Spirit War

D10 (4/24 - 4/27)
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Author:  Mindshred [ Fri Apr 24, 2020 6:50 am ]
Post subject:  D10 (4/24 - 4/27)

Day 10

14th day of the Month of the Hare, 759

Another morning in Nikesake brings yet more rain. In the Late Morning, scouts catch sight of the Steel Chrysanthemum's army and bring word back to the city. In the Late Afternoon, the army arrives at the city gates as the battle begins.

The rain continues on into the evening and night, before finally coming to an end in the Late Night. Those yet awake catch glimpses of a blue-scaled dragon flying in the clouds over the city before it flies away, leaving Nikesake to the watchful eye of Lord Moon.

(During the rain, all Black Scroll penalties are ignored when casting Water spells.)

(Characters with the Lord Moon's Curse disadvantage must make the appropriate Willpower Roll each day or lose control of your character to the GMs for the Evening and Night time slots.)

~ Bull Rush (Late Afternoon) ~

~ Twisted Souls (late Afternoon) ~

~ Gank Squad (Late Afternoon) ~

Influence Thread:

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