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 Post subject: [EM Day 9] The Battle Before the Battle
PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 11:07 am 
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Posts: 368
Erina treads carefully as she steps through a slick patch. The snows of winter are still present, but with now three days of constant rain...well.

The area surrounding Nikesake was rolling plains, ideal for farming. Normally, the rain would be a boon for farmers to flood their rice fields, but it was far too soon and Erina expected that it would be turning the plains to muck. In fact, she was counting on it.

"We have fortifications and archers like before. They might have cavalry this time, but if we can force them to go through the mud, while we keep our footing we can maybe allay any numbers."

The enemy didn't seem to be here...yet. so Erina wanted the lay of the land. At the very least, the defenders wouldn't be suckered into a bad place to fight.

(OOC: Attempting to survey the terrain to get tactical advantages for the impending fight.

Survey the terrain outside Nikesake-Battle/Perception: 6d10o10k4 46)

Lion Clan | Bushi | Beastmaster | Strategist | Idealistic | Failure of Bushido (Sincerity)
Honor: What is Expected | Status: 1 | Glory 2.5
Equipment: Light Armor, Yumi, Quiver with Willow Leaf arrows, Daisho, Sturdy Clothing
Two Warcats: Ore and Kamu

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 Post subject: Re: [EM Day 9] The Battle Before the Battle
PostPosted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 1:15 am 
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Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2020 11:41 pm
Posts: 304
That morning, Moto Baatar was out on the killing fields before the city walls as well, helping Matsu Erina scout out the terrain and placing distance markers to help archers gauge the proper range when the time came for battle.

The rain made it tedious and damp work, but the muddy terrain should be even worse for the attackers. Or so the Unicorn hoped.

Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Gaijin Name • Failure of Courtesy
Honor: Untrustworthy • Status: 1.0 • Glory: 2.5 (bullfighter)
carries: scimitar, wakizashi, shochu, small dog. when appropriate: Unicorn horse, riding armor, dai-kyu

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 Post subject: Re: [EM Day 9] The Battle Before the Battle
PostPosted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 11:29 am 
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Joined: Tue Apr 21, 2020 3:50 pm
Posts: 143
Eika walked the lands outside, hunting with her cats. She figured supplies were low so perhaps this would be the best way to keep Seiji and Kaori's strength up, as well as lighten the load on the food stores a little. She was a bit too focused to notice anyone else as she stood a short distance off.

Hunting/perception to detect prey : 24

Status: 1.0 Honor: What is Expected Glory: 3.8
Imperial Legionnaire • Wary • Brash • No Longer Single

Accompanied by lions Seiji and Kaori
Carries/wears Light Armor, Daisho, no-daichi, koan about perseverance in the face of failure, the book "Akodo's Leadership"

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 Post subject: Re: [EM Day 9] The Battle Before the Battle
PostPosted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 12:14 pm 
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Joined: Fri Apr 03, 2020 5:52 pm
Posts: 368
Moto Baatar wrote:
That morning, Moto Baatar was out on the killing fields before the city walls as well, helping Matsu Erina scout out the terrain and placing distance markers to help archers gauge the proper range when the time came for battle.

The rain made it tedious and damp work, but the muddy terrain should be even worse for the attackers. Or so the Unicorn hoped.

"What do you think about spikes? Foothold spikes for us in the dirt, and rough wood spears to direct their path into the mud?"

Matsu Eika wrote:
Eika walked the lands outside, hunting with her cats. She figured supplies were low so perhaps this would be the best way to keep Seiji and Kaori's strength up, as well as lighten the load on the food stores a little. She was a bit too focused to notice anyone else as she stood a short distance off.

Hunting/perception to detect prey : 24

Ore and Kamu seem to immediately perk up and bound off before Erina realizes they had noticed anything.

"Oh come on!" Erina runs after them, for once cursing their speed and her lack of it. She's panting by the time she reaches Eika, but the sight of more warcats makes her grin broadly.

"Oh! I didn't know we had anyone else from the school here!" Erina bows. "I am Matsu Erina, please watch over me."

Lion Clan | Bushi | Beastmaster | Strategist | Idealistic | Failure of Bushido (Sincerity)
Honor: What is Expected | Status: 1 | Glory 2.5
Equipment: Light Armor, Yumi, Quiver with Willow Leaf arrows, Daisho, Sturdy Clothing
Two Warcats: Ore and Kamu

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 Post subject: Re: [EM Day 9] The Battle Before the Battle
PostPosted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 12:28 pm 
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Posts: 143
Kaori perked up and playfully greeted the newcomers, taking particular interest in the male. Eika turned, her concentration broken. "Hai! This one is Matsu Eika. Well met, Erina-san. I had been doing some recon in Crane lands until recently."

Seiji tossed his head, and batted at Erina's male. It wasn't too hard a tap but to a non-beastmaster it may look rough. "Oh be nice, Seiji... no need to be jealous."

Status: 1.0 Honor: What is Expected Glory: 3.8
Imperial Legionnaire • Wary • Brash • No Longer Single

Accompanied by lions Seiji and Kaori
Carries/wears Light Armor, Daisho, no-daichi, koan about perseverance in the face of failure, the book "Akodo's Leadership"

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 Post subject: Re: [EM Day 9] The Battle Before the Battle
PostPosted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 4:01 pm 
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Posts: 368
Ore, the other male, responds with a playful swipe of his own and charges off, tail up high with joy at a new play buddy, expected to be chased.

Erina does her best to keep her face composed and to hide the laugh brewing in her belly. "Yes, they do have a very different style of play."

The composure returns as Erina contemplates the first part of Eika's words.

"Sadly, we may need that more than we realized."

Lion Clan | Bushi | Beastmaster | Strategist | Idealistic | Failure of Bushido (Sincerity)
Honor: What is Expected | Status: 1 | Glory 2.5
Equipment: Light Armor, Yumi, Quiver with Willow Leaf arrows, Daisho, Sturdy Clothing
Two Warcats: Ore and Kamu

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 Post subject: Re: [EM Day 9] The Battle Before the Battle
PostPosted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 5:31 pm 
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Joined: Tue Apr 21, 2020 3:50 pm
Posts: 143
Kaori pounces playfully at Ore as she chases him, splashing mud as she tears across the grounds, her tail lashing behind her. Seiji cuffs and looks pointedly away, and only then notices a new lioness. He puffs out his chest and holds his head back trying to make himself look bigger and more impressive.

Eika can't help herself as she bursts into laughter. "Ever the ladie's man, eh, Seiji?" She winked at Erina.

She paused and answered soberly, "yes, we just might. Though I am not sure it is wise to split our forces at this time."

Eika paused for a second, suddenly very quiet. Kaori noticed her stiffen and looked to the brush where Eika was watching. "Go!" She urged softly. The brush rustled as a nice, plump pheasant took flight. Kaori raced after and managed to catch the airborne bird with a powerful leap. With a shake of her powerful jaws, she finished the task and ran back to Eika for approval.

Eika pulled out her katana and proceeded to slice the bird in twain then again, pushing the pieces apart with her foot and wiping off her katana.

"Why don't you guys share with your new friends?"
Ooc: Edit:heard from MS. I found game.

Status: 1.0 Honor: What is Expected Glory: 3.8
Imperial Legionnaire • Wary • Brash • No Longer Single

Accompanied by lions Seiji and Kaori
Carries/wears Light Armor, Daisho, no-daichi, koan about perseverance in the face of failure, the book "Akodo's Leadership"

Last edited by Matsu Eika on Thu Apr 23, 2020 8:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: [EM Day 9] The Battle Before the Battle
PostPosted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 8:02 pm 
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Joined: Sat Dec 07, 2019 7:24 am
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The lands surrounding Nikesake are rolling plains, which are divided into hundreds of small farming hamlets, many of which have devolved into patches of mud next to slightly larger patches of mud. Some farms are either partially or entirely under water.

Credulous at best
Your desire to believe in
Angels in the hearts of men

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 Post subject: Re: [EM Day 9] The Battle Before the Battle
PostPosted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 10:08 pm 
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"I have no desire to split our forces either, it's more of a question of whether we have a choice in the matter if they backstab us." Erina sighs. "They'll be the ones to make the first move, and I'd rather focus on the here and now."

Erina gazes at the plains around her. "I wish we can an entire legion of we Beastmasters. With plains like this, we could hammer them. Cavalry too, but we need to know where we could ride."

Erina looks a bit guilty, calling back to Bataar. "I don't suppose either of you has paper and charcoal for a map? Or a way to mark which paths are safe?"

Lion Clan | Bushi | Beastmaster | Strategist | Idealistic | Failure of Bushido (Sincerity)
Honor: What is Expected | Status: 1 | Glory 2.5
Equipment: Light Armor, Yumi, Quiver with Willow Leaf arrows, Daisho, Sturdy Clothing
Two Warcats: Ore and Kamu

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 Post subject: Re: [EM Day 9] The Battle Before the Battle
PostPosted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 10:15 pm 
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Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2020 11:41 pm
Posts: 304
Matsu Erina wrote:
"What do you think about spikes? Foothold spikes for us in the dirt, and rough wood spears to direct their path into the mud?"

"Personally, I hate spikes, they're terrible for horsemen like me," Baatar replied. "That said, they'd probably be great for slowing down a charging mass of infantry like Steel Flower threw at us at Toshi no Omoidoso. Can you get a work party to set something like that up?"

Mindshred wrote:
The lands surrounding Nikesake are rolling plains, which are divided into hundreds of small farming hamlets, many of which have devolved into patches of mud next to slightly larger patches of mud. Some farms are either partially or entirely under water.

The young Unicorn shook his head at the flooded farms, but saw nothing much he could do about them. "At least the enemy won't be able to forage much here," he commented.

Tracking seemed difficult in the rainy weather, but Baatar tried to question any farmers or other heimin they encountered, in case any of them had seen anything noteworthy. For those whose homes had been flooded, he directed them towards Nikesake for refuge.

Matsu Erina wrote:
Erina gazes at the plains around her. "I wish we can an entire legion of we Beastmasters. With plains like this, we could hammer them. Cavalry too, but we need to know where we could ride."

Erina looks a bit guilty, calling back to Bataar. "I don't suppose either of you has paper and charcoal for a map? Or a way to mark which paths are safe?"

"Yeah, a few squadrons of cavalry would really be nice right now," Baatar said wishfully. "Looks like it's just me for now, though, til the Unicorn send us some reinforcements."

"I got no paper, but I should remember the lay of the land pretty well."

Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Gaijin Name • Failure of Courtesy
Honor: Untrustworthy • Status: 1.0 • Glory: 2.5 (bullfighter)
carries: scimitar, wakizashi, shochu, small dog. when appropriate: Unicorn horse, riding armor, dai-kyu

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 Post subject: Re: [EM Day 9] The Battle Before the Battle
PostPosted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 10:33 pm 
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Eika shook her head at the question. She walked around herself trying to measure with her steps and count as she walked along the immediate wall and entrance area.

"Unfortunately, I don't know if any other beastmasters are in the immediate vicinity. We can't really afford infighting between the Crane and Lion on top of being surrounded by the Steel Chrysanthemum's forces."

"Perhaps, we should retreat the civilians early. We should prepare to be stocked up for a long seige as well. Any Kaiu around that could organize fortifications? We might want to face the possibility we are trapped within the walls."

22 battle, vp spent

Status: 1.0 Honor: What is Expected Glory: 3.8
Imperial Legionnaire • Wary • Brash • No Longer Single

Accompanied by lions Seiji and Kaori
Carries/wears Light Armor, Daisho, no-daichi, koan about perseverance in the face of failure, the book "Akodo's Leadership"

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 Post subject: Re: [EM Day 9] The Battle Before the Battle
PostPosted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 11:22 pm 
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"Oh, I certainly agree. I want as little infighting as possible. I hadn't wanted the guards to begin with, but once the decision was made..." Erina nods. "It's duty to fulfill those orders. After the incident, we have done nigh everything in our power to set things right and keep the peace, but it seems the Honkers are keen on getting their blood let."

Erina nods about the suggestion. "I can see about engineers when we get back." Erina absently pets Kamu as she thinks.

Lion Clan | Bushi | Beastmaster | Strategist | Idealistic | Failure of Bushido (Sincerity)
Honor: What is Expected | Status: 1 | Glory 2.5
Equipment: Light Armor, Yumi, Quiver with Willow Leaf arrows, Daisho, Sturdy Clothing
Two Warcats: Ore and Kamu

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 Post subject: Re: [EM Day 9] The Battle Before the Battle
PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 12:39 am 
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Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2020 11:41 pm
Posts: 304
Matsu Eika wrote:
"We can't really afford infighting between the Crane and Lion on top of being surrounded by the Steel Chrysanthemum's forces."
Matsu Erina wrote:
"I want as little infighting as possible. I hadn't wanted the guards to begin with, but once the decision was seems the Honkers are keen on getting their blood let."

"Whatever was that fight with the Crane all about?" the Unicorn asked curiously. "I've only heard wild rumors, half of which sound totally unbelievable."

Matsu Eika wrote:
"Perhaps, we should retreat the civilians early. We should prepare to be stocked up for a long seige as well."

"A siege seems likely," Baatar agreed. "Evacuating your farm folk sounds like a good idea too, the governor at Toshi no Omoidoso did something like that. Maybe you can recommend it to your bosses."

Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Gaijin Name • Failure of Courtesy
Honor: Untrustworthy • Status: 1.0 • Glory: 2.5 (bullfighter)
carries: scimitar, wakizashi, shochu, small dog. when appropriate: Unicorn horse, riding armor, dai-kyu

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 Post subject: Re: [EM Day 9] The Battle Before the Battle
PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 1:26 am 
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Joined: Fri Apr 03, 2020 5:52 pm
Posts: 368
Moto Baatar wrote:
"Whatever was that fight with the Crane all about?" the Unicorn asked curiously. "I've only heard wild rumors, half of which sound totally unbelievable."

"Evacuation makes sense, but we have far less idea of when they will be arriving. It should be brought up though. As for what happened..."

Erina looks pensive. "Obviously, this is the Lion position. The Crane assuredly tell it with their slant. I'll start at the beginning."

"Upon our arrival from Toshi, the Crane chose to hold Court to discuss what to do next at their embassy...and the Lion were not permitted to attend. It was decided..." There is a touch of distaste "that if the Crane were to play their games they deserved a taste of their own medicine. If Lion could not step foot on Crane Embassy, then the Crane could not step foot in the Lion city that it was housed in. It was meant to be a slight to match a slight."

"What we did not expect was that the Crane refused to follow the rules we needed to agree to. One of theirs insisted to be allowed into the city and refused to listen to the guards, stepping into the city...which would have been as bad as if we had invaded their embassy. As a result, the guards did as they were ordered and attacked the intruder."

"Two of the Crane were so furious they killed the guards responsible. When confronted by a magistrate, one of the Crane announced committed seppuku rather than submit to inquiry, but in a doing so made his accomplice the temporary leader and immune to arrest."

"Lion has been so desperate for peace that the magistrate who suggested it is undergoing the three cuts as we speak. We hope that satisfies the bloodthirsty hypocrites enough to not backstab us with the enemies at the gates."

Lion Clan | Bushi | Beastmaster | Strategist | Idealistic | Failure of Bushido (Sincerity)
Honor: What is Expected | Status: 1 | Glory 2.5
Equipment: Light Armor, Yumi, Quiver with Willow Leaf arrows, Daisho, Sturdy Clothing
Two Warcats: Ore and Kamu

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 Post subject: Re: [EM Day 9] The Battle Before the Battle
PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 5:11 am 
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Posts: 143
Eika shifted uncomfortably at the retelling of the events. "It escalated quickly from what I heard of it, and could have been avoided." Other than that she had little to add. She ran her fingers through Seiji's mane absentmindedly.

Status: 1.0 Honor: What is Expected Glory: 3.8
Imperial Legionnaire • Wary • Brash • No Longer Single

Accompanied by lions Seiji and Kaori
Carries/wears Light Armor, Daisho, no-daichi, koan about perseverance in the face of failure, the book "Akodo's Leadership"

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 Post subject: Re: [EM Day 9] The Battle Before the Battle
PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 5:15 am 
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Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2020 11:41 pm
Posts: 304
"Huh," Baatar said, pondering Erina's tale. "Well... I don't know much about Crane, and I don't mean to tell you your business, but... if I were to kill someone for not inviting me to their party... I don't think it would make people want to invite me to their next party."

"Not that I've ever done that," he added hastily. "Luring ants into someone's yurt with honey is not the same as killing them."

Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Gaijin Name • Failure of Courtesy
Honor: Untrustworthy • Status: 1.0 • Glory: 2.5 (bullfighter)
carries: scimitar, wakizashi, shochu, small dog. when appropriate: Unicorn horse, riding armor, dai-kyu

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