Spirit War

(D10, EE, Open) All Seems Well...
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Author:  Agasha Poemu [ Sat Apr 25, 2020 12:54 am ]
Post subject:  (D10, EE, Open) All Seems Well...

The fighting outside the gates seemed to have stopped as the evening came. Poemu hadn't gone to the gates to ask, but the streets seemed to have a wary sense that the night would go on undisturbed from major assault.

The cool rain always made her wish for a bath back in the hot springs of Agasha lands, but a bath house would do. Making her way in and washing herself clean, Poemu soon made her way into the water with a pleased sigh.

Author:  Soshi Tameaki [ Sat Apr 25, 2020 1:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: (D10, EE, Open) All Seems Well...

Soshi Tameaki returns to the baths - it's been a long day, even for one not directly involved in the fighting, and the urge to wash the dust and stress away has proven overpowering...

"Good evening, Dragon-san," he says as he slips into the bath. "I don't think we've met - I'm Soshi Tameaki."

Author:  Yasuki Yukarin [ Sat Apr 25, 2020 2:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: (D10, EE, Open) All Seems Well...

Arriving with the fading light, Yukarin really felt she needed to scrub down after the bleeding troops and panicked peasants she had passed in the streets. True, she should start getting used to this sort of scene as a Crab, perhaps. But she was lost in thought as she slipped into the hot water, giving a nod of her head that tried to be a bow to the other two.

Author:  Agasha Poemu [ Sat Apr 25, 2020 2:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: (D10, EE, Open) All Seems Well...

Perhaps the man had seen her in court? Or her kimono in the changing area? Poemu didn't question it, giving a polite smile and a modest, seated bow. "Konbon-wa, Soshi-sama. This one is Agasha Poemu, ambassador to the Lion. It is an honor to meet you."

She had seen the other woman in the baths at Toshi no Omoidoso, and gave her a seated bow as well.

Author:  Daidoji Tetsuko [ Sat Apr 25, 2020 2:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: (D10, EE, Open) All Seems Well...

Shortly afterwards a Crane bushi also entered the baths. It had been quite a day but she seemed untouched by the fighting.

With a polite bow to the occupants she slipped into the water. It was delightful. Less smelly than the previous baths too.

"Good evening minna-sama. This one is Daidoji Tetsuko. Pleased to meet you."

Author:  Agasha Poemu [ Sat Apr 25, 2020 2:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: (D10, EE, Open) All Seems Well...

Always one to greet others as soon as she could, Poemu gave a new seated bow to the Crane samurai-ko, smiling politely. "Konbon-wa, Daidoji-sama. Please, join us. It seems we all need a hot soak on an evening such as this. The man over there is Soshi Tameaki, and I am Agasha Poemu."

She didn't introduce the Crab, since she hadn't taken part in the conversation yet.

Author:  Yasuki Yukarin [ Sat Apr 25, 2020 2:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: (D10, EE, Open) All Seems Well...

A Soshi, an Agasha, and a Daidoji, hm?

"Oh, good evening minna-sama. This one is Yasuki Yukarin. I am glad to have the company."

She gave a soft smile and gave a more proper seated bow now that she was no longer lost in thought.

Author:  Daidoji Tetsuko [ Sat Apr 25, 2020 2:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: (D10, EE, Open) All Seems Well...

"Oh, thank you Agasha-sama." She moved closer, which made it easier to see the assorted well-healed wounds that covered her torso. "I am delighted to meet each of you. Agasha-sama, had the distinct pleasure of meeting your cousin Togashi Iko-sama yesterday."

One of the few samurai in the Empire that she could identify by reputation. She looked over to the Yasuki with a polite smile.

"Good evening Yasuki-sama. I have yet to enjoy the company of the Crab this winter, but I am glad to finally have the opportunity."

Author:  Yasuki Yukarin [ Sun Apr 26, 2020 5:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: (D10, EE, Open) All Seems Well...

Yukarin looked to the Crane woman, "There are not too many Crab in these lands, it's unfortunate but true. Not even at the Imperial Winter Court. But then, we had a few of our numbers stay behind in the retreat from Toshi no Omoidoso, so our numbers here in Nikesake are even less."

Author:  Daidoji Tetsuko [ Sun Apr 26, 2020 6:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: (D10, EE, Open) All Seems Well...

Tetsuko gave Yukarin a serious look. "Indeed. I was told I would be attending the Imperial Winter Court, but found myself in Toshi no Omoidoso instead." She did her best to relax a little into the soothing waters.

"Did you attend it yourself, Yasuki-sama? I was supposed to be meeting my betrothed there. Perhaps you encountered him, Hiruma Katree?" If anyone could survive against uncertain odds it would be a Hiruma.

Author:  Agasha Poemu [ Sun Apr 26, 2020 8:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: (D10, EE, Open) All Seems Well...

Poemu spoke up at that, perhaps to reassure the Daidoji woman. "Though I had little contact with the Crab delegation Daidoji-san, I recall Hiruma-san's presence. I did not see him at Toshi no Omoidoso, but then, there are many that left by boat as well."

Author:  Daidoji Tetsuko [ Sun Apr 26, 2020 9:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: (D10, EE, Open) All Seems Well...

Tetsuko nodded and looked over towards the Dragon. "Thank you Agasha-sama. I did not see him arrive there either, but I was told that he accompanied Doji Etsuko-dono in the defense of the refugees from Morikage Toshi."

Not that she would have recognised him if he had managed to reach Toshi no Omoidoso while she was there. She wondered if any of that group of Crab and Crane had survived.

Author:  Yasuki Yukarin [ Sun Apr 26, 2020 10:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: (D10, EE, Open) All Seems Well...

"I was not at the Imperial Court, but I know there was no Hiruma Katree inToshi no Omoidoso when we left, or before. So he certainly did not come this way."

Author:  Agasha Poemu [ Sun Apr 26, 2020 11:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: (D10, EE, Open) All Seems Well...

Poemu nodded softly before looking to the only man in the baths at the moment. "What about you Soshi-sama? I admit I was not fully aware of the Scorpion who were present at Winter Court, and perhaps you had seen Hiruma-san's fate?"

Author:  Soshi Tameaki [ Mon Apr 27, 2020 12:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: (D10, EE, Open) All Seems Well...

Tameaki shakes his head.

"I was at my family's Winter Court in Shiro no Soshi," he answers, "and only made my way north when word of the collapse of the Morikage Toshi court reached us. Our esteemed Champion determined that a legal representative was needed to help organize our clan's response to the matter, and so I was sent. I met the refugees from Morikage Toshi and Toshi no Omoidoso here, only two days ago."

Author:  Daidoji Tetsuko [ Mon Apr 27, 2020 6:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: (D10, EE, Open) All Seems Well...

Tetsuko nodded at each of their comments. "I thank you for your recollections minna-sama. Time will tell if he made it to safety, or died bravely, like those heroes who passed today."

She had fought beside Matsu Mogami, was in awe of Asako Kashiwagi, and had heard curious tales of the nun Kayou. Idly she wondered if any of the rest them would leave the city again. Nikesake was not exactly her favourite place in the Empire, nor the Steel Chrysanthemum's. Still, she could enjoy one last bath before the City was burned down a second time.

Author:  Yasuki Yukarin [ Mon Apr 27, 2020 6:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: (D10, EE, Open) All Seems Well...

"I just hope we survive to be able to honor their sacrifice. Not as a personal matter or such; If it is my time, it is my time. But it feels like it would be such a waste for such things not to be properly remembered, or for people to feel as though they were made in vain."

Author:  Agasha Poemu [ Mon Apr 27, 2020 9:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: (D10, EE, Open) All Seems Well...

Poemu nodded at that as well. "I believe we will make it. It is... sad that there are those that will give, and have given, their lives for the Empire to go on, but I have seen much to hope for in the last week. Even this bath has members of four different clans together, united in this moment. It is together that Rokugan will go on."

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