Spirit War

[D8, LE: City Walla] Among the Lion and Their Duty (Open)
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Author:  Shosuro Kitamaru [ Mon Apr 20, 2020 6:09 pm ]
Post subject:  [D8, LE: City Walla] Among the Lion and Their Duty (Open)

Kitamaru had much to do. Talking, listening, watching, waiting. It could be a long night. Among those occupied with conversion, the shosuro listened, with those unoccupied with each other, a conversation was more proper.

He sought to get a feel for their mood, and to detect any problems that may be stirring unchecked with the guards. Much had happened that day, a living general demanded surrender, crane had been fought, lives lost.

All the while he searched for other problems, those rarely seen by those considered more proper.

Author:  Mindshred [ Tue Apr 21, 2020 3:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D8, LE: City Walla] Among the Lion and Their Duty (Open

In general, the Lion didn't seem to be too pleased with the current situation. In addition to waiting for the enemy to march toward them and possibly lay siege to the city, the constant rain was wearing down on morale, and most were quite unhappy with rumors of a Matsu magistrate being forced to commit seppuku simply to keep the Crane from causing trouble. The Empress was a Lion, why would she favor the Crane over her own Clan?

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