The creature doesn't so much as glance at the waif of a woman waving a slip of paper at him. Instead, it stares down at Norikami and snorts in derision. "Weakling."
Lifting its blade, it
brings it down on the bushi's midsection,
cutting him in half.(24 damage to Norikami.)
With that threat dispatched, it turns toward Aya, looming over her. Its lips pull back in a snarling grin, exposing rows of sharp teeth, and then it throws back its head and releases a powerful howl of victory.
Fear 5: At the beginning of combat, each character must test against Fear 5 (Willpower TN 30, character may add their Honor Rank to the total; those who fail suffer -5k0 on their rolls, and those that fail by 15 or more flee from the encounter).