Spirit War

[Day Nine - Early Morning] The View from Within
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Author:  Mirumoto Wasako [ Tue Apr 21, 2020 4:04 am ]
Post subject:  [Day Nine - Early Morning] The View from Within

As the morning began, Wasako ventured off to the city gates to get a view outside of the city. If the Steel Chrysanthemum operated on some sort clock, she imagined that they would have made an appearance by now. However, this rain that they had been getting the last few days might have come as a mixed blessing. She was hardly a tactical strategist but she only assumes that might have been the reason for their delay.

Or perhaps, they had chosen to avoid the city altogether. She didn't know if that would be considered a good thing or a bad thing. It would be something to wake up and find out that the Steel Chrysanthemum had made himself suddenly Emperor overnight.

She climbed up the steps and adjusted her straw hat as she took a peek at the view of the land beyond the gates.

Author:  Soshi Tameaki [ Tue Apr 21, 2020 4:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day Nine - Early Morning] The View from Within

The young Dragon is not alone on the walls - well, naturally she wasn't, given the 'round-the-clock guard waiting for any signs of the incoming army, but there was another up here as well, but his gaze is turned inward, toward the city. The Scorpion seems to be watching Nikesake awake, seeing people beginning their days, hearing the sounds of practicing bushi and muttering courtiers...and watching the rather odd behavior of many of the Lion samurai that surround him.

As Wasako approaches, Tameaki nods. "Good morning, Dragon-san. I hope the night was restful? I am Soshi Tameaki, legal expert, judge, and now increasingly concerned about the situation in this city..."

Author:  Mirumoto Wasako [ Tue Apr 21, 2020 5:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day Nine - Early Morning] The View from Within

She raised her brows at the rather important Scorpion and stood upright to bow politely, as befitting of his station.

"Good morning, Soshi-sama. My night was well enough, thank you. I hope yours was peaceful enough despite the drumming on the rooftops?" she smiled sheepishly on that note.

After a pause, she also added in. "This one is Mirumoto Wasako...from the Northern Wall Mountains."

Author:  Soshi Tameaki [ Tue Apr 21, 2020 6:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day Nine - Early Morning] The View from Within

"Far from home," Tameaki notes, "but not so much further than I am from mine, I suppose. There seems to be something...amiss with the Lion. Have you noticed?"

Tameaki looks around at the samurai on guard, some of whom seem to be talking to nothing at all, others who are distracted from their post by things only they can see.

Author:  Mirumoto Wasako [ Tue Apr 21, 2020 1:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day Nine - Early Morning] The View from Within

"A bit far but I guess we're supposedly close, on the map," she smirked faintly.

Wasako hadn't been paying too much attention to the conversations, assuming that they were conversations with each other that she wasn't privy to. She might realize later that the Lion weren't actually talking to each other directly. Narrowing her eyes and adjusting her hat, she tried to gaze out in the distance to get a sense of what she was supposed to see here exactly.

"Mmm, I suppose there is something out there it seems...but I can't see it. Perhaps the rain is doing a good job of obscuring them..." she murmured as she kept trying to see what she could not see.

Author:  Soshi Tameaki [ Tue Apr 21, 2020 5:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day Nine - Early Morning] The View from Within

"I don't like it...but then, I am a magistrate, so I'm not supposed to like much," Tameaki says. "We have to maintain an air of officious grumpiness, or people stop taking us seriously."

Tameaki shakes his head - this problem is someone else's to solve, after all.

Changing the subject, he continues, "If it's not too far, I should consider a visit myself. My mother, after all, was a Mirumoto before marrying into the Soshi, and I've not yet had the opportunity to experience much of that part of my ancestry."

Author:  Mirumoto Wasako [ Tue Apr 21, 2020 5:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day Nine - Early Morning] The View from Within

She nodded once regarding this 'obligations' as a magistrate. It was a curious mentality but she could understand why, given his status.

"I would consider a visit, Soshi-sama. At least, when the Empire finds itself settled and corrected," she gestured to the situation around them. "There is much seclusion found in the mountains, even among other Dragon. I would imagine that if you seek a semblance of peace, even if a temporary one, you would find much to appreciate the lands up north. At least, perhaps I speak of the Northern Wall Mountains. It has been almost years since I've stepped foot in Shiro Mirumoto."

Author:  Soshi Tameaki [ Tue Apr 21, 2020 10:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day Nine - Early Morning] The View from Within

"After the chaos we have here, that sounds quite nice," Tameaki admits. "If my wife can do without me for a time, perhaps... Our youngest is at the age to be running around and getting into everything, so she's got her hands full and more right now."

Author:  Moto Akemi [ Tue Apr 21, 2020 11:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day Nine - Early Morning] The View from Within

The two on the wall may be able to make out the shape of a large horse riding towards the gate. On it were two people; the rider, a bigger woman in armour, and the woman on the back who was much smaller.

"Samara-sama, I think that's it" Akemi said quietly to the rider as they drew closer "hai, that's Nikesake. Kami, your horse is so fast."

Author:  Soshi Tameaki [ Tue Apr 21, 2020 11:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day Nine - Early Morning] The View from Within

"More new arrivals?" notes Tameaki. "They've certainly chosen a difficult time to show up..."

Author:  Mirumoto Wasako [ Wed Apr 22, 2020 12:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day Nine - Early Morning] The View from Within

"You could consider bringing your young one along, maybe? Admittedly, depending on where you'll go you might need a guide and a watchful eye. Sometimes there are sudden steep slopes that people could just seem to disappear in without warning. Of course, that's only the true mountains. If you're intending on just visiting the Shiro, they should have considerably less hazards."

She perked up at the form that was approaching on the lone horse. At first, she thought that it might have been someone from the Steel Chrysanthemum's forces but the guards don't seem to be on the alert to consider her a threat. Then again, some of them were also distracted. "I guess...some people are just finding themselves here probably, without knowing what they are in for..."

Author:  Otaku Samara [ Wed Apr 22, 2020 12:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day Nine - Early Morning] The View from Within

Moto Akemi wrote:
The two on the wall may be able to make out the shape of a large horse riding towards the gate. On it were two people; the rider, a bigger woman in armour, and the woman on the back who was much smaller.

"Samara-sama, I think that's it" Akemi said quietly to the rider as they drew closer "hai, that's Nikesake. Kami, your horse is so fast."

"It would seem so, Lady Akemi. Not too many other cities under siege in this part of the world, I should hope." Samara quipped, hoping some levity would lighten the discouraging sight to arrive upon as she urged the horse onward at a slow walk.

"Did you doubt me? Asoka's father ran so swiftly as to outpace a djinn-wrought sandstorm. Such strong blood grants him strong, swift legs." The Otaku added praise to the sturdy warhorse that had borne both women all this way, her voice containing some pride and more than a little embellishment along with an accented lilt to her Rokugani that belied a less than native grasp of the language.

"We would have been here sooner were it not for the troops accompanying us."

Truly, some distance down the road the two women came from, a body of ashigaru was marching up. Spears and bows, a levy of foot troops, the contribution to the defenses of a city by a Unicorn lord.

"But, ah, look, Lady Akemi. There are others." Samara took her right hand off the reins and held it up in greeting to the other samurai. "Ho there, effendim...er...samas. This is Nikesake?"

Author:  Soshi Tameaki [ Wed Apr 22, 2020 1:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day Nine - Early Morning] The View from Within

Mirumoto Wasako wrote:
"You could consider bringing your young one along, maybe?

"Perhaps in a year or two, when his coordination improves," he replies. "It wouldn't do for him to toddle off the side of a cliff, after all."

Otaku Samara wrote:
"Ho there, effendim...er...samas. This is Nikesake?"

More gaijin, or at least gaijin-speak. This day keeps getting better...

"Yes, it is indeed Nikesake," answers the magistrate, "but you've chosen a poor time to visit, for various reasons."

Author:  Mirumoto Wasako [ Wed Apr 22, 2020 1:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day Nine - Early Morning] The View from Within

While they weren't locals, the magistrate here was a figure of authority and had full right to address these...not-invaders first. She merely nodded her head with a sad smile on her lips. "Hai, it's been quite...interesting, to say the least. Where have you come from?"

Author:  Otaku Samara [ Wed Apr 22, 2020 2:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day Nine - Early Morning] The View from Within

Dismounting from the sizable warhorse she rode in on, Samara took the reins in hand and gave something of a proper bow - though one lacking in fluidity, an unpracticed gesture.

"We had seen the army from some high ground on the ride up along the south road from Toshi Ranbo. If that is what it is that makes for this to be a poor time to visit then, it is as it will be."

"I am Samara, daughter of the Otaku. Might I come to know your names?"

Author:  Mirumoto Wasako [ Wed Apr 22, 2020 2:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day Nine - Early Morning] The View from Within

Wasako narrowed her eyes and looked off in the distance. "So, they are approaching..." she murmured to herself. It was silly to think that they could be forgotten by the spiritual army but this was for the best, maybe...

"Pleased to meet you...Samara-san," she said cautiously at first, especially when she felt like she was thrown on a loop on customary naming arrangements. "This one is Mirumoto Wasako of the Northern Wall Mountains and I am with the honoured magistrate, Soshi Tameaki-sama."

She looked to the guards. While she wasn't their comrade or superior, she would imagine they have more than enough reason to let these two Unicorn samurai in.

Author:  Otaku Samara [ Wed Apr 22, 2020 4:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day Nine - Early Morning] The View from Within

"Sun shine lightly upon you both." Samara responded reflexively, blanching as she realized that might not have made too much sense out of cultural context. Recovering, Samara gestured to the clearly Crane-in-purple young woman atop her horse. "This is the Lady Akemi, daughter of the Moto. I have the honor of accompanying her on to Nikesake."

"At our backs are some levy soldiers. I have been bid by my master to lead them to the city and offer our service in its defense."

Author:  Soshi Tameaki [ Wed Apr 22, 2020 4:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day Nine - Early Morning] The View from Within

"Soshi Tameaki, magistrate," he says. "More soldiers, even peasant levies, are likely to find welcome here."

Author:  Mirumoto Wasako [ Wed Apr 22, 2020 4:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day Nine - Early Morning] The View from Within

She looked to the levies behind the Unicorn and nodded in appreciated. "I think we would welcome the extra hands alone. The last few days...the whole week even has been nothing by rain. Things have also been very peculiar too, to say the least."

Author:  Otaku Samara [ Wed Apr 22, 2020 6:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day Nine - Early Morning] The View from Within

"That we would be welcomed is good to hear, honorable magistrate." Samara replied deferentially, her tone brightening at perhaps the promise that the trip was worth something after all.

"And yes! The rain! I never thought I would see so much of it in so short a span of time. A blessing in any other time had it not found us on the road. Hard going, had I not had worthy Asoka here."

Samara patted her horse's neck gently. Asoka, for his part, snorted quietly.

"He is too modest. But, ah, what was that about peculiar things?"

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