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D3 (4/12 - 4/14) https://spiritwar.fallenash.com/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=521 |
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Author: | Mindshred [ Sun Apr 12, 2020 4:52 am ] |
Post subject: | D3 (4/12 - 4/14) |
Day 3 7th day of the Month of the Hare, 759 The sound of thunder rings in the new day as lightning flashes in the clouds overhead. Some of the refugees claim to see a sinuous, serpentine shape moving in the clouds overhead, but whatever might be lurking in the shrouded skies is soon obscured by sheets of cold, falling rain. The freezing rain continues throughout the cold day and into the night, drenching the land around Toshi no Omoidoso... and the shivering refugees gathered outside its walls. The stone streets of the city soon become slick with ice, which is rendered all the more slick by the water on top of it. If there's any consolation to the freezing deluge, it's that the water kami seem to be particularly active... (During the rain, all Black Scroll penalties are ignored when casting Water spells.) The forces of the Steel Chrysanthemum arrive at the city in the Late Afternoon, bringing bloodshed to the frozen battlefield that is Toshi no Omoidoso. It is possible that any threads in the Evening and Night might involve running and screaming, so please schedule your day accordingly until the battle in resolved (likely <24 hours from this post). Events: ~ To Do What Must Be Done (Late Morning) ~ ~ Rain of Death (Late Afternoon) ~ ~ Battle at the Gates (Late Afternoon) ~ Influence Thread: (There is no Influence Thread today.) |
Author: | Mindshred [ Sun Apr 12, 2020 9:07 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: D3 (4/12 - 4/14) |
Rumors and Gossip "Damn goose stole my robes while I was at the onsen!" "I've heard of this goose! They say that is the reincarnation of Hantei XXII, come to defend the city against his murderer! Why else would a migratory bird be here during the winter?" "...that is stupid. I'm going to go complain to the governor." ~ ~ ~ "Did you see all those Dragon women out there yesterday?" "Yus! They just showed up and started building structures for everyone the Lion locked outside the castle! It really shows you how much they care about us commoners." "Maybe I'll go to the mountains and become a Dragon samurai! They let peasants become samurai up there, right?" "...maybe just get back to training with your spear, neh?" ~ ~ ~ "The Dragon really do care about the peasants, don't they?" "Of course they do, but you know, they're working hand in hand with the Lion to ensure that Rokugan remains strong in the face of its adversaries." "Is that... is that true, Ikoma-sama?" "Are you doubting my sincerity? Do I need to beat the doubt out of you again?" "No! No, of course not! Praise the new Dragon-Lion alliance!" ~ ~ ~ "They say Matsu Chinatsu was out among the refugees, trying to assist." "As if those poor souls didn't have enough problems." "We'll be lucky if she doesn't drive them straight into the arms of the Steel Chrysanthemum..." ~ ~ ~ "Having a Yogo in the city gives me the creeps. Especially right now..." "Right? Who's to say she won't turn on us the moment that army of madmen arrives? Isn't that what the Yogo do - betray?" "That's what I hear." "It's bad luck, I say. I don't mean someone should get rid of her, but I don't think many would shed tears if anything happened to her." |
Author: | Mindshred [ Mon Apr 13, 2020 5:44 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: D3 (4/12 - 4/14) |
As the sun starts to set in the west, the residents of Toshi no Omoidoso begin to notice a faint red glow to the east. The forces of the Steel Chrysanthemum are glowing in the faint light, and it soon becomes clear that the army that broke upon the city was not the main bulk of the Steel Chrysanthemum’s forces, but rather its vanguard. With much of the town’s food supplies having been opened to feed the refugees from Morikage Toshi, Shimizu Kendo makes the difficult decision to issue an evacuation order. The city is left with a core group of defenders (and those too stubborn to leave) to delay the Steel Chrysanthemum while the rest of its residents travel westward under cover of night, towards Nikesake, where they can mount a defense and stall for the arrival of the Imperial Legions. (Evacuation begins Late Evening – the next IC day will begin in Nikesake.) |
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