are immensely grateful to the wandering priest and initially seem to be willing to offer him fealty into the Asahina. The offer falls through, however, when Asahina Noa learns that Jiro was apparently friends with Masaki, a man who revealed himself to be a maho-tsukai at Shiro no Ukime. This cools the praise for the ronin within the city, though the Crane do put in a good word for him when the Asako Inquisitors arrive, which prevents his questioning from descending into outright torture. Jiro is released from their custody at the end of the month with a stern warning and travel papers allowing him to travel through Crane lands as he wishes.

On the 23rd of the month, a year to the day after Kitsu Izumi used the Mirror of Sorrow to open a portal to Toshigoku within Kyuden Asako, the maho-tsukai Asako Shiori breaks the seal on the first Black Scroll. Shiori directs the unnatural energies contained within the scroll towards Shiro Akodo, flooding the castle and all within with the raw essence of Jigoku. The opening of the scroll sends shockwaves through the elements which are felt all throughout the Empire. Shugenja with a strong connection to the elements are most affected, with many of them falling into seizures or blacking out, while novice shugenja manage to suffer through the experience with throbbing headaches and nosebleeds.

The Kitsu stationed within Shiro Akodo realize their plight almost immediately and, given the date and the words of the kansen whispering in their ears, assume that the Phoenix have attacked them. As the castle's bushi put down the maddened servants, the castle's guardian Akodo Tanaka writes a letter to his champion explaining the situation, then commits sepukku...and reanimates a few moments later as a ravenous undead monster. After he is put down, subsequent sepukku are staged in intervals to allow those still tainted to take the heads of their fallen comrades. Only a single samurai, Ikoma Kato, remains in the world of the living, his three mouths repeating the stories of those who had fallen as he patiently waits for his pure brothers and sisters to arrive and end his misery.

Confusion strikes the Imperial City as pirates attack North Hub village, looting a number of Tortoise holdings and setting aflame the rest. Kasuga Fang Hua publicly accuses the Mantis of the attacks, but the Mantis Champion Ioshi has denies the charges and instead points out that many of the Tortoise holdings that caught fire exploded suspiciously. The Tortoise Champion blames the explosions on the Mantis, which only serves to further escalate the war between the two Clans.

Month of the Goat, 755: The Jade Championship is held on the Plain of Thunder at the start of the month and sees participants from every Clan, including the Phoenix and a few Minor Clans. The competition results in a number of fierce and memorable taryu-jiai duels, but in the end, the ronin Fairuz emerges victorious in a surprise upset over Yogo Toru. Though the Scorpion are furious at the result and the Imperials are noticeably upset that a ronin claimed the prize, more than a few shugenja sigh in relief, for it had been rumored that Toru was augmenting his magic with one of the cursed nemurai his family safeguards. Fairuz refuses to swear fealty to any of the Clans but announces that he is willing to teach his technique to any of his fellow ronin who are willing to swear fealty to "House Fairuz."

The samurai gathered at the event grow noticeably upset at the announcement, but Otomo Kiku quickly steps in and announces that the Otomo will be supporting his new ronin family, and that any ronin wishing to swear fealty to the new Jade Champion may do so with their blessing. Unwilling to directly challenge the Otomo daimyo and the Jade Champion at the same time, the other Clans grumble their agreements and Fairuz offers his most sincere thanks to Kiku. The Otomo daimyo simply nods her head and announces that two of the Hidden Guard will be renouncing their names and swearing fealty to him, to both learn from his techniques and to assist him with the duties of his position...the first of which is to investigate the recent disturbance in the elements.

In the lands of the Lion, a small unit of Lion samurai arrives to investigate the silence surrounding Shiro Akodo, only to find the land blackened and corrupted beneath their feet. The chui of the unit, Akodo Denba, has a distant, shouted conversation with Ikoma Kato, wherein he learns of the fall of Shiro Akodo and that the fallen Kitsu placed the blame for the corruption upon a Phoenix maho tsukai. Denba swears to avenge his family but is unfortunately forced to order Shiro Akodo razed to the ground. Squads of Lion samurai spread out from the ruined castle, slaying every living creature within miles in order to keep the corruption unleashed within their lands from spreading any further.

Meanwhile, the battle between the Lion and the Crab - now dubbed the "War of Hidden Honor" - rages out of control across the provinces of the Scorpion, with the battle lines wavering back and forth as the Crab fight back against the Matsu army with everything they have. In battle after battle, Matsu Takeshi ends up being the spearhead that breaks the Crab lines, though he now fights separate from the Lion's Pride, on account of the blistering heat that his body now emanates while he is in combat. This heat is enough to warp arrows and cook the skin of any who draw near him, and the Lion's Pride follows behind him at a safe distance, easily dispatching those whom the Iron Lion overlooks in his battle rage.

As the Crab continue to lose their ground to what they see as a minion of Jigoku, a group of Kuni shugenja advance to the front lines during the Battle of Fallen Desire and call upon the kami to utterly annihilate the rampaging Matsu daimyo and his unit. The bright green light destroys Takeshi, who explodes in a blackened fireball which claims the lives of dozens of ashigaru and samurai on both sides of the conflict. Though horribly burned and in unimaginable pain, the Lion's Pride roars in defiance at the death of their daimyo and throw themselves at the Crab, breaking their battle lines with the final minutes of their lives. The Crab fall back to await the next battle, but Akodo Miyu, Takeshi's second in command and now Rikugunshokan of the Matsu army, orders her forces to consolidate while the Kitsu tend to the dead.

In the north, Akodo Misaki's army comes within sight of the Dragon samurai defending Shiro Mirumoto, but before the armies can engage, the Emperor - clad in armor crafted for him by the Mirumoto - walks out to meet her, along with his honor guard. The two speak for over two hours while the armies wait in anticipation, then Misaki returns to her army and informs them that the Emperor has taken refuge with the Dragon for his own protection and that there is no battle to be fought against them. An honor guard of one Akodo, one Matsu, and one Shimizu is left behind to assist in the Emperor's protection as the rest of her army fans out along the southern borders of Dragon lands, reinforcing the surprised Dragon samurai who are keeping all others from entering their lands. The Ikoma dub the short conflict "the War of the Iron Chrysanthemum."

Shosuro Saimei no Kochako, one of the defenders of Shiro Hiruma, returns to the Scorpion many months later than expected, having successfully obtained proof that the former Hiruma daimyo, Hiruma Jun, was killed not because he was tainted but because he had accused family daimyo Kuni Toru of being tainted. Though Toru furious when the Scorpion bring the matter to his attention, the Clan of Secrets only asks for access to the Kuni libraries in exchange for making the matter vanish. Toru begrudgingly agrees, and over the next few months many Yogo and Soshi study the writings of the Kuni and make copies of important documents for their own fledgling Kuroiban organization.

Month of the Monkey, 755: Bandits attack Doji Hanako and her yojimbo as the Champion is traveling to Shiro Shiba to speak with the Phoenix Champion, killing both her and her grandson Ichiro. Both the Phoenix and the Crane are outraged when they learn of the deaths, but it is the Master of Air, Isawa Kenshin, offering his life in exchange for the fallen Champion that manages to convince the Crane that the Phoenix were not involved. Kenshin returns to Shiro Shiba having averted what might have been war between the Clans, only to learn that Isawa Kibou, the Master of Void, has located the bandits. The Master of Water teleports a strike force of Shiba and Daidoji bushi directly into the bandit's lair, murdering all but two of the honorless assassins, whom the Daidoji take prisoner for interrogation. As they prepare to leave the forest fortress, another group of Daidoji bushi arrives at the lair and are quite surprised to learn that the bandits have already been slain. Though they have no travel papers allowing them to travel within Phoenix lands, Isawa Daiko allows the two groups of Crane to return to their own lands with assurances that the matter will be dealt with by the Crane.

Unfortunately, only half of the Daidoji bushi make it back home with their lives. According to the survivors, both of the captured prisoners were maho-tsukai who used their foul magics to not only escape, but to kill half of their group before finally being put down by the remaining bushi. Faced with the end of Doji Hanako's line, the Imperial Chancellor steps in and appoints one of Hanako's cousins, Doji Shiai, to the position of Doji daimyo and Crane Champion. Though an accomplished gardener and the creator of two very beautiful lines of hybrid lilies, Shiai is looked upon as a strange choice for the position, as her courtier training is rudimentary at best and her skill with a blade is nonexistent. Despite this, the Crane rally around their new Champion and by the end of the summer her now famous lilies are present in every garden of note within Crane lands.

Meanwhile, the War of Hidden Honor pushes into its third month as the Lion armies once again begin their push southward. The two weeks the Lion spent reorganizing their armies and tending to the dead have given the Crab time to fortify their position, however, and the Lion armies find themselves in an unexpected siege war against the Crab battle lines. What follows is a grueling war of attrition as both armies grind against each other, the ground beneath their feet turning to thick mud from all the spilled blood. The siege engines of the Crab roll into position, but confusion fills their ranks as two of the catapults misfire suspiciously, one of them striking Hida Katashi's command tent as the other knocks a hole in the Crab defensive lines. The Lion armies capitalize on the stroke of good luck and pour into the breach, tipping the battle back to the Lion's favor.

As things appear to be lost, the Crab receive an unexpected boon in the arrival of a legion of Phoenix bushi rising out of the ground to hold the breach. Finally given leave to take their revenge upon the Lion, the Legion of Stone holds the line long enough for the Crab to regain control of their malfunctioning catapults and reinforce their battle lines. Hida Katashi's second in command, Hiruma Teiku, meets with the Lion armies the next morning, bringing an end to the brutal war. As part of the negotiations, the Crab agree to return the land they lost to the Scorpion, while the Lion agree to return to their own lands and leave the border to their Scorpion allies. Akodo Miyu agrees to the terms, then orders two platoons of Matsu samurai and their accompanying ashigaru to swear fealty to the Bayushi before beginning preparations to return home. The new Scorpion forces take up position along the new southern Scorpion border as Hiruma Teiku makes a number of inventive insinuations regarding her Lion counterpart's assumed illegitimate lineage. Fortunately, she is wise enough to do so out of earshot of any, Scorpion.

Month of the Rooster, 755: Early in the month, the Empire is caught off-guard by a number of highly organized attacks perpetrated by strange half-man, half-snake creatures. The creatures attack villages all along the Crane and Phoenix coastlines, as well as dozens of Scorpion and Crab settlements that border on the Shinomen Forest. Most of the attacks are repelled with minimal losses, but the sudden appearance of such a numerous and apparently well-organized enemy from both sides of Rokugan sends the greatest generals of the Empire scrambling to shift their forces into defensible positions before the first snows of winter arrive.

The unexpected appearance of so many inhuman monsters results in a panic that slowly builds as more and more reports of attacks filter in from the furthest corners of the Empire. The physical damage dealt by the snake men is minimal, but by the end of the month there are many rumors on just where the creatures might have come from, with the most popular being some sort of retributive strike against the Empire in retaliation for the reclamation of Shiro Hiruma, the wrath of the Heavens upon an Empire that has fallen from their grace, and even the return of Iuchiban the Bloodspeaker.

Faced with new attacks from an unknown enemy, Hida Kame takes stock of her Clan's thinned defenses and announces that the Crab will be holding a Twenty Goblin Winter. Any ronin wishing to join the Crab need only bring twenty goblin heads to a Crab holding in order to be granted fealty, though the heads of snake men are particularly desired, with each counting one counting as three goblins.

The Crane attempt to defend their own sprawling coasts from the threat, but their armies are already stretched thin with assisting the Phoenix as well as reinforcing their western borders from the Lion attack many of them suspect will come in the spring. Their attempts to hire Mantis mercenaries end in failure, due to the ongoing naval war between the Mantis and the Tortoise, forcing the children of Doji to grudgingly turn to hired ronin to help them protect their lands.

Distanced as they are from both the coast and the Shinomen, the Lion are relatively untouched by the attacks of the snake men. This does not mean that the Clan is inactive, however, for a small strike team of Lion samurai, assisted by information given to them by the Emerald Champion, manage to hunt down Asako Shiori, the woman who unleashed the corruption of Jigoku upon Shiro Akodo. The final battle takes place in the ruins of Shiro Chuda, and though Shiori manages to once again unleash the power of her Black Scroll, the Lion samurai are able to defeat the foul maho-tsukai, ending her threat to the Empire and claiming the scroll for themselves.

Riddled with corruption, the victorious Lion arrange for the Black Scroll to be delivered to Kitsu Izumi before committing sepukku with full honors. As their bodies are waiting for cremation, however, the beheaded corpse of Akodo Kawawara somehow reanimates and escapes into wilderness. The provincial governor, Shimizu Junko, blames the incident upon Phoenix sympathizers wishing to defile the bodies of the fallen heroes. This prevents the honor of the fallen samurai from being called into question but also serves as a flash point to reignite her Clan's hatred of the Phoenix.

Far to the north, Akodo Misaki continues to assist the Dragon in the defense of their borders, ensuring that no one enters their lands until the Emperor's Winter Court begins. The Dragon are grateful for the assistance, but the presence of the Lion armies quickly begins to strain their traditionally meager food stores. None of the Dragon officers dare to bring the matter up to the Lion Champion lest she take offense at their lack of hospitality, and as the month continues more and more Dragon bushi find themselves going without their daily meals to ensure that their children will not starve through the winter.

Though they share a coast with the Crane, the naturally cold climate and tall cliffs of the Phoenix lands serve as their own defenses against further attacks from the ocean. A small number of bushi are dispatched to shore up the less defensible villages along their coasts, but for the most part the Phoenix concentrate more upon the strange pearls that were found upon one of the fallen snake men. Reports from the battle indicate that the snake man called upon the pearls to invoke magical effects similar to the prayers of the kami, which only serves to fuel the curiosity of those shugenja allowed to study one of the strange pearls.

Isawa Kibou appears noticeably bothered by the reports of the snake men attacking the Empire and tries to gather the Elemental Council to discuss the issue, but he is informed that Isawa Arya has sequestered herself in private study. He attempts to speak with her but is repeatedly turned aside by Arya's yojimbo, Shiba Jirei, who refuses to allow Kibou to enter his lady's private study. Annoyed and more than a little hurt to be kept in the dark for the first time since joining the Elemental Council, Kibou returns to the other Masters to study the pearls on their own.

Further to the south, the beleaguered Scorpion struggle to deal with the appearance of the snake men along their border with the Shinomen Mori. Faced with few other options, the Clan of Secrets is forced to reassign a significant number of yojimbo from winter court duties to border patrols. Hundreds of Scorpion courtiers protest the reassignment by cancelling their plans to attend the winter courts of the other Clans, for fear of being forced to attend court without proper protection. There is a momentary ray of hope in the appearance of a platoon of Lion forces in their lands, but this is quickly snuffed out when the Lion reveal that they are merely traveling to Hare lands in order to assist the Minor Clan with the bandits that have been terrorizing their lands. The annoyed Scorpion magistrates have no choice but to allow the Lion to pass.

The Lion arrive at Shiro Usagi just as construction on the new stronghold is finished. So grateful is Usagi Reichin for their assistance that he allows the Lion to garrison themselves within his new castle, leaving the Hare to another winter in their makeshift huts. This causes some grumbling among the Hare, but for the most part the small Minor Clan does its best to honor their new Lion allies. The Forest Killers bandits seem to take note of the garrisoned Lion, for their scouting patrols decline sharply in frequency and boldness over the next few weeks.

The Badger Clan has less luck, however, for early in the month they find themselves set upon by more organized groups of gaijin attackers. The gaijin seem to be a mix of different yobanjin tribes as well as gaijin from the western desert, and many ride strange, horse-sized lizards into combat and wield odd weapons thus far unseen within the boundaries of Rokugan. The Ichiro put up a strong fight, but by the end of the month they are forced to fall back from the northern wall before the superior tactics of the enemy general. Rather than push forward into Ichiro lands, the gaijin consolidate their forces along the northern wall, which they begin to demolish with impressive speed.

The events of the ~ Nodoka Toshi ~ forum game take place at this time.

Month of the Dog, 755: The Crab begin the month in celebration as two veterans of Shiro Hiruma, Hida Satori and Hiruma Hisoka, return from the Shadowlands with Konbo, the first tetsubo to be wielded by Hida. The weapon had briefly resurfaced during the push to reclaim the Hiruma stronghold, but had disappeared when its wielder, Hida Kenta, fell in battle and rose again as an undead creature. The two samurai spent nearly six months tracking Kenta through the Hiruma provinces, only to finally catch up with him along the banks of the Black Finger Ringer. The battle was fierce, for undeath had granted Kenta remarkable strength and stamina for one so short, but in the end the forces of the Empire prevailed. As a reward for their service, both men are given their pick of wives from any family of the Crab, as well as more sake than any man could drink in a lifetime.

The Crane have less to celebrate as the war between the Mantis and Tortoise, as well as Hida Kame's twenty goblin winter, results in a high demand upon ronin for the winter. With the Mantis, Tortoise, and the Crab all offering fealty to those who would join them, few find much interest in the coin of the Crane. Even more frustrating are the rumors coming from Scorpion lands, which whisper of beautiful Scorpion courtiers in need of dependable yojimbo to keep them company through the long, cold winter months. The few ronin who do choose to remain with the Crane to assist in defending their borders quickly renegotiate their contracts upon threat of desertion, resulting in seasonal rates that would make a Yasuki blush and an increased disdain for the honorless (yet surprisingly business-savvy) wave men among the children of Doji.

The rumors coming from Scorpion lands are true, as Bayushi Yuri begins the month by proclaiming that any courtier missing their winter court appointments will be executed and placed within Traitor's Grove. The resulting panic among the Clan is both undignified and cutthroat as the hundreds of courtiers that had cancelled their plans send hasty letters of apology to the hosts whose invitations they had declined only a month earlier. Families hold early gempukku for their bushi children to ensure that older siblings have yojimbo to watch them in court, and the few ronin who still remain within Scorpion lands suddenly find themselves bribed, seduced, and blackmailed into attending court alongside a desperate courtier. In disapproval of Yuri's proclamation, Shosuro Tsai arranges for a number of his less traditional students to attend to their Bayushi and Soshi cousins, sacrificing his planned campaign of winter terror against the Crab in the name of pragmatism and Clan loyalty.

Meanwhile, at the Hall of Ancestors, Kitsu Izumi compares the Black Scroll recovered from Asako Shiori with the Black Scroll the Lion have kept hidden for over a hundred years. After two weeks, she determines that the sealed Black Scroll is holding back a malignant force that is not present in the opened scroll, and that the spell contained upon the opened scroll is quite possible one of the strongest maho spells ever uncovered by the Empire. She attempts to commune with her ancestors for advice on how to handle the scroll but is surprised by an unexpected attack from a dozen corrupted Kitsu maho-tsukai seeking to claim both scrolls for themselves. Her yojimbo manage to repel the attackers by the narrowest of margins, but it opens Izumi's eyes to the temptations that the scrolls present to those hungry for power.

With no other options available to her, Izumi once more takes up the Mirror of Sorrow, this time using it to bind powerful slaughter spirits into the statues of the stone lions that decorate the Hall of Ancestors. The lions slowly come to life amidst the sound of cracking stone and take their place beside the scrolls as Izumi orders, ensuring that the Black Scrolls are properly protected against any who might try to steal them away. A number of shugenja protest at the gross violation of the sacred temple, but Izumi ensures them that the spirits inhabiting the stone lions were once Lion samurai who wish only to serve their Clan beyond death. Few are happy with the explanation, but none wish to speak out further against their ancestors or daimyo. That the stone lions occasionally seem to stalk certain Kitsu through the halls of the temple is unsettling, but the slaughter lions behave themselves and follow Izumi's orders despite the malevolent looks that never seem to leave their stone faces.

Further north, Isawa Arya continues her own studies into the Black Scrolls, while Shiba Jirei continues to turn away any who attempt to disturb her, even coming to blows with Isawa Daiko, the Master of Water. The Council eventually relents despite Daiko's wish to simply teleport into Arya's chambers, though none of them are particularly pleased to be ignored in such a rude way. While worried at her seclusion, they had primarily wished for her input regarding the pearls that were recovered from the snake man spellcaster. Their own research had revealed that each of the pearls seemed to hold an imprisoned soul, and they immediately ceased all further study of the objects for fear of having been studying maho. With their expert on the subject unavailable, the remaining three Masters begin to discuss choosing a Master of Earth with experience in such things and look to the Inquisitors in search of a worthwhile candidate.

Tensions are also high further south, in the lands of the Hare, where the Lion platoon stationed at Shiro Usagi begins to make plans to deal with the Forest Killers bandit group once and for all. Using the knowledge of the ronin Zenshin, a repentant Forest Killer, the Lion and the Hare work together to bait the Forest Killers into attacking Shiro Usagi. The battle is fierce, but the Lion manage to repel the bandits after a long day of fighting. The Forest Killers retreat into the forest, only to find Usagi Reichin and two dozen of his bushi waiting for them in their hidden camps. The exhausted and wounded Forest Killers are caught off guard and only a few manage to escape the ensuing slaughter. During the battle, however, Reichin is struck by an arrow that is later revealed to be barbed with wicked hooks. With their Clan's best healer already on her way to Winter Court and their shrine keeper unable to tend to the wound either magically or through the mundane arts, Reichin's condition quickly deteriorates, and he eventually passes away from his injuries near the end of the month. His grieving widow, Usagi Yukana, reluctantly takes over leadership of the young Clan.

As the Hare mourn for their loss, the Fox celebrate the recovery of their Ancestral Sword, which was taken from them by Imperial order in the third century. The Otomo who returned it to them claimed that its purpose had been served, but politely refused to stay and join in the celebrations when Kitsune Jume offered him her hospitality. The Imperial leaves almost as quickly as he had arrived, and it was only the next day that the Fox samurai who spoke with him realized that none of them could agree upon what his name had been or what he had looked like. The confusion is eventually blamed upon the copious amounts of sake that were consumed the night before, for the long-suffering Fox were grateful for a chance to celebrate some good fortune for once. A few days later, one of the young children hurries back to her mother with stories of having seen a fox spirit lingering near the edges of their village.

The events of the ~ Kyuden Agasha ~ forum game take place at this time.

Month of the Boar, 755: The Imperial Winter Court at Kyuden Agasha begins on a questionable note when the other Clans realize that the Crane have sent no courtiers to the court, only the Daidoji daimyo and an alarming number of duelists and bushi. To make matters worse, the Imperial Chancellor, Doji Masato, takes a number of liberties early in the court that leave the other delegates unwilling to speak publicly to the Emperor for fear of having their words twisted back against them.

Unbeknownst to the court - or even the rest of the Crane - Masato was planning to assassinate the Emperor using gaijin powder given to him by Kasuga Fang Hua, the Tortoise daimyo. The assassination of the Hantei (and likely much of the Imperial Court) is foiled at the last moment by Matsu Shikyo, the Matsu daimyo, who tackles the unknowing shugenja whose friendly fire kami and Yogo curse were intended to ignite the bomb.

The Emerald Champion arrives shortly afterwards and clears the room so that he and his magistrates might inspect the undetonated bomb. A series of arrests and tortures slowly work they way through the Gozoku conspiracy, until finally Seppun Takahide, a member of the conspiracy who did not expect things to go as far as they had, steps forward to offer critical information to Suzume Wara. Armed with this testimony and the supporting testimony of those Crane and Imperial agents that his magistrates are able to apprehend before they are able to sepukku, Wara confronts Doji Masato with the intention of placing him under arrest. The plan goes awry, however, when Masato's servant murders the Chancellor and escapes with the aid of a masked shugenja who teleports the servant from the room using unknown magics.

For her assistance in saving the Emperor, Matsu Shikyo is rewarded with her own vassal family, who are given the duty of protecting the courtiers of the Lion in the same way that Shikyo protected the Emperor. Proud of the glory bestowed on the Matsu daimyo, a number of Lion samurai swear fealty to her new vassal family, most notably her personal assistant, Ikoma Mariko, and a veteran of Shiro Hiruma, Shimizu Itagi.

The Lion also make peace with the Phoenix, who place the blame for Shiro Akodo being corrupted by Asako Shiori at the feet of one of their inquisitors, vowing that she will commit sepukku to atone for her failure to capture the rogue maho-tsukai. With that matter of honor resolved, the Lion return the lands they captured from the Phoenix during the War of Burned Wings in exchange for all Phoenix lands south of Morikage Toshi... including the lands recently gifted to the Phoenix by their Crane allies. The arrangement marks a great improvement in relations between the Phoenix and Lion, but destroys the alliance between the Phoenix and Crane, leaving both Clans indifferent to the troubles and concerns of the other.

Despite this peace, the lands of the Lion are embroiled in chaos this winter. The death of Bayushi Yuri, the wife of the Scorpion Champion and daughter of the Ikoma daimyo, threatens to shake the alliance between the Scorpion and Lion, but in the end, neither Clan seems willing to push the matter very far and Yuri's death is all but ignored by both delegations. The notable exception to this is Ikoma Sayuri, who becomes so upset over her daughter's death that she spends much of the rest of the winter within her personal quarters, shouting obscenities that neither Scorpion nor Lion courtiers claim to notice.

The Halls of the Ancestors suffer another attack from Bloodspeakers seeking to claim the two Black Scrolls within for themselves. The attackers are fended off with the assistance of the Toshigoku-possessed stone lions tasked with guarding the Scrolls, but only barely. Faced with the realization that the Black Scrolls are too dangerous to keep within the Halls of the Ancestors, Kitsu Izumi uses the Mirror of Sorrow to tear open a rift into the Realm of Slaughter. She hides the two Scrolls - one opened, one yet sealed - beyond the reach of any who would seek them, within the Nightmare of the Lion. The ritual is incredibly taxing for the Kitsu daimyo, who retires to her chambers both physically and mentally drained from her extended contact with Toshigoku.

To the east, Asahina Noa's investigation of the death of her Champion leads her to Shiro Giji, where she finds a secret dojo dedicated to training a small group of secretive, elite warriors. Noa enlists the assistance of the Katogama, a vassal family dedicated to monitoring the Crane for disloyalty and internal troubles, and returns to Shiro Giji, using her air magic to render the Katogama warriors invisible and silent as they storm the hidden dojo. Many of the elite warriors within resist and are killed, but enough are subdued to allow Noa to interrogate them. Though surprisingly resistant to standard methods of torture, few are able to resist having their thoughts plucked from their minds by the Asahina daimyo, who learns that the so-called "harriers" did, in fact, assassinate Doji Hanako and her grandson, at the behest of the Imperial Chancellor.

The Phoenix, meanwhile, have a very pleasant winter as the newly recruited Master of Earth, Isawa Engi, joins Isawa Kibou at the court at Kyuden Isawa. The young woman's rapport with the earth kami comes as a shock to her fellow Isawa, as Engi was trained as a scribe and researcher rather than a shugenja and seemed to be completely oblivious to the song of the elements. The sudden leap in status and responsibilities leaves Engi somewhat overwhelmed with her new duties, and as a result she is somewhat scarce during the winter months as she settles into her new position.

Back in Dragon lands, the month ends on a happier note as Hida Atsui, a renowned sumo and practitioner of the Kobo Ichi Kai style of martial arts, takes part in a martial arts exhibition held at the request of the Emperor. The Hantei is so impressed with his skills that he invites Atsui to return with him to the capital, so that he might learn more of the Hida's fighting style. Atsui agrees, but only until the Hantei is able to find an instructor more qualified than himself.

The Mantis also impress the court with a whirlwind of political deals and trade negotiations, the most significant of which is a treaty which ends their war with the Tortoise. Both delegations are pleased with the arrangement, but even as they put their seals to the scroll to make the peace treaty official, Kasuga Fang Hua, the Tortoise daimyo, is raiding the shores of the Mantis Isles. Though outnumbered by the Mantis, the cannons on her personal flagship swing the battles in her favor, until the Buccaneer's Whore is finally sunk in the waters outside of Toshi no Inazuma. The Tortoise forces still prove victorious, however, and Fang Hua leaves the City of Lightning burning as she sails away on a captured Mantis kobune.

Month of the Rat, 755: The month begins on a dark note as Togashi Hoshi, the half-dragon son of the Kami Togashi, returns to Dragon lands with a dangerous artifact: the Black Scroll that had been hidden away within the ancestral katana of the Fox Clan. As he reaches Kyuden Agasha, the Bloodspeaker Jama Suru teleports to the castle and unleashes a powerful spell that incinerates the souls and bodies of dozens of surprised Agasha samurai and shugenja. Hoshi is able to resist the spell, but in the process he drops the crystal box containing the Black Scroll.

Jama Suru wracks Hoshi's half-dragon body with pain using his foul magic, but Matsu Shikyo, Akodo Yoshiaki, Kitsu Chiyo, Tonbo Jurobei, and Kakita Iko rush forward to face off against the legendary Bloodspeaker. During the battle, Tonbo Jurobei reveals himself to be a Bloodspeaker and nearly kills Hoshi using his maho, but in the end the forces of the Empire are victorious as Shikyo and Chiyo hold the invulnerable Jama Suru down while Yoshiaki hacks him into small, twitching pieces. In the aftermath of the battle, Chiyo heals the worst of Hoshi's wounds, allowing the half-dragon to stand and return to his mortal form. After a brief conversation, Shikyo returns the Black Scroll to Hoshi, allowing him to continue on his journey to the High House of Light.

The fortunes of the Lion takes a turn, however, as they find themselves blackmailed by Seppun Kato, the Emperor's younger half-brother. Though Kato's agents do not ask anything of the Lion just yet, they make it clear that their lord is quite capable of using the information he has gathered to tear the Lion down so thoroughly that it would make a Scorpion blush. With little choice in the matter, the Lion Clan finds itself firmly beneath the thumb of the burned Imperial, as do the delegates of the Hare and Sparrow Clans.

All is not bleak for the Minor Clans, however, for an alliance between the Centipede, Fox, Hare, and Sparrow Clans is soon announced to the rest of the court. The alliance is sensible in its scope - merely a loosening of trade restrictions and a pledge for friendship - and it is well-received by the court as a whole.

Another deal - this one between the Scorpion and the Crab - draws much more attention from the court. In a startling departure from what many expected, the Crab agree to return the lands they captured from the Scorpion to the Clan of Secrets, in exchange for a significant reduction to trade tariffs and the support of Hiruma Isamu's personal project, the Fortunes' Road. The Fortunes' Road is an improvement project intended to repair, reinforce, and fortify the various trade routes throughout the Empire, but a lack of funding leaves its implementation in doubt for much of the winter. In the end, the Crab fund the project at the cost of feeding and supplying a portion of their armies, in the hopes that the shortage this year might pay off with increased trade and funds in the years to come.

That hope is dispelled late in the month as the Phoenix - spearheaded by the shrewd negotiating tactics of Asako Fujiko, the newly betrothed fiance of the Miya daimyo - manage to corner the silk market for their next year. With their only delegate having been executed for his use of maho and traitorous actions, the Dragonfly find themselves shut out of the economic market as the other courtiers take advantage of the lack of Dragonfly delegates to increase their own profits.

Month of the Ox, 755: After weeks of seclusion, the Scorpion are finally forced to admit to the court that Shosuro Tsai has disappeared. A search is made of the castle, but no body is found and the guards swear that Tsai did not venture out beyond the castle's walls. In the absence of their daimyo, Yogo Sukima, the youngest half-sister of the Emperor, assumes control of the Scorpion delegation at court.

As the Scorpion seek to recover from Tsai's disappearance, the Dragon recruit two notable seers into the Agasha, the ronin Akiko and the heimin Mokushi. The visions of the two prophets prove to be conflicting more often than not, but both note omens of danger, conflict, and doom in the upcoming future. Taken with the various tidings of doom brought to the court earlier in the winter by the monk Gendo, it is enough to cast a pall across the rest of the winter season.

To the east, at Kyuden Doji, Asahina Noa confronts the Crane Champion in the middle of court, claiming that Shiai was involved in the plot to assassinate the previous Champion. Tensions escalate as Noa refuses to allow Shiai to change the subject, and soon the two women are shouting at each other in open court. Shiai's husband, Doji Kendo, steps forward to attempt to calm the two women down, but with little success. The scene finally ends with Shiai stripping Noa of her name and position and banishing her from Crane lands in her anger. Those present as the scene unfolds watch quietly from behind their fans and wonder just what sort of madness has poisoned the Crane Clan.

Things are not much better at Kyuden Ikoma, where the respected historian Ikoma Turabo happens to overhear four ronin discussing their plans to assassinate Ikoma Sayuri. He quickly alerts the guards, who attempt to take the would-be assassins into custody. The ronin resist arrest and prove to be quite skilled with their weapons, but they are soon overwhelmed by the superior numbers of the Ikoma bushi and choose to take their own lives rather than be captured by the Lion. A search of their bodies turns up a significant amount of koku, minted with the mon of the Scorpion, as well as an extensive amount of tattooing across their bodies. A subsequent investigation finds no records of the ronin having been invited to court.

In contrast, the winter court held at Kyuden Hida proves to be a remarkable success, with all of those forced to spend the winter in Crab lands finding themselves pleasantly surprised by the lengths to which the Crab Champion has gone to make them feel comfortable. The castle is still more spartan than most, but the guards, delegates, and servants have been carefully chosen for their manners and social graces. The only black spot on the court comes from the Kaiu daimyo, Kaiu Osamu, who spends the entire winter making repeated comments about all the koku being spent on cushions and fancy food that could be better put to use supplying troops and feeding ashigaru.

Month of the Tiger, 755: As the Empire enters its last month of winter, Isawa Arya realizes that she can learn no more from the Black Scrolls that she has been studying for the past few months and makes the decision to open one of the three in her care. Rather than do so herself, however, she entrusts the responsibility to her acolyte, Isawa Meiun. On the seventh day of the month, Meiun breaks the seal on the Black Scroll, releasing a burst of powerful energy that twists her body into a creature of bleeding porcelain skin. The opening of the Black Scroll sends a shockwave throughout the elements, forcing shugenja all throughout the Empire into seizures and comas. Fortunately, the wards put in place by Arya and the half dozen inquisitors overseeing the experiment protect them from the worst of the shockwave and they are able to promptly incapacitate Meiun before she can revel in her new-found corruption.

Rendered mad by the visions granted to her by the Black Scroll, Isawa Meiun is bound in chains of jade and imprisoned within the bowels of Kyuden Isawa, on the reasoning that her dark ramblings of future events might prove a valuable resource to the Phoenix. Scribes are assigned to transcribe every word spoken by the corrupted acolyte, with an inquisitor to oversee the process and ensure that Meiun will be destroyed should she manifest any uncontrollable or dangerous Shadowlands mutations.

At Kyuden Agasha, the Agasha alchemists who had been studying the bomb planted in the court room confirm that it was constructed using gaijin powder and an Asahina fetish. Careful communion with the spirits of the gaijin powder - conducted at the waterfall, far from the castle proper - reveal that it was created by Tortoise samurai within Kyuden Kasuga. Armed with this knowledge, Suzume Wara vows to confront Kasuga Fang Hua and demand answers for what is at least one Imperial crime, and likely another as well. When a number of his fellow Emerald Magistrates volunteer to accompany him, Wara refuses, out of respect for the unique legal situation of the Tortoise.

Back in Crane lands, the Katogama vassal family continues its investigation of the murder of Doji Hanako. Though stripped of her name and banished from the lands of her former Clan, Noa remains in contact with the Katogama using her magic, assisting and guiding their work as best she can. Working slowly, the Kagogama gradually work their way up the chain of command, offering the option of sepukku to those who cooperate with their investigation to spare their families from execution. The small vassal family makes progress, but it soon becomes clear that the assassination of Doji Hanako was part of a much larger conspiracy.

As the final days of court come to a close, the Otomo instigate a sweeping campaign of political blackmail. Those who are protected from accusation are forced into lethal duels with Seppun bushi over fabricated slights. Though some samurai manage to escape the attention of the Imperial Families, many of the more powerful courtiers throughout the Empire find themselves either bowing before the will of the Otomo or forced to follow their defeated yojimbo to death. The plotting of the Otomo is not finished, however, and many courtiers returning home from their winter courts simply disappear along with their yojimbo, never to be seen again. Agasha Muizu, the Imperial Advisor, remains a notable exception as one of the few non-Imperials still granted access to the Hantei, leading many to believe that he is somehow involved in the Imperial coup.

Credulous at best
Your desire to believe in
Angels in the hearts of men

 Post subject: Re: 8th Century Timeline
PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 10:11 pm 
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~ The Year 756 ~

Month of the Hare, 756: The first month of spring brings heavy rains to Rokugan, resulting in heavy flooding across the Empire. The shugenja of the Empire do what they can to mitigate the damage but find that the imbalance in the elements has only grown stronger, hindering their attempts to draw upon the kami. Concern begins to spread through the Clans as an unprecedented number of young shugenja fail their gempukku, many of them falling to the ground and becoming ill after attempting to demonstrate their knowledge of the simplest prayers.

As the other Elemental Masters return to Kyuden Isawa, the Master of Fire calls a session of the Council to explain the results of her research into the Black Scrolls. Through her comparisons of the opened Black Scroll and the two sealed Black Scrolls - as well as her frequent conversations with the bound Isawa Meiun - Isawa Arya has come to believe that the Black Scrolls are sealing away the imprisoned soul of Fu Leng, and that each time one is opened, it weakens the prison fashioned for him by Isawa. The other Elemental Masters are less than pleased with the methods of her research but cannot refute her findings. After a long debate, the Elemental Council decides not to share the information with the Empire as a whole, for fear of the panic such information might cause. At the suggestion of Isawa Kenshin, a messenger is sent to Otosan Uchi to inform the Hantei and the Hidden Guard.

The Crane, meanwhile, send a messenger to the Sparrow Clan, informing them that due to an agreement brokered at Winter Court by the Phoenix, the Crane will once again be allowing the Sparrow access to their schools. Though the Sparrow are initially joyful for the news, those students who return to their Crane dojo find a cold reception waiting for them. Bullying and teasing run rampant with the Crane instructors turning a blind eye, leaving most Suzume students miserable within the first few days of their studies.

Further to the south, the Crab honor the treaties made over the winter by sending units of Kaiu engineers northward to begin construction on the Fortunes' Road project. The improvements to the roads of the Crab, Crane, Scorpion, Sparrow, Fox, and Hare will eventually prove to be a boon to their economic and military strength, as the roads provide for faster travel and frequent guard towers to detour bandits, but many peasants become upset upon seeing samurai working upon the roads while their fields remain flooded. The Kaiu also travel further northward to build a dojo within the lands of the Phoenix, which is to be headed by the noted engineer Kaiu Totoro, and to assist the Badger in their war with the gaijin with their siege engines. Unfortunately, the mud created by the frequent rains and the sheer distance of the Badger lands - as well as the political red tape in trying to move Crab siege engines through Lion lands - leave the siege engines stranded in the middle of Crane lands for the rest of the spring and summer seasons.

As the northern snows turn to rain, the Badger send their children eastward to the lands of the Crane, as per an arrangement worked out between the two Clans at Winter Court. Not even a day after leaving their fortifications the children and their escorts are ambushed by gaijin scouts, resulting in a bloody battle that wipes out the gaijin but leaves the Ichiro bushi tasked with escorting the children unable to travel under the weight of their wounds. Help arrives from an unlikely source when a small group of Fairuz ronin arrive, claiming that they had been investigating reports of gaijin in the area. The ronin shugenja heal the wounds of the Ichiro and offer to accompany them to the borders of Lion lands, which the grateful Badger quickly accept.

The main forces of the gaijin, meanwhile, surprise the Badger by sending forth an emissary bearing a tattoo of a massive flying lizard across his chest. In broken Rokugani, the emissary announces that they will cease hostilities if they are given an audience with the Emperor of Rokugan. The Badger respond by shooting the emissary in the face with an arrow, killing him instantly and plunging both samurai and gaijin back into their brutal war. Having been informed by Ichiro Mo that both the Lion and the Crab are sending reinforcements, the Badger gradually give ground to the gaijin, abandoning their homes and wounded in order to prolong the conflict as long as possible.

Akodo Misaki's army delays their march to assist the Badger, instead choosing to remain in Dragon lands while her elite troops escort the Hantei back to Otosan Uchi. The Dragon send messengers to the Lion Champion, requesting that she pay for the Dragon food being consumed by her troops but quickly withdraw the request when Misaki makes a comment about moving her army into Tonbo lands while she waits for the return of her elite troops.

With the return of their lands by the Crab and the gain of a significant portion of Crane lands during Winter Court, the Scorpion find themselves in charge of vast stretches of land but without enough troops to adequately patrol them. As the Crab forces withdraw from the southern provinces of the war-torn Scorpion lands, the Clan of Secrets moves a portion of its savaged military into the notorious (and relatively independent) pleasure city of Zakyo Toshi, offering protection from the snake-men in exchange for a portion of its yearly earnings. The merchants of the city are quite pleased with the arrangement, and the Scorpion do not so much as bat an eye at the various illicit activities taking place within the city's walls.

What does concern the Scorpion is the gathering unrest within their lands. Their heimin are quite unhappy with their lot in life, as many of them are without food and unable to work because of the heavy rains and flooding. Those in the newly annexed east lands had, until recently, been well-fed by their Crane lords, but now find themselves hungry and malnourished in the service of the Scorpion, while those in the reclaimed southern lands are bitter and jaded after two years of warfare, hunger, and Crab samurai taking advantage of their wives and daughters. With the lack of Scorpion bushi on the roads, and the Crane and Crab pulling out from the east and south, respectively, the rural areas of Scorpion lands soon become very dangerous places for samurai to spend any amount time.

Shortly after the return of Atsushi to Otosan Uchi, the head of the Brotherhood sends a series of letters to temples across the Empire, each one speaking of the piety and wisdom of the Phoenix, who had greatly impressed him at Winter Court. Emboldened by his words, hundreds of monks make pilgrimages to Phoenix lands to learn of this wisdom themselves. Just east of Ukubu Mura, however, a group of a little over two dozen monks are attacked by a madman wearing a demon mask. The monks fight back as much as they are able, but the masked man teleports across the battlefield with a thought, ripping off limbs and shattering bones with unnatural strength.

The monks are only saved by the sudden appearance of a half-drunk ronin, who manages to fight off the masked man's attacks with a skill far beyond his years. As the crazed madman teleports behind the ronin, the ronin spins around, burying his sword into the monk's side and drawing an inhuman cry of pain from whatever serves as a mouth behind the demon mask. The masked man grabs the ronin and disappears with him, leaving the monks both confused and concerned for their savior. When neither man reappears, the monks take the ronin's intervention as a sign of divine intervention and begin the construction of a temple at the site of the battle.

Near the end of the month, the Emperor returns to Otosan Uchi with his Shiba bodyguards and announces his engagement to Matsu Tokiyo, a warrior-poet of the Lion who has been traveling the Empire on Musha Shugyo for the past three years. There is much celebration within the Imperial City over the news and the impromptu celebrations and festivals last for over a week. That surprise turns to mild confusion as the Hantei appoints Ichiro Wattana, one of the few minor courtiers of the Badger, to the position of Imperial Chancellor. Those close to the Emperor whisper that the appointment came at the suggestion of the Hantei's eldest half-brother, Otomo Hiro, but others claim that Matsu Tokiyo made the suggestion to her future husband. Still others see the hand of the Imperial Advisor at work, claiming that the appointment of a weak Chancellor will allow Agasha Muizu more influence within the courts.

The month ends with the gathering of two separate coalition forces drawn from the Great Clans, one on the plains outside of Toshi Ranbo, and the second outside of Mura Sabishii Toshi. Both forces are a combination of Crab, Crane, Dragon, Lion, and Phoenix military units, with a number of smaller auxiliary units provided by the Sparrow Clan and Brotherhood of Shinsei. Operating beneath the banner of the Seppun family, these forces are the result of the pledges made by the gathered Clans to the Hantei during Winter Court, when he asked for assistance in battling the threat posed to the Empire by the serpentine creatures. The Scorpion are noticeably absent from the forces, having refused to take part in the campaign on account of their lack of military strength.

Month of the Dragon, 756: The rains and subsequent flooding continue through the month, ensuring that the harvests this year will be much lower than usual. All across the Empire, the Clans ration their rice supplies as best as they can, often shifting the burden of going hungry onto their heimin servants. Unrest grows among the peasant class as the month continues, until actual rebellion breaks out in Scorpion lands near the beginning of the month. It catches like wildfire, spreading from province to province as the hungry peasants raid the estates of their masters, seizing what food they can to feed their families. The samurai present in their larger cities, such as Ryoko Owari and Beiden, manage to retain order by freely sharing their reserves with the lower classes, but for the most part, the lands of the Scorpion are awash in chaos.

Any good cheer over the prospect of a new Empress is quickly dampened by the actions of the Otomo and Seppun families, who launch a ruthless purge of Otosan Uchi. Though ostensibly intended root out those complicit in the Gozoku conspiracy, they use the opportunity to cast their net wide, casting accusations at those who have in the past stood opposed to the will of the Imperial Families. Businesses that had been under the control of the Great Clans for generations are ruthlessly seized by the Otomo in a month of bloody attacks that spare only those proven to be allies of the throne. By the time the blood has washed from the streets in the spring rains, Otosan Uchi is once again firmly in control of the Imperial Families.

With their loyalty to the throne reaffirmed in the blood of their traitorous brothers and sisters, the Seppun return to their position as guardians of the Hantei, while the Otomo reclaim their position within the Imperial courts. Despite objections from Seppun Katoshi, the acting Seppun daimyo, the Hantei refuses to relinquish his Shiba honor guard, choosing instead to keep them on as his personal yojimbo. At the suggestion of Isawa Kenshin, a system is put into place wherein each yojimbo will serve for three years, with a yearly rotation of the honor guard to ensure that those guarding the Hantei do not become too comfortable with their positions.

Amidst the chaos of the Gozoku purge, Seppun Kato begins a purge of his own. Using blackmail obtained on the Hare Clan over the winter months, he forces the hand of Usagi Yukana, compelling her to command a number of her followers to give false testimony against his political rivals. None think to question accusations of blood magic from so many Hare samurai, and the resulting executions leave Kato with unparalled influence within the Imperial City. Though freed from her obligations to the ruthless Imperial, the resulting backlash from her Clan leaves many Usagi samurai distrusting of their new daimyo, who they now see as little more than a Scorpion pretending to be a Hare.

Meanwhile, the coalition forces gathered to protect the Empire from the snake men spread out from their two staging areas, breaking into small, mobile units that can easily redeploy when a serpent stronghold is discovered by scouting parties. The frequent rains and heavy flooding make the weeks spent in the field unpleasant for the bushi searching for the snake men, and few units see any actual combat. What small pockets of snake men the coalition forces do find are quickly rooted out by the tired samurai, though sightings become less frequent and the resistance more stubborn with each battle.

As the Lion assist in eradication of the snake-things, Hida Takumi, the commander of the Imperial Legions, moves his troops into Lion lands, providing defense for their lands while the Lion armies deal with the dual threats of the Gaijin and serpentine invaders. The presence of so many highly trained samurai in their lands puts an end to any thoughts of rebellion among the peasantry, who decide it better to suffer in silence. A large number of Lion samurai are offered positions within the Imperial Legions, swelling their ranks with orange- and brown-clad samurai looking to serve the Emperor more directly.

With unrest high in their lands, the Scorpion call upon the treaties they made during Winter Court, bringing military forces of the Mantis to their lands assist them in helping to tamp down the peasant revolts within their provinces. Working in tandem with the forces of the Minor Clan, the Scorpion begin the slow and laborious process of restoring order to their lands. Intending to show their peasantry just what happens to those who rebel, the Scorpion begin lining their roads with tall stakes, upon which the bodies of disobedient heimin have been impaled. The tactic is brutally effective and seems effective in curbing the armed resistance within their lands, though it does little to address the dissent and hunger of their peasantry.

Back in Dragon lands, Akodo Misaki's army finally begins its march westward as its elite units return from Otosan Uchi. Their path takes them through Dragonfly lands once more, where they assist the Badger in slaying a number of gaijin invaders who had cleverly disguised themselves as Tonbo samurai in order to infiltrate the Empire. Much of the Minor Clan - what is left of it, at any rate - flees into the surrounding mountains to hide, and Misaki continues onward to Badger lands. They arrive midway through the month, just in time to reinforce the failing Badger front lines and shift the tides of the the battle back in favor of the Empire. Bit by bit, the gaijin army begins to lose ground as the combined Lion and Badger forces push them back.

The armies of the Empire are not the only armies on the march, though. Since the first thaw, the military forces of the Crab have been stretched thin, with a significant portion of their miltary forces having been committed to the coalition effort to wipe out the snake men that had attacked the Empire the previous fall and a number of Kaiu sent throughout the Empire to assist their allies with various construction projects. To make matters worse, their supplies are stretched thin, due to a significant portion of their funding having been rerouted towards funding those construction projects. The undead general Tsukuro at first suspects a trap, but when his first tentative raids against Shiro Hiruma find its guardians conserving their ammunition and standing double shifts on the castle walls, he begins to realize that the Crab have indeed left themselves vulnerable to attack. The armies of the undead begin to gather south of Shiro Hiruma as the Crab pull what forces they can from the Wall to reinforce their newly captured stronghold.

As this is happening, Suzume Wara travels to Kyuden Kasuga and confronts the Tortoise Champion about her role in the attempted assassination of the Emperor and her Clan's use of gaijin powder. Kasuga Fang Hua laughs at his accusations, but Wara takes this as an insult to his office and challenges her to a shi duel in order to sate his honor in an attempt to punish her for her role in the conspiracy. Fang Hua accepts the challenge, but as the Emerald Champion falls into his dueling stance, she draws a pistol from her belt and shoots Wara in the chest. The dishonorable attack mortally wounds the Sparrow but also proves Wara's suspicions. With his dying breath, Suzume Wara lunges forward and cuts Fang Hua in half.

Faced with a dead Clan Champion and Emerald Champion, the Tortoise have their eta deal with the bodies as they try to manage the chaos left in the aborted duel's wake. A week later, after repeated inquiries from the Emerald Magistrates as to Suzume Wara's status, the Tortoise present the ashes of the Emerald Champion and Tortoise Champion to the Emperor, claiming that both samurai were slain in a kharmic duel over a matter of honor. Many courtiers present for the announcement suspect foul play on the part of the Tortoise, but none wish to speak out against the protected Minor Clan.

Month of the Serpent, 756: The spring rains finally cease, allowing the land to dry and the peasants to slowly return to their fields. A Bayushi magistrate investigating the riots within their lands discovers that they are being instigated by the ronin known as Aika, who had previously claimed to be the daughter of Hantei XXII. Showing just how much faith they place in such rumors, a group of Bayushi and Soshi samurai ambush the woman, killing her peasant honor guard and dragging her back, kicking and screaming, to Ryoko Owari. Her public trial and execution are talked about all throughout the Empire, and gradually the lands of the Scorpion begin to return to peace.

The morale of the Scorpion is further improved as Soshi Kwan emerges victorious at the Topaz Championship. Though he does not win the iaijutsu competition, Kwan's high scores in the other events make up for his less than perfect swordsmanship. It comes as little surprise to those present when he announces that he will be accepting an offer to training as a yoriki alongside an Emerald Magistrate. The winner of the iaijutsu portion of the tournament, Kakita Rinto, stalks off the field, seemingly quite annoyed with his failure to achieve victory.

That is not the only cause for concern among the Crane, for back at Kyuden Doji, the Katogama vassal family arrests a number of high-ranking samurai for questioning regarding their involvement with the late Imperial Chancellor, Doji Masato. Most alarmingly, a number of Doji Shiai's closest advisors are among those arrested, casting doubt onto the loyalties of the Crane Champion herself. Amidst the ever-widening scandal, Shiai appoints Asahina Moriko to the position of Asahina daimyo. The morose young woman was among those present at Shiro Asahina during the Bloodspeaker War, and while some question whether she is suited for the position, most are happy enough to have the former daimyo gone that they do not raise many complaints.

The Scorpion capitalize upon this chaos by using information acquired from the geisha patron Shosuro Rikanahime to blackmail hundreds of Crane samurai. With the loss of Doji Masato in the courts, and so many of their most prominent courtiers silenced for fear of having their secrets exposed, especially during an ongoing investigation into corruption by the Katogama, the Crane find themselves unable to prevent the Scorpion from rising to newly found positions of power within the courts.

Further north, the war against the gaijin invaders - now dubbed the War of Red Mountains by the Ikoma Historians - continues, with the forces of the Empire succeeding in pushing the gaijin back beyond the shattered northern walls of the Badger. The death toll among the Badger is high, but not crippling, due to the timely assistance of the Lion. Fearing reprisal from the gaijin, Akodo Misaki camps her army out in the rocky Badger mountains, ensuring that the northern border of the Empire will be will defended for the rest of the year.

Those Lion not serving alongside their Champion have been busy as well, and midway through the month the Akodo finish moving a skeleton crew of servants and bushi into the recently acquired Morikage Toshi. With the ruins of Shiro Akodo still abandoned and corrupted from the opening of the first Black Scroll, the Akodo move the seat of their Clan's leadership to the ancient castle. Many Lion samurai are displeased with the move, claiming that the Clan should purify and rebuild Shiro Akodo, rather than simple abandon it to move into what they still see as a Phoenix castle.

Meanwhile, the battles against the snake men - dubbed the War of Broken Fangs - continue throughout the Empire, but become fewer and further between as the creatures begin to adapt to the battle tactics of the samurai. Many fall back into the ocean or beneath the great lakes of the northwestern unaligned lands, but far more are cut down by the coalition forces.

Far beyond the southern borders of the Empire, Tsukuro launches his attack against the Crab at month's end. Rather than attacking Shiro Hiruma, he blockades the Crab stronghold with zombies and fearsome siege weapons and marches his more mobile troops northward, intending to attack the Great Carpenter Wall itself. Hiruma scouts race ahead of the army, warning their cousins on the Wall of the army marching on their gates.

The events of the Festival of Dolls GenCon module take place at this time.

Month of the Horse, 756: As the month begins, Imperial agents arrive in Sparrow lands, following up on a treaty made during Winter Court that allowed the Imperial Families some measure of oversight in Sparrow dealings. The Suzume quickly learn that the Imperials are well aware of the blackmail that Seppun Kato has on their daimyo and a number of their more prominent samurai, and that the Imperial is prepared to brutally shame their Clan should they not cooperate fully with their desires. The Sparrow have little choice but to bow their heads to the Imperials, who set up an office within Kyuden Suzume so that they are nearby to offer their "suggestions" on all major items of Suzume policy.

Embroidered in a scandal that only continues to grow worse and worse, the Crane nevertheless honor their treaties and send a unit of Daidoji north to assist the Phoenix in their reclamation of Kyuden Asako. They find the castle still swarming with slaughter spirits and make some initial progress in beating the spirits back, but in the end the resilience and bloodthirst of the slaughter spirits - combined with the majority of their best bushi being otherwise occupied with the War of Broken Fangs - proves too much for their forces and they are forced to fall back, leaving the castle in control of the spirits.

The underwhelming War of Broken Fangs continues as battles fought along two fronts: along the coastlines of the Crane, in a series of small, grueling battles fought in wet sand and half-flooded caves, and at the southern edge of the Shinomen forest, which proves to be the military equivalent of kicking a hornet's nest. The southern coalition forces fall back, awaiting reinforcements as they resupply and recover from the fierce resistance from the snake-creatures within the forest.

Within Shiro Hiruma, the samurai standing guard over the portal to Yomi within its halls are surprised when the heavy doors open, allowing one of their ancestors to return to Ningen-do. In life, Hiruma Kazuma was a legendary scout and a friend to the Nezumi, a man of undeniable loyalty to the Crab, even if his fondness for ratlings was a bit...strange. Kazuma explains to the trapped Hiruma that he has returned to assist them in their time of need, and the Hiruma - in the third week of their blockade - are all too happy for the boost in morale that the ancestral spirit-made-flesh provides. With Kazuma's assistance, a small unit of scouts manages to escape the castle using its underground tunnels and contact the Hundred Eyes Nezumi tribe. The tribe's Remember, Chu'luk'ti, recalls stories of the legendary "Ksoo'ma" and pleads with the chief to assist "Ksoo'ma's tribe." The chief reluctantly agrees, and fifteen days after they left, Kazuma, his scouts, and the bulk of the Hundred Eyes tribe descend upon the zombie army, cutting, ripping, and tearing it apart as the Crab stationed within Shiro Hiruma charge out from the castle. Caught between the two armies, the undead are destroyed, ending the blockade.

All is not well, however, for the main bulk of Tsukuro's army reaches the Great Wall and begins laying siege to it. Many of his slower siege weapons were left behind at Shiro Hiruma, but his incorporeal undead take a heavy toll upon the defenders of the Wall as his more corporeal troops begin fashioning crude battering rams from the remains of their fallen allies. On more than one occasion the undead breach the gates, only to be turned back by jade fire or counter-charges from the Damned. Both armies grind against each other, but Tsukuro's maho-tsukai continually reanimate their fallen troops and ensure that the weight of attrition is on their side.

Month of the Goat, 756: On the first day of the month, the Phoenix perform the proper ceremonies to dedicate the temple outside Ukubu Mura to Bishamon, the Fortune of Strength. As the first monk sets foot in Kyoujaku Seido, Bishamon appears within the temple and speaks with a great, booming voice to offer his blessings upon it and those who visit it to honor him. Rumors of the Fortune's appearance spread like wildfire, and soon there are great lines of people from the surrounding city and villages outside the temple, each one hoping to gain a small fraction of Bishamon's favor.

The ~ Naga War ~ forum game takes place at this time.

The coalition forces gathered outside the Shinomen Mori reorganize under the leadership of the Lion Shireikan Matsu Kassenko, a brutal commander with a reputation for achieving victory at any cost. Though some are skeptical of her methods, Kassenko's tactics carry the coalition forces through a number of early victories in the Shinomen as she captures the Naga strongholds of Nirukti, the Shinomen Mandira, and Siksa. At Siksa, the Empire forces are approached by a Naga general and a legion of her troops, all of whom wish to betray their own kind and join with the Empire forces. Though initially skeptical of The Tausha's motives, Kakita Nadeshiko, Ikoma Nishiko, Otomo Ryuuta, and the monk "Old Man" Gendo all meet with the Naga warlord and determine that her motives are pure. When the coalition forces meet the leader of Siksa's defenses in battle the next day, The Tausha's legion of Naga come to the aid of the Empire, much to the surprise of the loyalist Naga.

With the area pacified, Matsu Kassenko leaves The Tausha's legion of Naga behind them as the coalition forces press forward, essentially placing her in command of the entire Asp bloodline. While many of the samurai within the coalition forces are dubious as to just how much they can trust those who would betray their own kind, Ikoma Nishiko works hard to spread the story of The Tausha throughout the Empire ranks, painting her as a Naga "princess" whose honor had been slighted after the leader of Siksa had defeated her in a duel and refused to take her life, as was the custom. With her story framed in such a sympathetic manner, the general opinion of Tausha and her legion of Asp warriors gradually improves as the campaign progresses.

The Emerald Championship takes place on the Plain of Thunder, drawing the most important samurai from all across the Empire to within striking distance of the Shinomen Forest. Because of this, a portion of the Imperial Legions stationed within Lion lands are redirected southward to guard the Emperor and his guests. Fortunately, the Naga are either unaware of the tournament or unable to mount an attack due to the coalition army marching upon their ancestral lands and the tournament concludes without incident. Despite a few early matches with questionable outcomes, the tournament is eventually won by Kakita Seiko, the daughter of former Emerald Champion Kakita Isora. Her victory is a boost to the flagging morale of the Crane, kicking off large celebrations within their provinces as soon as the Miya bring them word of her victory.

The Crane stationed at Toshi Ranbo have less reason to celebrate, as an Ikoma messenger arrives and informs them that the Lion are reclaiming the city as their own and giving them a single day to set their affairs in order and depart peacefully. The Crane use this time to move their noncombatants from the city as their samurai work to prepare its defenses, but it proves unable to keep the Lion at bay. After a brutal day of fighting in the streets, the Lion manage to successfully recapture Violence Behind Courtliness City.

Further south, the battle between the undead legions of Tsukuro and the Crab grinds onward. The undead breach the gates of the Carpenter Wall multiple times, but each time they are pushed back by its Crab defenders. The numbers of attrition are on the side of the undead, however, as each warrior that falls on either side of the combat is swiftly reanimated by Tsukuro's maho-tsukai, forcing the Crab to decapitate each enemy they strike down. The lack of supplies along the wall - some of it having been directed northward to assist with the building of roads within the Empire - forces the Crab to fight on minimal rations, often with little in the way of medical supplies. The disharmony in the elements prevents the spells of the younger Kuni shugenja from being of much use, forcing them onto the front lines with the undead as the more experienced shugenja force the earth kami to strike out at the undead through sheer force of will.

During the fighting, Kaiu Osamu perishes in battle with a Gashadokuro, a forty foot tall skeletal creature that plucks him from the wall and bites off his head with a single chomp. The Kaiu take their revenge by pelting the huge creature with no less than three catapults, and the jade-coated boulders shatter it into hundreds of pieces. A strike team forces their way out beyond the wall, fighting back the hordes of undead to retrieve Osamu's corpse and return it to the Wall, where he is given a rushed funeral ceremony before being tossed onto the mass pyres.

Month of the Monkey, 756: The coalition forces under the command of Matsu Kassenko push further into the Shinomen Forest, defeating the Naga in multiple engagements and capturing the ruined cities of Vyrakarana and Iyotisha. The Naga manage to fight back the samurai of the Empire long enough for their leader, the Qamar, to escape into the forest with his honor guard, but the delaying tactic costs the Naga dearly. Their military might is shattered by Kassenko's forces and those that attempt to flee are cut down in a wave of savagery. In the week that follows, the coalition forces execute thousands of sleeping Naga found within the city and destroy hundreds of egg clutches in what will later be regarded as the final moments of the War of Broken Fangs.

The Empire sees another victory against its enemies early in the month as Hiruma Kazuma's reinforcements arrive from Shiro Hiruma to outflank the undead forces of Tsukuro. The nezumi of the Hundred Eyes Tribe had made contact with those of the Stained Paw and Shadow Runners tribes and united under Kazuma's leadership. The arrival of the Nezumi caught Tsukuro and his legions off guard, and as they wheeled in an attempt to deal with this new threat, the beleaguered Crab launched a counterattack from the gates of the Carpenter Wall. The fighting was brutal, but eventually the tide of battle shifted in favor of the Crab. The Hida 27th Heavy Infantry is credited with having forced their way to Tsukuro's command squad and cutting down the undead general, a glorious task that unfortunately resulted in their deaths at the clawed hands of the undead around them. In the aftermath of the battle, Hida Kame announced that their unit would be permanently retired from service in memory of those samurai who gave their lives to protect the Empire.

In the hopes of pleasing Inari, the Fortune of Rice, and encouraging him to bless their waterlogged lands with a good harvest, the Scorpion arrange for multiple festivals to be held across their lands in his honor. The festivals in the larger cities - those with large samurai populations - are quite elaborate and are one of the highlights of the spring season within the Empire for those who attend, creating good will for the Clan that lingers for the rest of the year. In the more remote parts of their lands, however, the funds sent out to finance these festivals more often than not end up instead lining the pockets of local governors or Mantis mercenaries who are not above a bit of good-natured banditry to supplement their wages.

Further north, the Dragon seer Agasha Mokushi makes a startling announcement that one of the southern volcanoes in Mirumoto lands will soon erupt, covering the sky in ash and flooding a significant portion of their farmlands with molten rock. Communion with the slumbering fire kami beneath the volcano fails to uncover any sort of activity that would suggest such a thing, but Mokushi is adamant about his visions and claims that the only way to appease the spirits is through a sacrifice of ten pure maidens. Debate rages among the Dragon families as to whether sacrificing ten lives to save thousands is ethical or not, while Mokushi's prophecies of doom and devastation grow more and more vivid. Eventually, ten young samurai-ko - four Mirumoto, three Agasha, and three Togashi - step forward and volunteer themselves as sacrifices to save the farmlands of the Dragon. A solemn ceremony takes place at the lip of the volcano before the women leap to the deaths, at which time the relieved Mokushi pronounces that the spirits of the volcano have been appeased and that the danger has been averted.

Meanwhile, small skirmishes continue in Badger lands as the gaijin barbarians attempt to recapture the lands of the Badger, but the combined forces of the Lion and Badger ensure that they gain no ground. Akodo Misaki allows her officers to pursue the fleeing gaijin into the mountains, where many of them are ambushed by gaijin reinforcements hiding in the uneven terrain. The Lion fall back to the broken walls marking Badger lands and consolidate their strength as Akodo Misaki and Ichiro Gacho argue over the best way to break the strength of the barbarians.

Near the end of the month, an assassin manages to make it past security in Otosan Uchi and get within striking distance of the Emperor, only to be cut down by his Phoenix honor guard. An inspection of the would-be assassin reveals Crane-minted koku, casting further suspicions upon the disloyalty of the Crane Clan to the throne. The Seppun on duty commit sepukku for their failure as their superiors vow to find those responsible for the assassin but find their search hijacked by Kakita Seiko, who takes control of the investigation herself.

Month of the Rooster, 756: Autumn begins on an inauspicious note as Ikoma Sayuri, the Ikoma daimyo, is shot with an arrow by a hidden sniper during the Kanto festival. She dies before a healer can tend to her wounds, and the unseen assassin manages to escape in the following chaos. Her successor, Ikoma Furatto, vows to bring her mother's murderer to justice, but she is soon overwhelmed in the duties of her new office. Her new husband, the former Shosuro Takeda, takes over the investigation of Sayuri's murder in her place, but even he admits that the trail has since gone cold.

In Phoenix lands, the Elemental Council meets to discuss the prophecies of Isawa Meiun, the acolyte who was corrupted in opening the Dark Divination scroll. Upon going through the transcripts of her ravings, Isawa Arya finds that a number of them were accurate predictions as to events that have occurred in the past few months. The council debates whether or not to give credit to these potential prophecies but eventually decide that any information gained from one who has been corrupted by Fu Leng cannot be considered reliable. Instead, the Council decides to put their efforts towards purifying the Black Scroll itself, in the hopes of recovering the original divination spell that was twisted in the process of binding Fu Leng within his prison. The task is given to Isawa Arya, and discussion soon turns to the study of a number of magical pearls that were recovered from the Naga during the War of Broken Fangs.

Kakita Seiko arrives at Kyuden Doji and questions the Crane Champion about the assassin who attacked the Emperor. Doji Shiai is evasive on certain points, but Seiko eventually leaves, convinced that the Crane had no hand in the assassination attempt. Before she goes, however, she warns Shiai that the Imperial Families are quite displeased with the Crane following the actions of Doji Masato, and that this new assassination attempt is only adding further weight to the voices calling for the punishment of the Crane.

Further south, the Crab continue to hunt down the last stragglers of Tsukuro's army. The funeral pyres burn nonstop throughout the month as fallen Crab and undead alike are burned to ash in clouds of smoke so thick that it can be seen from the southern portions of Scorpion and Crane lands. The fighting has cost the Crab dearly in terms of supplies and manpower, but the strength of the Shadowlands seems to have been broken, at least for the time being. As the Yasuki attempt to rebuild the depleted jade reserves of the Crab, however, they find that the Lion have already made advances in that same direction, purchasing much of the jade within the Empire in order to being testing their own troops for the presence of the Shadowlands taint. A fierce bidding war soon erupts between the two Clans, driving the price of jade to nearly four times its normal worth.

On an happier note, the Crab siege engines which had been halted in their progress to Badger lands earlier in the spring finally begin to roll northwards as the mess of red tape preventing their progress is finally negotiated. They are accompanied through Lion lands by one of the Imperial Legions in a stipulation requested by the late Ikoma Sayuri, thus ensuring that the siege engines reach their destination safely.

Month of the Dog, 756: The daimyo of the four Crane families - Doji Shiai, Kakita Takeshi, Daidoji Kenta, and Asahina Moriko - travel with their entourages to Otosan Uchi to speak with the Emperor. The Imperial Families initially attempt to keep the Crane from speaking with the Hantei, but once the Emperor learns of their presence and asks to speak with them, there is little that the Seppun or Otomo can do to prevent the meeting. After preparing themselves, the Crane meet with the Hantei and claim that they are being unjustly punished for the actions of Doji Masato, a man who had held his position as Imperial Chancellor longer than any of them had been alive, and that they were dealing with the matter internally. Midway through the Imperial Advisor's counter-argument - that the Crane could not be trusted to deal with the Gozoku themselves - Doji Shiai passes out from blood loss, at which point the other daimyo reveal that they have already committed kanshi in protest for the Hantei's unjust punishment of the Crane for Masato's actions.

Shocked by the display, the Hantei watches, ashen-faced, as the leadership of the Crane dies in front of him, their blood pooling at his feet. When the Imperial Advisor begins to speak, the Hantei silences him with a gesture and announces with a shaking voice that Doji Masato was no longer a Crane when he died, and that his shame was not that of the Crane Clan. The investigation into the remaining members of the Gozoku ends along with the Imperial purge, and the Emperor secludes himself in his quarters for the rest of the month.

With the northern barbarians forced out of Badger lands, Akodo Misaki leads her army back south, towards her own lands. While many of the gaijin barbarians still lurk in the northern mountains, their morale seems to have been broken, and the Badger are eager to regain full control of their own lands without having to rely upon the Lion for assistance. A priority is given to repairing their northern walls, but an early snow in the mountains leaves the project unfinished with many gaps yet remaining in the Empire's northern defenses.

Meanwhile, the Phoenix face the first of several set backs in their attempts to purify the Dark Divination scroll as three of the acolytes assigned to its study are corrupted by its power and attempt to claim the scroll for their own. They are quickly slain by the attending Inquisitors, but not before one of the acolytes is able to summon a twisting creature of blood and mist that destroys over three dozen of Isawa Arya's most valuable research scrolls. Further research resumes later in the month, this time within a small village near Kyuden Isawa, rather than within the castle itself.

Elsewhere in Phoenix lands, a small group of Asako monks travel to the haunted ruins of Kyuden Asako in the hopes of pacifying the spirits within. The monks enter the castle while chanting one of their order's most calming prayers, filling their hearts with peace and love in the hope the doing so will serve as a counterbalance to the mindless rage of the Toshigoku spirits and weaken their presence in the mortal realm. The monks are horribly butchered by the uncaring spirits, and in the aftermath, Shiba Esai declares the ruins off-limits to all further visitation.

The Master of the Four Temples and nominal head of the Brotherhood, Atsushi, leaves Otosan Uchi on a pilgrimage to the recently built Kyoujaku Seido in Phoenix lands. As he travels, a steadily increasing number of monks join him on his journey, until the road is so filled with traveling holy men that they are mistaken for a marching army by the heimin harvesting the fields. Though they do not reach the temple until midway through the next month, the unexpected pilgrimage nevertheless manages to inspire many authors and poets as they prepare for their winter courts.

With over a fifth of her Clan having starved to death since last winter, Tonbo Mariko takes careful stock of her Clan's chances of surviving another unprovoked assault from the Lion. With no access to the trade networks of the Empire and few allies after the Dragonfly delegate sent to Winter Court last year was revealed to have been a Bloodspeaker, the Tonbo are in dire straights. Heeding the warnings of her divinations, Mariko reluctantly petitions the Dragon Clan for their protection, and the Dragon accept. On the last day of the month, Tonbo Mariko swears fealty to Togashi Motaro in a somber ceremony and the Dragonfly Clan is absorbed into the Dragon Clan.

Month of the Boar, 756: Bayushi Yuuto and his entourage arrive at Kyuden Ikoma, the site of this year's Winter Court, nearly a week earlier than expected and demand that their Yogo shugenja be allowed to place magical wards throughout the castle. The Lion refuse, claiming that their own magical protections are more than enough to protect the Emperor, at which point Yuuto points out that their wards were unable to protect his wife, who was assassinated within Kyuden Ikoma the year before. The Lion are unable to refute his argument and reluctantly allow the Scorpion to weave all manner of unknown enchantments upon the castle.

The arrival of the Emperor and his retinue is a cause for much celebration from the Lion, though his meeting with the new Ikoma daimyo becomes somewhat awkward after Ikoma Furatto becomes a bit too complimentary of the Hantei in her excitement. Ikoma Takeda, her husband, manages to salvage the meeting with a light joke at his wife's expense, but the Emperor's fiance, Matsu Tokiyo, is noticeably not amused by Furatto's behavior.

A much different winter court takes place at Kyuden Miya this year, as a small group of Naga from Tausha's Legion are allowed to attend the court as guests of the Empire. It proves to be a tense first month as both groups adjust to the culture shock of the other civilization, but there is a genuine wish for peace on both sides and most of the misunderstandings are quickly smoothed over. The issue of diet becomes a particularly sticky topic, as the humans are just as disgusted with the Naga habit of eating small rodents as the Naga are with the concept of eating eggs. The heimin cooks fret for days to find a common middle ground before finally settling on a menu that consists almost entirely of seafood, fowl, and a bit of rice, which seems to appease both groups.

The much smaller winter court taking place at Shiro no Soshi is rocked with early scandal as Agasha Hiraku, a minor shugenja, dies midway through an evening meal with Shosuro Uruwashii. The Shosuro daimyo is noticeably upset by the experience and retires from court for three days to recover from the shock of Hiraku dying in front of her. In her absence, the investigating magistrate determines that the meal they had been eating had contained improperly prepared fugu and that Hiraku's death no doubt saved Uruwashii's life, in that it prevented her from partaking of the unintentionally poisonous meal. The Scorpion make some generous concessions to the remaining members of the Dragon contingent and publicly execute their entire cooking staff for the unacceptable failure.

Things go much better at Kyuden Doji, where the new Crane Champion, Doji Etsuo, makes his first public appearance since the position passed to him from his cousin, the late Doji Shiai. Though trained as a bushi, Etsuo is a well-known patron of the arts, and it becomes clear early in the court that he favors a more traditional approach to such things, as there is little of the popular "modernist" style on display within the castle. There is a brief moment at the start of court when one of the Hida delegates mistakes the effeminate Etsuo for a woman and asks if the Champion's husband will be joining them, but much to the relief of everyone present, Etsuo laughs the matter off and spends the rest of the day amusing the court with light, self-deprecating references to the faux pas. Realizing that his fate could have been much worse, the embarrassed Hida Kujiku makes it a point of speaking well of the new Crane Champion for the rest of the winter.

The Phoenix, meanwhile, are surprised to find that the Jade Champion, the ronin Fairuz, has accepted what they considered a perfunctory invitation to spend the winter with them at Kyuden Isawa. Fairuz and his entourage of ronin receive a frosty reception from the Phoenix, and within the hour it becomes clear to the Jade Champion that he has likely chosen poorly with regards to his winter planning. Nevertheless, he and his people do their best to be polite guests and remain low key, something that becomes difficult when the other delegates shower them with attention and questions. After a single meeting with the Jade Champion, Isawa Arya orders that the acolytes studying the Dark Divination scroll be moved further from the castle to ensure that neither Fairuz nor his minions learn that the Phoenix are studying what is, technically, a maho scroll.

Month of the Rat, 756: Matsu Shikyo surprises those attending the Imperial Court at Kyuden Ikoma by appearing in public without the many bandages she had been wrapped with since the end of the War of Hidden Honor. When questioned about her miraculous recovery, Shikyo reveals that she was healed by sacred water brought to her by Ikoma Nishiko, who discovered a healing spring deep within the Shinomen Forest. The court is amazed by the story, and Nishiko spends much of the winter retelling the tale of how she came by the water to various courtiers and dignitaries.

Another startling recovery takes place within Otosan Uchi, where the monk Turong gives a drought of water taken from the same healing spring to Seppun Kato, the Emperor's younger brother. The burns and scars that Kato had carried since he was a child are healed by the sacred water, restoring the ambitious Imperial to full health. Kato is so surprised by the gesture that he makes a very generous donation to the Brotherhood from his private funds, much to the surprise of nearly everyone at court.

Meanwhile, tensions flare at Kyuden Hida as the Crab and Lion delegates get into a heated argument over the jade deficit caused by the Lion Clan's attempts to purchase thousands of pounds of jade that might otherwise have gone towards restocking the depleted reserves of the Crab Clan. The situation is temporarily defused by courtiers, but flares up many more times across the winter, until it seems that the only topic being discussed at Kyuden Hida is jade supplies.

Back at Kyuden Ikoma, the Centipede approach the Emperor and ask for his opinion on a difficult matter. During the War of Broken Fangs, one of their samurai, the late Moshi Makoto, rescued a ronin who claimed to be the last descendant of the legendary Sun family. Makoto convinced Sun Gang to travel to Moshi lands and swear fealty to the Centipede, but the Moshi were uncomfortable with the idea of allowing the respected Sun name to die out in such a manner without first receiving approval from the Imperial Families. The Hantei considers the matter and decides that those who follow the ronin will be allowed to retain the Sun family name while serving the Centipede, essentially granting the Minor Clan their first vassal family.

At the end of the month, Dragon delegates across the Empire make the announcement that one of their number, Togashi Myo-en, has made contact with the distant Kirin Clan, who now call themselves the Unicorn. That the children of Shinjo yet survive is shocking enough, but the Dragon further announce that the Unicorn are in the process of returning to the Empire. Chaos breaks out in nearly every court to receive such news as the Clans attempt to adjust to such a revelation, and speculation runs rampant as to just how the presence of another Great Clan will affect the Empire.

Month of the Ox, 756: The confusion surrounding the return of the Unicorn Clan continues as courtiers across the Empire attempt to draw more information out of the Dragon delegates at their winter courts, with little success. The Dragon sent extra delegates to the lands of the Lion and Imperial Families in an attempt to smooth over what they assume will be unpleasant reactions to the news, but Akodo Misaki seems relatively unconcerned with the news once she learns that the Dragon do not know when, exactly, the Unicorn are due to return. The Imperial Families are more concerned with the news, until Otomo Hiro, the Emperor's eldest half-brother, suggests that there might be a way to levy back taxes against the Unicorn for the seven centuries they have been absent from the Unicorn, which has the effect of quickly turning the apprehension of the Otomo family into something approaching outright joy.

Ikoma Takeda concludes his investigation of his former daimyo's unfortunate death, claiming that the murderers were likely ronin with Daidoji training. When the Crane object to this conclusion, Takeda reassures them that the Lion do not believe that those responsible were still working for the Crane, as such an activity is surely the work of those who were banished from the Crane for their dishonorable behavior. At the Emperor's request, both Crane and Lion agree to work together to bring the murderers to justice, though it is clear to everyone at Kyuden Ikoma that there is likely to be little progress made on such a joint investigation.

Tensions cool somewhat as the Crab present a sumo demonstration to the Emperor and his court. The competition is fierce among the wrestlers, all of whom want to prove their skills in front of the Emperor, but Matsu Togu eventually emerges victorious in a narrow victory over his Crab opponent. The Emperor is quite taken with the demonstration and asks his advisor, Agasha Muizu, why the sport is not more popular among the other Clans. When Muizu expresses his inability to answer the question, the Hantei gives the task of forming an Empire-wide Sumo League to one of his attendants, a young man by the name of Seppun Itsuki. Though he knows nothing of the sport, Itsuki quickly begins learning as much as he can about sumo as the Clans scramble to make arrangements to participate in the fledgling league.

A new pillow book claiming to be authored by the noted satirist known only as "The Gardener" turns up at Kyuden Bayushi, sparking both rumor and scandal throughout the court. The style is notably different from the Gardener's other works, however, with less of an emphasis on wit and clever wordplay and more on the steamy meetings of various supposed lovers, and by the end of the month most of the court agrees that the book is clearly a fake. Suspicion falls onto Shiba Kichiko once a Scorpion courtier casually points out the similarities in the calligraphy styles between the pillow book and the former Imperial's letters, though Kichiko fervently denies having anything to do with such scandalous rumors.

The research of the Phoenix into the Black Scroll known as Dark Divination suffers a setback when four of the acolytes researching the scroll manage to overpower their Inquisitor guards with a summoned oni. The demon quickly devours the heimin of the village and begins spawning smaller versions of itself, but further disaster is averted when Isawa Arya and Isawa Kibou arrive on site and burn the oni and corrupted acolytes into ashes. The Black Scroll survives the fires unharmed, but it is clear that those researching the scroll will need more supervision than was previously thought. Not wanting to bring the Black Scroll back to Kyuden Isawa - especially with the Jade Champion in residence - the two Elemental Masters instead take the scroll to Shiro Shiba, trusting that the presence of so many Shiba should be its own protection. Research resumes once again at the end of the month with a fresh batch of eager acolytes.

Far to the south, in the depths of the Shadowlands, the defeated generals of Tsukuro's army gather to discuss their future plans. The discussion over who should take control of the shattered remains of his army quickly turns heated, until it is decided that a grand tournament - a mockery of the Emerald Championship of the Empire - will take place to determine which of their number is best suited to lead them into battle. What follows is a brutal competition that eventually ends in victory for a maho-tsukai named Kiyoshi, whose corrupted magic allowed him to easily dispatch those who placed their faith in martial strength. Declaring himself the Onyx Champion, the former Miya leads his remaining forces deeper into the Shadowlands to begin plotting against the Empire.

Month of the Tiger, 756: The tensions which had gripped Kyuden Hida finally reach their breaking point as Lion and Crab courtiers come to blows over the issue of their Clans' need for the Empire's limited amount of jade. Apologies are made in the aftermath, but it is only a formality and neither Clan believes the matter to be settled. The Lion depart from Kyuden Hida three days later, and though peace returns to the castle, the specter of future conflict between the Clans hangs heavy over the rest of the court.

Meanwhile, scandal erupts in Kyuden Miya as a Scorpion bushi, Yogo Kitahachi, reveals to the court that Doji Kazuki, a minor courtier, has been courting one of the visiting Naga dignitaries. The announcement leads to Kazuki's official censure from his superiors and a similar, if more private, reaction from the other Naga with regards to the one they call The Mara. Doji Kazuki eventually commits sepukku to cleanse his family of the shame of his actions, shocking and confusing the Naga delegation, who were unaware of that particular human custom.

An outbreak of Swamp Lung strikes Kyuden Ikoma, sickening nearly two dozen courtiers, bushi, and servants across the various Clans. The sick are quickly contained, and upon the suggestion of Bayushi Yuuto, the Emperor and his entourage return to the capital earlier than expected. The Hantei's rapid departure catches much of the court by surprise, but none can fault his reasoning and many others leave as well, taking advantage of the early thaw as best they are able. Fortunately for the Lion, the Swamp Lung disease spreads no further, though their healers are unable to save any of the infected from very painful deaths.

As the temperatures improve, the Agasha researchers at Kyuden Agasha make a test run of their new creation, a series of over two dozen gigantic crystal lenses. According to their theories, when properly focused and magnified through the various lenses, the Dragon will be able to shine the holy light of Amaterasu down upon their crops throughout the year, thus allowing them to keep their fields warm during the cold winter months. The test run down not go as expected, however, with the focused beam of light cutting a deep groove in the side of a distant mountain before the crystal lenses overheat and explode, showering the researchers with superheated crystalline shards. Those that survive deem the experiment a failure and order the intact lenses to be destroyed.

At Shiro Matsu, the winter ends in an argument between Akodo Misaki and her advisors, the latter of whom claim that it would be improper to declare war on the Crane in the same year that she married one of their samurai. Misaki eventually relents and tears up her plans, but her fiance, Doji Riku, jokingly offers to allow her to take a swing at him if it would help her to ease her mind with regards to his Clan. Misaki takes him up on his offer, much to the surprise of the entire court, and knocks Riku to the floor with a single punch. The court falls deathly silent, but Riku merely stands up, rubs his cheek, and compliments his soon-to-be wife on her right hook. His reaction seems to improve his measure in Misaki's eyes, and by the end of the day the young Lion Champion is eagerly discussing her wedding plans with her confused advisors.

Credulous at best
Your desire to believe in
Angels in the hearts of men

 Post subject: Re: 8th Century Timeline
PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 11:23 pm 
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~ The Year 757 ~

Month of the Hare, 757: The new year begins on a sour note as the Naga attack the city of Iyotisha and reclaim it from the Empire. Led by the Qamar, the Naga fortify their ancient city against attack, both from the Empire and from the traitors of Tausha's Legion to the south. Word eventually reaches the Empire, but with the Naga military broken and unable to muster any significantly threatening numbers, no formal action is taken to reclaim the city.

The spring is more hopeful for the Sparrow Clan, who have spent a considerable amount of political and monetary resources on importing new soil from the Crane and Phoenix. Though neither Clan felt it appropriate to charge the Minor Clan for what amounted to dirt, the transportation of so much soil across the Empire ended up being quite costly. With the new soil, however, the Sparrow believe that they might finally be able to grow enough food to support themselves in such a manner that the constant rationing their Clan has endured for centuries might finally end.

A moment of inattention in the Agasha Foundry releases a magically-created species of mobile plants into the hallways and foothills of Kyuden Agasha. The plants run amok, attacking people with poisonous stingers, but are eventually hacked to pieces and burned with fire magic. A single plant is captured intact and returned to the depths of the Foundry for further study.

The Scorpion also enjoy a hopeful spring as their newest samurai take their gempuku ceremonies and join the Clan as adults. Though the shugenja of the Clan still have issues with the imbalance in the elements, most of the focus is upon the Clan's bushi, all of whom are quickly assigned to important positions as yojimbo or among the Clan's military. The pressure upon this new generation of bushi is quite intense, but the young bushi seem to have taken some measure of inspiration from the Lion Clan, whose friendship with the Scorpion has been a constant for much of their lives. The word "junshin" is tossed around quite a bit by their elders, but for the moment, the Scorpion seem unwilling to speak too poorly about their youngest samurai

The events of the ~ Ryoko Owari ~ forum game take place at this time.

All does not go well for the Scorpion, however, as the brutal assassination of Bayushi Nori, the governor of Ryoko Owari, sends the city tumbling into chaos. While the Scorpion attempt to restore order, the other Clans work to take advantage of the chaos for their own ends. Gangs roam the streets, fires gut entire districts of the city, and clandestine figures work from the shadows to take control of Ryoko Owari's destiny. The arrival of Bayushi Yuuto seems to calm the chaos, and he appoints the merchant Soshi Hama as the city's new governor. The Lion are pleased with her appointment, and in return for their support, Hama grants the Lion a number of very favorable trade agreements.

On the 25th day of the month, a terrible shock wave of corruption tears through NIngen-do, sending anyone close to the kami into violent seizures. While this is extremely uncomfortable for most shugenja - with blinding migraines, vomiting, and bleeding eyes and noses being common - the toll is worst upon the young. All across the Empire, hundreds of young shugenja perish as the elements twist further out of balance. Far away in the Shinomen Forest, the Akasha twists upon itself in pain, though the effects are less pronounced upon the Naga than their human allies.

The casualties are not limited to merely children, however, as a screaming Soshi Kokonoe throws herself from the balcony of her personal chambers. Further north, Agasha Aotu claws out his own eyes and screams for someone to make it stop, and in the aftermath of the event, his wife mercifully ends his life. It is later revealed that a Ryoko Owari magistrate, Yogo Kouhei, opened the third Black Scroll and used its power to bind his loyal magistrates to his side with dark power. The corrupted magistrates are cut down by the Shosuro House Guard before they can cause further harm to the empire, but the elements remain disjointed as the Empire slides one step closer to chaos.

In the final days of the month, the Phoenix execute the corrupted Isawa Meiun, reasoning that any purpose her existence might serve has come to an end. The scrolls containing the transcripts of her insane ramblings are set aside to be cataloged in the records of the Phoenix, but Isawa Daiko orders them destroyed before Isawa Arya can intervene, claiming that far too much Phoenix blood has been shed on account of "these damned scrolls." None of the Inquisitors tasked with destroying the transcripts object to her command.

Month of the Dragon, 757: Despite the concerns of his advisors and whispers of bad omens, the Emperor carries through with his wedding to Matsu Tokiyo in the first weeks of the month. The elaborate ceremony goes off without a hitch and is attended by the Champions of each Clan and Minor Clan, the first gathering of its kind in living memory. The entire Empire celebrates with a week-long festival that spreads cheer and hope across the Empire, even to the normally dour lands of the Scorpion and Crab.

Following the festivities, the Hantei meets with the Champions and reveals the true nature of the Black Scrolls and the evil they had been intended to seal away for all time. The Champions argue over who is best suited to guard the remaining scrolls, and Bayushi Yuuto is reluctantly forced to admit that only five of the twelve Black Scrolls remain in his Clan's possession. He offers his life to the Hantei to atone for his Clan's failures in keeping the Scrolls safe, but the Hantei refuses, claiming that the Empire cannot afford for the Scorpion to be weak in this time of trials.

Meanwhile, in the Shadowlands, the Onyx Champion Kiyoshi is visited by the Dark Oracle of Earth. Though initially startled by the Oracle's appearance, it claims to mean him no harm, instead giving him the Hammer of Ruin, a dai tsuchi forged within the seething energies of the Pit of Fu Leng. When the skeptical Kiyoshi asks why the Oracle would bestow such a boon upon him, the Dark Oracle asks if that is truly the question he wishes to ask of it. Faced with the rare opportunity of asking a question of an Oracle, Kiyoshi asks a much different question instead.

As the month continues, the number of patrols in Scorpion lands steadily increases, gradually bringing some semblance of order to the rural provinces. Many of these patrols are comprised of bushi who only completed their gempuku ceremony within the past two years, but this works in the favor of the Scorpion, as these young samurai surprise the disenfranchised peasantry by being far more honorable than had been expected. When it becomes known that Mantis mercenaries have been preying upon the peasantry, the patrols hunt down the mercenaries and - rather than execute them on the spot - bring them to Ryoko Owari by the dozens to give an accounting of their predations.

Though the Crab were hit hard by the corruption caused by the opening of the third Black Scroll, their shugenja gradually begin to recover and return to duty. There had been concerns that the attack was the opening strike in another assault by the Shadowlands, but as the weeks go by, no attack comes and nothing larger than a goblin approaches the Kaiu Wall. Bushi on the wall whisper that Tsukuro's defeat may have broken the back of the Shadowlands, and for the moment, it would appear as if they are correct: the Shadowlands are silent.

In the lands of the Lion, however, tensions between the Crab and the Lion continue to worsen as the price of jade reaches absurd levels. When she returns from Otosan Uchi near the end of the month, Akodo Misaki holds a meeting with her advisors to discuss how best to assault the Crab storehouses without drawing the Scorpion into the fight. There are few solutions until Misaki asks about the feasibility of a naval strike launched from the ports the Lion recently acquired from the Phoenix. Multiple strategies are soon being bandied about, and the Ikoma are tasked with quietly snatching up as many shipwrights as possible in order to design their Champion's attack fleet.

Month of the Serpent, 757: The month opens with the wedding of Akodo Misaki to Doji Riku in the newly refurbished Morikage Toshi. The Lion consider the marriage of their Champion so soon after the marriage of the Hantei to be a sign of good fortune and spare no expense for the wedding, which sees the entire city decorated in the banners of the Lion. Many Crane attend the ceremony, and despite it taking place in Lion lands, they have nothing but praise for the Lion, the warm welcome they were shown in Morikage Toshi, and how beautiful Akodo Misaki looked in her ceremonial dress.

While every Champion is invited to the ceremony and subsequent festivities, only Doji Etsuo and Bayushi Yuuto take her up on the offer. Given the opportunity to interact with each other far more than they had at the wedding of the Emperor, the two Champions speak at length about the blackmail being levied against the courtiers of the Crane. While neither man particularly likes the other, they agree - in the interest of the Emperor's wish to keep the Empire strong - to a compromise that will keep the peace. Bayushi Yuuto gives his word that the Scorpion will destroy the blackmail information to prevent anyone else from using it against the Crane, and in return, Doji Etsuo promises to step aside and allow the Scorpion to control the courts of the Empire for a period of five years. To seal the deal, both Champions agree to take a wife from the Clan of the other.

A less welcome guest at the wedding is Seppun Kato. His appearance comes as a surprise to the Lion, and during his meeting with Akodo Misaki following her wedding, he reveals to her the vast amount of blackmail information his agents were able to uncover on the Lion during the Winter Court of 755. Misaki reacts with anger and tries to kill Kato, but his yojimbo intercedes and blocks the attack as Kato explains that his death with see the information spread throughout the Empire, much to the public shame and humiliation of the Lion. He asks for a single gift to end the threat of blackmail to the Lion: the city of Toshi Ranbo. Reasoning that she can always recapture the city later, Misaki consents to the arrangement and promises Kato that being the Emperor's brother will not save him from her sword if she comes to regret her choice.

In the city of Tsuma, Hiruma Ryouichi wins the Topaz Championship by a clear margin, much to the surprise of the Crane. As one of the first students of the resurrected Hiruma dojo, his accomplishments are seen as a sign that the techniques rediscovered in the ruins of Shiro Hiruma are truly those practiced by earlier generations. When offered a position as an Emerald Yoriki, Ryouichi politely refuses, claiming that he only wishes to protect Shiro Hiruma alongside the other members of his family. His speech goes on a bit too long to be truly inspiring, but it does remind those present that, despite being reclaimed from the Shadowlands, life within Shiro Hiruma is still difficult and dangerous.

Further west, in the lands of the Dragon, the Agasha discover a previously unknown series of tunnels within one of their mountains, which had been cut partially open following a failed experiment last winter. Upon exploring the chamber, the Agasha come across a tribe of Zokujin - or copper goblins - living within the mountain and attempt to befriend them. The Zokujin are peaceful but wish to have nothing to do with the Dragon Clan, forcing the Agasha to leave them alone within their mountain.

Near the end of the month, a delegation of Phoenix led by Isawa Kenshin arrives at Morikage Toshi with dozens of wagons. After obtaining an audience with Akodo Misaki, Kenshin informs her that the Phoenix wish to offer her a wedding gift: the entire jade supply of their Clan. While initially distrustful of the offer, Misaki accepts after Kenshin reveals that the Phoenix have no wish to see another war between the Lion and Crab, especially in this time of coming battle. The Lion begin distributing the jade among their ranks as Isawa Kenshin leads his delegation and their empty wagons back to Phoenix lands.

Month of the Horse, 757: Kasuga Asakura, the Imperial Peafowl Supervisor, petitions the Hantei to open the Imperial Menagerie to the public. The Hantei agrees to the request, and the Menagerie soon becomes a popular place for courtiers who have been denied entry to Otosan Uchi to gather and talk among themselves. The strange animals that have been collected by the Tortoise prove to be quite popular, and some of the most popular poems and stories of the year involve the Menagerie or one of the animals witnessed within.

With a convenient villain to blame for their woes, the courtiers of the Scorpion begin speaking out against the Mantis mercenaries that had been lingering in their lands, claiming that they had engaged in acts of banditry and sedition. The mercenaries admit their crimes and are publicly executed in a dozen different Scorpion cities on the same day, allowing their heimin to know the true source of their various woes.

Further south, the Onyx Champion and his honor guard come to a towering structure after a month of travel. It proves to be unlike anything that Kiyoshi had ever seen before, and it takes a long moment for him to gather up his courage and enter the building. His honor guard wait outside as their lord enters the place where a god was taken into the earth after mortals stripped him of his soul. The doors of the Forgotten Tomb of Fu Leng close behind him of their own accord.

Back in the Empire, the Otomo approach the Hantei on the matter of Tausha's Legion and the awkward situation it has created within the Empire. The Shinomen Forest is not considered to be part of any Clan's lands, but the Scorpion have begun suggesting that, as the nearest Clan to the forest, it should fall under their government. That much land and lumber passing into the hands of the Scorpion - not to mention the unknown relics hidden within the forest's Naga temples - would certainly tip the scale of balance in the favor of the Scorpion, and the Otomo are concerned that their control of the Shinomen, when combined with their alliance with the Lion and control of the courts might tempt the Scorpion into acting against the throne.

When the Emperor seems unconvinced by their concerns, the Otomo Kiku points out that it would set a bad precedent if the only Clan to not participate in the War of Broken Fangs were the one to reap the rewards of that bloody campaign. The Otomo daimyo goes on to warn that any Clan bringing up the matter of who controls the Shinomen is likely to threaten the Empire's tentative peace, as giving its stewardship to the Crab or Lion - the only other Clans to share a border with the forest - would be seen as favoritism by the other. The Emperor considers the problem for three days, at which point Otomo Ryuuta, his second cousin, suggests that perhaps the issue would be best solved with the creation of a Minor Clan to govern the Shinomen and serve as liasons to the Naga of Tausha's Legion. The suggestion impresses the Emperor, and since Ryuuta had served with distinction in the Naga War, he gives his cousin leave to found this new Minor Clan, which Ryuuta dubs the Piranha, after a species of flesh-eating river fish that he became obsessed with during his time in the forest.

As the Miya spread word of the new Minor Clan throughout the Empire, another rumor has been gradually working its way through the peasantry, leaving behind fear in its wake. Word of the death of Shinsei's descendant begins in Scorpion lands, but it gradually spreads into the lands of the Lion, Scorpion, and Crane, lessening the productivity of heimin and casting a palpable sense of gloom across the heart of the Empire. The rumors eventually reach the lands of the Phoenix, and the Elemental Council gathers to discuss the foreboding potential of facing the return of Fu Leng without the guidance of Shinsei's line. The more immediate concern, however, is the potential for wide-spread panic and peasant riots throughout the Empire, and during their debate, Isawa Engi proposes a radical solution that shocks the other Masters with its blasphemy. After days of debating the matter, she eventually wins Isawa Daiko and Isawa Arya over to her side, and though Isawa Kenshin and Isawa Kibou stand in fervent opposition to her proposal, they are ultimately outvoted.

As the month comes to a close, Seppun Kato takes possession of Toshi Ranbo. The Lion scoff at the token force of Seppun and mercenary bushi that arrive alongside the Emperor's brother, and the city's now-former governor informs him that he shouldn't get too comfortable, as nobody holds Violence Behind Courtliness City for very long.

Month of the Goat, 757: The Agasha make another attempt to speak with the recently-discovered Zokujin in their lands. This time, they are accompanied by Togashi Motaro, the Dragon Champion, who surprises his followers by revealing that he is able to speak the language of the creatures. The Agasha wait while he speaks with their leader, a powerful shaman. They speak for hours in the strange language of the copper goblins, and after they leave, the Dragon Champion does not share the topic of their conversation with his followers.

Ryuuta, daimyo of the new Piranha Clan, arrives at the ruins of Nirukti with a contingent of Seppun architects and heimin laborers. He immediately orders the great temple at the town's center retrofitted into a castle, while other ruins are cleared away to make room for more traditional homes and barracks. The arrival of a representative of Tausha's Legion slows the construction down to a standstill, however, and more Naga arrive over the next few days to protest the further destruction of one of their ancestral homes. The Naga grow increasingly agitated at Ryuuta's actions until the Dashmar, one of the few Greensnakes within Tausha's Legion, arrives on the scene and calms his indignant Naga kin.

Though the Dashmar is the leader of the scattered Greensnake bloodline and the traditional lord of Nirukti, he is far more concerned with ensuring that Tausha's Legion improves its political relationship with the humans than in ruling over a ruined city. In a bold gesture that sends grumblings of disapproval through the Akasha and Empire alike, the Dashmar gives control of Nirukti to the Empire in exchange for Ryuuta accepting one of the Dashmar's apprentices as his personal advisor.

In Otosan Uchi, Isawa Daiko breaks the ban on entering the Forbidden City by teleporting herself and a young monk in the Emperor's throne room. The Emperor's Shiba Honor Guard quickly move to protect him as Seppun Guards tackle Daiko and the monk to the ground, but it is soon revealed that the monk is the descendant of Shinsei, and that Daiko had only teleported him to the Imperial Palace so that he could be protected from the evil forces who would see him killed. She offers her life to the Emperor for the transgression, but the Hantei is so awed by the presence of Shinsei's heir that he pardons her life and commands the Seppun to protect the monk with their lives. By the time Daiko leaves the capital the next morning, word is already spreading through the Empire of her audacity and arrogance... but also, that the heir of Shinsei is still alive.

A few days later, tragedy strikes the Sparrow as the venerable Suzume Lang passes peacefully in his sleep. Rather than name his granddaughter Chou the daimyo of the Sparrow, Seppun Jento, her fiance, announces that he will be assuming the position of Sparrow Champion after their wedding in the fall. The announcement draws surprise from those who care enough to pay attention to Sparrow Clan politics, many of whom note that Suzume Chou has not been seen in public for many weeks.

Meanwhile, invitations to Seppun Kato's winter court at Toshi Ranbo arrive earlier than expected at the castles of the Great Clans, along with messengers who have been instructed to wait for a reply. While few of the invited guests wish to commit to attending Kato's court before they know whether or not they have been invited to the Imperial winter court, fewer still wish to offer him insult by refusing his invitation. Nearly all of those invited to Toshi Ranbo agree to join him for the winter... which eventually sends to the Otomo scrambling to create a new list of samurai to invite to the Imperial winter court, now that Kato has snatched nearly all of their intended guests out from under their nose.

Month of the Monkey, 757: A small contingent of Sparrow courtiers approach the Centipede, Fox, and Hare, with whom they had recently founded a tentative alliance of friendship and economic assistance. The Sparrow tell a (rather long) story about the events transpiring in their homeland and their belief that the Imperials stationed in their lands are trying to take control of their Clan by forcing Suzume Chou to marry Seppun Jento so that he can become Sparrow Champion. The other Minor Clans are uncomfortable with the idea of getting involved in the internal politics of another Minor Clan - particularly when Imperials are involved - but the Sparrow eventually convince them to obtain invitations to Suzume Chou's upcoming wedding so that they can investigate the matter further.

During a walk through the gardens of Kyuden Doji, Doji Etsuo is approached by a servant who reveals herself as the former Asahina Noa. Despite being banished from Crane lands by the former Champion, she has been working undercover for the past year to root out the names of those who were involved in the murder of Doji Hanako, another former Crane Champion, and her grandson Ichiro. Etsuo refuses to listen to her, but she pushes the scrolls containing her findings into his arms and disappears from sight - literally - before the palace guards are able to arrest her.

Further north, Isawa Arya calls a meeting of the Elemental Council and presents to them the purified scroll that had once been the Black Scroll known as "Dark Divination." The other Masters are shocked that she has managed to perform a task they had thought impossible, though she brushes off Isawa Kenshin's concerns about the great number of her acolytes that were sacrificed to the scroll's corruption in the process of purifying it. Isawa Kibou questions whether using the scroll is truly safe, and after a long debate, they eventually decide to proceed with caution and reverence, for knowledge of one of Isawa's spells - penned by his own hand - could change everything they know about the kami and their capabilities.

The purification of the Black Scroll is not the the only impressive magical feat to take place this month. Within the depths of the Hidden Temple, Master Dream uses the Sacred Rosary of the Constrictors - a magical nemurai that the Kolat had liberated from the Naga during the War of Broken Fangs - to pierce the veil between realms and speak with one of the honored ancestors residing in Yomi. While the ancestor is initially surprised to be contacted by a mortal, Dream's subtle lies and even subtler magic eventually earn the friendship of the ancestor, who finds himself looking forward to their little talks more and more with each passing day.

To the south, Kuni Toru approaches his Champion to seek permission to develop a new shugenja technique that will allow the Kuni to continue to function despite the increasing corruption of the elements. Hida Kame denies his request on the basis that she requires assurances that the technique will work before she can allocate that many of the Clan's sparse funds to research, which sparks an argument between the two samurai. The matter eventually resolves itself when Kame's husband intervenes and attempts to find common ground between the two, which causes Toru to storm out of the room in disgust at the former Crane's weakness.

Tensions are also high in the city of Nirukti, for most of the important and influential samurai who had been invited to the first winter court of the Piranha Clan returned their invitations with polite refusals. Annoyed with the responses, the Clan Champion, Ryuuta, sends a series of terse and threatening letters to those who snubbed him and then sends out a second wave of invitations, this time to less prominent members of the Great Clans. These invitations are eventually returned as well, with the same polite excuses and well wishes as the first set. To his horror, Ryuuta realizes that being made the daimyo of a new Minor Clan may not have been quite the political coup he had originally thought it to be.

Month of the Rooster, 757: The month begins with an ill omen as Doji Etsuo orders the arrest of Doji Ninbai, former Emerald Competitor, and three dozen Crane samurai on charges of conspiracy and murder. Some of the accused samurai protest their innocence as they're taken into custody by their local magistrates, but most are cut down as they resist arrest. Doji Ninbai manages to escape his estate after murdering the magistrates sent to arrest him, but his wife is later apprehended and brought in to give her testimony. She commits jigai while being held in a magistrate's home, but there is still enough testimony gathered from the surviving conspirators to prove the guilt of all those named by the Crane Champion.

One week after the executions, the Crane Champion announces that Asahina Chie will be stepping down from her position as Asahina Daimyo to allow Asahina Noa to reclaim leadership of her family. Now redeemed in the eyes of the Crane and the Empire, Noa immediately sets about "fixing" the lax security protocols that had been changed since she had last been daimyo, much to the anguish and despair of the other Asahina.

On the other side of the Empire, Badger guards catch sight of a woman in purple armor approaching from the west on a horse larger than any ever seen within the borders of the Empire. They fire upon her with their bows, but she protects herself with a shell-like piece of metal strapped to her arm and shouts at them, claiming to be a member of the Unicorn Clan. While skeptical, the Badger guards decide to spare her life and bring her before their Clan Champion, where the woman claims to be Shinjo Zhi-Yin, a forward scout of the Unicorn Clan. Ichiro Gacho panics at the idea of an army showing up on his borders, but calms when the supposed Unicorn claims that the rest of her people do not plan to arrive in Rokugan until late the following year. Well aware that he has suddenly become involved in a political matter far above the skills of the average Badger, Gacho sends the captive Unicorn, a half-dozen Badger, and a letter explaining the situation to Ichiro Wattana, the Imperial Chancellor, informing her that the Unicorn woman is her problem.

Faced with a lack of people willing to attend the winter court of the Piranha, Ryuuta swallows his pride and invites a continent of researchers and scholars to Nirukti, offering them a winter spent alongside the Naga. They quickly cancel their prior plans and send emphatic and thankful acceptances to the invitations, the tone of which is so energetic that even the normally dour Ryuuta finds himself looking forward to the coming winter... even if just a tiny bit.

Invitations for Suzume Chou's upcoming wedding are sent out across the Empire, more as a token gesture than out of any real expectation that anyone important will bother attending the ceremony. Much to the surprise of the Sparrow, however, the Centipede, Fox, and Hare Clans all snap up as many invitations as they are able, which in turn draws the attention of the Great Clans, who are confused about what could be so special about a Sparrow wedding to draw so much attention. In the belief that the wedding is merely a cover for discussing a strengthened alliance between the Minor Clans, the Great Clans send back assurances that a handful of their own samurai will be attending the wedding as well... just in case.

Otomo Kiku makes a public comment about the "unpleasant criminal elements" which have been appearing in the Hub Villages surrounding Otosan Uchi in the past few months. She calls the Tortoise Champion to Otosan Uchi to explain the situation, but Kasuga Shakuzai claims to be ignorant of any such increase in crime. Still, she vows to look into the matter for the Otomo daimyo, and after she returns home, she ensures that the number of smugglers passing through the Hub Villages is kept under closer watch by her subordinates.

Month of the Dog, 757: Shinjo Zhi-Yin and her Badger guards are stopped by a Lion patrol, who wish to know why the Badger are passing through their lands with a gaijin prisoner. The Badger attempt to obfuscate their purpose, but when it's revealed that they don't have travel papers, they come clean and reveal that their prisoner claims to be a member of the Unicorn Clan. After a long argument and many threats of violence and claims of insulted honor, the Lion take possession of Shinja Zhi-Yin and send the Badger back to their own lands. They immediately set a course for Morikage Toshi.

A week later, however, the Lion guards are attacked by bandits in the night. The Lion are killed and the bandits take Zhi-Yin prisoner despite her attempts to fend them off with her arms tied behind her back. The bandits are slain two days later by mercenaries in service to Seppun Kato, who bring Zhi-Yin to him at Ryoko Owari Toshi. The Unicorn woman is skeptical of Kato, but he wins her trust when he reveals that he is the brother of the Emperor. He offers to take her to Otosan Uchi once she is rested, but warns that it is unlikely that Emperor will speak with someone of her admittedly low station. Realizing the truth of his words, Zhi-Yin agrees to remain in Toshi Ranbo with Kato while he pens a letter to his brother informing him of the situation. The letter never reaches Otosan Uchi.

The Scorpion use their political connections to block the Mantis from receiving invitations to the important courts of the Empire, proving that despite their lack of a fleet, they can still annoy the Minor Clan. The Mantis are surprised by the hostility coming their way from the Scorpion, but have little means to strike back at the Great Clan. Piracy steps up significantly along the Crab and Crane coastlines as Mantis captains take out their frustrations on whatever Great Clan they are able.

A lone assassin takes out frustrations of her own as she launches an assault on Yasuki Yashiki. Despite having no backup, the assassin leaves dozens of corpses in her wake as she cuts through the castle's defenses to reach Yasuki Takara. The bundle of twitching flesh that the assassin leaves behind is put out of its misery by the surviving Crab. When Hida Kame arrives and demands an explanation for the failure of the castle's bushi, she tasks those who do not commit sepukku with tracking down Takara's assassin and bringing her to justice.

Near the end of the month, samurai from across the Empire gather at Kyuden Suzume to participate in the Sparrow's harvest festival and celebrate the wedding of Suzume Chou to Seppun Jento...

The events of the ~ Kyuden Suzume ~ forum game happen at this time.

Month of the Boar, 757: A small number of angry Sparrow samurai take up arms against the Imperials they see as trying to take control of their Clan, which leans to violence in an already tense situation. Following the burning of Kyuden Suzume and a series of midnight assassinations on Imperial dignitaries, Seppun Jento, the would-be Sparrow Champion, is forced to take drastic measures to root out the instigator of the violence. The culprit proves to be Suzume Kataki, the childhood sweetheart of Jento's bride-to-be. Jento faces off against Kataki in a duel, cutting off the Sparrow instigator's hand to prove that the heavens are on his side. Jento forces his fiance to execute her former love, then marries her a few hours later, claiming the title of Sparrow Champion for himself.

The wandering monk Kayou settles down in Suzume lands, taking up the invitation of the new Sparrow Champion to tend to the new shrines he intends to construct. Unbeknownst to Suzume Jento, the order of Harmonious Work is actually a secret order of militant monks. Though their numbers are still few, those who join the order - primarily a handful of Suzume bushi who had supported Kataki over Jento and wish to avoid persecution - are dedicated to their training.

Meanwhile, two of the Sparrow who had left during the rising tensions - Suzume Chihaya and Suzume Hahou - deliver a box of corrupted jade to Asahina Yuina, a Jade Magistrate stationed in Crane lands. They had discovered the box beneath the Suzume marsh, but fearing that it was a corrupted nemuranai, neither Sparrow gave in to the temptation to look inside the box. As a shugenja, however, Yuina falls victim to the siren call of the Black Scroll within the box and begins plotting what to do with its incredible power. Before she can make up her mind, however, a disguised Togashi Hoshi appears at her door, demanding that she turn the Black Scroll over to the Dragon Clan. When she refuses, Hoshi snaps her neck, places the Black Scroll in a crystal box, and carries takes it back with him to the Dragon Champion, making it the third of the Black Scrolls to fall into Dragon hands.

In Ryoko Owari Toshi, Seppun Kato learns that a peasant hut on the outskirts of the city has mysteriously burned to the ground. Though the official report claims that only a family of heimin had been killed in the fire, in actuality, the victims were the illegitimate child of the Empress and his guardians. Denied of his carefully planned attempt to blackmail the Empress, Kato spends the rest of the winter attempting to determine who was responsible... and eventually concludes that the only options are the Emerald Champion and the Scorpion Champion. Armed with this new knowledge, the man known as The Spider begins weaving a new web of intrigue and blackmail to ensnare his enemies.

As Suzume Jento's guests begin to arrive in Suzume lands for the winter, they find themselves beset by an assassin who ambushes any Imperials entering the valley. After the first half dozen deaths, the Sparrow Champion stations bushi outside the valley, warning them away from his castle for the winter.

Month of the Rat, 757: The winter begins as the most influential of the Empire's courtiers gather in two different courts: Kyuden Doji and Ryoko Owari Toshi. Those at the former bow to the Emperor, while those at the latter gather around Seppun Kato. The discussions held in Ryoko Owari discuss matters of statecraft, alliances, and politics, but at Kyuden Doji, the main topic of discussion - at least for the first few weeks - is speculation about what the courtiers at Ryoko Owari might be discussing.

Shinjo Zhi-Yin proves to be the most popular attraction at Ryoko Owari, however, and the Unicorn woman finds herself beset on all sides by samurai wishing to know more about the Unicorn, their activities since leaving Rokugan, why they have decided to return, and what the intentions of the Unicorn Champion might be. After it becomes clear that Shinjo Zhi-Yin will have no free time at all if the other guests at court have anything to say about it, Seppun Kato steps in and restricts access to the Unicorn woman, much to her relief... and to the grumbled annoyances of anything without enough political clout to arrange for a meeting with the beleaguered woman.

Shortly after the first snow at Kyuden Doji, Usagi Miki finds himself asked to perform in front of the Emperor and the Imperial Advisor... and three very inquisitive Otomo courtiers. The Otomo questions the Hare dancer to determine whether he had anything to do with the former Imperial Chancellor, Doji Masato, but quickly realize that Miki is simply not capable of such a high level of espionage. With that lingering question resolved, the Imperials are able to enjoy the performance for what it is.

Further south, the Naga known as the Hilsilage introduces a member of the Cobra bloodline to the court at Kyuden Hida, in the hopes of fostering improved relations between the Crab and the Naga. As soon as the Naga arrive in court, however, they are attacked by Crab samurai who believe the Naga to be creatures of the Shadowlands. The confusion is soon explained and the Naga are properly introduced to the court, but tensions between the Crab and the Naga remain strained.

As the temperature in Sparrow lands warms a bit, Suzume Chou goes on a walk to visit the distant shrine of Ishi-kami, the large rock that was moved the previous autumn from a central place near Kyuden Suzume to a distant corner of their lands. Along the way, she is attacked by bandits, but the heimin that Suzume Kiyonori sent to keep an eye on her manage to chase them off with surprising ease. Muttering her thanks to the peasants, Chou quickly returns to the castle and the presumed safety of her formerly Seppun yojimbo.

Month of the Ox, 757: The majority of the Crab, Dragon, and Phoenix delegations at Kyuden Doji finds themselves pushed from the public eye by a persistent but lingering sickness for much of the month. While unfortunate, the illness allows some of the few healthy members of those delegation a rare opportunity to shine. A prime example of this is Yasuki Maru, who finds herself attending to the Crab Champion as she meets with the Emperor to discuss the Black Scrolls. Though unfamiliar with the dreaded artifacts, Maru nevertheless proves herself to be a capable assistant in the eyes of her Champion.

At Kyuden Isawa, meanwhile, Isawa Daiko and Kakita Rika meet to work out a trade agreement between their Clans. Their negotiations descend into arguments and bickering, however, and when Kakita Rika leaves the meeting in anger, her yojimbo, Doji Seta, steps forward and takes charge of the negotiations. Though the transition is rocky at first, Seta eventually manages to win the Master of Water over and salvage the negotiations. In the following months, however, he finds himself dodging her attentions more and more often, and while it proves to be frustrating for the young (and very married) Seta, the distraction allows Kakita Rika to meet with Shiba Jirei and work to establish improved relations between their Clans without Daiko's interference.

At Kyuden Hida, the Naga delegation attempts to convince the Crab that allowing a small number of Cobra refugees to settle in their lands will be beneficial to the Empire. While the Crab are not entirely convinced that doing so is wise, they seem open to the idea... until the Cobra delegate accuses one of the Kuni at court of being in league with "the Foul" and attacks her. The Crab separate the two before either can kill the other, and the Naga spend the rest of the month confined to their quarters as the Crab debate how to handle the situation.

Hida Kame takes the opportunity to appoint Yasuki Makoto to the position of daimyo. The young woman vows to find her predecessor's murderer, but within a week comes to realize just how much the Yasuki daimyo actually does to keep the Crab Clan functional. She spends the rest of the winter in meetings with the delegates of the other Clans, forging new relationships while also trying to make sense of the late Yasuki Takara's bookkeeping codes.

Month of the Tiger, 757: Rather than transform a series of misunderstandings into a diplomatic incident, Kuni Toru allows the Naga to settle in the ruins of Kyuden Kuni, which had been abandoned since the Maw's rampage half a century earlier. The Hilsilage departs with his Cobra guest at the first thaw, leaving the tense situation behind them before any further misunderstandings can sabotage the progress they have already made.

After months of prayer and meditation, Isawa Hachi successfully draws an obelisk of pure jade out from beneath the lands of Shiro Usagi. The ritual is incredibly taxing for the shugenja, who is forced to spend the next few months confined to his bed, but the Hare are incredibly grateful for the impressive gesture and do their best to keep him comfortable. The jade obelisk becomes the focal point for a shrine to the Clan's founder, Usagi Reichin.

Further raising the profile of the fallen Hare is the Emperor's pronouncement of Usagi Reichin as the Fortune of Heroes. The announcement is accepted with much approval from the Imperial Court, and much relief from Usagi Touei, who had been campaigning for the pronouncement all winter long. The Crane, in particular, make a point of subtly reminding the Hare shugenja that they expect the Hare to remember their favorable words to the Emperor on the matter.

Further south, Seppun Chiyo manages to work out an arrangement of mutual benefit with some of the Naga advisors spending the winter in Piranha lands. Per their agreement, the Naga of Tausha's Legion agree to escort traveling Jade Magistrates through the Shinomen Forest, while the Naga are given access to the Empire's records concerning tainted samurai and its gathered knowledge concerning Jigoku and the Shadowlands Taint... or at least, all of the records which the Jade Magistrates are able to access.

The guests spending the winter at Morikage Toshi, new Lion capital, are alarmed to learn that a plague has broken out in the surrounding Shimizu lands. Despite assurances from the Lion that the infected are few in number and are being dealt with, their guests hastily make early departures, choosing to brave the snow and wind rather than risk contracting a fatal sickness.

Near the end of the winter, Otomo Jotomon faces off in a duel against Shosuro Meinoko, who had spent her winter at Kyuden Miya speaking out against the Imperial Families and their steadily increasing taxes against the Lion and Scorpion. Jotomon emerges victorious, blunting Meinoko's ambitions and preventing other Scorpions or Lions from speaking out against the increased tax rate.

Credulous at best
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Angels in the hearts of men

 Post subject: Re: 8th Century Timeline
PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 12:01 am 
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~ The Year 758 ~

Month of the Hare, 758: With the first thaws, the Lion set their plans into motion and ruthlessly execute everyone inside the plague-infested areas of Shimizu lands. The sickness was discovered in a small village far removed from any important Lion holdings, making it relatively easy to contain, but the mass funeral pyres that burn throughout the month set an inauspicious tone for the rest of the year.

As if to make things worse, the Phoenix report sightings of Yobanjin along their northern borders, though the barbarians retreat upon sighting Phoenix samurai. More sightings occur throughout the rest of the month, but each time, the Yobanjin withdraw quickly, rather than launch attacks. Suspecting that barbarians are scouting parties for a larger force, the Phoenix Champion orders the Avalanche Guard and Legion of Stone to take up defensible positions along the northern border.

The Scorpion Champion, meanwhile, has a subdued second wedding wherein he marries Doji Juko, a Crane courtier of modest skill and rank. Only a few guests are invited to the ceremony, but those who attend defend Bayushi Yuuto’s desire to keep the matter private. Among the wider Scorpion Clan, however, few of the higher-ranking courtiers are happy at having been snubbed for the event, though most are still pleased that their Champion has remarried.

The first Naga arrive at the abandoned Kyuden Kuni, which they begin to settle per an agreement made with the Crab the previous winter. Though the land is corrupted and barren, the camp begins to attract small groups of Naga who had been forbidden from joining Tausha’s Legion. There is debate among the members of the Legion about whether or not the Tausha would approve, but it is soon decided that there is no reason the other bloodlines cannot exist peacefully in a new settlement far beyond the borders of the Shinomen.

Near the end of the month, the Elemental Council gathers to assist Isawa Daiko in her first attempt to cast the purified spell that had once been known as Dark Divination. Dubbing it The Light of Tengoku, Daiko intones the prayers of the powerful spell and is stunned by the sheer number of visions that assault her mind. When she recovers, she gasps out a warning of the future she saw… a future in which Iuchiban is freed from his tomb and brings about a terrible rain of blood that corrupts samurai across the Empire. Realizing the threat the undying sorcerer poses to the Empire, the Elemental Council begins debating how to deal with Iuchiban once and for all.

Month of the Dragon, 758: The month begins with the wedding of Crane Champion Doji Etsuo to a young Scorpion bushi, Bayushi Sakae. The wedding is a public ceremony that attracts top courtiers from all across the Empire, but it is marred by the appearance of Bayushi Katsuo, one of Sakae's former lovers. A drunken Katsuo accuses Etsuo of stealing his love and draws steel on the Crane Champion, only to be tackled by two different Daidoji bodyguards. Rather than force the Scorpion to answer for his actions, Etsuo merely shames the man for his drunken behavior and sends him away, much to the surprise of the gathered guests. Bayushi Sakae, in particular, is embarrassed by Katsuo's actions and spends the rest of the ceremony as red as her wedding garments.

Shortly after the wedding, the spectral form of Hantei XIV appears to the Hantei in his bed chambers, waking both him and his new bride. The spirit warns the Emperor of a terrible plot against his life... a plot that is being masterminded by his closest advisor, Agasha Muizu. When the Seppun investigate the Hantei's chambers in the morning, they confirm that the palace's wards are intact, indicating that the visitation had apparently been genuine. The Hantei has the surprised Muizu arrested and, despite his protests, the Imperial Advisor is executed that very afternoon. In his place, the Emperor takes his ancestor's advice and names Doji Suiminko, a relatively obscure Crane shugenja, as the new Imperial Advisor. Near the end of the month, Doji Suiminko - known to a handful of people in the Empire as Master Dream of the Kolat - arrives in Otosan Uchi and assumes her new position at the Emperor's side.

Going against his Champion’s wishes, Kuni Toru begins teaching the few shugenja among the Damned how to summon oni to help defend the Crab battle lines. This is met with a fair amount of resistance among the Damned, but their protests are more or less silenced when Toru points out that he is the Kuni Daimyo and they are corrupted samurai who can no longer trust their own judgement. A handful of the corrupted shugenja grudgingly begin studying the forbidden texts given to them by the daimyo while others commit sepukku in protest of Toru's commands. Their remains are gathered by his acolytes for cremation, but the paperwork - and the corpses - are misplaced without anyone outside the Damned knowing that there were corpses in the first place.

Kuni Toru returns to Shiro Kuni to find Isawa Daiko and Isawa Arya waiting for him. The two Elemental Masters explain that they require the Mask of Iuchiban which had been entrusted to the Kuni, one of the four that were required to open Iuchiban's Tomb, where the Bloodspeaker had been imprisoned eight years earlier. The Kuni daimyo refuses, claiming that the Phoenix already have a Mask and that leaving two of them in the same Clan is an invitation to disaster, but halfway through his argument, Isawa Arya realizes - by virtue of her long study of Maho and countless corrupted apprentices - that Kuni Toru has been corrupted by Jigoku. With the flick of her hand and a single word, she incinerates him in a burst of flame, drawing a shriek of surprise from Isawa Daiko.

While it initially seems as if the two Elemental Masters will be arrested for murder - no doubt sparking a war between the Phoenix and Crab - one of the Kuni investigators points out that Kuni Toru's charred skeleton is slowly trying to crawl toward the door. The Kuni deal with their former daimyo's remains in the appropriate fashion and apologize to the Isawa Arya and Isawa Daiko for the confusion. In exchange for keeping the Toru's corruption a secret from the rest of the Empire, the Kuni turn their Mask of Iuchiban over to the two Masters, justifying it with the reasoning that the Mask will be safer with the Phoenix than with their own family.

The month comes to an end with a bad omen, as four kobune docked in the ports of North Hub Village catch fire in the night and burn down to the water, killing their crews. An investigation by the Tortoise - headed by Kasuga Asakuro, the Imperial Peafowl Supervisor, who had been in the village awaiting the arrival of two rare tsu fish for the Imperial Menagerie - determines that the fire was started on one ship and quickly spread to the others due to improperly stored oiled rags. The Tortoise post signs reminding sailors to keep a clean ship while in port... and quietly take advantage of the opportunities that arise when four competing smugglers are 'accidentally' burned to death in the holds of their ships.

Month of the Serpent, 758: The loss of two Crab daimyo in short succession to one another - first Yasuki Takara and now Kuni Toru - is a blow to the Clan's flagging morale, especially with the rumors that the Shadowlands were responsible for both murders. When news begins to spread that Hida Kame has given birth to a girl - a legitimate heir to the Hida bloodline - the Crab seize upon it as an excuse to celebrate one of the few sparkling moments of light in an otherwise darkening world. Impromptu celebrations erupt all across Crab lands as samurai engage in heavy drinking and loud cheers for their future Champion. Particularly popular among the revelers is Blushing Winter Orchid sake, a new brand of sake from Hare lands. Its release alongside the birth of the new Crab is seen as fortuitous, and soon the demands for the new brand put Usagi Takeo's fledgling sake house in a panic as they try to meet the high demand for their product.

The Kuni family celebrates the birth of Hida Kame's child in their own way... by ruthlessly hunting down and executing Toru's corrupted acolytes. From a distance, the multiple flashes of green light that flash out from the castle's windows and battlements are mistaken for fireworks, and the Kuni never bother to correct the misconception.

As word of the new Crab heir reaches Phoenix lands, Isawa Kibou and Isawa Engi set about attempting to retrieve the Mask of Iuchiban which had been entrusted to the Phoenix... and then stored within Kyuden Asako. Accompanied by a platoon of a hundred Shiba bushi and Isawa shugenja, the Elemental Masters lead their forces in a frontal assault on the haunted castle. Thanks to Engi's prayers and Kibou's leadership, the Phoenix are able to fight their way through countless slaughter spirits and into the castle's throne room... which they find under the control of the returned spirit of Hantei XVI, the Steel Chrysanthemum. Isawa Kibou orders the surviving members of his legion to attack the Hantei, but the Shiba are hesitant to draw steel against an Emperor... even one that is partially translucent.

The slaughter spirits have no such qualms against raising their blades against the Phoenix, however, and the resulting battle is a one-sided slaughter. Isawa Engi and Isawa Kibou do their best to hold the slaughter spirits at bay, but both are soon overwhelmed. The Steel Chrysanthemum orders that the two Elemental Masters be taken prisoner, and it is only through the few fleeting scraps of loyalty to the Hantei name that the slaughter spirits are able to quell their rage and leave the two shugenja alive. The former Emperor turns Isawa Engi over to his yojimbo, Hida Tsuneo, and commands him to torture and brutalize her until Kibou tells him everything he knows about the current state of the Empire.

As Tsuneo starts in on Engi, Kibou sheds his human guise and returns to his true form, that of a flaming ryu spirit. His flames burn Hida Tsuneo away into nothingness in a flash of heavenly fire, and the Steel Chrysanthemum and most of the other slaughter spirits are also caught in the flames. Kibou returns to his mortal form and stumbles out of the castle, holding the brutalized and nearly unconscious Engi in one arm and her staff in the other, only to find the Oracle of the Void waiting for him outside the castle gates. The Oracle reminds Kibou that the Void Dragon had only allowed him to journey to Ningen-do on the condition that he not directly interfere with the Hantei... an oath that he has now broken. Panicking, Kibou claims that he had thought the Void Dragon meant the Hantei sitting on the throne, not the Steel Chrysanthemum. The Oracle of the Void gives him a sympathetic look and then erases the Master of the Void from existence.

When Isawa Daiko finds Engi the next day, there is no sign of the Steel Chrysanthemum or the slaughter spirits that had been haunting Kyuden Asako... or Isawa Kibou. The Mask of Iuchiban, however, is exactly where it had been hidden away by the Phoenix eight years prior; the spirits either didn't know what it was or simply didn't care. Gathering up the traumatized Master of Earth and the Mask, Isawa Daiko attempts to scry upon Isawa Kibou but is unable to locate him, and after a disheartening search, teleports back to Kyuden Isawa with Engi and the Mask.

Far to the south, on the border between Crane and Lion lands, another Phoenix has an encounter with a specter from the Empire's past. Isawa Ryoushiko manages to track down the mysterious figure known only as "The Henshin." Instead of the immortal monk she was expecting, however, she instead finds Goju Adorai, the current avatar of the Nothingness. Adorai's insight into the sin of Desire allows him to string Ryoushiko along with promises of ancient "Phoenix" secrets, and soon the young Phoenix shugenja has fallen under his terrible influence.

By far the most momentous event of the month - and certainly the one that will overshadow everything else that happens this year - is the return of the Kirin Clan to the Empire. Now calling themselves the Unicorn Clan, the purple-clad samurai appear on the western horizon of the Empire like a great wind, kicking up a cloud of dust behind them unlike anything else seen in the Empire. The tired and exhausted samurai are greeted by the Fairuz family, who are familiar enough with the customs of the desert-dwelling Moto to ensure that the first meeting between the Unicorn and the people of the Empire goes off without a hitch. Over the next few weeks, the Unicorn continue to roll in by the hundreds, and the families of the Unicorn greet each other with open arms and prayers of thanks. It soon becomes clear to the Fairuz that only the oldest samurai remember the last time two families of the Unicorn met in the desert, let alone all five at once. Runners are dispatched to every corner of the Empire with news of the Unicorn's return... and news that their numbers are far beyond what anyone expected.

The Unicorn's return almost entirely overshadows the Topaz Championship, in which a Mantis competitor claims victory. The young samurai - who choses to name himself Kaze - also chooses a typical position as a yoriki to the Emerald Magistrates in an otherwise ordinary tournament. After the tournament's conclusion, Kakita Rika sets much higher standards for the Academy's curriculum.

Month of the Horse, 758: Though mourning the apparent death of Isawa Kibou - who remains hidden to Isawa Daiko's divinations - the Phoenix continue to hunt down the remaining two Masks of Iuchiban they require to access his tomb. The third lies with the Yogo family of the Scorpion, and knowing that their attempts to locate it without Scorpion assistance are likely to prove unsuccessful, Isawa Daiko and Isawa Kenshin approach the Scorpion Champion to explain the situation in detail. Bayushi Yuuto is understanding of their position and agrees to give them the Mask... in return for the three Black Scrolls that are currently in Phoenix possession. The Phoenix are understandably hesitant to give the Scorpion The Light of Tengoku, but after explaining that it has been opened and purified, Yuuto amends his deal to only the two Black Scrolls that have not yet been opened: Black Wind from the Soul and Shapeshifting. After a private debate between Daiko and Kenshin, the Phoenix agree, and the exchange is made at the end of the month.

Shinjo Wakumi, the Unicorn Champion, travels to Otosan Uchi with a retinue of honor guard to meet with the Emperor. The momentous occasion is attended by the Crane, Dragon, and Phoenix Champions, as well as the Emerald Champion and various Imperial functionaries. Though surprised to learn that the Unicorn Champion is blind, it soon becomes clear that she is a paragon of Honor despite her upbringing far beyond the borders of the Empire. Stories of the Empire's history and the trials of the Unicorn Clan are shared by each group, and by the end of the week, the Unicorn have been welcomed fully back into the Empire. The Hantei formerly restores the lands of the Kirin to the Unicorn, exempting those currently controlled by the Lion and Fairuz, and informs his court that he will be spending the winter with the Unicorn in order to learn more about the Clan. Doji Estuo offers to loan Wakumi some of his advisors to help her prepare for the monumental task of hosting a Winter Court, and the Unicorn Champion gratefully accepts.

Meanwhile, Agasha Mitsuhiko investigates a strange cavern in the mountains of the Dragon. The ashigaru who accompany him search for days to find an entrance to the geological anomaly, but prove unsuccessful; were the walls of the cavern not made from crystal, allowing those outside to see a distorted vision of the open space beyond, it would be difficult to even know that it was there. Mitsuhiko's keen eyes catch sight of something moving beyond the crystal walls, but no matter how hard he tries, he fails to get a good look at whatever it might be. He returns to the Agasha Foundries with interesting stories and data but no actual conclusions.

Mitsuhiko's wife, Agasha Sachi, has far better luck in her own ventures. After numerous attempts to create a mechanized machine to assist her former Sparrow Clan in their wheat harvesting, she finally creates a working prototype that is both durable and not prone to accidentally ripping the arms off of heimin workers who use it incorrectly. After making a copy of the plans for further refinement by the Agasha Foundries, she sets off with a group of heimin to deliver the machine to her Clan of birth, eventually arriving near the end of summer.

Further east, the Lion are shocked when the returned spirit of Hantei XVI arrives at the gates of Morikage Toshi with a host of returned spirits. Though forewarned of the appearance of a legion of troops by their scouts, the identity of the troops had been a mystery to the Lion, and the revelation that the Steel Chrysanthemum has returned to Rokugan incites confusion among the city's defenders over just how to handle the unprecedented situation. Hantei XVI sends two members of his legion - both Lion spirits that fought under his command in Toshigoku - forward to negotiate with the modern Lion. When it becomes clear that the spirits are who they claim to be - and more so, that they do not react unpleasantly with jade - they are given leave to set up camp beyond the city's walls while the Kitsu present in the Lion capital attempt to sort out the situation. The next few weeks finds multiple Lion samurai venturing into the camp to learn whether any of their ancestors are among the Iron Chrysanthemum's spirit host.

Month of the Goat, 758: Shinjo Wakumi departs Otosan Uchi and travels west, where she meets with the pregnant Akodo Misaki at Kyuden Ikoma. Having already been informed of the Emperor's decree that returned the lands of the Kirin to the Unicorn, Misaki makes a gives the remaining portions of the former Unicorn lands to the Unicorn Champion. The Unicorn Champion shocks the court when she accepts immediately, unaware that proper etiquette dictates she first refuse twice, and her later words of hoping the Unicorn and Lion can become close friends are taken in a mocking light by the annoyed Lion Champion. Surprised at the sudden and (to her) unexplained shift in the Lion Clan's mood, Wakumi and her honor guard depart hastily, further slighting the Lion by refusing their hospitality.

Meanwhile, the Otaku daimyo, Otaku Xiu, travels to the lands of the Dragon Clan to meet with the woman who found Doji's mirror and guided her Clan back to Rokugan. Togashi Myo-en is surprised at the visit and is even more surprised when she learns that Xiu wishes for the Dragon monk to marry her son. She is able to deflect the issue for the moment, on the grounds of needing to discuss the matter with her lord, who is currently in Otosan Uchi. The Otaku daimyo agrees to wait for the Dragon Champion's permission, and the rest of the visit is much less formal. When Xiu returns to her people two weeks later, the Dragon are left with a favorable opinion of the daimyo and, in turn, the Unicorn Clan as a whole.

Otaku Xiu is not the only daimyo to take a long trip this month: the return of the Steel Chrysanthemum quickly becomes a major point of debate, interest, and fear across the Empire, and Kitsu Izumi arrives at the spirit host's encampment outside Morikage Toshi just as word of the Hantei's return reaches the emperor. It only takes a few moments for Izumi to realize that the spirits following the Steel Chrysanthemum are tainted with the influence of Toshigoku, and from there, she realizes that they must have been the same spirits she pulled into Ningen-do in order to destroy Kyuden Asako during the War of Burned Wings. The Steel Chrysanthemum picks up on her guilt and uses it to manipulate the heavy-hearted daimyo into allowing the spirits to return to their families. Travel papers are drawn up and issued to the spirits, who slowly begin to disperse across the Empire in search of their descendants. The Steel Chrysanthemum is given a room in Morikage Toshi while he awaits word about his request to meet with his living descendants... the Emperor and his siblings.

Further west, in the depths of the Shinomen Forest, the Shakanar arranges to meet a group of displaced Cobra in the ruins of Vyakarana. Knowing that The Tausha would likely disapprove of his actions but thinking of the Naga as a whole, rather than merely the Asp bloodline, he turns the Jade Spear - a sacred artifact that houses the soul of the Shashakar, the Champion of the Cobra bloodline - over to the surprised Jakla. The spellcasters spend weeks attempting to understand the enchantments on the weapon while the Shakanar protects them from being discovered by the Asp or the human samurai of the Piranha Clan, the latter of whom are quite incensed at having the weapon stolen from them. The Cobra Jakla eventually succeed in shattering the sacred weapon and releasing the soul of the Shashakar back into the collective soul of the Akasha. Though dozens of Naga across the world are driven insane and hundreds more are plagued with disturbing visions, the Cobra consider the ritual a success. Their hope is that continued contact with the wider Agasha will gradually bleed away The Shashakar's madness, allowing them to eventually draw upon his great knowledge and wisdom.

Elsewhere in the forest, Otomo Eien, Bayushi Takamori, and two Miya scholars meet with the Tattered Ear tribe of Nezumi in the ruins of M-atikf'chtr-foo. The Nezumi had been devastated by the forces of the Empire during the War of Broken Fangs and were none to happy to find more samurai in their lands, but Otomo Eien's affinity for the creatures and mastery of their language enables him to keep the Nezumi from turning hostile. While still not entirely trusting of humans, the Nezumi at least agree to tell their stories to the Miya scholars so that they can be shared with the Empire.

Month of the Monkey, 758: Isawa Kenshin visits the Emperor and petitions to be given possession of the fourth Mask of Iuchiban, which had been given to the Otomo for safe-keeping. The Emperor, however, is distracted by the appearance of the Steel Chrysanthemum and keeps trying to change the subject back to his returned ancestor, much to the quiet frustration of the venerable Kenshin. It is only after Kenshin convinces the Emperor that his ancestor is harmless and only wishes to connect with his descendants - something that Kenshin is very much unsure of himself - that the Hantei is able to dismiss his concerns about the spirit and turns his attention back to Kenshin's request for the Mask of Iuchiban. The Master of Air eventually leaves the palace with the Mask safely secured beneath his arm, but his heart is heavy at having been forced to lie to the Emperor. When he returns to Kyuden Isawa, he informs Isawa Arya that he will be stepping down from his position once Iuchiban has been defeated; between this and their deception regarding Shinsei's heir, he simply cannot make peace with what the Phoenix Clan has become.

Meanwhile, bright and promising young samurai from all across the Empire begin traveling to Unicorn lands, where Shinjo Wakumi is - at the advice of her Crane advisors - holding a miai to encourage marriage between the Unicorn and the other Clans. Neither the Unicorn nor the other samurai of the Empire quite know what to expect from the gathering, but curiosity about the returned Unicorn - and the chance to be one of the first to influence to Clan upon their return to the Empire - make it a gathering that will likely have far more significance than a few marriages...

The events of the ~ Dark Edge Village~ forum game take place at this time.

Despite the cultural differences between the Unicorn and the other Clans of the Empire, there is a real desire for friendship and understanding between them, and the miai proceeds without any significant scandals. During the gathering, a flock of undead crows deliver a netsuke to the Unicorn at the miai, tempting them into a meeting with their master: Kiyoshi, the Onyx Champion. Kiyoshi claims that the Kami Shinjo has been imprisoned by the Living Darkness, a mutual enemy of both the Shadowlands and the Empire. He offers to tell the Unicorn where to find her in exchange for granting him the bodies (but not the souls) of any Unicorn that die over the course of the next ten years. The Unicorn at the miai are skeptical but agree to pass the message on to their daimyo.

As word of the meeting begins to trickle through the miai, the Scorpion came to realize that nobody had warned the Unicorn of the dangers of the Shadowlands. One of their number, Soshi Taira, diligently compiles a long list of the known dangers of the Shadowlands, blood magic, and other unspeakable dangers and gives it to the Unicorn, providing them with an eye-opening glimpse at the dangers that have crept up on the Empire in their absence. At the end of the month, Iuchi Ming formally forbids the use of blood magic among her family.

Halfway across the Empire, in the lands of the Sparrow, the Order of Harmonious Work spends the last few days of the month under attack by a monk clad in tattered robes and wearing a red demon mask. The masked monk murders three members of the Order in as many days, only to disappear into thin air whenever a reinforcements arrive. The head of the Order, Kayou, eventually mounts a defense against the masked murderer, only for the attacks to end as soon as they began.

Back in Otosan Uchi, rumors begin to circulate that the Empress is pregnant, sparking a great deal of excitement within the capital. The Imperial families refuse to comment on her status, though the few courtiers who manage to obtain access to the Emperor note that they did not see the Empress during their visit.

Month of the Rooster, 758: After much deliberation, the leaders of the Unicorn meet with the Onyx Champion, Kiyoshi, and agree to his demands. Shinjo Wakumi pledges the corpses of the Unicorn to Kiyoshi's service for ten years, and in exchange, he tells her of Shinjo's imprisonment in the city of Medinaat al-Salaam, a sprawling city far to the west of the Empire, in the Burning Sands. After the meeting, Shinja Wakumi immediately orders that the bodies of fallen Unicorn be burned, so as to deprive the Shadowlands of as many warriors as possible.

Preparations to travel to Medinaat al-Salaam begin almost immediately. Though Wakumi initially intended to take only a small portion of her family's strength into the desert, the secret passed quickly through the Unicorn ranks until nearly all of the Clan was swearing themselves to the cause. Faced with a potential revolt and unable to argue with those who claimed that any force powerful enough to capture Shinjo would require the full strength of the Clan to defeat, Wakumi announced that the Unicorn would be riding out as one to rescue their Kami. To ensure that their newly recovered lands would be cared for in their absence, Wakumi and her honor guard rode to Otosan Uchi and - after a week of waiting for an audience with the Hantei - requested that the remnants of the Unicorn who were left in the Empire, those who now called themselves the Fox Clan, be allowed to return to their distant family.

The court was shocked to learn that the Unicorn, who had just arrived in the Empire, were already planning to leave it behind, but when Wakumi revealed that they intended to save Shinjo and bring her back to the Empire, the Emperor found that he could not deny her request. To have a Kami walking among the Empire once more was, in the Hantei's estimation, worth the sacrifice of the Fox. On the 14th day of the month, Hantei XXII officially revoked the charter of the Fox and returned them to the Unicorn. A Miya herald brought news of the decree to the stunned Fox, as well as orders from their new Champion to "return" to Unicorn lands as quickly as possible.

With the imminent departure of the Unicorn on the horizon, the Otomo scramble to move the Emperor's planned Winter Court in Unicorn lands to a more suitable location. A few days later, a letter from the returned Hantei XVI arrives in Otosan Uchi, inviting the Emperor to spend the winter with him in Morikage Toshi. Despite the counsel of the Otomo and the Imperial Advisor, the Emperor takes his ancestor up on the invitation, and the Otomo reluctantly set about preparing for winter in Lion lands. The Steel Chrysanthemum, upon receiving word that his offer is accepted, begins to make plans of his own.

Further south, another returned spirit, Hiruma Kazuma, succeeds in tracking down Mayakashi, the former Emerald Competitor who assassinated the Yasuki daimyo. Mayakashi kills many of Kazuma's Nezumi allies and shatters Kazuma's weapon during the resulting battle, but the Crab hero manages to wrench Mayakashi's blade away from her and uses it to take her head. Unbeknownst to Kazuma, the ronin's blade was the infamous Bloodsword known as Revenge, and as he stands panting over her corpse, Kazuma finds his heart filling with hatred for the Shadowlands and everything they have stolen from the Crab. After disposing of the dead, he returns to Crab lands with the cursed blade at his side.

The Crab Champion, meanwhile, is faced with the unenviable task of appointing a new daimyo to the Kuni family. With whispers of Shadowlands corruption circling around the name of the former daimyo, Hida Kame skips over a number of more likely candidates and appoints Kuni Bodan, a minder of the Damned, to the position. Though shocked at the promotion, Bodan vows to perform a thorough inspection of the Kuni family to ensure that whatever corruption might have claimed their Champion does not spread further.

As the month draws to a close, the Elemental Council uses the four masks they have gathered to unlock the Tomb of Iuchiban and enter its depths. Despite their preparations, Isawa Kenshin is killed by a carefully concealed trap only a few rooms into the tomb, leaving the other Elemental Masters shaken as they finally reach Iuchiban's final resting place. There they find Togashi Yamatsu, the Ise Zumi who had sacrificed himself to imprison Iuchiban's spirit, nearly overwhelmed after eight years of constant struggle with the Bloodspeaker's corrupted soul. In his last moments before Iuchiban seizes control of his body, Yamatsu tells the three Elemental Masters all that he has learned about Iuchiban and the Oracle of Blood that he uses to speak with the leaders of the Bloodspeaker Cult.

Isawa Arya thanks Togashi Yamatsu for his service and then incinerates him, but doing so only frees Iuchiban's spirit. The Bloodspeaker immediately possesses Master of Water Isawa Daiko, who lashes out at Isawa Engi, knocking the woman and her staff halfway across the stone room. Engi turns her magic upon her possessed comrade just as Iuchiban's spirit abandons her body, leaving the Master of Water to be incinerated by her fellow Master. As Arya staggers back in horror, Iuchiban possesses Isawa Engi and, sensing great power within her discarded staff, reaches for it with the intent of turning its power against the Master of Fire. As soon as his fingers touch the staff, however, jade light flashes up his arm and wracks his body with overwhelming pain. He tries to release the staff, only to find his burning hand bound to the nemurai by twisting vines as strong as steel.

Isawa Arya takes advantage of the opening to unleash everything she has at the Bloodspeaker. The Kami burn Isawa Engi's body to ash, but even as the Master of Earth dies, Arya can feel Iuchiban's spirit leaving Engi's body. With a defiant roar, she throws everything she has into the spell, directing the Kami against Iuchiban. Significantly weakened by the wracking touch of Engi's staff, Iuchiban calls upon the Oracle of Blood, which manifests behind Arya and crashes down upon her, breaking her concentration and giving him the moment of respite he needs to possess the Master of Fire.

As Isawa Arya's spirit is forced out of her body, the spell that she had prepared years earlier, when she had first began her research into the Black Scrolls, finally activates. In an instant, a firestorm of incredible strength bursts forth from her body, completely incinerating her corpse, Iuchiban's spirit, the Oracle of Blood, and everything else within two miles of Tomb. As Iuchiban dies, his twin souls - his spirit and the fragment of his soul that he used to create the Oracle of Blood - race along the magical tethers that bind them to the world, and the fire kami follow behind them, burning away their every link to the world.

All across the Empire, anyone who had ever made a pact with the Oracle of Blood bursts into intense flames that consume nothing else around them. In this wave of chaos that follows the "Day of Fire," few notice that a small box hidden away within the catacombs of Otosan Uchi was also incinerated, as was the shriveled heart it once contained. In a single instance, Iuchiban and his Bloodspeaker Cult cease to exist. Unfortunately, the price of victory was high, and the Phoenix no longer have an Elemental Council.

Month of the Dog, 758:
Shiba Esai, Phoenix Clan Champion, begins the month with an announcement that the Elemental Council did not survive their battle with Iuchiban. Though the Phoenix are dismayed at the loss of so many powerful shugenja, the news that they died bringing a final death to the Bloodspeaker dulls the pain of their loss. Shrines venerating the fallen Masters are constructed all across Phoenix lands, and a number of courtiers make it known that they intend to beseech the Emperor to name one or more of the fallen Masters as Fortunes.

As word of their deaths reaches Otosan Uchi, Aimoto, the young monk who has been pretending to be the descendant of Shinsei realizes that there are none alive who realize he is not who the Masters claimed him to be. After gaining an audience with the Emperor, Aimoto claims that he believes it is time for him to take leadership of the Brotherhood of Shinsei, in order to better spread the teachings of his ancestor through their ranks. The Emperor is deferential to the monk's supposed wisdom, and at the Hantei's request, the venerable Atsushi steps down from his position, allowing Aimoto to become Master of the Four Temples.

In Dragon lands, the sudden fiery deaths of a handful of Dragon samurai and peasants sends the prophet Mokushi into a week-long trance. When he awakens, he claims that the great spirit of the southern volcano has grown angry at their inattention and once again demands a sacrifice. While daimyo Mirumoto Kabe and Agasha Fujiko are locked in heated debate with the prophet, two dozen young samurai-ko, fresh from their gempuku earlier that year, accept the burden of sacrifice and offer themselves to the volcano's deadly fires in the hope of calming its anger. Horrified at their actions, the two daimyo forbid any further sacrifices to the volcano and place Mokushi under house arrest at Kyuden Agasha.

The former members of the Fox Clan, meanwhile, arrive in Unicorn lands with their Clan's possessions, including centuries of scrolls chronicling their genealogy and the history of the Empire. In a somewhat rushed week of ceremonies, the samurai of the Fox swear fealty to the Unicorn, with many of their shugenja joining the Iuchi family. Once the ceremonies are complete, the Unicorn leave their newest samurai - including those who recently married into the Unicorn from other Clans - in charge of their lands and ride out of the Empire in search of Shinjo.

The Sparrow, meanwhile, have a more promising month, as their harvest - assisted by the presence of Agasha Sachi's experimental wheat thresher - proves to be much larger than anyone had expected. The bountiful harvest goes a long way towards raising the spirits of the disheartened Minor Clan, who look upon it as a sign of the heavens approving of Suzume Jento's new reign.

Further south, Hiruma Kazuma gains an audience with his Champion and petitions Hida Kame to allow him to lead a strike force into the Shadowlands. He claims that he intends to use his Nezumi allies to find tribes of goblins and other Shadowlands creatures, which can then be wiped out by Crab samurai. Though skeptical of his plan, Kazuma's reputation - not to mention the role he played in breaking the seige of Shiro Hiruma and shattering Tsukuro's undead legions - are enough to earn the benefit of the doubt. Hida Kame grants him leadership of one of the Crab armies as they begin planning for a spring campaign. Unbeknownst to Hida Kame, however, Kazuma's true goal is nothing less than the destruction of the Festering Pit of Fu Leng.

Month of the Boar, 758: As the month begins, the Empress goes into labor. The childbirth is particularly difficult, but thanks to Seppun healers and shugenja, both the Empress and her son survive. The Miya travel across the Empire, risking an early snowfall in order to spread the good news across the Empire. Weeks later, Hantei Tokiyo is still weak, though with the help of the Seppun, she gradually manages to recover.

During her convalescence, Tokiyo is frequently visited by Doji Suiminko, the Imperial Advisor, who has her personal staff prepare a number of meals that ease the discomfort of childbirth and help to rebuild one's strength. Tokiyo is less than friendly with the Crane woman and sends her away with the food uneaten, causing rumors of distrust to circulate throughout the palace.

Further north, Badger scouts spot yobanjin scouts on the outskirts of their territory. The scouts retreat without attacking, but their mere presence is enough to cause concern among the Badger. In preparation of a suspected attack, the Badger once again send their children to the Crane. Faced with an influx of Badger children and the gradual realization that the Badger children will not be returning home anytime soon, Doji Etsui arranges for them to train in Crane schools, ensuring that their education will not suffer during their foster care.

As the final days of autumn give way into the first falls of winter, Kakita Seiko, the Emerald Champion, is waylaid on the road by bandits. Though they are driven away without too much trouble, she decides to pursue them and spends two weeks attempting to hunt them down with little success. By the time she gives up the hunt, the snow has thickened to the point where travel to Morikage Toshi has become overly difficult. Suspecting that she has been manipulated to keep her away from the Imperial Winter Court, Seiko retreats to her castle and sends letters to the Seppun guarding the Emperor, warning them to be alert and watchful.

Akodo Misaki's winter plans are likewise cancelled as she goes into labor while on her way to Morikage Toshi. She gives birth to a son in Ninkatoshi, Permission City, and by the time she is well enough to travel, the winter snows have covered the roads.

Month of the Rat, 758: Winter begins as the Emperor arrives in Morikage Toshi, though at the request of Shiba Esai and Bayushi Yuuto, he does not meet with the Steel Chrysanthemum upon his arrival. Instead, the Phoenix and Scorpion Champions meet with the returned Hantei to discern his intentions. Despite their apprehension, both Champions left their meeting with the Steel Chrysanthemum with a positive opinion of the man, and they served as the Emperor's guests during his first meeting with his ancestor. For his part, the Steel Chrysanthemum was exceedingly polite and differential to the Emperor, resulting in the court releasing its collectively held breath in relief.

As the month continues, Ichiro Wattana proves to be a much more effective courtier than in previous years. Many suspect her growing friendship with Doji Suiminko is the source of her increased confidence and expect her to favor the Crane, but as court continues, Wattana doesn't seem to show any noticeable bias toward Suiminko's Clan. She does, however, seem to defer to Suiminko on important matters with somewhat alarming frequency.

The most interesting event of the Imperial Winter Court is most likely the sumo match, which is the first championship event of the empire's relatively new sumo league. Victory is taken by Hida Gomoku, who is treated to a private dinner with both Hantei XXII, an enthusiastic sumo fan, and Hantei XVI, who is less than enthusiastic about the sport.

Further west, the Otomo courtiers attending the sparse courts of the Unicorn present them with a list of back taxes stretching all the way back to the dawn of the Empire. Iuchi Jume, the former Fox Clan daimyo, protests the taxes as excessive punishment against her new Clan, but the Otomo stand firm. With no way to pay such a massive amount of taxes, Jume is forced to accept a great deal of Otomo oversight in her management of Unicorn lands in exchange for waiving the tax burden of the returned Unicorn.

In Toshi Ranbo, Seppun Kato makes an unexpected decree midway through the month, ordering all of the returned Toshigoku spirits within the city's borders to be rounded up and placed under house arrest. The spirits resist arrest and are swiftly executed by Kato's Seppun guardsmen.

Month of the Ox, 758: Near the start of the month, the Lion receive reports of a flying head terrorizing the heimin in the countryside outside Morikage Toshi. Unwilling to alarm the Emperor or his court, the Shimizu send out a strike team to dispatch the monster. What they find is the severed head of Akodo Kawawara, one of the samurai who had been corrupted in his pursuit of Asako Shiori years earlier. After two weeks of cat-and-mouse pursuit of the floating head, the Shimizu eventually succeed is destroying Kawawara's head, though they choose to keep their victory quiet.

Back at Morikage Toshi, the Crab achieve a political victory after Hantei XXII, upon the recommendation of his ancestor, formally sanctions their Fortunes' Road project. With the Emperor's approval, the northern Clans that had not supported the Crab's attempt to reinforce and strengthen the roads of the Empire pledge their own support to the project and vow to expand the new roads into their own lands.

The Scorpion, meanwhile, lobby for economic sanctions against the Mantis, with support from the Crane. The rampant banditry and piracy of the Minor Clan is brought before the Imperial Court and exposed for all to see, and thanks to Scorpion maneuvering, there are no Mantis present at the court to defend their Clan. Their proposal is stopped, however, when Sparrow delegates step forward and bog the court down with long, meandering stories about the Mantis, the history of the Minor Clans, and boats in general. The Scorpion attempt to raise the subject two more times, only to find the Sparrow waiting at every turn with more endless stories. Bayushi Yuuto senses the hand of Seppun Kato in the actions of the Sparrow, and is surprised to find the Steel Chrysanthemum wanting to discuss the "threat" of Seppun Kato with him. They meet in secret and begin to make tentative plans to deal with the Emperor's younger brother once and for all.

Further north, in Dragon lands, Mirumoto Kage engages in a duel with Kakita Oroko, a young duelist seeking to make a name for herself by challenging the aging duelist. Kage proves to be victorious, but Oroko's strike takes his sword arm off at the elbow, much to the shock of the court and the shame of Oroko. After recovering from the injury, Kabe announces that he will be retiring and names his daughter, Mirumoto Aiki, as the new daimyo of the Mirumoto.

Back in Otosan Uchi, the Empress - who had decided to remain in the Imperial City to care for her newborn son - begins to notice that some of the servants and Otomo remaining in the Imperial City are behaving oddly. She quietly asks the Hidden Guard to look into it, and over the course of the month, they discover evidence of mental influence among the palace's servants and some of the Otomo, though they are unable to determine just who is responsible. Unwilling to tip their hand, the Hidden Guard place the compromised servants and samurai under surveillance and gradually rotate them into duties that move them away from the Empress and the young heir.

Month of the Tiger, 758: After months of quietly deferring to his descendant and observing the court dynamics of the Empire, the Steel Chrysanthemum surprises the court by announcing that Isawa Arya, the fallen Elemental Master of Fire, is now the Fortune of Maho. The court recoils in shock as the Steel Chrysanthemum explains that her destruction of Iuchiban and purification of one of the legendary Black Scrolls is proof of her mastery of blood magic.

The court looks to the Emperor for guidance, and after a few moments of quiet thought under the observant stare of the Steel Chrysanthemum, the Emperor agrees that Isawa Arya should be honored in such a way. Fans snap open audibly throughout the court, and many glances are tossed in the direction of the Phoenix, who do their best to look grateful at the dubious honor. Doji Suiminko quietly slips out of the court during the distraction, looking almost as troubled as the Phoenix delegation.

Meanwhile, in Crab lands, Hiruma Kazuma manages to convince the new Kuni daimyo to support his plan to close the Festering Pit of Fu Leng. Though he approves of the idea, Kuni Bodan is unsure exactly how one would go about performing such a feat and has reservations about a full-scale assault on the Shadowlands and how it would tax the Crab's jade reserves. Kazuma points out that Kuni Tokaji, the former Jade Champion, was able to purify the entirety of the Hiruma lands, and Kuni Bodan is forced to point out that he is not Kuni Tokaji, and that he's unsure anyone could pull off such a feat again. In his frustration, Hiruma Kazuma cuts down the new Kuni daimyo and then stares down at the body, horrified over what he has done. Fearing that such a setback will topple his plan to destroy the Shadowlands, Kazuma blames the daimyo's death on a demonic assassin.

In Scorpion lands, Bayushi Juko, wife of the Scorpion Champion, earns praise from the guests at Kyuden Bayushi for her deft handling of an argument between Lion and Unicorn over an insult the Lion believe the Unicorn Champion gave to Akodo Misaki. The Unicorn courtiers - all of them former members of the Fox Clan - are grateful for Juko's intervention, forging the way for better relations between the Scorpion and the remaining Unicorn courtiers.

As the year comes to a close, the Steel Chrysanthemum unexpectedly takes the Emperor hostage in front of the gathered court and places a knife to his throat. He demands that the Emperor abdicate his throne and admit that he is the true Emperor, much to the shock and horror of the entire court. The Emperor refuses, and the Steel Chrysanthemum slits his throat and pushes the Emperor forward into the crowd. The Emperor's Phoenix Honor Guard rush forward to cut down the Steel Chrysanthemum, only to find the Emperor's Seppun guards - which had been secretly replaced by the Steel Chrysanthemum - stepping forward to meet them. As the court falls into chaos, the Steel Chrysanthemum leaves the court behind him.

Chaos engulfs the Empire as the returned spirits that had disseminated throughout the Empire lash out at those around them, just as the Steel Chrysanthemum had planned months earlier. Some of the Clans, such as the Scorpion, Phoenix, and Dragon, are relatively unhindered by the slaughter spirits, but the Lion are devastated by the betrayal. Morikage Toshi is thrown into chaos, and hundreds of Lion samurai are killed by their murderous ancestors, either in the initial betrayal or because they hesitate to raise a blade against their ancestors (who have no compunction against cutting down their descendants).

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 Post subject: Re: 8th Century Timeline
PostPosted: Wed Mar 11, 2020 1:15 am 
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~ The Year 759 ~

Month of the Hare, 759: Chaos engulfs the Empire as a result of the Steel Chrysanthemum's murder of the Empire and the uprising of his Toshigoku spirits. The largest concentration of slaughter spirits is camped outside of Morikage Toshi, and the at the Steel Chrysanthemum's command, they rise up and move through the city and castle, murdering everyone they find. The members of the court flee as best they can, many of them traveling westward to Omoidoso no Toshi as the spirit army of the Steel Chrysanthemum follows close on their heels.

Credulous at best
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Angels in the hearts of men

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